10 research outputs found

    Distribución de "Festuca patula" Desf. en la Península Ibérica; ecología y tamaños poblacionales de sus poblaciones en Las Villuercas y Los Montes de Toledo (CW de España)

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    Population sizes and habitat types of Festuca patula Desf. are reported for Las Villuercas and Los Montes de Toledo regions (CW Spain). The distribution range of Festuca patula in the Iberian Peninsula is increased with 21 new records: one for Sierra Nevada (Granada, S Spain) and 20 for The Villuercas and Los Montes de Toledo (Cáceres, Toledo and Ciudad Real). The individuals of the latter areas grow under different environmental conditions. They live on rocky or relatively well-developed soils derived from metamorphic rocks, ranging from 300 to 900 m above sea level. They usually grow in temperate caducifolious and marcescent forests but also colonize open scrubs on rocky slopes, often bordering riparian stands. Most of the populations contain less than 100 individuals; only one population has more than 1,000. The population sizes are apparently larger on shady wooded sites with relatively well-developed soils than in rocky sites.Se presentan datos sobre el tamaño de las poblaciones y las preferencias de hábitat de Festuca patula Desf. en Las Villuercas y Los Montes de Toledo (CW de España). Se amplia la información corológica para la península con 21 localidades nuevas: una en Sierra Nevada (Granada) y el resto en Las Villuercas y Los Montes de Toledo (Cáceres, Toledo y Ciudad Real). Las poblaciones de estos dos últimos territorios habitan en distintas condiciones ambientales. Se encuentran entre los 300 y 1.000 m de altitud, instaladas en sustratos metamórficos, creciendo en el sotobosque de frondosas (quejigos, alcornoques, encinas, castaños, etc.) y en los claros de matorrales en laderas rocosas que, en numerosas ocasiones, limitan con formaciones riparias (caracterizadas por alisos, fresnos, sauces, etc.). La mayoría de las poblaciones están integradas por menos de 100 ejemplares y solamente dos alcanzan o superan los 1.000 individuos. El tamaño poblacional parece ser mayor en enclaves con suelo relativamente desarrollado, en ambientes forestales sombríos

    Geobotánica, estructura demográfica, consevación y biología predispersiva de prunus lusitanica L. (loro) en la Península Ibérica

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 03-11-200

    Extinction risk of threatened and non-threatened mosses: Reproductive and ecological patterns

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    For the conservation of species, it is crucial to predict extinction risk by discerning drivers such as biological traits and habitat specificity within the current context of environmental change. However, we lack comprehensive studies for threatened bryophytes that include comparisons to non-threatened ones. We aim to fill this gap and to detect biological traits related to extinction risk that provide new insights to develop conservation strategies for bryophytes. We analyzed the mosses of Spain (n = 771) categorized into two groups (threatened and non-threatened) based on the IUCN Red List categories and considered seven variables related to reproduction and habitat preferences. Threatened mosses show reproductive and habitat preference patterns that differ from those of the non-threatened species. The lack of reproduction, asexual reproduction, and monoicy are more common among threatened than non-threatened mosses. Habitat specialization, acidic and humid substrates are ecological characteristics associated with threatened mosses. In contrast, sexual reproduction and dioicy are more frequent among non-threatened species. Ecological features, such as the colonization of multiple habitats and wider altitudinal ranges, are also more often associated with non-threatened mosses. Overall, we show that the extinction risk of mosses is associated with distinct reproductive traits and habitat preferences that may be related to the current context of global change and the natural rarity of some speciesThis work was partially supported by Fundación Biodiversidad from MITECO (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, Spain) through the project BRYO

    Earliest herbarium evidence for the occurrence of Lewinskya acuminata (Orthotrichaceae) in East Africa

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Bryology on 23th September 2019, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/03736687.2019.1655871This research was supported by the Spanish Ministries of Science and Innovation (CGL2011-28857/BOS) and Economy and Competitiveness (CGL2016-80772-P

    An NGS-based phylogeny of Orthotricheae (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta) with the proposal of the new genus Rehubryum from Zealandia

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    Phylogenomic data increase the possibilities of resolving the evolutionary and systematic relationships among taxa. This is especially valuable in groups with few and homoplasious morphological characters, in which systematic and taxonomical delimitations have been traditionally difficult. Such is the case of several lineages within Bryophyta, like Orthotrichaceae, the second most diverse family of mosses. Members of tribe Orthotricheae are common in temperate and cold regions, as well as in high tropical mountains. In extratropical areas, they represent one of the main components of epiphytic communities, both in dry and oceanic or hyperoceanic conditions. The epiphytic environment is considered a hostile one for plant development, mainly due to its low capacity of moisture retention. Thus, the diversification of the Orthotrichaceae in this environment could be seen as striking. Over the last two decades, great taxonomic and systematic progresses have led to a rearrangement at the generic level in this tribe, providing a new framework to link environment to patterns of diversification. Here, we use nuclear loci targeted with the GoFlag 408 enrichment probe set to generate a well-sampled phylogeny with well-supported suprageneric taxa and increasing the phylogenetic resolution within the two recognized subtribes. Specifically, we show that several genera with Ulota-like morphology jointly constitute an independent lineage. Within this lineage, the recently described Atlantichella from Macaronesia and Western Europe appears as the sister group of Ulota bellii from Zealandia. This latter species is here segregated in the new genus Rehubryum. Assessment of the ecological and biogeographical affinities of the species within the phylogenetic framework suggests that niche adaptation (including climate and substrate) may be a key evolutionary driver that shaped the high diversification of Orthotrichea

