30 research outputs found


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    It is possible to involve students in learning process more actively using the new information technologies, research method and co-operation. The paper contains theoretical base of student research work as a component o f studying process in higher education establishments using IT. The research investigates student personality development and interconnection with productivity of studying process. The author analyses researches on productive interaction in the context of computer-supported collaborative learning in science, computers in the community of classrooms, a sociocultural perspective on the human-technology link and computer-mediated communication. The paper contains empirical research results about productivity of studying process on an experimental base increasing a part of the research work and problem solving using IT and collaboration in studying process of Computer science course in Vidzeme University College

    Development of a Personalized e-learning Model Using Methods of Ontology

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    AbstractA number of recent studies are trying to improve the quality and effectiveness of e-learning using principles of several research areas. This trend of personalization development also appears in e-learning. One of the ideologically closest fields of science is knowledge management (KM). The aim of this article is to identify overlapping points of KM and e-learning phases to improve the structure and transfer of personalized course knowledge using effective methods of ontology and metadata standards. This research offers a theoretical background of knowledge management principle implementation for the development of a practical personalized e-learning model

    Digital Opportunities for Student's Motivational Enhancement

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    AbstractYoung people, who are the fundamental asset of our economies and societies across the world, face a real and increasing difficulties in finding a decent job with each day. Three additional merging factors are worsening the youth employment crisis even further, causing challenges while transiting to decent jobs, namely (i) numbers of discouraged youth, in other words, young people, who are neither in education nor in employment or training (NEETs) are increasing, (ii) unemployment among university graduates of tertiary education in general are rising and (iii) potential NEET group students, especially in the 1st year, who, apart from reduced study fees, require extra motivation and moral support from educators. The study aim - to find the e-learning and conventional learning as the optimal ratio for 1st year students to increase motivation. Research methods – during two academic years (2013/2014th and 2014/2015th.) the first year students of the course “Entrepreneurship (Distance Learning e-course)” were tested about quality of this course using different research methods. Students had been tested by: 1) survey about the course on “Entrepreneurship (Distance Learning e-course)” assessment; 2) psychologist M.Lusher color test, based on the method of projection individual's emotional state of the diagnosis; 3) the degree of risk appetite according to Schubert's method of success; 4) motivation after T.Elersa methods, failure avoidance motivation in correlation with T.Elersa method; 5) survey about optimal proportion between traditional and e-learning studies. Paper contains analyses of these results

    Applied E-Studies and Traditional Studies to Rise the Motivation of 1-St Year University Students

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    On-line education is quickly becoming a prominent and important piece of the education. There are four types of On-line education: online, web facilitated, blended/hybrid, traditional. Because online type of education is very popular way of communication among universities students and between student and teacher, it would be perfect kind to motivate students, especially in the 1st year, who, apart from reduced study fees, require extra motivation and moral support from educators. The goal of the paper is to research optimal proportion between traditional teaching and using digital technologies influencing on student motivation.


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    In today’s rapidly changing environment, lifelong learning is becoming an important part of education system. There is no comprehensive strategy or technological support for lifelong learning in the Latvian regions which could upgrade people’s competences and allow them to combine learning with workand family life. It is significant to develop a framework encompassing identification of required competencies, technological support for lifelong learning and make it as part of an ongoing process. The goal of the paper is to create a theoretical framework lifelong learning management technological model and prototype for the Vidzeme region. The focus of the paper is identifying the major steps and elements required to design and incorporate latter mentioned lifelong learning process and particularly adult education perspective supporting technological model in the Vidzeme region. Theoretical framework has been conducted regarding different adult education supporting technological platforms and adult education processing in European Union’s regional context. The paper represents the theoretical preconditions for qualitative development of lifelong learning in the region and presents a technological model prototype which would provide the lifelong learning process with ongoing technological support

    Adults’ readiness for online learning in the Czech Republic and Latvia (digital competence as a result of ICT education policy and information society development strategy)

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    The study examined adults’ readiness for online learning in the Czech Republic and in Latvia. This paper describes and compares the research results in the Czech Republic and Latvia. The outcomes of the study show that there is no statistically significant difference in adults’ readiness to study online between both countries. Statistically significant differences were found in the Czech Republic – adults in the age group 18-29 had higher results in the “Readiness to study online”, while adults in the age group 50-58 had the lowest result. Also statistically significant differences were found in relation to previous activities – people, who had enrolled and completed online learning courses previously, had significant higher rate of “Readiness to study online”. This was observed both in Latvia and the Czech Republic. Collecting data from online readiness survey tool before the course would give useful information to the faculty to plan specific activities for specific groups of learners, to customize their learning path during the progress of the course

    Informācijas tehnoloÄŁijas pētnieciskajā darbÄ«bā Vidzemes augstskolā kā studentu radoƥās pieredzes veidoĆĄanās lÄ«dzeklis

