138 research outputs found

    Near-infrared light increases ATP, extends lifespan and improves mobility in aged Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Ageing is an irreversible cellular decline partly driven by failing mitochondrial integrity. Mitochondria accumulate DNA mutations and reduce ATP production necessary for cellular metabolism. This is associated with inflammation. Near-infrared exposure increases retinal ATP in old mice via cytochrome c oxidase absorption and reduces inflammation. Here, we expose fruitflies daily to 670 nm radiation, revealing elevated ATP and reduced inflammation with age. Critically, there was a significant increase in average lifespan: 100-175% more flies survived into old age following 670 nm exposure and these had significantly improved mobility. This may be a simple route to extending lifespan and improving function in old age

    Acute segmental renal infarction due to factor V Leiden

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    OBJECTIVE: Renal infarction is rare and has variable clinical presentations causing diagnostic difficulties. Although most renal infarctions are caused by an obvious thromboembolic factor some are only explained by hereditary or acquired thrombophilia. The authors present a case of segmental renal infarction associated with factor V Leiden. METHODS/ RESULTS: A 48-year-old man presented with right flank pain that was unresponsive to analgesia for renal colic. CT scan was performed revealing a partial renal infarction. The etiologic study was only positive to factor V Leiden. In spite of the diagnosis and treatment it resulted in atrophy of the affected renal area. CONCLUSIONS: Renal infarction can be a presentation of thrombophilia that should be searched in the absence of an obvious embolic factor. Renal CT scan is the best way to a rapid diagnosis and treatment

    Improved thermal isolation of silicon suspended platforms for an all-silicon thermoelectric microgenerator based on large scale integration of Si nanowires as thermoelectric material

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    Special suspended micro-platforms have been designed as a part of silicon compatible planar thermoelectric microgenerators. Bottom-up grown silicon nanowires are going to bridge in the future such platforms to the surrounding silicon bulk rim. They will act as thermoelectric material thus configuring an all-silicon thermoelectric device. In the new platform design other additional bridging elements (usually auxiliary support silicon beams) are substituted by low conductance thin film dielectric membranes in order to maximize the temperature difference developed between both areas. These membranes follow a sieve-like design that allows fabricating them with a short additional wet anisotropic etch step. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Mitochondrial decline precedes phenotype development in the complement factor H mouse model of retinal degeneration but can be corrected by near infrared light

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    AbstractMitochondria produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), critical for cellular metabolism. ATP declines with age, which is associated with inflammation. Here, we measure retinal and brain ATP in normal C57BL/6 and complement factor H knockout mice (Cfh−/−), which are proposed as a model of age-related macular degeneration. We show a significant premature 30% decline in retinal ATP in Cfh−/− mice and a subsequent shift in expression of a heat shock protein that is predominantly mitochondrial (Hsp60). Changes in Hsp60 are associated with stress and neuroprotection. We find no differences in brain ATP between C57BL/6 and Cfh−/− mice. Near infrared (NIR) increases ATP and reduces inflammation. ATP decline in Cfh−/− mice was corrected with NIR which also shifted Hsp60 labeling patterns. ATP decline in Cfh−/− mice occurs before inflammation becomes established and photoreceptor loss occurs and may relate to disease etiology. However, ATP levels were corrected with NIR. In summary, we provide evidence for a mitochondrial basis for this disease in mice and correct this with simple light exposure known to improve mitochondrial function

    Elementos distintivos del contrato de alimentos: el peculiar "alea" y su acusado carácter "intuitu personae"