    Vaccinium myrtillus L. and other new records for Extremadura region and Los Ibores-Las Villuercas county

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    Se analiza de distribución de Vaccinium myrtillus L. en Extremadura y la comarca de Los Ibores-Las Villuercas (España

    Citas y apuntes corológicos de interés en ciperáceas ibéricas

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    We present chorological additions and corrections for four species of Iberian sedges of interest.Se presentan novedades y correcciones corológicas para cuatro especies de ciperáceas ibéricas de interés

    First-in-class inhibitor of the T cell receptor for the treatment of autoimmune diseases

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    Modulating T cell activation is critical for treating autoimmune diseases but requires avoiding concomitant opportunistic infections. Antigen binding to the T cell receptor (TCR) triggers the recruitment of the cytosolic adaptor protein Nck to a proline-rich sequence in the cytoplasmic tail of the TCR's CD3e subunit. Through virtual screening and using combinatorial chemistry, we have generated an orally available, low-molecular weight inhibitor of the TCR-Nck interaction that selectively inhibits TCR-triggered T cell activationwith an IC50 (median inhibitory concentration) ~1 nM. By modulating TCR signaling, the inhibitor prevented the development of psoriasis and asthma and, furthermore, exerted a long-lasting therapeutic effect in a model of autoimmune encephalomyelitis. However, it did not prevent the generation of a protective memory response against amouse pathogen, suggesting that the compound might not exert its effects through immunosuppression. These results suggest that inhibiting an immediate TCR signal has promise for treating a broad spectrumof human T cell-mediated autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.Peer Reviewe

    El Quijote a través de la Educación Física : propuestas prácticas para Educación Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe muestra el procedimiento seguido para trabajar la obra de Miguel de Cervantes, El Ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, desde el área de Educación Física, a través de los juegos populares que aparecen en ella. Se presenta el relato de la investigación llevada a cabo, así como su adaptación y aplicación en Educación Física en las etapas de Educación Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato. A partir de la localización y el conocimiento de los juegos motores populares que aparecen en la novela, se pasa al plan de acción: diseñar una propuesta de intervención educativa en las distintas etapas o niveles mencionados. A estos efectos, el juego como elemento cultural se ha trabajado en la pista-gimnasio a partir de los textos del Quijote, de su lectura y comentario en el aula desde la perspectiva globalizadora en Infantil, en las áreas de Lengua, Música y Conocimiento del Medio en Primaria y en las áreas de Lengua, Ciencias, Historia, Música y Geografía en Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato, todo ello complementándose con la realización de clases teórico-prácticas en la pista y en el gimnasio en las clases de Educación Física.AndalucíaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa antibiotic susceptibility profiles, genomic epidemiology and resistance mechanisms: a nation-wide five-year time lapse analysisResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa healthcare-associated infections are one of the top antimicrobial resistance threats world-wide. In order to analyze the current trends, we performed a Spanish nation-wide high-resolution analysis of the susceptibility profiles, the genomic epidemiology and the resistome of P. aeruginosa over a five-year time lapse. Methods: A total of 3.180 nonduplicated P. aeruginosa clinical isolates from two Spanish nation-wide surveys performed in October 2017 and 2022 were analyzed. MICs of 13 antipseudomonals were determined by ISO-EUCAST. Multidrug resistance (MDR)/extensively drug resistance (XDR)/difficult to treat resistance (DTR)/pandrug resistance (PDR) profiles were defined following established criteria. All XDR/DTR isolates were subjected to whole genome sequencing (WGS). Findings: A decrease in resistance to all tested antibiotics, including older and newer antimicrobials, was observed in 2022 vs 2017. Likewise, a major reduction of XDR (15.2% vs 5.9%) and DTR (4.2 vs 2.1%) profiles was evidenced, and even more patent among ICU isolates [XDR (26.0% vs 6.0%) and DTR (8.9% vs 2.6%)] (p < 0.001). The prevalence of Extended-spectrum β-lactamase/carbapenemase production was slightly lower in 2022 (2.1%. vs 3.1%, p = 0.064). However, there was a significant increase in the proportion of carbapenemase production among carbapenem-resistant strains (29.4% vs 18.1%, p = 0.0246). While ST175 was still the most frequent clone among XDR, a slight reduction in its prevalence was noted (35.9% vs 45.5%, p = 0.106) as opposed to ST235 which increased significantly (24.3% vs 12.3%, p = 0.0062). Interpretation: While the generalized decrease in P. aeruginosa resistance, linked to a major reduction in the prevalence of XDR strains, is encouraging, the negative counterpart is the increase in the proportion of XDR strains producing carbapenemases, associated to the significant advance of the concerning world-wide disseminated hypervirulent high-risk clone ST235. Continued high-resolution surveillance, integrating phenotypic and genomic data, is necessary for understanding resistance trends and analyzing the impact of national plans on antimicrobial resistance. Funding: MSD and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Unión Europea—NextGenerationEU