1,960 research outputs found

    Anatomía foliar de Boehmeria caudata (Urticaceae) en la provincia de Tucumán, Argentina

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    Fernandez, Romina D.; Cecilia N. Cabrera; Patricia L. Albornoz; Marta E. Arias. 2011. “Anatomía foliar de Boehmeria caudata (Urticaceae) en la provincia de Tucumán, Argentina”. Lilloa 48 (1). B. caudata Sw. es una especie nativa, arbórea, con hojas enteras, opuestas, elípticas, trinervadas. El pecíolo y la lámina son pubescentes. Esta especie posee importancia medicinal y alto valor forrajero. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar la anatomía foliar de B. caudata en la provincia de Tucumán. Se utilizó material fresco y fijado en FAA al que se aplicaron técnicas histológicas convencionales. Se calculó densidad estomática, valor promedio del tamaño de estomas y rango de longitud de tricomas. Los resultados muestran que la lámina es dorsiventral, hipostomática con venación acródroma. Ambas epidermis son unistratas, con cutícula lisa. Cistolitos esféricos en superficie adaxial. Estomas anomocíticos y anisocíticos. Nervios 1º con haz vascular colateral. Tricomas simples y glandulares. Pecíolo circular a subcircular con 5 haces vasculares colaterales; tricomas similares a la lámina. Cristales de oxalato de calcio en lámina y pecíolo. Los caracteres anatómicos foliares de valor diagnóstico para la identificación de B. caudata son: arquitectura foliar; tipos de estomas y tricomas

    Detecting Mutations in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pyrazinamidase Gene pncA to Improve Infection Control and Decrease Drug Resistance Rates in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection.

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    Hospital infection control measures are crucial to tuberculosis (TB) control strategies within settings caring for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients, as these patients are at heightened risk of developing TB. Pyrazinamide (PZA) is a potent drug that effectively sterilizes persistent Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli. However, PZA resistance associated with mutations in the nicotinamidase/pyrazinamidase coding gene, pncA, is increasing. A total of 794 patient isolates obtained from four sites in Lima, Peru, underwent spoligotyping and drug resistance testing. In one of these sites, the HIV unit of Hospital Dos de Mayo (HDM), an isolation ward for HIV/TB coinfected patients opened during the study as an infection control intervention: circulating genotypes and drug resistance pre- and postintervention were compared. All other sites cared for HIV-negative outpatients: genotypes and drug resistance rates from these sites were compared with those from HDM. HDM patients showed high concordance between multidrug resistance, PZA resistance according to the Wayne method, the two most common genotypes (spoligotype international type [SIT] 42 of the Latino American-Mediterranean (LAM)-9 clade and SIT 53 of the T1 clade), and the two most common pncA mutations (G145A and A403C). These associations were absent among community isolates. The infection control intervention was associated with 58-92% reductions in TB caused by SIT 42 or SIT 53 genotypes (odds ratio [OR] = 0.420, P = 0.003); multidrug-resistant TB (OR = 0.349, P < 0.001); and PZA-resistant TB (OR = 0.076, P < 0.001). In conclusion, pncA mutation typing, with resistance testing and spoligotyping, was useful in identifying a nosocomial TB outbreak and demonstrating its resolution after implementation of infection control measures

    The evolution of the zooplankton community in the gulf of Cadiz, SW Iberian Peninsula

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    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has been conducting a multidisciplinary study of the marine ecosystem in the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC; SW Iberian Peninsula) since 2009 within the frame of the program Time Series of Oceanographic data in the Gulf of Cadiz (STOCA, in Spanish). The program maintains repeated observations along five across-shelf transects: three times a year from 2009 to 2012 and quarterly on hereafter. In this paper we present the temporal evolution of the zooplankton community in the GoC. In particular, we focused on samples from three stations located off the Guadalquivir river mouth: GD1 (20 m depth), GD3 (80 m) and GD6 (450 m). Samples were taken with bongo-40 cm paired zooplankton nets (mesh size 200 mm). Double oblique hauls were conducted from top to bottom or to a maximum depth of 200 m) while the ship was steaming at 2.5 kn. A total of 43 samples per station were included in the analysis. Samples were imaged with ZooScan. Full images were processed with ZooProcess which generated set of associated features measured on each identified object (Gorsky et al, 2010). These objects were sorted following a common taxonomic guide using the web application EcoTaxa (http://ecotaxa.obs-vlfr.fr). As a sanity check, a variable number of aliquots were directly identified by light microscopy. These results permitted the description of the mean and variable components of the plankton community, their seasonal in the context of the thermohaline and transport variability in the 2010s

