134 research outputs found

    Peruvian literature beyond the border: the double absence in Daniel AlarcĂłn and Gunter Silva Passuni's stories

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es insertar las colecciones de cuentos Crónicas de Londres (2012) de Gunter Silva Passuni y War by Candlelight: Stories (2005) de Daniel Alarcón en el paradigma de la literatura migrante latinoamericana. Estos dos autores peruanos escriben desde tierras anglosajonas enfocando la complejidad del sujeto migrante en su doble estatuto epistemológico: el de emigrado e inmigrado, correspondiente a la “doble ausencia” teorizada por Sayad y concretizada en los textos en una intricada red de presencias falaces y ausencias irremediables. Gracias al conjunto de estrategias simbólicas y narrativas utilizadas por los autores, la experiencia literaria, bifronte y bicultural, aparece entonces como única posibilidad de ubicuidad y recomposición cultural en un sujeto en tránsito, en la frontera.The present work aims to include the works Crónicas de Londres (2012) by Gunter Silva Passuni and War by Candlelight: Stories (2005) by Daniel Alarcón in the Latin American migrant literature paradigm. The two Peruvian authors writes from Anglo-Saxon lands focusing on the complexity of the migrant subject in his double epistemic condition, emigrate and immigrate, related to the “double absence” theorized by Sayad and materialized in the texts through an intricate system of false presences and irreparable absences. Thanks to the set of symbolic and narrative strategies used by the authors, the bicultural literary experience becomes the only possibility for ubiquity and for a cultural reset of a subject in transit, in the border

    AfroPerĂş: Tras las huellas de la negritud en el PerĂş

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    The purpose of this article is to develop a concrete investigation about the afro-descendants identities innowadays Peru through the analysis of the African presence in the colonial age, focusing on different phases suchas the abolition of slavery, the political independence and the statement of rights which for long time has beendenied to this social class, until the actuality. Further to the outlining of the historical and social background of theafro element’s complexity in the survey of the variegated biological and cultural Peruvian mosaic, this case studyfocus on the today’s afro-Peruvian identity’s question, investigating about characteristics, problems and ways ofinteraction with the rest of the Peruvian population. Moreover, this analysis keeps track of the “negritude”, thatis the afro movement, in the Peruvian art, literature and culture. Thanks to a study experience in Peru of theauthor, this piece offers also a picture of the current situation of afro-Peruvian communities and emphasizes thesocial and cultural initiatives and also political measures taken in the last years in order to assert the distinctivefeature of the afro-Peruvian identity in Peru and all over the world

    Pasos perdidos y pesados, cronache di passaggi di frontiera nell’opera di Gunter Silva Passuni

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    This article aims to include the collection of short stories Cronicas de Londres (2012) and the novel Pasos pesados (2016) by the Peruvian writer Gunter Silva Passuni in the Latin American migration literature paradigm. The author builds a narrative path, with autobiographical reflections, which focus on the complexity of migrant subjectivity and his double epistemological status: he is both emigrant and immigrant, following the pattern of “double absence” theorized by Sayad. Therefore, the literary experience becomes a possibility of cultural rehabilitation in a subject in transit, marked by a non-dialectic synthesis of his identity produced by the arguably compulsory crossing of the border


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    The thesis focuses on the da Corbetta\u2019s workshop. The members of this family of wooden sculptors, active from the end of fifteenth century untill the end of the sixteenth century, fit into the tradition of classical Lombard woodensculpture of the Renaissance. The most investigated figure is Andrea da Corbetta\u2019s one. He is the author of the statues in the Santuario della Beata Vergine dei Miracolo in Saronno. The study\u2019s purpose is to rediscover the other personalities who worked in the da Corbetta\u2019s workshop, such as Andrea\u2019s father Giovanni Pietro, his uncle Santino, or his cousin Giovanni Battista. From the discoveries made by Vittorio Pini, Elisabetta Bianchi and Rossana Sacchi, a new research was started mostly on the Fondo Notarile of Archivio di Stato di Milano. It was found two hundred and twelve documents, that are transcribed in the second part of the thesis. The new informations allow to draw an accurate family tree of these engravers, and also to delinate precise profiles of each member. At the same time it is possible to understand where the da Corbetta\u2019s workshop was located in the city of Milan and investigate how, in the urban context, they becomed related with others engravers or painters, such as the court-artist Giovanni Angelo Mirofoli da Seregno. At these two points is dedicated the treatment in the thesis, because in litterature there is a a little bit gap about this subject for Milan. In the context that the documents allow to create, the da Corbetta\u2019s workshop emerges as a protagonist: it is confirmed the praise that Paolo Morigia in the Nobilt\ue0 di Milano (edited in 1595) tributes to these sculptors

