34 research outputs found

    Englacial Architecture of Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica

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    The analysis of englacial layers using radio-echo sounding data enables the characterisation and reconstruction of current and past ice-sheet flow. Despite the Lambert Glacier catchment being one of the largest in Antarctica, discharging ~16 % of East Antarctica&rsquo;s ice, its englacial architecture has been little analysed. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of Lambert Glacier&rsquo;s englacial architecture using radio-echo sounding data collected by the Antarctica's Gamburtsev Province Project (AGAP) North survey. We used an &ldquo;internal-layering continuity index&rdquo; (ILCI) to characterise the internal architecture of the ice and identify four macro-scale ILCI zones with distinct glaciological contexts. Whilst the catchment is dominated by continuous englacial layering, disrupted or discontinuous layering is highlighted by the ILCI at both the onset of enhanced ice flow (defined here as &gt;15 ma&minus;1) and along the shear margin, revealing the transition from internal-deformation-controlled to basal-sliding-dominated ice flow. These zones are characterised by buckled and folded englacial layers which align with the current ice-flow regime, and which we interpret as evidence that the flow direction of the Lambert Glacier trunk has changed little, if at all, during the Holocene. However, disturbed englacial layers along a deep subglacial channel that does not correspond to modern ice-flow routing suggest that ice-flow change has occurred in a former tributary which fed Lambert Glacier from grid north. As large outlet systems such as Lambert Glacier are likely to play a vital role in the future drainage of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, constraining their englacial architecture to reconstruct their past ice flow and assess basal conditions is important.</p

    Automated characterisation of glaciomarine sediments using X-ray computed laminography

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    This study investigates the potential of a new high-resolution, non-destructive, X-ray imaging technique for the Quaternary Sciences – computed laminography (CL). Greyscale properties are systematically extracted from digital X-radiographic CL images of cored glaciomarine sediments to analyse and characterise sediments at pixel-scale resolution (< 0.1 mm). We show how this can be achieved manually, and also with an easy-to-use, automated statistical tool which we have devised specifically for use in glaciomarine sediments. This Sediment Characteristics tool, in the form of a plugin for the freely available FIJI/ImageJ programme, extracts mean or median X-ray grey values (GV) – a proxy for sediment density; and associated standard deviation (SD) – a proxy for sediment heterogeneity – at sub-mm resolution, across the width of sediment core CL images. We demonstrate how these properties (GV and SD) can be directly used to characterise sediment properties and in particular to quantify the abundance of gravel clasts, or ice-rafted debris, in cored glaciomarine sediments. The tool’s effectiveness is compared with other, more traditional, X-radiographic methods for counting ice-rafted gravel clasts in glaciomarine sediment. We propose that the CL output and Sediment Characteristics tool also have the potential to quantitatively analyse other 3-dimensional structures, such as cyclic lamination (varve) geometry; deformation structures; bioturbation and void space (porosity). Finally, we present the raw code, allowing open-access, transparency and reproducibility in other formats

    Weathering fluxes and sediment provenance on the SW Scottish shelf during the last deglaciation

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    The reconstruction of past ice sheet dynamics can shed a light on long-term ice stream activity, and in turn provide constraints on the response of modern ice sheets to climate change. The Hebrides Ice Stream (HIS) flowed across part of the western Scottish shelf to the shelf-break during the last glacial cycle and drained a large portion of the northern sector of the British Irish-Ice Sheet. To investigate the deglacial dynamics of the HIS following the Last Glacial Maximum, lead (Pb) isotope records were extracted from the FeMn oxyhydroxide and detrital fractions of recovered laminated glacimarine mud sequences to monitor the changing activity of HIS during its retreat. These provide timing and some source information of glacially weathered inputs to the marine environment. The FeMn oxyhydroxide fraction in the samples is dominated by allochthonous particles (pre-formed) and shows a marked decrease from radiogenic (≤ 20.05 206Pb/204Pb) at ~ 21 cal ka BP to less radiogenic Pb isotope compositions (~ 19.48) towards the Windermere Interstadial (15.4–13 ka). This decrease represents a reduction in the flux of subglacially-derived radiogenic Pb to the continental shelf is interpreted as being associated with the break-up of the ice-stream in western Scotland around that time. The Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic signatures of the detrital fraction indicate a preponderance of Moine-sourced fine sediments (originated from the NW Highlands) in the core locations from ~ 21 to 15 cal ka BP (Dimlington Stadial - Windermere Interstadial), most likely dictated by the orientation of ice flow, tidal and oceanic current directions and sediment delivery. In contrast, ice rafted debris in a ~ 21 cal ka BP old basal diamicton contains volcanic-derived material, suggesting different provenance for different grain sizes. The FeMn oxyhydroxide 208Pb/204Pb ratio shows an unusual inversion relative to the other Pb isotope ratios, and is attributed to the introduction of secondary weathering phases from a source with contrasting 208Pb/204Pb but similar 206Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb. In the detrital fraction, the inversions are constrained to periodic spikes, which may indicate an increased contribution from a high Th/U source, potentially the neighbouring Archaean amphibolitic Lewisian basement in the Outer Hebrides. This study demonstrates how geochemical investigation on continental shelves can be used to constrain the timing, activity and flow sources of palaeo-ice streams