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    The environment has become the center of attention in recent years. The world is at the brink of several interrelated ‘green’ crises: environmental degradation, climate change, peak oil, food crisis, and various natural disasters. Hence, there is a viable threat to society. This essay aims to explore the significance of the environment for societal collapse—with a Western world city focus. The method of choice is a literature-based critical instance case study. In this thesis, the environmentally focused collapse theories of Jared Diamond and Clive Ponting are tested on the empirical example of the city of New Orleans, USA. In 2005, New Orleans was wrecked by Hurricane Katrina. As a result, 80% of New Orleans was flooded, almost 1,800 people lost their lives, and the infrastructural systems suffered lengthy breakdowns. Consequently, the supply of basic services such as water, food, sewage, electricity, heating, communications, transportation and shelter was severely compromised.   The study shows that in the specific case of New Orleans, the underlying reasons for collapse cannot be explained by ‘green’ collapse theories alone. In fact, poor wetlands management was the only environmental issue of importance. Contributing causes were various managerial flaws (including lack of financing) on all levels in terms of emergency prevention, preparedness and response, as well as long-term structural implications for social justice. Thus, the environmentally related theories of Diamond and Ponting do not prove a perfect match. Instead, the collapse of New Orleans had better been explained by a ‘root cause mix’ theory, which takes political, economic, social and environmental aspects into consideration.MiljöfrĂ„gor har hamnat allt mer i fokus de senaste Ă„ren. VĂ€rlden stĂ„r pĂ„ tröskeln till ett flertal miljörelaterade kriser: miljöförstöring, klimatförĂ€ndring, peak oil (oljeproduktionstoppen), global matkris samt diverse naturkatastrofer. Detta medför sammantaget ett allvarligt hot mot samhĂ€llet. Examensarbetet syftar till att belysa miljöns betydelse för samhĂ€llskollaps – med fokus pĂ„ den vĂ€sterlĂ€ndska staden. Den metod som tillĂ€mpas Ă€r en litteraturbaserad fallstudie. I uppsatsen testas Jared Diamonds och Clive Pontings miljöinriktade teorier om samhĂ€llskollaps pĂ„ det empiriska exemplet New Orleans, USA. År 2005 ödelades New Orleans av orkanen Katrina. SĂ„ mycket som 80 % av staden drabbades av översvĂ€mning, 1 800 invĂ„nare omkom och hela infrastrukturen bröt samman. Katastrofen fick dĂ€rmed allvarliga konsekvenser för grundlĂ€ggande samhĂ€llsfunktioner som försörjningen av vatten, livsmedel, avlopp, elektricitet, vĂ€rme, kommunikationer, transporter samt boende.   Studien visar att miljöorienterade teorier om samhĂ€llskollaps inte fullt ut kan förklara grundorsakerna till det sammanbrott som skedde i New Orleans. Den enda miljörelaterade orsaken av betydelse var inadekvat skötsel av vĂ„tmarkerna. Bidragande faktorer var istĂ€llet bristande politisk styrning (inklusive otillrĂ€cklig finansiering) pĂ„ alla nivĂ„er vad gĂ€ller förebyggande, beredskap och hantering av kriser, samt lĂ„ngvariga strukturella hinder för social rĂ€ttvisa. Slutsatsen blir dĂ€rför att varken Diamonds eller Pontings miljöinriktade teorier trĂ€ffar helt rĂ€tt. För större trĂ€ffsĂ€kerhet, borde New Orleans’ sammanbrott förklaras med en teori som förutom miljöfaktorer Ă€ven innefattar politiska, ekonomiska och sociala aspekter

    Informacijas tehnologijas petnieciskaja darbiba Vidzemes augstskola ka studentu radosas pieredzes veidosanas lidzeklis

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    Separate summary in Latvian, English, 69 p.Available from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLELVLatvi

    Online Experience Based Support System for Small Business Development

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    Improving of the working environment by using experience based strategy is one of the main elements in managing and promoting innovations. Technologies play an important role in the knowledge management process. The accessibility of information and knowledge is essential together with a thirst for knowledge, perception skills and practical use of knowledge. The work with knowledge implies creation of content: generation of a new knowledge in order to stimulate the development of innovative processes. The goal of the paper is to get a new perspective view and understanding of the future of experience based support system, modern technological opportunities and practical example of virtual business incubator for study use. Paper describes the project for creating better opportunities for easy and low cost access to continued professional training, virtual advisory services, databases, networks, digital mapping and web marketing, ecommerce services for a specific target group including students, graduates and youth with knowledge of new technologies and potential for innovativeness. The research idea is to create a system which focuses on online support system for new entrepreneurs and experts, the influence of different conditions, and individual's motivation to follow by strategy - collaborate with other, share with others, grow your business. In order to find the most efficient experience sharing technology, it is necessary to study different knowledge management methods, which will help to understand what information systems need to be used to reach the goals. The result of the research is analyses of virtual business incubator and recommendations for developing experience based learning considering into account that encourage effective knowledge management in small business for common aims