    Las historias ilustrativas de la violencia de Edilberto Jiménez : narrativa, testimonio y memoria

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    This work aims to analyse the cultural contents and aesthetic position of Edilberto Jim\ue9nez Quispe\u2019s illustrations of the age of violence, presented in Chungui: violencia y trazos de memoria (Lima, 2009). Jim\ue9nez, through the plastic and figurative traditional style, makes public the concealed and denied memory of the Internal Armed Conflict. The combination of testimonies and paintings is concerned as an emotional significance of memory: a space of re-established dialogue after the age of violence, in the direction of the elaboration of identity in the region of Ayacucho.El presente trabajo propone analizar la est\ue9tica y los contenidos culturales de las "historias ilustrativas de la violencia" de Edilberto Jim\ue9nez Quispe, presentadas en Chungui: violencia y trazos de memoria (Lima, 2009). Jim\ue9nez, a trav\ue9s del estilo figurativo y pl\ue1stico tradicional, hace p\ufablica la memoria oculta y negada del Conflicto Armado Interno. El conjunto de dibujos y testimonios que compone la obra se configura entonces como emosignificaci\uf3n de la memoria: espacio de di\ue1logo restituido tras la \ue9poca de la violencia para la reelaboraci\uf3n de la identidad en el contexto ayacuchano

    Giuseppe Bellini, i tempi dell'Apocalisse : l'opera di Homero Aridjis, Roma, Bulzoni Editore, 2013, 129 pp. ISBN 978-88-7870-836-5

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    Giuseppe Bellini, I tempi dell'Apocalisse. L'opera di Homero Aridjis (Roma, Bulzoni Editore, 2013, 129 pp. ISBN 978-88-7870-836-5


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    FINESTRE: sguardi e riflessi, trasparenze e opacit

    Cronache della guerra in Perù: il discorso apocalittico di Sendero attraverso l’opera di Gorriti

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    “Sendero: historia de la guerra milenaria en el Perú” (Lima, 2008) from Gustavo Gorriti Ellenbogen (Lima, 1948 - ), is an heterogeneous ad hybrid literary product. The book is an extended chronicle about the most important stages of insurgence and development of the Peruvian guerrilla movement and party Sendero Luminoso during a ten years period, between the 80’s and the 90’s. This work is the result of a huge investigation that even caused Gorriti’s imprisonment and torture, under the leadership targeted by Fujimori’s government. The book reconstructs Sendero’s millenaristic rhetoric, based on an apocalyptic vision of the world - unintentionally established on pre-Hispanic features - through official documents of the political party, interviews and testimonies. Gorriti relativizes both literary genres and the dichotomy between objectivity and subjectivity, by using different kinds of literary tools to sketch real facts and to show his personal engagement with the represented cultural and historical setting as well. This article aims to present Sendero Luminoso’s apocalyptic rhetoric by focusing on Gorriti’s work. Moreover, I will consider the phenomenon of Peruvian Narrative Journalism as a new literary genre in the horizon of Latin American non-fiction tradition, through the analysis of the fruitful intersection between history and literature, which gives voice to subaltern realities, often denied, being testimony and effort of reconstruction of a shared memory

    "Pusasunki animayki suñuynikipi", nel tuo sogno ti porta la tua anima. Finestre oniriche: dialogo tra anima e mondo nei sogni sulle Ande

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