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    In this European society, there is an ongoing debate regarding the comprehensive care of the needs of a large sector of the population, constituted, not only for the elderly, but also for those who attend persistent degenerative diseases of, children with disabilities intellectual prescribed eg, Down syndrome, autism, spina bifida, or so-called «rare» diseases. The state, despite many legislative rush welfare policy has not crystallized a transversal and efficient system that responds to social demands in this area; While it is true that the legislature has set up, in all its aspects, valid protection such as protected heritage instruments other figures such as support contract with a wider range of recipients, they have been left at the mercy of a tax regulation highly burdensome that curtails their potential versatility. These and other reasons of scale, ranks first turn our attention to the support contract as a solution to our extraordinarily valid understand, to respond contractually care needs of especially vulnerable deserve protection. This work focused on the specific characteristics of the contract that allow distinguish them from other aid figures.En la sociedad europea contemporánea, existe un permanente debate en relación con la asistencia integral de las necesidades de un numeroso sector poblacional, constituido, no solo por las personas mayores, sino también por aquellas otras que conviven con enfermedades persistentes de carácter degenerativo, menores con discapacidad intelectual prescrita v.gr., síndrome de Down, autismo, espina bífida, o las denominadas enfermedades «raras». El Estado, a pesar de la profusa política legislativa acometida en materia de bienestar, no ha cristalizado un sistema transversal y eficiente que responda a la demanda social en esta materia; si bien es cierto que el legislador ha configurado, en todas sus vertientes, instrumentos válidos de protección, tales como el patrimonio protegido, otras figuras como el contrato de alimentos, con un mayor espectro de destinatarios, se han quedado al albur de una regulación fiscal altamente gravosa que coarta su potencial versatilidad. Estas, y otras razones de envergadura, concitan nuestra atención en el contrato de alimentos, como solución, a nuestro entender extraordinariamente válida, para responder contractualmente a las necesidades asistenciales de personas vulnerables especialmente merecedoras de protección. Centramos este trabajo en los caracteres específicos del contrato que permitan distinguirlos de otras figuras asistenciales.In this European society, there is an ongoing debate regarding the comprehensive care of the needs of a large sector of the population, constituted, not only for the elderly, but also for those who attend persistent degenerative diseases of, children with disabilities intellectual prescribed eg, Down syndrome, autism, spina bifida, or so-called «rare» diseases. The state, despite many legislative rush welfare policy has not crystallized a transversal and efficient system that responds to social demands in this area; While it is true that the legislature has set up, in all its aspects, valid protection such as protected heritage instruments other figures such as support contract with a wider range of recipients, they have been left at the mercy of a tax regulation highly burdensome that curtails their potential versatility. These and other reasons of scale, ranks first turn our attention to the support contract as a solution to our extraordinarily valid understand, to respond contractually care needs of especially vulnerable deserve protection. This work focused on the specific characteristics of the contract that allow distinguish them from other aid figures

    A micromachined thermoelectric sensor for natural gas analysis: Multivariate calibration results

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    The potential use of a micromachined thermopile based sensor device for analyzing natural gas is explored. The sensor consists of a thermally isolated hotplate, which is heated by the application of a sequence of programmed voltages to an integrated heater. Once the hotplate reaches a stationary temperature, the thermopile provides a signal proportional to the hotplate temperature. These signals are processed in order to determine different natural gas properties. Sensor response is mainly dependent on the thermal conductivity of the surrounding gas at different temperatures. Seven predicted properties (normal density, superior heating value, Wobbe index and the concentrations of methane, ethane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen) are calibrated against sensor signals by using multivariate regression, in particular partial least squares. Experimental data have been used for calibration and validation. Results show property prediction capability with reasonable accuracy except for prediction of carbon dioxide concentration. A detailed uncertainty analysis is provided to better understand the metrological limits of the system. These results imply for the first time the possibility of designing unprecedented low-cost natural gas analyzers. The concept may be extended to other constrained gas mixtures (e.g. of a known number of components) to enable low-cost multicomponent gas analyzers

    A Bibliografia do xisto

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    Descreve as características e as condições de pesquisa bibliográfica em xistos oleígenos que a Bibliografia do Xisto apresenta: cobertura exaustivada literatura internacional (12.717 referências) com indicação da(s) área(s) de conhecimento coberta(s)pelo trabalho (Aplicação, Biologia, Documentação,Economia, Geologia, História, Legislação e RegrasNormativas, Mineração e Prospecção, Mineralogia ePetrografia, Notícias, Origem, Paleontologia,Política e Programas, Propriedades Fundamentais,Química, Saúde e Tecnologia). A Bibliografia utiliza o sistema automático de indexação KWOC e é composta das seguintes partes: 1) índice Cronológico de Referências: relaciona as referências pelo ano de publicação e, dentro de cada ano, por ordem do número de registro do documento na Bibliografia do Xisto; 2) Índice de Autores:relaciona os autores em ordem alfabética, listando cronologicamente os vários trabalhos de cada um;3) índice de Termos: palavras-chave dos títulos dos documentos e áreas de conhecimento; 4) Lista da Produção Literária (total) dos Autores; 5) Lista de Ocorrência dos Termos; 6) Lista e Gráfico da Freqüência Anual dos Trabalhos; 7) Lista de Publicações Periódicas: arrola alfabeticamente as abreviaturas normalizadas dos 2.3OO títulos constantes da Bibliografia. Toda a Bibliografia do Xisto está normalizada em inglês e se encontra gravada em microfichas. Bibliografias setoriais sobre cada uma das 17 áreas de conhecimento (emais Patentes e Teses) foram produzidas a partir da grande Bibliografia, utilizando o mesmo sistema de indexação. Por solicitação dos usuários,bibliografias restritas a termos específicos ou a expressões booleanas, com entradas do Índice de Termos, podem ser produzidas, por computador, a partir da grande Bibliografia. Abstract Describes the characteristics and facilities of bibliographical research on oil shales provided by the Oil Shale Bibliography: world-wide coverage of the literature (12.717 references) classified according to 17 areas of knowledge-. Application,Biology, Chemistry, Documentation, Economy,Fundamental Properties, Geology, Health, History,Legislation and Normative Rules, Mineralogy and Petrography, Mining and Prospection, News, Origin, Paleontology, Politics and Programs, and Technology. The Bibliography uses the KWOC automatic indexing system and consists of a Chronological Index, an Author Index, a Subject Index, a List of the Authors' (total) Literary Production, a List of Occurrence of Words, a Listand Graph of the Annual Frequency of Papers and aList of Serials. The whole Oil Shale Bibliography is translated into English and is recorded in microfiches. Sectorial bibliographies on each of the 17 areas of knowledge (plus Patents and Theses)were computer produced from the Bibliography,using the same indexing system. Bibliographies restricted to specific words (keywords) or boolean expressions, may also be computer produced from the Bibliography

