31 research outputs found

    Pendampingan Pengeringan Tanaman Obat dengan Tipe Fluidized Bed Dryer untuk Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah di Kota Bogor

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    Drying with the fluidized bed dryer type is a drying process by blowing hot air from the bottom onto a stretch of material, so that the material scatters to resemble fluid properties. The drying method with dry air is used to speed up the drying process and maintain the quality of the dry ingredients. The purpose of this service is to provide theoretical and practical drying training to the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) group so that they are able to produce dry materials of good quality, namely green color and low water content so they are not easily damaged and can last longer. The assistance was carried out for Naphyco MSME partners and representatives of RW 10 residents, Tanah Baru Village, North Bogor District, Bogor City in October 2022 at Naphyco MSME partner locations. The training was carried out using two methods, namely presentation and hands-on practice of drying medicinal plants with a fluidized bed dryer. The positive impact of this assistance is to gain knowledge about how to dry medicinal plants faster than drying them in direct sunlight, and also to obtain leaves of medicinal plants that are green in color (not brown). The achievement of mentoring activities can be seen from the results of the pre-test and post-test. The results of the questionnaire showed an increase in participant knowledge from a good score of 55.6% to 88.9%, a moderate score from 22.2% to 0% and a value less than 22.2% to 11.1%. There was also an increase in participants' interest in the questionnaire statements who strongly agreed from 66.7 to 88.9%, who agreed from 33.3% to 11.1%. The results of the questionnaire above need to be continued with a mentoring program for other MSME members to produce quality products as raw materials.Drying with the fluidized bed dryer type is a drying process by blowing hot air from the bottom onto a stretch of material, so that the material scatters to resemble fluid properties. The drying method with dry air is used to speed up the drying process and maintain the quality of the dry ingredients. The purpose of this service is to provide theoretical and practical drying training to the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) group so that they are able to produce dry materials of good quality, namely green color and low water content so they are not easily damaged and can last longer. The assistance was carried out for Naphyco MSME partners and representatives of RW 10 residents, Tanah Baru Village, North Bogor District, Bogor City in October 2022 at Naphyco MSME partner locations. The training was carried out using two methods, namely presentation and hands-on practice of drying medicinal plants with a fluidized bed dryer. The positive impact of this assistance is to gain knowledge about how to dry medicinal plants faster than drying them in direct sunlight, and also to obtain leaves of medicinal plants that are green in color (not brown). The achievement of mentoring activities can be seen from the results of the pre-test and post-test. The results of the questionnaire showed an increase in participant knowledge from a good score of 55.6% to 88.9%, a moderate score from 22.2% to 0% and a value less than 22.2% to 11.1%. There was also an increase in participants' interest in the questionnaire statements who strongly agreed from 66.7 to 88.9%, who agreed from 33.3% to 11.1%. The results of the questionnaire above need to be continued with a mentoring program for other MSME members to produce quality products as raw materials

    Prevalence and risk factors of Cryptosporidium spp. on dairy farms in Bogor

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    Cryptosporidial infection is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in humans and livestock worldwide. This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of Cryptosporidium infection and to identify potential risk factors associated with shedding of oocysts in Bogor. A total of 308 faecal samples were collected from 136 calves less than 6 months, 44 from those 6-12 months and 128 from those than 12 months. Data of factors potentially associated with the likelihood of Cryptosporidium spp. infection were recorded (i.e., enviromental status, size of herd, and herd management). Cryptosporidium spp. oocyst was identified by using modified acid fast (Ziehl Neelsen) staining technique and microscopically examined under 400x magnifition. Results showed that the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in Bogor was 21.1% (CI 95%; 16.5%-25.6%). The highest prevalence was 29% (CI 95%; 26.8%-31.7%) in cattle aged less than 6 months. The oocysts abundance were around <5 oocysts per microscopy visual area. Data was analyzed using logistic regression models.  Statistical analysis showed that there were association between cryptosporidiosis and calves aged less than 6 months with an odds ratio (OR) of 2.7 (CI 95%; 1.5-5.2) times compared with cattle aged more than 12 months