    Viruses Previously Identified in Brazil as Belonging to HIV-1 CRF72_BF1 Represent Two Closely Related Circulating Recombinant Forms, One of Which, Designated CRF122_BF1, Is Also Circulating in Spain

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    Circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) are important components of the HIV-1 pandemic. Those derived from recombination between subtype B and subsubtype F1, with 18 reported, most of them of South American origin, are among the most diverse. In this study, we identified a HIV-1 BF1 recombinant cluster that is expanding in Spain, transmitted mainly via heterosexual contact, which, analyzed in near full-length genomes in four viruses, exhibited a coincident BF1 mosaic structure, with 12 breakpoints, that fully coincided with that of two viruses (10BR_MG003 and 10BR_MG005) from Brazil, previously classified as CRF72_BF1. The three remaining Brazilian viruses (10BR_MG002, 10BR_MG004, and 10BR_MG008) previously identified as CRF72_BF1 exhibited mosaic structures highly similar, but not identical, to that of the Spanish viruses and to 10BR_MG003 and 10BR_MG005, with discrepant subtypes in two short genome segments, located in pol and gp120env. Based on these results, we propose that the five viruses from Brazil previously identified as CRF72_BF1 actually belong to two closely related CRFs, one comprising 10BR_MG002, 10BR_MG004, and 10BR_MG008, which keep their CRF72_BF1 designation, and the other, designated CRF122_BF1, comprising 10BR_MG003, 10BR_MG005, and the viruses of the identified Spanish cluster. Three other BF1 recombinant genomes, two from Brazil and one from Italy, previously identified as unique recombinant forms, were classified as CRF72_BF1. CRF122_BF1, but not CRF72_BF1, was associated with protease L89M substitution, which was reported to contribute to antiretroviral drug resistance. Phylodynamic analyses estimate the emergence of CRF122_BF1 in Brazil around 1987. Given their close phylogenetic relationship and similar structures, the grouping of CRF72_BF1 and CRF122_BF1 in a CRF family is proposed.This work was funded through Acción Estratégica en Salud Intramural (AESI), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, projects “Estudios Sobre Vigilancia Epidemiológica Molecular del VIH-1 en España”, PI16CIII/00033, and “Epidemiología Molecular del VIH-1 en España y su Utilidad Para Investigaciones Biológicas y en Vacunas“, PI19CIII/00042, and through scientific agreement with Consellería de Sanidade, Government of Galicia (MVI 1004/16).S

    Contrasting CO2 and water vapour fluxes in dry forest and pasture sites of central Argentina

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    The dry forests of South America are a key player of the global carbon cycle and the regional water cycle, but they are being intensively deforested. We used eddy covariance measurements to compare the temporal patterns of CO2 and water vapour fluxes and their relationships with environmental variables in dry forest and pastures sites of central Argentina. Ecosystem fluxes showed clear contrasts in magnitude, timing and response to environmental controls between ecosystems. The dry forest displayed higher daily gross primary productivity (GPP, 10.6 vs. 7.8 g CO2 m−2 d−1) and ecosystem respiration (Reco, 9.1 vs. 7.0 g CO2 m−2 d−1) and lower net ecosystem exchange (NEE, −1.5 vs. −0.7 g CO2 m−2 d−1) than the pasture. These differences were explained by a lower tolerance of the pasture to cool temperatures and drought. The lowest NEE rates were observed between 26°C and 34°C in the pasture, but below this range, NEE increased sharply, switching to a carbon source with temperatures <20°C. By contrast, the dry forest remained as a strong carbon sink down to 18°C. The pasture also showed a stronger drop of GPP with drought compared with the dry forest, becoming a carbon source with soil wetness <25% of soil available water. Rainfall was strongly coupled with GPP in both ecosystems, but the dry forest responded to longer rainfall integration periods. This study helps to understand how ecosystems can respond to climate change, improve global scale modelling and increase the productivity and resilience of rangelands.Fil: Nosetto, Marcelo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico, Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi"; ArgentinaFil: Luna Toledo, Emanuel Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Chilecito; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Magliano, Patricio Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico, Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi"; ArgentinaFil: Figuerola, Patricia Irene. Universidad Nacional de Chilecito; ArgentinaFil: Blanco, Lisandro Javier. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico, Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi"; Argentin