    Association of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Clinical Features with European Population Genetic Substructure

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    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with a very varied spectrum of clinical manifestations that could be partly determined by genetic factors. We aimed to determine the relationship between prevalence of 11 clinical features and age of disease onset with European population genetic substructure. Data from 1413 patients of European ancestry recruited in nine countries was tested for association with genotypes of top ancestry informative markers. This analysis was done with logistic regression between phenotypes and genotypes or principal components extracted from them. We used a genetic additive model and adjusted for gender and disease duration. Three clinical features showed association with ancestry informative markers: autoantibody production defined as immunologic disorder (P = 6.8×10(-4)), oral ulcers (P = 6.9×10(-4)) and photosensitivity (P = 0.002). Immunologic disorder was associated with genotypes more common in Southern European ancestries, whereas the opposite trend was observed for photosensitivity. Oral ulcers were specifically more common in patients of Spanish and Portuguese self-reported ancestry. These results should be taken into account in future research and suggest new hypotheses and possible underlying mechanisms to be investigated. A first hypothesis linking photosensitivity with variation in skin pigmentation is suggested

    Lack of replication of higher genetic risk load in men than in women with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Introduction: We aimed to replicate a recent study which showed higher genetic risk load at 15 loci in men than in women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This difference was very significant, and it was interpreted as indicating that men require more genetic susceptibility than women to develop SLE. Methods: Nineteen SLE-associated loci (thirteen of which are shared with the previous study) were analyzed in 1,457 SLE patients and 1,728 healthy controls of European ancestry. Genetic risk load was calculated as sex-specific sum genetic risk scores (GRS(s)). Results: Our results did not replicate those of the previous study at either the level of individual loci or the global level of GRS(s). GRS(s) were larger in women than in men (4.20 ± 1.07 in women vs. 3.27 ± 0.98 in men). This very significant difference (P < 10(-16)) was more dependent on the six new loci not included in the previous study (59% of the difference) than on the thirteen loci that are shared (the remaining 41%). However, the 13 shared loci also showed a higher genetic risk load in women than in men in our study (P = 6.6 × 10(-7)), suggesting that heterogeneity of participants, in addition to different loci, contributed to the opposite results. Conclusion: Our results show the lack of a clear trend toward higher genetic risk in one of the sexes for the analyzed SLE loci. They also highlight several limitations of assessments of genetic risk load, including the possibility of ascertainment bias with loci discovered in studies that have included mainly women

    Maternal Toxoplasma gondii infection affects proliferation, differentiation and cell cycle regulation of retinal neural progenitor cells in mouse embryo

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    BackgroundToxoplasmosis affects one third of the world population and has the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii as etiological agent. Congenital toxoplasmosis (CT) can cause severe damage to the fetus, including miscarriages, intracranial calcification, hydrocephalus and retinochoroiditis. Severity of CT depends on the gestational period in which infection occurs, and alterations at the cellular level during retinal development have been reported. In this study, we proposed a mouse CT model to investigate the impact of infection on retinal development.MethodsPregnant females of pigmented C57BL/6 strain mice were infected intragastrically with two T. gondii cysts (ME49 strain) at embryonic day 10 (E10), and the offspring were analyzed at E18.ResultsInfected embryos had significantly smaller body sizes and weights than the PBS-treated controls, indicating that embryonic development was affected. In the retina, a significant increase in the number of Ki-67-positive cells (marker of proliferating cells) was found in the apical region of the NBL of infected mice compared to the control. Supporting this, cell cycle proteins Cyclin D3, Cdk6 and pChK2 were significantly altered in infected retinas. Interestingly, the immunohistochemical analysis showed a significant increase in the population of β-III-tubulin-positive cells, one of the earliest markers of neuronal differentiation.ConclusionsOur data suggests that CT affects cell cycle progression in retinal progenitor cells, possibly inducing the arrest of these cells at G2/M phase. Such alterations could influence the differentiation, anticipating/increasing neuronal maturation, and therefore leading to abnormal retinal formation. Our model mimics important events observed in ocular CT