13 research outputs found

    Intrusão Salina no Concelho de Tarrafal

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    Avaliação dos perigos vulcânicos e fenómenos associados na Ilha do Fogo (Cabo Verde) : implicações para o planeamento de emergência e ordenamento do território

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    Tese de Doutoramento, Geologia, especialidade de Vulcanologia, 27 de outubro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.O arquipélago de Cabo Verde é composto por 10 ilhas e vários ilhéus de origem vulcânica, sendo a ilha do Fogo a única onde se registaram erupções históricas. É neste contexto que o presente trabalho se debruça sobre a avaliação dos perigos vulcânicos e fenómenos associados nesta ilha, e nas respetivas implicações em termos de planeamento de emergência e ordenamento do território. Para se compreender melhor o vulcanismo da ilha do Fogo, fez-se o enquadramento geotectónico do arquipélago e da ilha, foi analisada bibliografia especializada e cartografadas as principais formas e produtos vulcânicos relacionados com a atividade mais recente. Foram também analisados e calculados os parâmetros morfométricos dos cones de escórias, comparando-se os resultados obtidos com os determinados para outras regiões vulcânicas. Paralelamente, fez-se a pesquisa, revisão e análise de todos os relatos encontrados sobre erupções vulcânicas e sismos históricos ocorridos na ilha do Fogo. Constatou-se que desde o ano de 1500 ocorreram cerca de 31 erupções vulcânicas localizadas no interior da caldeira do Vulcão do Fogo e no Pico do Fogo, cujos estilos eruptivos foram essencialmente havaiano e estromboliano e que tiveram significativos impactes económicos, sociais, ambientais e culturais. Com base na caracterização da história eruptiva desde 1500 identificaram-se os diversos perigos vulcânicos diretos e indiretos. Os primeiros correspondem às escoadas lávicas e piroclastos de queda de natureza basáltica, e gases vulcânicos. Os segundos são, sobretudo, os sismos que antecederam os vários episódios eruptivos. Para se efetuar a análise da suscetibilidade ao desenvolvimento de escoadas lávicas, realizaram-se vários ensaios utilizando o modelo de simulação “Grapel 4”, incluído na ferramenta de SIG designada por VORIS, para se determinarem os valores mais adequados para os parâmetros da modelação. Concluiu-se que o modelo numérico de elevação de terreno com células de 50 metros era o mais indicado. As áreas fonte consideradas são as diretamente relacionadas com a distribuição dos centros emissores pré-existentes e com as estruturas tectónicas. Foram assim produzidas duas cartas de suscetibilidade a escoadas lávicas, uma ao nível da ilha e outra considerando apenas as áreas fonte situadas no interior da caldeira. Ambas foram posteriormente utilizadas nos estudos de vulnerabilidades. [...]ABSTRACT: The Cape Verde archipelago consists of 10 islands and several islets of volcanic origin, being Fogo island the only one where historical volcanism has occurred. In this context, the present work focuses on the assessment of volcanic hazards and associated phenomena on this island, and in its respective implications for emergency and land use planning. To better understand the volcanism of Fogo island, the archipelago and the island geotectonic setting was characterized, the scientific literature was analysed and the mapping of the main volcanic forms and products related with the most recent activity was performed. Also, the morphometric parameters of cinder cones were analyzed and calculated and the results were compared with those obtained from similar studies for other volcanic regions. At the same time the research, review and analysis of all available accounts on Fogo island historical volcanic eruptions and earthquakes was performed. It was found that since the year 1500 about 31 volcanic eruptions had occurred inside the caldera of Fogo volcano and at Pico do Fogo whose eruptive styles were essentially Hawaiian and Strombolian causing significant economic, social, environmental and cultural impacts. Based on the characterization of the post 1500 eruptive history the various direct and indirect volcanic hazards were identified. The first ones correspond to lava flows and pyroclast fallout of basaltic nature and volcanic gases. The latter are mainly earthquakes that preceded several eruptive episodes In order to perform the analysis the susceptibility to lava flows on Fogo island, several tests were done using the simulation model "Grapel 4", included in the GIS tool VORIS to determine the most appropriate values for the modelling parameters. It was concluded that the most suitable numerical model of terrain elevation was the one with cells of 50 meters. The source areas defined are those directly related to the distribution of pre-existing eruptive centres and tectonic structures. Two susceptibility maps of lava flows were produced, one at the island scale and another based only in the source areas located within the caldera. Both were later used for vulnerability studies. Regarding the vulnerability to seismic and lava flows hazard the major exposed elements, including people, buildings, roads and water sources for seismic hazard and lava flows were analysed. [...]