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    Coccidiosis is one of the most widely distributed parasitic diseases of cattle throughout the world. Coccidiosis infection in ruminants was caused by Eimeria spp.  The objective of this study was to determine Eimeria species composition and various factors influencing Eimeria oocysts shedding in dairy farm.  This study was conducted with a cross-sectional study design in dairy farm in South Bandung District from July 2014 to January 2015. Samples were obtained from 400 dairy cattle (196 cattle at age &lt; 6 months, 37 cattle at age 6 - 12 months and 167 cattle at age &gt; 12 months). Fecal samples were collected, examined and counted for Eimeria species composition and numbers of oocysts per gram of feces (OPG) using McMaster technique. A questionnaire was completed for individual dairy cattle farmer to record information about cattle’s health and husbandry. The effect of cattle’s sex, age and type of pen flooring to OPG values were analyzed using Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. The Kruskal-Wallis test was performed followed by Dunn test as a multiple comparison test. Ten species of Eimeria were identified in all infected cattle. Among the Eimeria identified species, Eimeria bovis was found to have the highest prevalence (42.5%), followed subsequently by Eimeria wyomingensis (39.1%), Eimeria bukidnonensis (32.4%), Eimeria pellita (26.3%), Eimeria auburnensis (19.6%), Eimeria zuernii (17.3%), Eimeria cylindrica (3.9%), Eimeria canadensis (3.9%), Eimeria brasiliensis (3.4%) and Eimeria alabamensis (1.1%). The numbers of oocysts shed was correlated significantly (p &lt; 0.05) with cattle’s sex and age as well type of pen flooring which influenced the infection pressure. Younger calves aged less than 6 months shed the highest amount of Eimeria oocysts than older cattle. Many factors may cause the increasing number of OPG in fecal samples. Therefore, it is important to keep good sanitation and control of Eimeria among dairy cattle in the KPBS Pangalengan dairy farm


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    This study aimed to determine whether the variant or biotype of Trypanosoma evansi can be seen from their polypeptide profiles using 12%sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE) stained with Brilliant Blue Commasie. The results generally showed thatthe molecular weight (MW) of polypeptides from nine isolates from East Java, Central Java, Banten, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, andLampung provinces were in the range of 85.46 to 15.76 kD and each isolate has different polypeptide profile. Isolates A13 and A14 were isolatedfrom the same place but have different polypeptide profiles. Likewise, isolates S13 and S18 also have different polypeptide profiles despite beingisolated from the same place at the same time. On the other hand, isolate 372, 87, and 06 have different protein profiles but was classified in thesame biotype namely biotype I. Generally, the difference in protein profile actually more related to the biological diversity of the metabolism ofeach Trypanosoma evansi isolate from Indonesia

    Dampak Iradiasi Sinar Gamma pada Produktivitas Aedes aegypti Jantan

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    Abstract Dengue fever is a vector-borne disease with Aedes aegypti as the main vector. Vector controls currently depended on insecticide. Considering the negative effect of insecticide, Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) was developed. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of gamma-ray irradiation on the productivity of male Ae. aegypti. Male pupae age less than 15 hours were irradiated with 60 Gy and 70 Gy gamma-ray. When the pupae became adult, the sterile males mated with the same age females Aedes aegypti. Observation on fecundity, hatchability, and age was carried out until the second generation. Gamma-ray irradiation with the dose of 60 Gy and 70 Gy showed different effects on fecundity, egg hatchability, the emergence of the adult, and age of Aedes aegypti compared to control. Abstrak Demam berdarah merupakan penyakit tular vektor &nbsp;yang sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan secara global. Vektor utama yang berperan pada penyebaran penyakit DBD yaitu nyamuk Aedes aegytpi. Pengendalian vektor saat ini sangat bergantung pada penggunaan insektisida. Dampak negatif penggunaan insektisida menyebabkan pengembangan pengendalian vektor yang lain diantaranya yaitu Teknik Serangga Mandul (TSM). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis produktivitas Ae. aegypti jantan iradiasi hingga generasi kedua. Pupa jantan umur &lt;15 jam diradiasi sinargamma dosis 60 Gy dan 70 Gy. Setelah menjadi nyamuk jantan dewasa segeradikawinkan dengan nyamuk betina tidak iradiasi dengan umur yang sama. Pengamatan dilakukan terutama terhadap fekunditas, daya tetas, kemunculan nyamuk, dan umurnyamuk hingga generasi kedua. Iradiasi sinar gamma dosis 60 Gy dan 70 Gymenghasilkan dampak yang berbeda terhadap fekunditas, daya tetas telur, kemunculan nyamuk dan umur nyamuk bila dibandingkan dengan kontrol


