448 research outputs found

    Collaboration between first responders : a look into the dynamics of small-scale emergency response operations

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    Doctoral thesis (PhD) – Nord University, 2021publishedVersio

    Social play traits and environmental exploration in beagle and fox terriers’ puppies

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    Koscinczuk, P.; Alabarcez, M.N.; Cainzos, R.P.: Social play traits and environmental exploration in beagle and fox terriers’ puppies. Rev. vet. 26: 1, 33-37, 201

    Paleoetnograjía de Gallaecia

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    La irreverencia de los feminismos : El discurso de Ni Una Menos, entre la hegemonía y la subalternidad

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    La estructuración del presente estudio se propone realizar un aporte que vincule feminismos y post-fundamentismo desde el sur del mundo, en un contexto de armados políticos y (de) construcciones de sentido que hacen a nuestra realidad y nuestro tiempo. Se propone el análisis del discurso de los documentos producidos para las manifestaciones realizadas en Argentina desde el 3 de junio de 2015 bajo la consigna Ni Una Menos.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Relation between sociability, blood pressure and heart rate in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)

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    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la frecuencia cardiaca (FC) y la presión arterial(PA) en perros domésticos de un criadero como respuesta al contacto con una personadesconocida, teniendo en cuenta si la sociabilidad influye en estas respuestas. Se trabajócon 18 perros adultos, entre 1 a 8 años, de ambos sexos, de las razas Smooth Fox Terrier,Wire Hair Fox Terrier y Beagle, de un criadero de la ciudad de Corrientes, Argentina. Seaplicó un test de sociabilidad que constaba de dos fases de dos minutos cada una. En lafase pasiva la persona no interactúa con el animal y en la fase activa la persona interactúacon el animal por medio de caricias. Se registraron las variables de latencia, contactofísico y visual y señales de miedo/sumisión. Con base a las respuestas, los animales sedistribuyeron en un grupo poco social (1; n=9) y uno social (2; n=9). Se determinó lapresión arterial (sistólica [PS], diastólica [PD], media [PM]) y la frecuencia cardiaca (FC)antes y después de la interacción con la persona desconocida. Los perros del grupo 2(sociables) presentaron diferencia significativa en las mediciones de PS y FC antes ydespués de la interacción (p=0.02 y p=0.04, respectivamente). Asimismo, se encontródiferencia significativa entre grupos para la variable PS después de la interacción con lapersona (p=0.03). La interacción con la persona desconocida aumentó la FC y PS en losperros poco sociales, en tanto que disminuyó la PS en los perros sociales.The aim of the study was to evaluate heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) in domestic dogs of a breeding facility in the city of Corrientes, Argentina in response to contact with an unknown person, taking into account whether sociability influences these responses. A total of 18 adult dogs, aged 1 to 8 years, of both sexes, of the Smooth Fox Terrier, Wire Hair Fox Terrier and Beagle breeds were studied. A sociability test was applied, consisting of two phases of two minutes each. In the passive phase the person does not interact with the animal and in the active phase the person interacts with the animal through caresses. The variables of latency, physical and visual contact and signs of fear/submission were registered. Based on the responses, the animals were distributed in a less social group (1, n=9) and a more social group (2, n=9). Blood pressure (systolic [PS], diastolic [PD], mean [PM]) and heart rate (FC) were determined before and after interaction with the unknown person. Dogs of group 2 (sociable) showed significant differences in PS and FC measurements before and after the interaction (p=0.02 and p=0.04, respectively). Likewise, there was a significant difference between groups for the PS variable after interaction with the person (p=0.03). The interaction with the unknown person increased the FC and PS in the less social dogs, while the PS decreased in social dogs.Fil: Cainzos, Romina Paola. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Cs.veterinarias. Departamento de Clinica. Cátedra de Patología Medica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentin

    Construcción en PRFV de un Pesquero dedicado a la pesca de arrastre en el caladero del Mar Mediterráneo

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    Se trata de un buque pesquero con casco de PRFV y propulsión mecánica proyectado para efectuar faenas de pesca de arrastre. Faenará en el Mediterráneo. Se tendrá en cuenta que la tripulación no vivirá a bordo cuando el buque permanezca en puertoEscuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Naval y OceánicaUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Integração de dados geofisicos e geologicos de Cuba Centro-Oriental : contribuições a cartografia e exploração mineral regional

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    Orientadores : Elisabete Maria Pascholati, Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho, Gilberto Amaral (In memoriam)Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeocienciasDoutorad

    ChloroSpec: A new in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence spectrometer for simultaneous wavelength‐ and time‐resolved detection

