98 research outputs found

    Customer Relationship Management Adoption: Using A Dynamic Capabilities Approach

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    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) adoption is both a relevant research topic in academia and a challenge for practitioners. We understand CRM as a complex concept that includes technology, strategy and philosophy. In this research, we propose an analysis of CRM organisational dynamic capabilities. The main goal is to apply a dynamic capabilities perspective to analyse how companies can improve their CRM initiatives. In order to achieve this purpose, a qualitative, interpretative, case-based research strategy was implemented. We conducted a case study in a Portuguese telecommunication enterprise for one year. The case study was based on semi-structured interviews and document analysis. We used qualitative techniques to analyse the collected data and ground our interpretation in a dynamic capabilities theoretical approach. We propose a theoretical framework related to CRM dynamic capability that is corroborated with empirical evidence. We believe that because organisations which adopt a CRM strategy are in a competitive environment, a dynamic model needs to be used to analyse and explain how they can improve their CRM strategy in order to achieve success

    Information and communication technology adoption for business benefits: a case analysis of an integrated paperless system

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    This case study analyses the benefits of implementing a paperless software solution (Alert®pfh–Alert Paperfree Hospital, developed by Alert Life Sciences Computing) in a Portuguese Hospital, the Espírito Santo Hospital, in the city of Évora. Alert®pfh is a complete hospital clinical information system with real time clinical information input. It was implemented in emergency medical services, inpatient and outpatient services, and operating room services. Data were collected between 2006 and 2011 prior to, during and after the system's implementation. The case analysis demonstrates that paperless software systems have a significant potential when applied in healthcare organization services. Besides financial benefits, other important organizational features were identified, namely higher levels of patient and professional satisfaction; an increase in efficiency in hospital operations; improvement in the quality of information for management decision-making; and a reduction in medical errors. Lessons learned are noted and conclusions drawn for both theoretical and practical ICT benefits analysis

    Applying EA perspective to CRM: developing a competency framework

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    Customer relationship management (CRM) is getting attention as a business approach for new way of dealing with customer relationships. Although information technology is an important component of CRM, technology itself is not complete as a technology. Literature reports empirical evidences that a very high percentage of CRM projects fail to meet expectations from the business perspective despite the advance of tecnology. In this study, we explore possible causes of failures in CRM projects and use the concept of enterprise architecture (EA) in explaining failures. Applying the EA concept, it is argued here that organizational competencies in unstructured decision making are very critical for CRM success. Subsequent case analysis supports the theoretical underpinnings of the argument.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Value-focused objectives for CRM system adoption

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    • Purpose The purpose of this paper is to define objectives for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system adoption. The objectives provide a theoretical basis for strategizing about CRM system adoption. The objectives also provide managers to clearly direct CRM system adoption, thus ensuring a highly successful outcome. • Design/methodology/approach The authors conducted a sequential multi-method research in Europe. The initial qualitative phase constituted 62 in-depth interviews. Using Keeney’s (1992) value-focused thinking approach, the authors defined 102 CRM system adoption objectives. Quantitative purification techniques, using a sample of 210 organisations, a more parsimonious set of objectives were developed. The complete set of objectives were classified into fundamental and means objectives. • Findings Results present three fundamental and three means objectives. These objectives allow for successful CRM system adoption. The three fundamental objectives are: maximise CRM organisational culture; ensure an effective relationship with CRM providers; and minimise CRM project risks. The three means objectives are: maximise CRM usage, maximise relational marketing capabilities, maximise CRM orientation. • Practical implications This study provides strategic objectives that can be used by companies to plan adoption of a CRM system. Hence the fundamental and means objectives take the form a strategic planning template. • Originality/value Although technology adoption has been well researched and has also been extended to address CRM systems, the focus has largely been behavioural. The strategic objectives for CRM system adoption, presented in this paper, are novel. Objectives enable decision making and resource planning. The combination of fundamental and means objectives provide a theoretical basis for ensuring successful CRM system adoption.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estratégias possíveis para o jornalismo digital a partir do The Trust Project

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    This article analyzes how the eight indicators of The Trust Project contemplate the descriptions of journalistic work so that the reader can follow them as a guide to certify to the veracity of the news. The focus of analysis is the document “8 Trust Indicators”, created from surveys with the public to define/suggest practices in the journalistic process that should be incorporated into news sites. The methodological procedures of a qualitative approach consist of literature review, document analysis and content analysis technique. The theory intends to expand the debate on how much initiatives such as The Trust Project could represent a first step in the recovery of trust in journalistic institutions, identify gaps and even suggest possible complementary actions. As the project's strategies focus on the transparency of journalistic processes, we notice the possibility of adopting emerging technologies and interactivity with the audience. We suggest to The Trust Project a new indicator - Indicator 9 - Tools in order to clarify the use of technique, software or AI in the construction of the news - and the expansion of the circulation of the information from indicators 2, 4 and 5.Este artigo analisa de que forma os oito indicadores do The Trust Project contemplam as descrições do fazer jornalístico para que o leitor possa segui-los como guia para atestar a veracidade das notícias. O foco de análise é o documento “8 Indicadores de Confiança”, criado a partir de pesquisas com o público para definir/sugerir práticas no processo jornalístico que sejam incorporadas aos sites de notícias. Os procedimentos metodológicos de abordagem qualitativa consistem na revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e técnica de análise de conteúdo. O referencial teórico pretende ampliar o debate sobre o quanto iniciativas como The Trust Project podem representar um primeiro passo na recuperação da confiança em instituições jornalísticas, identificar lacunas e ainda sugerir possíveis ações complementares. Como as estratégias do projeto focam na transparência dos processos jornalísticos, vislumbramos a possibilidade de adoção de tecnologias emergentes, como Inteligência Artificial, e de interatividade com a audiência. Sugerimos ao The Trust Project um novo indicador - Indicador 9 - Ferramentas no sentido de esclarecer o uso de técnicas, softwares ou IA na construção da notícia - e a ampliação na divulgação de informações dos indicadores 2, 4 e 5