    Phased occupation and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: geomorphic and seismostratigraphic evidence of a dynamic ice lobe

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    Along the terrestrial margin of the southern North Sea, previous studies of the MIS 2 glaciation impacting eastern Britain have played a significant role in the development of principles relating to ice sheet dynamics (e.g. deformable beds), and the practice of reconstructing the style, timing, and spatial configuration of palaeo-ice sheets. These detailed terrestrially-based findings have however relied on observations made from only the outer edges of the former ice mass, as the North Sea Lobe (NSL) of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) occupied an area that is now almost entirely submarine (c.21–15 ka). Compounded by the fact that marine-acquired data have been primarily of insufficient quality and density, the configuration and behaviour of the last BIIS in the southern North Sea remains surprisingly poorly constrained. This paper presents analysis of a new, integrated set of extensive seabed geomorphological and seismo-stratigraphic observations that both advances the principles developed previously onshore (e.g. multiple advance and retreat cycles), and provides a more detailed and accurate reconstruction of the BIIS at its southern-most extent in the North Sea. A new bathymetry compilation of the region reveals a series of broad sedimentary wedges and associated moraines that represent several terminal positions of the NSL. These former still-stand ice margins (1–4) are also found to relate to newly-identified architectural patterns (shallow stacked sedimentary wedges) in the region's seismic stratigraphy (previously mapped singularly as the Bolders Bank Formation). With ground-truthing constraint provided by sediment cores, these wedges are interpreted as sub-marginal till wedges, formed by complex subglacial accretionary processes that resulted in till thickening towards the former ice-sheet margins. The newly sub-divided shallow seismic stratigraphy (at least five units) also provides an indication of the relative event chronology of the NSL. While there is a general record of south-to-north retreat, seismic data also indicate episodes of ice-sheet re-advance suggestive of an oscillating margin (e.g. MIS 2 maximum not related to first incursion of ice into region). Demonstrating further landform interdependence, geographically-grouped sets of tunnel valleys are shown to be genetically related to these individual ice margins, providing clear insight into how meltwater drainage was organised at the evolving termini of this dynamic ice lobe. The newly reconstructed offshore ice margins are found to be well correlated with previously observed terrestrial limits in Lincolnshire and E. Yorkshire (Holderness) (e.g. MIS 2 maximum and Withernsea Till). This reconstruction will hopefully provide a useful framework for studies targeting the climatic, mass-balance, and external glaciological factors (i.e. Fennoscandian Ice Sheet) that influenced late-stage advance and deglaciation, important for accurately characterising both modern and palaeo-ice sheets

    The deglacial history of 79N glacier and the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream

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    Acknowledgements This work was funded by NERC Standard Grant NE/N011228/1. We thank the Alfred Wegner Institute, and particularly Hicham Rafiq and Daniel Steinhage, for their significant logistic support through the iGRIFF project. Additional support was provided from Station Nord (Jørgen Skafte), Nordland Air, Air Greenland, the Joint Arctic Command and the Department of Geography, Durham University. Naalakkersuisut, Government of Greenland, provided Scientific Survey (VU-00121) and Export (046/2017) licences for this work. We would also like to thank our Field Ranger Isak (Nanu-Travel) and dog Ooni for keeping us safe in the field. TCN Sample preparation was carried out at the National Environmental Isotope Facility, Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre under grant allocation 9185.0814. Chris Orton in the Cartographic Unit, Geography, Durham University edited several figures. This paper is dedicated to Mr Arnold Jones – a true Quaternarist.Peer reviewe

    Ice marginal dynamics of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: Ice limits, timing and the influence of the Dogger Bank

