151 research outputs found

    Adoption of Soil Erosion Control Practices in Southern Spain Olive Groves

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    This paper presents results from a survey carried out in 2005 among 147 olive tree farmers from the Alto Genil River Basin in Southern Spain regarding the adoption of soil conservation and management practices. Olive tree groves in South-eastern Spain's mountainous areas are subject to a high risk of soil erosion and have to incur in high costs of soil conservation. This results in great difficulties to comply with cross-compliance and to benefit from agri-environmental schemes. Our main objectives are to analyse the current level of adoption of soil conservation practices and to analyse which socio-economic and institutional factors determine such adoption. Three Probit models are estimated. Dependant variables are three different soil conservation practices, namely tillage following contour lines, maintaining the rests of pruning on the ground, and non-tillage with weedicides.olive groves, soil erosion, soil conservation, cross compliance, Crop Production/Industries, Q12, Q24,

    Adoption and diffusion of no tillage practices in Southern Spain olive groves

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    This paper analyses the process of adoption of no tillage in South-eastern Spain’s olive groves. Olive tree groves in South-eastern Spain’s mountainous areas are subject to a high risk of soil erosion, which is the main environmental problem for this crop, and have to incur in high costs of soil conservation. This results in a greater difficulty to comply with the practices required to benefit from both the single payment and agri-environmental schemes. In many high-steeped areas, farmers have opted for non-tillage practices as an alternative to other conservation practices. Using our own data from a survey carried out in 2006 among 215 olive tree farmers from the Granada Province in Southern Spain regarding the adoption of soil conservation and management practices, we model the diffusion process of no tillage practices using several specifications (logistic, Gompertz and exponential). We also estimate an ordered probit model to analyse which socio-economic and institutional factors determine the adoption of no tillage. Our results show that 90% of farmers in the area of study perform no tillage with either localized (21%) or no localized (69%) application of weedicides. The diffusion process of no tillage has been very intense since the middle nineties, and has been based on the interactions among farmers in the area of study rather than in external factors such as EU policies or extension services. Among other relevant factors that positively affect the adoption of no tillage practices in general, such as farm size and irrigation, the probability of a farmer adopting no tillage with non-localized application of weedicides increases when there is a relative that will continue with the farming activity, what causes the farmer to incorporate long term effects in his farming decisions, when the farmer is only a manager or when he bought the farm rather than inherited it (i.e. on more professionalized farms), and with his educational level. These results confirm some findings from previous studies in other nearby areas.Spanish olive groves, soil erosion, no tillage, Crop Production/Industries, Land Economics/Use,

    CARLOS SAMBRICIO (ed.) - La cultura arquitectónica en los años de la Transición

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    Carlos Sambricio (ed.)La cultura arquitectónica en los años de la TransiciónSevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2022. 389 pp. Softcover. Language: Spanish. 14 €ISBN: 978-84-472-2418-0Carlos Sambricio (ed.)La cultura arquitectónica en los años de la TransiciónSevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2022. 389 pp. Tapa blanda. Idioma: español. 14 €ISBN: 978-84-472-2418-

    Adoption of Soil Conservation Practices in Olive Groves: The Case of Spanish Mountainous Areas

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    This paper presents some results from a survey carried out in 2004 among 223 olive tree farmers from mountainous areas in the Spanish Southern provinces of Granada and Jaen regarding the adoption of soil conservation and management practices. Olive tree groves in mountainous areas are subject to a high risk of soil erosion and have to incur in higher costs of soil conservation. This results in greater difficulties to comply with cross-compliance and to benefit from agri-environmental schemes. Our main objectives are to analyse the current level of adoption of soil conservation practices and to analyse which socio-economic and institutional factors determine such adoption. Three Probit models are estimated. Dependant variables are three different soil conservation practices, namely tillage following contour lines, maintenance of terraces with stonewalls, and non-tillage with weedicides.olive groves, soil conservation, technology adoption, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q12, Q24,

    Adopción y difusión de prácticas de no laboreo en el olivar de la provincia de Granada