    A KLHL40 3’ UTR splice-altering variant causes milder NEM8, an under-appreciated disease mechanism

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    Nemaline myopathy 8 (NEM8) is typically a severe autosomal recessive disorder associated with variants in the kelch-like family member 40 gene (KLHL40). Common features include fetal akinesia, fractures, contractures, dysphagia, respiratory failure, and neonatal death. Here, we describe a man in his 20s with relatively mild NEM8. He presented with hypotonia and bilateral femur fractures at birth, later developing bilateral Achilles’ contractures, scoliosis, and elbow and knee contractures. He had walking difficulties throughout childhood and became wheelchair bound during adolescence after prolonged immobilisation. Muscle MRI during adolescence indicated prominent fat replacement in his pelvic girdle, posterior compartments of thighs, and vastus intermedius. Muscle biopsy revealed nemaline bodies and intranuclear rods. RNA sequencing and western blotting of patient skeletal muscle indicated significant reduction in KLHL40 mRNA and protein respectively. Using gene panel screening, exome sequencing and RNA sequencing, we identified compound heterozygous variants in KLHL40; a truncating 10.9 kb deletion in trans with a likely pathogenic variant (c.*152G>T) in the 3’ untranslated region (UTR). Computational tools SpliceAI and Introme predicted the c.*152G>T variant created a cryptic donor splice site. RNA-seq and in vitro analyses indicated that the c.*152G>T variant induces multiple de novo splicing events that likely provoke nonsense mediated decay of KLHL40 mRNA explaining the loss of mRNA expression and protein abundance in the patient. Analysis of 3’ UTR variants in ClinVar suggests SNPs that introduce aberrant 3’ UTR splicing may be underrecognised in Mendelian disease. We encourage consideration of this mechanism during variant curation.This study was funded by an Australian NHMRC Investigator Grant (APP2007769), Fellowship (APP1117510) and Ideas Grant (APP2002640). The study was supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship, as well as resources provided by the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre with funding from the Australian Government and the Government of Western Australia.N

    A KLHL40 3' UTR splice-altering variant causes milder NEM8, an under-appreciated disease mechanism

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    Nemaline myopathy 8 (NEM8) is typically a severe autosomal recessive disorder associated with variants in the kelch-like family member 40 gene (KLHL40). Common features include fetal akinesia, fractures, contractures, dysphagia, respiratory failure and neonatal death. Here, we describe a 26-year-old man with relatively mild NEM8. He presented with hypotonia and bilateral femur fractures at birth, later developing bilateral Achilles’ contractures, scoliosis, and elbow and knee contractures. He had walking difficulties throughout childhood and became wheelchair bound from age 13 after prolonged immobilization. Muscle magnetic resonance imaging at age 13 indicated prominent fat replacement in his pelvic girdle, posterior compartments of thighs and vastus intermedius. Muscle biopsy revealed nemaline bodies and intranuclear rods. RNA sequencing and western blotting of patient skeletal muscle indicated significant reduction in KLHL40 mRNA and protein, respectively. Using gene panel screening, exome sequencing and RNA sequencing, we identified compound heterozygous variants in KLHL40; a truncating 10.9 kb deletion in trans with a likely pathogenic variant (c.*152G > T) in the 3′ untranslated region (UTR). Computational tools SpliceAI and Introme predicted the c.*152G > T variant created a cryptic donor splice site. RNA-seq and in vitro analyses indicated that the c.*152G > T variant induces multiple de novo splicing events that likely provoke nonsense mediated decay of KLHL40 mRNA explaining the loss of mRNA expression and protein abundance in the patient. Analysis of 3’ UTR variants in ClinVar suggests variants that introduce aberrant 3’ UTR splicing may be underrecognized in Mendelian disease. We encourage consideration of this mechanism during variant curation.LD is supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship. GR (Investigator Grant, APP2007769) and NGL (Fellowship APP1117510) are supported by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). This work is funded by NHMRC Ideas Grant (APP2002640). This work was supported by resources provided by the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre with funding from the Australian Government and the Government of Western Australia.Peer reviewe