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    Parasitic helminth infection in eel (Anguilla spp.) From the Lindu Lake affects fish health and fish weight. The purpose of this study identified parasitic helminth and zoonosis potential in eels From Lake Lindu. The helminth parasitic examinations were collection of eels, observation, measurement, identification of helminth, and staining nematode and trematode used clove oil and Semichon Acetocarmine. The species of helminth found were Anisakis sp. 44%, Anguillicola sp. 2%, and digenean 23%. The potential zoonotic is Anisakis sp., among other Helminth on eels. Eel consumption must cook because there are Anisakis sp. that have the potential for zoonosis.Keywords: Identification, Helminth Parasitic, Ee

    Parasitic Protozoa found in the skin, gills, and intestines of Patin Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

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    The parasitic protozoa found in "Ikan Patin" or a species of Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and "Ikan Mas" or Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) are Trichodina sp., Ichthyophthirius sp. and Myxobolus sp. These protozoa have the potential to cause death in fish and economic losses to fish farmers and sellers. This study was conducted to determine the presence of parasitic protozoa on the skin, gills, and intestines of Catfish and Carp. Samples were taken from the Bursa Ikan Hias Laladon or Laladon Ornamental Fish Market in Bogor, Indonesia. Each species was sampled for as many as 30 fish. The skin, gills, and intestines were examined using the native examination method and Lugol staining. Parasitic protozoa were identified based on their morphology, namely size, and shape. The types of parasitic protozoa found on the skin, gills, and intestines of Catfish and goldfish were Trichodina sp., Ichthyophthirius sp., and Myxobolus sp. The parasites were found in skin organs in as many as 29 samples (96.7%) from Catfish and 30 samples (100%) from Carp. The Genera of Ichthyophthirius sp. were found in the gills of 2 samples (6.7%) in Catfish and 1 sample (3.3%) from positive Carp. Myxobolus sp. was found in the intestines of 11 samples (36.7%) from Catfish and two samples (6.7%) from Carp. The species of Trichodina sp. found based on morphology was Trichodina giurusi.©2021 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Parasitic Protozoa found in the skin, gills, and intestines of Patin Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

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    The parasitic protozoa found in "Ikan Patin" or a species of Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and "Ikan Mas" or Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) are Trichodina sp., Ichthyophthirius sp. and Myxobolus sp. These protozoa have the potential to cause death in fish and economic losses to fish farmers and sellers. This study was conducted to determine the presence of parasitic protozoa on the skin, gills, and intestines of Catfish and Carp. Samples were taken from the Bursa Ikan Hias Laladon or Laladon Ornamental Fish Market in Bogor, Indonesia. Each species was sampled for as many as 30 fish. The skin, gills, and intestines were examined using the native examination method and Lugol staining. Parasitic protozoa were identified based on their morphology, namely size, and shape. The types of parasitic protozoa found on the skin, gills, and intestines of Catfish and goldfish were Trichodina sp., Ichthyophthirius sp., and Myxobolus sp. The parasites were found in skin organs in as many as 29 samples (96.7%) from Catfish and 30 samples (100%) from Carp. The Genera of Ichthyophthirius sp. were found in the gills of 2 samples (6.7%) in Catfish and 1 sample (3.3%) from positive Carp. Myxobolus sp. was found in the intestines of 11 samples (36.7%) from Catfish and two samples (6.7%) from Carp. The species of Trichodina sp. found based on morphology was Trichodina giurusi.©2021 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    PREVALENSI DAN FAKTOR RISIKO KOKSIDIOSIS PADA SAPI PERAH DI KABUPATEN BANDUNG (Prevalence and Risk Factor of Coccidiosis in Dairy Cattle in Bandung District)

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    This study aimed to determine the prevalence and associated risk factors of coccidiosis. Samples were obtained from 400 dairy cattle (196 calves aged 6 months, 37 calves aged 6-12 months, and 167 calves aged 12 months). Feces samples were collected, examined and counted for prevalence and number of oocyst per gram faeces (OPG) by McMaster technique. A questionnaire was design to record information about animal health and husbandry, individually. Risk factors associated with the prevalence of Eimeria in cattle were analyzed by logistic regression model. The overall prevalence and the average of OPG of Eimeria in cattle was 179 (44.75%) and 286.75, while highest prevalence of Eimeria was observed in calves aged less than 6 months. Cattle aged more than 12 months showed significantly different relationship (P0.05) to the prevalence of Eimeria infection compare to calves aged less than 6 months and aged 6-12 months. The presence of an immature immune system in younger calves resulting in their higher susceptibility to coccidiosis. Among management and animal health practices, floor type and treatment of cattle influence the prevalence of Eimeria in cattle