12 research outputs found

    Pathogenesis of paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy: A current review of in vitro and in vivo findings using rodent and human model systems

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    Paclitaxel (Brand name Taxol) is widely used in the treatment of common cancers like breast, ovarian and lung cancer. Although highly effective in blocking tumor progression, paclitaxel also causes peripheral neuropathy as a side effect in 60-70% of chemotherapy patients. Recent efforts by numerous labs have aimed at defining the underlying mechanisms of paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy (PIPN). In vitro models using rodent dorsal root ganglion neurons, human induced pluripotent stem cells, and rodent in vivo models have revealed a number of molecular pathways affected by paclitaxel within axons of sensory neurons and within other cell types, such as the immune system and peripheral glia, as well skin. These studies revealed that paclitaxel induces altered calcium signaling, neuropeptide and growth factor release, mitochondrial damage and reactive oxygen species formation, and can activate ion channels that mediate responses to extracellular cues. Recent studies also suggest a role for the matrix-metalloproteinase 13 (MMP-13) in mediating neuropathy. These diverse changes may be secondary to paclitaxel-induced microtubule transport impairment. Human genetic studies, although still limited, also highlight the involvement of cytoskeletal changes in PIPN. Newly identified molecular targets resulting from these studies could provide the basis for the development of therapies with which to either prevent or reverse paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy in chemotherapy patients

    A functional network of highly pure enteric neurons in a dish

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    The enteric nervous system (ENS) is the intrinsic nervous system that innervates the entire digestive tract and regulates major digestive functions. Recent evidence has shown that functions of the ENS critically rely on enteric neuronal connectivity; however, experimental models to decipher the underlying mechanisms are limited. Compared to the central nervous system, for which pure neuronal cultures have been developed for decades and are recognized as a reference in the field of neuroscience, an equivalent model for enteric neurons is lacking. In this study, we developed a novel model of highly pure rat embryonic enteric neurons with dense and functional synaptic networks. The methodology is simple and relatively fast. We characterized enteric neurons using immunohistochemical, morphological, and electrophysiological approaches. In particular, we demonstrated the applicability of this culture model to multi-electrode array technology as a new approach for monitoring enteric neuronal network activity. This in vitro model of highly pure enteric neurons represents a valuable new tool for better understanding the mechanisms involved in the establishment and maintenance of enteric neuron synaptic connectivity and functional networks

    Study of therapeutic effects of curcumin on in vitro and in vivo models of peripheral neuropathies

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    Les nerfs périphériques sont sujets à de nombreuses pathologies et l’étiologie des neuropathies périphériques (NP) est vaste (troubles métaboliques, infections, toxines, blessures physiques et mutations génétiques, ect.). Par exemple, les NP d’origine traumatique sont courantes et sont caractérisées par une dégénérescence dite Wallérienne des fibres nerveuses. Autre exemple, la maladie de Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A (CMT1A) qui est la NP génétique héréditaire la plus fréquente. Elle est caractérisée par une surexpression de la protéine PMP22 impliquée dans le maintien de la gaine de myéline. Actuellement, il n’existe pas de traitement pharmacologique de ces deux affections des nerfs. Récemment, l’intérêt pour le rôle des antioxydants alimentaires, tels que la curcumine, a suscité de nombreuses recherches. Cette molécule est depuis longtemps utilisée en médecine asiatique pour ces propriétés thérapeutiques. Cependant, elle possède une très faible biodisponibilité et nécessite donc l’emploi de doses très élevées pour obtenir des effets bénéfiques. Dans une première étude, nos résultats ont montré que des faibles doses de curcumine administrées localement et en continu, améliorent la récupération fonctionnelle, les paramètres électrophysiologiques et histologiques, et l’expression des principales protéines de la myéline dans un modèle d’écrasement du nerf sciatique chez le rat. Ces effets bénéfiques ont été attribués aux propriétés antioxydantes de la curcumine. Dans une seconde étude, nos résultats ont montré qu’une faible dose de nanocristaux de curcumine (Nano-Cur), injectée en IP, améliorent le phénotype, les paramètres électrophysiologiques et histologiques dans un modèle transgénique de rat CMT1A. Dans cette étude, les effets positifs ont été attribués aux propriétés antioxydantes des Nano-Cur, couplés à l’activation de la voie de dégradation associée au réticulum endoplasmique, permettant la réduction de la surexpression nocive de PMP22 chez les rats CMT1A. L'ensemble de ces résultats démontrent que, l’administration de faibles doses de curcumine constitue un traitement prometteur dans la réparation des nerfs périphériques.Peripheral nerves are subject to many pathologies and the etiology of peripheral neuropathies (PN) is vast (metabolic disorders, infections, toxins, physical injuries and genetic mutations, etc.). For example, PN of traumatic origin are common and are characterized by a called Wallerian degeneration of nerve fibres. Another example is Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1A (CMT1A), which is the most common hereditary genetic PN. It is characterized by an overexpression of the PMP22 protein involved in maintaining the myelin sheath. Currently, there is no pharmacological treatment for these two nerve disorders. Recently, interest in the role of dietary antioxidants, such as curcumin, has led to much research. This molecule has long been used in Asian medicine for its therapeutic properties. However, it has a very low bioavailability and therefore requires the use of very high doses to obtain beneficial effects. In a first study, our results showed that low doses of curcumin administered locally and continuously improve functional recovery, electrophysiological and histological parameters, and expression of major myelin proteins in a rat sciatic nerve crush model. These beneficial effects have been attributed to the antioxidant properties of curcumin. In a second study, our results showed that a low dose of curcumin nanocrystals (Nano-Cur), injected in IP, improves phenotype, electrophysiological and histological parameters in a transgenic model of CMT1A rats. In this study, the positive effects were attributed to the antioxidant properties of the Nano-cur, coupled with the activation of the endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation pathway, allowing the reduction of harmful overexpression of PMP22 in CMT1A rats. All these results show that the administration of low doses of curcumin is a promising treatment for peripheral nerve repai