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    En este trabajo se analiza el proceso de adopción del no laboreo en el olivar de la provincia de Granada utilizando información procedente de un sondeo realizado en 2005-2006 a 215 olivicultores. Se analiza en primer lugar el proceso de difusión agregada de las prácticas de no laboreo realizadas en la zona mediante la estimación de varios modelos de difusión temporal. A continuación se identifican, mediante la estimación de dos modelos probit, algunos factores que influyen en la adopción de dichas prácticas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran cómo las prácticas de no laboreo son realizadas por el 90% de los agricultores. Su difusión ha sido intensa desde mediados de los noventa, predominando el efecto imitación, basado en la interacción entre los agricultores de la zona, sobre otros factores externos. Algunos factores que influyen en la adopción de las diferentes prácticas de no laboreo son el regadío, la continuidad familiar de la explotación o la percepción que tiene el agricultor del problema de la erosión.Erosión, no laboreo, olivar, adopción de tecnologías, difusión de tecnologías., Agricultural and Food Policy, Q12, Q24, C50.,

    Le Corbusier, à la recherche de l'Unité

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    [EN] Sin resumenCalatrava Escobar, J. (2022). Le Corbusier, à la recherche de l'Unité. LC. Revue de recherches sur Le Corbusier. (5):150-170. https://doi.org/10.4995/lc.2022.17287OJS150170

    Construir un libro. Reflexiones sobre la edición, desde la arquitectura

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    In this article the author addresses a series of contemporary issues associated with editing in the context of science and culture, particularly in the architectural sphere. Juan Calatrava draws on his personal experiences and his work as translator, author of books and articles, journal editor (Olvidos de Granada, Sileno), book editor (Abada Editores) and adviser to numerous publishing houses. Above all he questions the current system employed by Spanish universities for evaluating scientific publications.Se abordan algunos problemas actuales de la edición científica y cultural, especialmente referida al ámbito de la arquitectura, a partir de determinadas experiencias personales del autor y su trabajo como traductor, autor de libros y artículos, editor de revistas (Olvidos de Granada, Sileno) y de libros (Abada Editores) y asesor de numerosas editoriales. En particular, se cuestiona el actual sistema universitario español de evaluación de publicaciones científicas

    Granada, 1922-1928: Un poeta, un músico y dos arquitectos

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    Este texto fue publicado como parte del volumen colectivo El Amor Brujo. Arquitectura y escenografía en espacios de la Alhambra. Ed. Emilio Cachorro. Francisco del Corral y Milagros Palma, Granada, Editorial Godel S. L., 2014. pp. 63-68. [J. C.]Los hechos que condujeron a Federico García Lorca y Manuel de Falla a impulsar y convocar el Concurso de Cante Jondo que se celebró en Granada en agosto de 1922 han sido prolijamente estudiados y, en este breve comentario, no me extenderé sobre el acontecimiento en sí. Quisiera tan sólo llamar la atención sobre la circunstancia de que, en los momentos iniciales de esta decisiva confluencia entre un poeta y un músico, se alzó también entre bastidores la figura de un arquitecto, y no de cualquier arquitecto sino del por entonces representante por antonomasia de la modernidad: Le Corbusier. Y enseguida, sólo un año más tarde, un segundo arquitecto, Leopoldo Torres Balbás, comenzaría a aportar a la ciudad nuevos argumentos para pensar la relación entre tradición y modernidad

    Isidoro Bosarte y la nueva egiptomanía del final del siglo XVIII: las observaciones sobre los bellas artes entre los antiguos (1791)

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    Se analiza en el texto la contribución del académico Isidoro Bosarte, en sus Observaciones sobre las Bellas Artes entre los Antiguos (1791), a la nueva valoración del arte y la cultura egipcios que se produce en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, en el marco de la nueva visión ilustrada de la Historia.We provide an analysis of the contribution made by Isidoro Bosarte in his Observations on the Fine Arts among the Ancients (1791) to the revaluation of Egyptian art and culture which took place in the second halfof the 18th century, in the context of the conception of history characteristic of the Enlightenment