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    The southern North Sea is a particularly important area for understanding the behaviour of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) during the last glacial cycle. It preserves a record of the maximum extent of the eastern sector of the BIIS as well as evidence for multiple different ice flow phases and the dynamic re-organisation of the BIIS. However, to date, the known ice sheet history and geochronology of this region is predominantly derived from onshore geological evidence, and the offshore imprint and dynamic history of the last ice sheet remain largely unknown. Using new data collected by the BRITICE-CHRONO project this paper explores the origin and age of the Dogger Bank; re-assesses the extent and age of the glaciogenic deposits across the shallow areas of the North Sea between the Dogger Bank and the north Norfolk coast and; re-examines the dynamic behaviour of the BIIS in the southern North Sea between 31.6 and 21.5 ka. This paper shows the core of the Dogger Bank to be composed glaciolacustrine sediment deposited between 31.6 and 25.8 ka. Following its formation the western end of the Dogger lake was overridden with ice reaching ∼54°N where the ice margin is co-incident with the southerly extent of subglacial tills previously mapped as Bolders Bank Fm. This initial ice override and retreat northwards back across the Dogger lake was complete by 23.1 ka, but resulted in widespread compressive glaciotectonism of the lake sediments and the formation of thrust moraine complexes. Along the northern edge of the bank moraines are on-lapped by later phase glaciolacustrine and marine sediments but do not show evidence of subsequent ice override. The shallow seafloor to the west and southwest of the Dogger Bank records several later phases of ice advance and retreat as the North Sea Lobe flowed between the Dogger Bank and the Yorkshire/Lincolnshire coasts and reached North Norfolk. New optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages from Garrett Hill on outwash limit the arrival of the BIIS on the Norfolk coast to 22.8–21.5 ka. Multiple till sheets and chains of moraines on the seafloor north of Norfolk mark dynamic oscillation of the North Sea Lobe margin as it retreated northwards. This pattern of behaviour is broadly synchronous with the terrestrial record of deposition of subglacial, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sediments along the Yorkshire coast which relate to post Dimlington Stadial ice marginal oscillations after 21.5 ka. With respect to forcing mechanisms it is likely that during the early phases of the last glacial maximum (∼30-23ka) the interaction between the southern margin of the BIIS and the Dogger Lake was critical in influencing flow instability and rapid ice advance and retreat. However, during the latter part of the last glacial maximum (22–21 ka) late-phase ice advance in the southern North Sea became restricted to the western side of the Dogger Bank which was a substantial topographic feature by this time. This topographic confinement, in addition to decoupling of the BIIS and the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS) further north, enabled ice to reach the north Norfolk coast, overprinting the seabed with late-phase tills of the Bolders Bank Fm

    The deglacial history of 79N glacier and the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream

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    The Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) is the main artery for ice discharge from the northeast sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) to the North Atlantic. Understanding the past, present and future stability of the NEGIS with respect to atmospheric and oceanic forcing is of global importance as it drains around 17% of the GrIS and has a sea-level equivalent of 1.6 m. This paper reconstructs the deglacial and Holocene history of Nioghalvfjerdsbræ (or 79N Glacier); a major outlet of the NEGIS. At high elevation (>900 m asl) autochthonous blockfield, a lack of glacially moulded bedrock and pre LGM exposure ages point to a complex exposure/burial history extending back over half a million years. However, post Marine Isotope Stage 12, enhanced glacial erosion led to fjord incision and plateaux abandonment. Between 900 and 600 m asl the terrain is largely unmodified by glacial scour but post LGM erratics indicate the advection of cold-based ice through the fjord. In contrast, below ∼600 m asl Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden exhibits a geomorphological signal indicative of a warm-based ice stream operating during the last glacial cycle. Dated ice marginal landforms and terrain along the fjord walls show initial thinning rates were slow between ∼23 and 10 ka, but post-10 ka it is evident that Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden deglaciated extremely quickly with complete fjord deglaciation below ∼500 m asl between 10.0 and 8.5 ka. Both increasing air and ocean temperatures were pivotal in driving surface lowering and submarine melt during deglaciation, but the final withdrawal of ice through Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden was facilitated by the action of marine ice sheet instability. Our estimates show that thinning and retreat rates reached a maximum of 5.29 ma−1 and 613 ma−1, respectively, as the ice margin withdrew westwards. This would place the Early Holocene disintegration of this outlet of the NEGIS at the upper bounds of contemporary thinning and retreat rates seen both in Greenland and Antarctica. Combined with recent evidence of ice stream shutdown during the Holocene, as well as predictions of changing ice flow dynamics within downstream sections of the NEGIS catchment, this suggests that significant re-organisation of the terminal zone of the ice stream is imminent over the next century

    Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction

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    The BRITICE-CHRONO consortium of researchers undertook a dating programme to constrain the timing of advance, maximum extent and retreat of the British–Irish Ice Sheet between 31 000 and 15 000 years before present. The dating campaign across Ireland and Britain and their continental shelves, and across the North Sea included 1500 days of field investigation yielding 18 000 km of marine geophysical data, 377 cores of sea floor sediments, and geomorphological and stratigraphical information at 121 sites on land; generating 690 new geochronometric ages. These findings are reported in 28 publications including synthesis into eight transect reconstructions. Here we build ice sheet-wide reconstructions consistent with these findings and using retreat patterns and dates for the inter-transect areas. Two reconstructions are presented, a wholly empirical version and a version that combines modelling with the new empirical evidence. Palaeoglaciological maps of ice extent, thickness, velocity, and flow geometry at thousand-year timesteps are presented. The maximum ice volume of 1.8 m sea level equivalent occurred at 23 ka. A larger extent than previously defined is found and widespread advance of ice to the continental shelf break is confirmed during the last glacial. Asynchrony occurred in the timing of maximum extent and onset of retreat, ranging from 30 to 22 ka. The tipping point of deglaciation at 22 ka was triggered by ice stream retreat and saddle collapses. Analysis of retreat rates leads us to accept our hypothesis that the marine-influenced sectors collapsed rapidly. First order controls on ice-sheet demise were glacio-isostatic loading triggering retreat of marine sectors, aided by glaciological instabilities and then climate warming finished off the smaller, terrestrial ice sheet. Overprinted on this signal were second order controls arising from variations in trough topographies and with sector-scale ice geometric readjustments arising from dispositions in the geography of the landscape. These second order controls produced a stepped deglaciation. The retreat of the British–Irish Ice Sheet is now the world’s most well-constrained and a valuable data-rich environment for improving ice-sheet modelling.Additional authors: Alicia Medialdea, Margot Saher, David Small, Rachel K. Smedley, Edward Gasson, Lauren Gregoire, Niall Gandy, Anna L. C. Hughes, Colin Ballantyne, Mark D. Bateman, Grant R. Bigg, Jenny Doole, Dayton Dove, Geoff A. T. Duller, Geraint T. H. Jenkins, Stephen L. Livingstone, Stephen McCarron, Steve Moreton, David Pollard, Daniel Praeg, Hans Petter Sejrup, Katrien J. J. Van Landeghem, Peter Wilso

    Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE-CHRONO reconstruction

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    The BRITICE-CHRONO consortium of researchers undertook a dating programme to constrain the timing of advance, maximum extent and retreat of the British–Irish Ice Sheet between 31 000 and 15 000 years before present. The dating campaign across Ireland and Britain and their continental shelves, and across the North Sea included 1500 days of field investigation yielding 18 000 km of marine geophysical data, 377 cores of sea floor sediments, and geomorphological and stratigraphical information at 121 sites on land; generating 690 new geochronometric ages. These findings are reported in 28 publications including synthesis into eight transect reconstructions. Here we build ice sheet-wide reconstructions consistent with these findings and using retreat patterns and dates for the inter-transect areas. Two reconstructions are presented, a wholly empirical version and a version that combines modelling with the new empirical evidence. Palaeoglaciological maps of ice extent, thickness, velocity, and flow geometry at thousand-year timesteps are presented. The maximum ice volume of 1.8 m sea level equivalent occurred at 23 ka. A larger extent than previously defined is found and widespread advance of ice to the continental shelf break is confirmed during the last glacial. Asynchrony occurred in the timing of maximum extent and onset of retreat, ranging from 30 to 22 ka. The tipping point of deglaciation at 22 ka was triggered by ice stream retreat and saddle collapses. Analysis of retreat rates leads us to accept our hypothesis that the marine-influenced sectors collapsed rapidly. First order controls on ice-sheet demise were glacio-isostatic loading triggering retreat of marine sectors, aided by glaciological instabilities and then climate warming finished off the smaller, terrestrial ice sheet. Overprinted on this signal were second order controls arising from variations in trough topographies and with sector-scale ice geometric readjustments arising from dispositions in the geography of the landscape. These second order controls produced a stepped deglaciation. The retreat of the British–Irish Ice Sheet is now the world’s most well-constrained and a valuable data-rich environment for improving ice-sheet modelling.publishedVersio

    Holding blame at bay? ‘Gene talk’ in family members’ accounts of schizophrenia aetiology

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    We provide the first detailed analysis of how, for what purposes and with what consequences people related to someone with a diagnosis of schizophrenia use ‘gene talk'. The article analyses findings from a qualitative interview study conducted in London and involving 19 participants (mostly women). We transcribed the interviews verbatim and analysed them using grounded theory methods. We analyse how and for what purposes participants mobilized ‘gene talk' in their affectively freighted encounter with an unknown interviewer. Gene talk served to (re)position blame and guilt, and was simultaneously used imaginatively to forge family history narratives. Family members used ‘gene talk' to recruit forebears with no psychiatric diagnosis into a family history of mental illness, and presented the origins of the diagnosed family member's schizophrenia as lying temporally before, and hence beyond the agency of the immediate family. Gene talk was also used in attempts to dislodge the distressing figure of the schizophrenia-inducing mother. ‘Gene talk', however, ultimately displaced, rather than resolved, the (self-)blame of many family members, particularly mothers. Our article challenges the commonly expressed view that genetic accounts will absolve family members' sense of (self-)blame in relation to their relative's/relatives' diagnosis