    Dental pathology of the wild Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus): The study of a 20th century Portuguese museum collection

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    For some wild canids, such as the Iberian wolf, there is a lack of in-depth knowledge about dental pathology. We aimed to evaluate it, in a standardized manner, in specimens from a Portuguese museum collection. Sixty-five deceased specimens of wild Iberian wolves, 61 complete skulls and 4 mandibles, collected in Portugal between 1977 and 1995, were analyzed. Sample comprised 18 females, 24 males and 23 individuals of undetermined sex. Teeth were evaluated by visual observation and dental radiography for tooth wear, periodontitis, fractures and other dental lesions. We have found several causes for teeth absence: artefactual, secondary to periodontitis and agenesia. About 30% of the teeth showed signs of wear. Only a small (<13%) fraction of maxillary and mandibular teeth did not show periodontitis. The tooth 308 showed periodontitis in all males (p = 0.017) and the tooth 104 was significantly affected by this condition in females (p = 0.020). A significant relationship was found between females and tooth wear in three teeth. Periodontitis showed a significant association with tooth wear (p < 0.001) and fractures (p = 0.027). Tooth fractures were more frequent in the maxilla than in the mandible. Seven periapical lesions, seven root fusions and three specimens with malocclusion were identified in the collection. Results are discussed integrating information from diet, habitat, genetic and spatial behavior. Dental radiography is here proposed as an approach for the age estimation in archaeological canids. This research contributes to the knowledge of the dental disease in the largest wolf population in Western Europe, a target subspecies of multiple conservation measures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of aerobic fitness on the correspondence between heart rate variability and ventilatory threshold

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    The aims of this study were to verify the correspondence between heart rate variability (HRV) and ventilatory thresholds during a progressive exercise test and the relationship with low and high aerobic fitness levels. Twenty male volunteers (29.5±6.2 years; 75.9±13.0 kg; 175.0±7.4 cm) were recruited. The subjects were allocated to two groups according to their VO2max &lt;48.8 ml•kg−1•min−1 (low cardiorespiratory fitness group) (n=10) and &gt;48.81 ml•kg−1•min−1 (high cardiorespiratory fitness group) (n=10). A progressive test was performed, consisting of 3-min stages beginning at 25 watts and increasing by 25 watts every 3-min. The HRV threshold (HRVT) and ventilatory threshold (VT) analyses were performed through visual inspection. The comparisons with RMSSD values in percentage of maximum workload resulted in a higher effect size (ES) than the SDNN values. The VO2 in the high cardiorespiratory fitness group at VT (+32%), HRVTRMSSD (+27%), and HRVTSDNN (+31%) was signifi cantly higher compared to the group with low cardiorespiratory fitness. Higher values were observed for relative load (W•kg-1) at VT and HRVTSDNN in the high cardiorespiratory fitness group in comparison with the low cardiorespiratory fitness group (P&lt;0.05), but no difference for VT and HRVTRMSSD. Signifi cant correlations between at VT and HRVTSDNN (r=0.77) were found only in the low cardiorespiratory fitness group. Cardiorespiratory fitness should be regarded as a factor for HRVT evaluation. The HRVTSDNN was closer to the VT in the low cardiorespiratory fitness group than the HRVTRMSSD, however, the use of vagal modulation assessed using the HRV parameter was more sensitive to observe possible differences regarding cardiorespiratory fitness.The aims of this study were to verify the correspondence between heart rate variability (HRV) and ventilatory thresholds during a progressive exercise test and the relationship with low and high aerobic fitness levels. Twenty male volunteers (29.5±6.2 years; 75.9±13.0 kg; 175.0±7.4 cm) were recruited. The subjects were allocated to two groups according to their VO2max &lt;48.8 ml•kg−1•min−1 (low cardiorespiratory fitness group) (n=10) and &gt;48.81 ml•kg−1•min−1 (high cardiorespiratory fitness group) (n=10). A progressive test was performed, consisting of 3-min stages beginning at 25 watts and increasing by 25 watts every 3-min. The HRV threshold (HRVT) and ventilatory threshold (VT) analyses were performed through visual inspection. The comparisons with RMSSD values in percentage of maximum workload resulted in a higher effect size (ES) than the SDNN values. The VO2 in the high cardiorespiratory fitness group at VT (+32%), HRVTRMSSD (+27%), and HRVTSDNN (+31%) was signifi cantly higher compared to the group with low cardiorespiratory fitness. Higher values were observed for relative load (W•kg-1) at VT and HRVTSDNN in the high cardiorespiratory fitness group in comparison with the low cardiorespiratory fitness group (P&lt;0.05), but no difference for VT and HRVTRMSSD. Signifi cant correlations between at VT and HRVTSDNN (r=0.77) were found only in the low cardiorespiratory fitness group. Cardiorespiratory fitness should be regarded as a factor for HRVT evaluation. The HRVTSDNN was closer to the VT in the low cardiorespiratory fitness group than the HRVTRMSSD, however, the use of vagal modulation assessed using the HRV parameter was more sensitive to observe possible differences regarding cardiorespiratory fitness