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    Chlorophyll fluorescence is a ubiquitous tool in basic and applied plant science research. Various standard commercial instruments are available for characterization of photosynthetic material like leaves or microalgae, most of which integrate the overall fluorescence signals above a certain cut‐off wavelength. However, wavelength‐resolved (fluorescence signals appearing at different wavelengths having different time dependent decay) signals contain vast information required to decompose complex signals and processes into their underlying components that can untangle the photo‐physiological process of photosynthesis. Hence, to address this we describe an advanced chlorophyll fluorescence spectrometer ‐ ChloroSpec ‐ allowing three‐dimensional simultaneous detection of fluorescence intensities at different wavelengths in a time‐resolved manner. We demonstrate for a variety of typical examples that most of the generally used fluorescence parameters are strongly wavelength dependent. This indicates a pronounced heterogeneity and a highly dynamic nature of the thylakoid and the photosynthetic apparatus under actinic illumination. Furthermore, we provide examples of advanced global analysis procedures integrating this three‐dimensional signal and relevant information extracted from them that relate to the physiological properties of the organism. This conveniently obtained broad range of data can make ChloroSpec a new standard tool in photosynthesis research

    Síndrome de Cushing en un paciente canino con carcinoma cortical adrenal: Reporte de un caso

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    The aim of this work was to highlight the importance of diagnosing the cause of Cushing's syndrome in a 12-year-old male canine patient with adrenal cortical carcinoma, who came to the clinic for presenting clinical signs compatible with Cushing's syndrome. The results of stimulation with synthetic ACTH (Synacthen 0.25 mg®) showed an increase in basal cortisol (10.8 µg/dl) and post-stimulation (28.4 µg/dl). Abdominal ultrasound revealed a rounded and enlarged left adrenal gland (3.3 x 3.4 cm), compatible with adrenal neoplasia. The treatment of choice was adrenalectomy of the left adrenal gland due to a midline abdominal approach and subsequent referral to histopathology for evaluation, which confirmed adrenal cortical carcinoma. Adrenalectomy in these cases increases survival, thus improving the quality of life of the patient.El objetivo de este trabajo fue resaltar la importancia del diagnóstico de la causa del síndrome de Cushing, en un paciente canino macho, de 12 años de edad, con carcinoma cortical adrenal, que llega a la consulta por presentar signos clínicos compatibles con Síndrome de Cushing. Los resultados de la estimulación con ACTH sintética (Synacthen 0.25 mg®) arrojaron un aumento en el cortisol basal (10.8 µg/dl) y pos-estimulación (28.4 µg/dl). La ecografía abdominal reveló la glándula adrenal izquierda de forma redondeada y aumentado de tamaño (3.3 x 3.4 cm), compatible con neoplasia adrenal. El tratamiento de elección fue la adrenalectomía de la glándula adrenal izquierda por abordaje abdominal en la línea media y posterior envío a histopatología para su evaluación, el cual confirmó un carcinoma cortical adrenal. La adrenalectomía en estos casos aumenta la supervivencia, mejorando así la calidad de vida del paciente

    The use of monensin for ketosis prevention in dairy cows during the transition period: A systematic review

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    Since the approval by the European Medicines Agency in 2013 of a monensin controlled-release capsule (CRC) for the prevention of ketosis in dairy cows, there has been widespread use across Europe. In recent decades, several papers have investigated the effects of monensin used as a CRC or as a feed additive to improve cattle energy metabolism and improve feed efficiency. Since the CRC is the only form of monensin permitted in Europe in dairy cows, the objective of this review was to report and summarize observations from the literature on the effects of this treatment in transition cows. The peer-reviewed literature published from 1997 was scanned, and papers written in English were evaluated for eligibility. Only papers evaluating the use of monensin in dairy cows for the prevention of ketosis during the transition period were reviewed. In total, 42 papers met the required criteria and were included in this review. The major findings focused on cow metabolism and health, rumen fermentation and milk production and quality. Overall, the review of the existing literature confirmed that monensin delivered as a CRC during the transition period has effects of different magnitude compared to other forms, doses or durations of administration. Studies agree on the antiketotic effects of this treatment, showing evidence of an increased propionate production in the rumen, reduced blood β-hydroxybutyrate, and improved liver function in treated cows, mainly resulting in reduced incidence of peripartum disease. On the contrary, the effects of CRC on ammonia production and rumen microflora are less robust than those reported for other forms. Of importance for the European market is the well-documented absence of any negative impact on milk and cheese production and composition using the CRC treatment