518 research outputs found

    Caribbean Literature (Francophone)

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    Caribbean Literature (Francophone), or Antillean literature, is the literature in French from Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, and Haiti. Except in the case of Haiti, this literature developed along three major concepts: negritude, Caribbeanness, and Creoleness. Critics trace its origins to the rise of the negritude movement (in the 1930s), when black students, intellectuals, and artists revolted against France\u27s assimilation policies to adopt an ideology aimed at restoring black and African values embedded in popular culture. The literary landmark was undoubtedly Aimé Césaire\u27s Notebook of a Return to My Native Land (Cahier d\u27un retour au pays natal, 1939)

    A tool called communicative curve applied for evaluation of similarities and differences between foreign language textbooks

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    In the study, the following research questions are responded: Are there any conception differences within the textbook series? How might the conception influence teaching French? The current study presents the results with implications for teachers of French at secondary schools. It points out some significant markers such as the preference of textbook type activities and arguments for choosing the textbooks. © 2018 by Academic Publishing

    Dictionnaire historique des Institutions de l’Alsace, le cahier D

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    Le volume D du Dictionnaire des Institutions de l’Alsace devrait paraĂźtre en septembre 2012. Avec ce volume, s’est approfondie notre rĂ©flexion et la recherche sur le droit applicable en Alsace au fil des siĂšcles. Au fur et Ă  mesure qu’avançait notre travail, au fur et Ă  mesure que se renforçait notre maĂźtrise des instruments de travail et des mĂ©thodes, notre ambition est restĂ©e intacte : celle de rendre compte du passĂ© de l’Alsace, de tout son passĂ©, c’est Ă  dire de son passĂ© germanique et de..

    Traditional Medicine Through the Filter of Modernity: A brief historical analysis

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    Traditional medicines still prevail in current Malagasy context. A careful historical analysis shows however that Malagasy traditional medicine has been screened through many filters before being accepted in a global context. Traditional medicine in its authentic form has been more or less rejected with the advent of  modern medicine – although not without reaction. This paper will retrace the historical encountering of the modern and traditional to determine the extent to which traditional medicine is acknowledged and used in the current prevailing modern, rational and scientific global context

    Re-envisioning negritude: historical and cultural contexts for Aimé Césaire and Léopold Sédar Senghor

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    This thesis seeks to expose and discredit a perceived misconception that understood the Negritude movement as one, relatively uniform concept. An oversimplified, homogeneous view of Negritude at times appears to contradict itself, leading critics to dismiss the movement's relevance and/or standing in diaspora studies. The extensive intellectual relationship and personal friendship between Aimé Césaire and Léopold Sédar Senghor underscores many of the similarities that allowed for the collaboration that started the movement. A detailed analysis of Césaire and Senghor's relationships to Negritude, however, illustrates significant differences in each poet's perception of the movement. I examine the conditions in early twentieth-century Paris that marked it as a cross-cultural center of diasporic literary production. Many critiques of Negritude do not take into account the importance of the historical and cultural contexts surrounding the birth of the movement, when in fact, context is the essence of Negritude's formation. I analyze the conceptions of Negritude found in Césaire's Cahier d'un retour au pays natal and Senghor's Chants d'Ombre and Hosties noires and discuss the reasons behind their intrinsic differences, which are also contextually centered. I argue that Negritude not only bears a historical importance, but also continues to carry significance in present-day Francophone and diaspora studies. The movement led to a growing unrest over colonization and Western supremacy that eventually resulted in independence movements in Africa and departmentalization in the Antilles. It remained a point of contention after decolonization and endures as a present force in the background of both spaces

    Debussy and late-romantic performing practices: an investigation of Debussy's piano rolls of 1913

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    Québec : évolution des limites municipales depuis 1831-1832

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    Debussy and the Fragment.

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    The dissertation identifies and studies fragmentary structures---structures that give the impression of incompletion or interruption---in the music of Claude Debussy. Although fragments---which play a decisive role in nineteenth- and twentieth-century aethetics---have been discussed extensively in literature and the visual arts, relatively little critical attention was paid to them by musicologists until Daverio and Rosen, in the 1990s, investigated the romantic musical fragment. The dissertation traces the history of the literary fragment from the late middle ages through the nineteenth century. With this history as background, it places Debussy\u27s fragmentary musical structures in relation to those of composers like Schumann and Chopin. Debussy\u27s fragmentary structures are shown to be of four types: some are incomplete in their beginnings (e.g., the songs Green and Spleen ), some in their endings (the prelude Canope ); some mirror the fragmentary structure of literary works on which they are modeled (Prelude a L\u27Apres-midi d\u27un faune and the Chansons de Bilitis); some reflect the nineteenth-century fascination with the sketch (D\u27un cahier d\u27esquisses ); some interrupt their progress with quotation or autoquotation ( La serenade interrompue ). On the basis of these investigations, Debussy is shown to be the heir of the nineteenth-century fragment tradition; in this respect he shared the interests of his many acquaintances among the French Symbolist poets

    Double-Conditioned Potential Output

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    The central argument of this paper is that both - internal and external - equilibria should be taken into account in the estimation of potential output. If only the data on inflation, unemployment rate, and wages are used for its evaluation, no certainty exists that such a level will correspond to a stable foreign trade balance. Our attempt is based on the following methodological assumptions: · the potential output is concomitantly associated with a constant inflation and sustainable relative foreign trade balance (ratio of net export to gross domestic product); · all supply shocks affect this level, potential output being, therefore, a variable indicator; · consequently, the output gap reflects exclusively the demand pressure. The proposed computational algorithm is based on the use of orthogonal regressions. It is exemplified on seasonally adjusted quarterly statistical series of variables charaterizing the Romanian transition economy; this application shows that the estimated output gap does contain significant regular and irregular cyclical components. * Paper prepared for the 28th General Conference of The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, Cork, Ireland, August 22 - 28, 2004.Potential Output, Output Gap, Orthogonal Regression, Cycle.