    A dinâmica conversacional pode se configurar como meio de promoção e valorização da trajetória e expressão da subjetividade dos professores? Can the conversational dynamics be configured as a means of promoting and valuing the trajectory and expression of the teachers' subjectivity?

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    O saber trazido pela experiência é um tipo de saber particular, ao mesmo tempo relativo, subjetivo e cheio de empirismo. Desta forma, ainda que duas pessoas enfrentem o mesmo acontecimento, não adquirem a mesma experiência. O acontecimento da experiência é único. Não se repete. É repleto de subjetividade e traz consigo as incertezas próprias do porvir. Esse ensaio tem o objetivo de apontar aproximações e distanciamentos entre a Teoria da Subjetividade e a Otobiografia, no tocante aos relatos de experiências de vida do professor dentro e fora do contexto escolar. Assim, para tentar refletir sobre essa questão, as autoras se propõem a pensar a profissão de fé do professor, considerando sua assinatura autobiográfica no ambiente da aula.&nbsp; A importância dessa experiência consolidada na formação, permite um mergulho no universo do “como se” daquele que exerce não só o trabalho performático de lecionar, mas é também afetado pelos acontecimentos, por suas idiossincrasias, suas experiências e sua maneira de se constituir social e historicamente. Para tanto, propõe-se&nbsp; uma revisão bibliográfica e em bases de pesquisas científicas, apoiadas especialmente em Jacques Derrida, Silas Monteiro e Philipe Lejeune para tratar sobre a Otobiografia e nas obras de Albertina Mitjáns Martinez, Fernando Luiz Gonzàlez Rey e Maristela Rossato, no que se refere à Teoria da Subjetividade. Dentre as considerações mais relevantes aponta-se a importância de valorizar as vivências e a subjetividade dos professores. Acredita-se que esse tipo de enfoque nos aproxima das humanidades. E essa é a alavanca que nos impulsiona a pesquisar

    CH and C2 radicals characterization in natural gas turbulent diffusion flames

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    This paper reports the construction of an axisymmetric nonpremixed piloted jet burner, with well-defined initial and boundary conditions, known as the Delft burner, to assess turbulence-chemistry interaction in non-premixed turbulent flames. Detailed experimental information is described, involving hot-wire anemometry, thin-wire thermocouples and chemiluminescence visualization measurements. Radial profile of the axial mean velocity indicates excellent agreement between flow patterns developed within Delft installation and the one described herein. Chemiluminescence emissions from CH and C2 free-radicals were acquired with a CCD camera. Tomography reconstruction analysis was utilised to compare radical emissions and temperature spatial distributions. There was a strong dependence between temperature and CH/C2 emissions. This is an indication that these radicals can be used in flame front studies

    Repair process of surgical defects filled with autogenous bone grafts in tibiae of diabetic rats

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    From a biological standpoint, the best material for reconstruction of bone defects is the autogenous bone graft. However, as tissue healing is affected under diabetic conditions, major changes might take place in the revascularization, incorporation, replacement and remodeling phases of the grafted area. The purpose of this study was to assess the bone healing process in surgical wounds prepared in tibiae of diabetic rats and filled with autogenous bone. Forty male rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar) were randomly assigned to receive an endovenous injection (penile vein) of either citrate buffer solution (Group 1 - control; n=20) or streptozotocin dissolved in citrate buffer solution (35 mg/kg) to induce diabetes (Group 2 - diabetic; n=20). After determination of glycemia, the animals were anesthetized and the anterolateral regions of the tibiae of both limbs were shaved, antisepsis was performed and longitudinal incisions were made in each limb. The tibiae were exposed and two 2mm-diameter surgical cavities were prepared: one in the right limb, filled with particulate autogenous bone and the other in the left limb, filled with blood clot. The animals were euthanized at 10 and 30 postoperative days. The anatomic pieces were obtained, submitted to laboratory processing and sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin and Masson's Trichrome for histomorphologic and histometric analyses. In both groups, the wounds filled with autogenous bone graft showed better results than those filled with blood clot. The control group showed higher new bone formation in wounds filled with autogenous bone graft at 30 days than the diabetic group, but without statistical significance. It may be concluded that, in general, the new bone formation occurred with autogenous graft was quantitatively similar between control and diabetic groups and qualitatively better in the control group