    Etude des effets thérapeutiques de la curcumine dans des modèles in vitro et in vivo de neuropathies périphériques

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    Peripheral nerves are subject to many pathologies and the etiology of peripheral neuropathies (PN) is vast (metabolic disorders, infections, toxins, physical injuries and genetic mutations, etc.). For example, PN of traumatic origin are common and are characterized by a called Wallerian degeneration of nerve fibres. Another example is Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1A (CMT1A), which is the most common hereditary genetic PN. It is characterized by an overexpression of the PMP22 protein involved in maintaining the myelin sheath. Currently, there is no pharmacological treatment for these two nerve disorders. Recently, interest in the role of dietary antioxidants, such as curcumin, has led to much research. This molecule has long been used in Asian medicine for its therapeutic properties. However, it has a very low bioavailability and therefore requires the use of very high doses to obtain beneficial effects. In a first study, our results showed that low doses of curcumin administered locally and continuously improve functional recovery, electrophysiological and histological parameters, and expression of major myelin proteins in a rat sciatic nerve crush model. These beneficial effects have been attributed to the antioxidant properties of curcumin. In a second study, our results showed that a low dose of curcumin nanocrystals (Nano-Cur), injected in IP, improves phenotype, electrophysiological and histological parameters in a transgenic model of CMT1A rats. In this study, the positive effects were attributed to the antioxidant properties of the Nano-cur, coupled with the activation of the endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation pathway, allowing the reduction of harmful overexpression of PMP22 in CMT1A rats. All these results show that the administration of low doses of curcumin is a promising treatment for peripheral nerve repairLes nerfs périphériques sont sujets à de nombreuses pathologies et l’étiologie des neuropathies périphériques (NP) est vaste (troubles métaboliques, infections, toxines, blessures physiques et mutations génétiques, ect.). Par exemple, les NP d’origine traumatique sont courantes et sont caractérisées par une dégénérescence dite Wallérienne des fibres nerveuses. Autre exemple, la maladie de Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A (CMT1A) qui est la NP génétique héréditaire la plus fréquente. Elle est caractérisée par une surexpression de la protéine PMP22 impliquée dans le maintien de la gaine de myéline. Actuellement, il n’existe pas de traitement pharmacologique de ces deux affections des nerfs. Récemment, l’intérêt pour le rôle des antioxydants alimentaires, tels que la curcumine, a suscité de nombreuses recherches. Cette molécule est depuis longtemps utilisée en médecine asiatique pour ces propriétés thérapeutiques. Cependant, elle possède une très faible biodisponibilité et nécessite donc l’emploi de doses très élevées pour obtenir des effets bénéfiques. Dans une première étude, nos résultats ont montré que des faibles doses de curcumine administrées localement et en continu, améliorent la récupération fonctionnelle, les paramètres électrophysiologiques et histologiques, et l’expression des principales protéines de la myéline dans un modèle d’écrasement du nerf sciatique chez le rat. Ces effets bénéfiques ont été attribués aux propriétés antioxydantes de la curcumine. Dans une seconde étude, nos résultats ont montré qu’une faible dose de nanocristaux de curcumine (Nano-Cur), injectée en IP, améliorent le phénotype, les paramètres électrophysiologiques et histologiques dans un modèle transgénique de rat CMT1A. Dans cette étude, les effets positifs ont été attribués aux propriétés antioxydantes des Nano-Cur, couplés à l’activation de la voie de dégradation associée au réticulum endoplasmique, permettant la réduction de la surexpression nocive de PMP22 chez les rats CMT1A. L'ensemble de ces résultats démontrent que, l’administration de faibles doses de curcumine constitue un traitement prometteur dans la réparation des nerfs périphériques

    Peripheral nerve regeneration and intraneural revascularization

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    Peripheral nerves are particularly vulnerable to injuries and are involved in numerous pathologies for which specific treatments are lacking. This review summarizes the pathophysiological features of the most common traumatic nerve injury in humans and the different animal models used in nerve regeneration studies. The current knowledge concerning Wallerian degeneration and nerve regrowth is then described. Finally, the involvement of intraneural vascularization in these processes is addressed. As intraneural vascularization has been poorly studied, histological experiments were carried out from rat sciatic nerves damaged by a glycerol injection. The results, taken together with the data from literature, suggest that revascularization plays an important role in peripheral nerve regeneration and must therefore be studied more carefully

    Trans ε viniferin decreases amyloid deposits and inflammation in a mouse transgenic Alzheimer model

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    International audienceAs Alzheimer's disease (AD) induces several cellular and molecular damages, it could be interesting to use multi-target molecules for therapeutics. We previously published that trans ε-viniferin induced the disaggregation of Aβ42 peptide and inhibited the inflammatory response in primary cellular model of AD. Here, effects of this stilbenoid were evaluated in transgenic APPswePS1dE9 mice. We report that trans ε-viniferin could go through the blood brain barrier, reduces size and density of amyloid deposits and decreases reactivity of astrocytes and microglia, after a weekly intraperitoneal injection at 10 mg/kg from 3 to 6 months of age

    Formulated Curcumin Prevents Paclitaxel-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy through Reduction in Neuroinflammation by Modulation of α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors

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    Paclitaxel is widely used in the treatment of various types of solid malignancies. Paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy (PIPN) is often characterized by burning pain, cold, and mechanical allodynia in patients. Currently, specific pharmacological treatments against PIPN are lacking. Curcumin, a polyphenol of Curcuma longa, shows antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects and has recently shown efficacy in the mitigation of various peripheral neuropathies. Here, we tested, for the first time, the therapeutic effect of 1.5% dietary curcumin and Meriva (a lecithin formulation of curcumin) in preventing the development of PIPN in C57BL/6J mice. Curcumin or Meriva treatment was initiated one week before injection of paclitaxel and continued throughout the study (21 days). Mechanical and cold sensitivity as well as locomotion/motivation were tested by the von Frey, acetone, and wheel-running tests, respectively. Additionally, sensory-nerve-action-potential (SNAP) amplitude by caudal-nerve electrical stimulation, electronic microscopy of the sciatic nerve, and inflammatory-protein quantification in DRG and the spinal cord were measured. Interestingly, a higher concentration of curcumin was observed in the spinal cord with the Meriva diet than the curcumin diet. Our results showed that paclitaxel-induced mechanical hypersensitivity was partially prevented by the curcumin diet but completely prevented by Meriva. Both the urcumin diet and the Meriva diet completely prevented cold hypersensitivity, the reduction in SNAP amplitude and reduced mitochondrial pathology in sciatic nerves observed in paclitaxel-treated mice. Paclitaxel-induced inflammation in the spinal cord was also prevented by the Meriva diet. In addition, an increase in α7 nAChRs mRNA, known for its anti-inflammatory effects, was also observed in the spinal cord with the Meriva diet in paclitaxel-treated mice. The use of the α7 nAChR antagonist and α7 nAChR KO mice showed, for the first time in vivo, that the anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin in peripheral neuropathy were mediated by these receptors. The results presented in this study represent an important advance in the understanding of the mechanism of action of curcumin in vivo. Taken together, our results show the therapeutic potential of curcumin in preventing the development of PIPN and further confirms the role of α7 nAChRs in the anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin

    Key Developments in the Potential of Curcumin for the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathies

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    International audiencePeripheral neuropathies (PN) can be triggered after metabolic diseases, traumatic peripheral nerve injury, genetic mutations, toxic substances, and/or inflammation. PN is a major clinical problem, affecting many patients and with few effective therapeutics. Recently, interest in natural dietary compounds, such as polyphenols, in human health has led to a great deal of research, especially in PN. Curcumin is a polyphenol extracted from the root of Curcuma longa. This molecule has long been used in Asian medicine for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. However, like numerous polyphenols, curcumin has a very low bioavailability and a very fast metabolism. This review addresses multiple aspects of curcumin in PN, including bioavailability issues, new formulations, observations in animal behavioral tests, electrophysiological, histological, and molecular aspects, and clinical trials published to date. The, review covers in vitro and in vivo studies, with a special focus on the molecular mechanisms of curcumin (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-endoplasmic reticulum stress (anti-ER-stress), neuroprotection, and glial protection). This review provides for the first time an overview of curcumin in the treatment of PN. Finally, because PN are associated with numerous pathologies (e.g., cancers, diabetes, addiction, inflammatory disease...), this review is likely to interest a large audience

    LRRK2 expression in normal and pathologic human gut and in rodent enteric neural cell lines

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    Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene, which is the gene most commonly associated with Parkinson's disease (PD), is also a susceptibility gene for Crohn's disease, thereby suggesting that LRRK2 may sit at the crossroads of gastrointestinal inflammation, Parkinson's and Crohn's disease. LRRK2 protein has been studied intensely in both CNS neurons and in immune cells but there are only few studies on LRRK2 in the enteric nervous system (ENS). LRRK2 is present in ENS ganglia and the existing studies on LRRK2 expression in colonic biopsies from PD subjects have yielded conflicting results. Herein, we propose to extend these findings by studying in more details LRRK2 expression in the ENS. LRRK2 expression was evaluated in full thickness segments of colon of 16 Lewy body, 12 non-Lewy body disorders cases and 3 non-neurodegenerative controls and in various enteric neural cell lines. We showed that, in addition to enteric neurons, LRRK2 is constitutively expressed in enteric glial cells in both fetal and adult tissues. LRRK2 immunofluorescence intensity in the myenteric ganglia was not different between Lewy body and non-Lewy body disorders. Additionally, we identified the cAMP pathway as a key signaling pathway involved in the regulation of LRRK2 expression and phosphorylation in the enteric glial cells. Our study is the first detailed characterization of LRRK2 in the ENS and the first to show that enteric glial cells express LRRK2. Our findings provide a basis to unravel the functions of LRRK2 in the ENS and to further investigate the pathological changes in enteric synucleinopathies

    Local low dose curcumin treatment improves functional recovery and remyelination in a rat model of sciatic nerve crush through inhibition of oxidative stress

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    International audienceTraumatic injuries to peripheral nerves are frequent, however, specific pharmacological treatments are currently lacking. Curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties but high oral doses are required for therapeutic use, particularly due to its low bioavailability. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of local and continuous treatment using low curcumin doses on functional recovery and nerve regeneration after rat sciatic nerve crush (SNC). Curcumin was administered by osmotic pumps with a catheter delivering the drug at the injury site (0.2 mg/day for 4 weeks). Functionally, early improvements in mechanical sensitivity, finger spacing of the injured paw, skilful walking and grip strength were observed in curcumin-treated animals. The curcumin treatment increased expression of compact myelin proteins (MPZ and PMP22), myelin sheath thickness and, correspondingly, increased motor and sensitive nerve conduction velocity. Microscopic analysis of gastrocnemius muscle indicated a curcumin-induced decrease in neurogenic lesions. Curcumin treatment reduced the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (which were notably produced by macrophages), lipid peroxidation and increased expression of transcription factor Nrf2. In silico analyses indicated that curcumin combines all the characteristics required to be an efficient lipid peroxidation inhibitor at the heart of biological membranes, hence protecting their degradation due to ROS. This antioxidant capacity is likely to contribute to the beneficial effects of curcumin after SNC injury. These results demonstrate that, when administrated locally, low doses of curcumin represent a promising therapy for peripheral nerve regeneration