    The construction of the credibility and identification ethé: analysis of the political speech Guinea-Bissau president José Mário Vaz

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    Este trabalho tem como foco principal analisar a construção dos ethé de credibilidade e de identificação do presidente da República da Guiné-Bissau José Mário Vaz, numa mensagem à nação e aos parlamentares sobre a então situação de tensão política entre os órgãos de soberania governamental, pronunciada em 2015. Para realizar tal intento, a metodologia baseia-se numa interpretação qualitativa dos dados, levando em consideração as concepções de ethos discursivo em Amossy (2013) e em Maingueneau (2008, 2013, 2018, 2020), e os postulados teóricos de Charaudeau (2015) sobre os ethé de credibilidade e de identificação. Os resultados indicam que há uma alternância na construção dos ethé do presidente José Mário Vaz, em decorrência do contexto sociopolítico de instabilidade política.This work has as main focus to analyze the construction of ethé of credibility and identification of the President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau José Mário Vaz, in a message to the nation and the parliamentarians about the situation of political tension between the organs of governmental sovereignty, pronounced in 2015. To achieve this goal, the methodology is based on a qualitative interpretation of the data, taking into account the conceptions of discursive ethos in Amossy (2013) and Maingueneau (2008, 2013, 2018, 2020), and the theoretical postulates of Charaudeau (2015) on the ethé of credibility and identification. The results indicate that there is an alternation in the construction of the ethé of President José Mário Vaz, due to the socio-political context of political instability

    Genome-wide identification, characterization and expression profiling of the ubiquitin-proteasome genes in biomphalaria glabrata

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    Biomphalaria glabrata is the major species used for the study of schistosomiasis-related parasite-host relationships, and understanding its gene regulation may aid in this endeavor. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) performs post-translational regulation in order to maintain cellular protein homeostasis and is related to several mechanisms, including immune responses. The aims of this work were to identify and characterize the putative genes and proteins involved in UPS using bioinformatic tools and also their expression on different tissues of B. glabrata. The putative genes and proteins of UPS in B. glabrata were predicted using BLASTp and as queries reference proteins from model organism. We characterized these putative proteins using PFAM and CDD software describing the conserved domains and active sites. The phylogenetic analysis was performed using ClustalX2 and MEGA5.2. Expression evaluation was performed from 12 snail tissues using RPKM. 119 sequences involved in the UPS in B. glabrata were identified, which 86 have been related to the ubiquitination pathway and 33 to proteasome. In addition, the conserved domains found were associated with the ubiquitin family, UQ_con, HECT, U-box and proteasome. The main active sites were lysine and cysteine residues. Lysines are responsible and the starting point for the formation of polyubiquitin chains, while the cysteine residues of the enzymes are responsible for binding to ubiquitin. The phylogenetic analysis showed an organized distribution between the organisms and the clades of the sequences, corresponding to the tree of life of the animals, for all groups of sequences analyzed. The ubiquitin sequence was the only one with a high expression profile found in all libraries, inferring its wide range of performance. Our results show the presence, conservation and expression profile of the UPS in this mollusk, providing a basis and new knowledge for other studies involving this system. Due to the importance of the UPS and B. glabrata, this work may influence the search for new methodologies for the control of schistosomiasis114CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ479890/2013-

    Instagram y rendimiento académico en estudiantes del cinfo de la UNC

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    Fil: Plaza, Hector. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Cabral, Anahi Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Torres, Jeremias Ezequiel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Altamirano, Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Villalba, Lautaro Ezequiel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Gigena, Pablo Cristian. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Metodología de la Investigación en Ciencias de la Salud; Argentina.Fil: Baudaux, Laura Daiana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Las redes sociales son estructuras formadas en Internet, por personas que se conectan a partir de intereses o valores comunes. A través de ellas, se crean relaciones de forma rápida y sin límites físicos.En jóvenes universitarios, la frecuencia del uso de la redes, impone posponer sus tareas y por ende incide en su rendimiento académico.OBJETIVO: Relacionar el tiempo de uso de Instagram y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios del CINFO de FO-UNC. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional descriptivo y transversal. La muestra está conformada por 321 sujetos seleccionados de una población de 1450 alumnos del CINFO en 2022. Para el cálculo de la muestra, se usó SurveyMonkey, con un nivel de confianza de 95% y un 5% de margen de error (304 alumnos). Se diseñó y realizó un cuestionario virtual (Google forms) semiestructurado conformado por 13 preguntas de opción múltiple y abiertas que indagan el uso de Instagram y su rendimiento académico. Se solicitó el consentimiento informado para participar en el estudio. Para el análisis de los datos cuantitativos se realizaron medidas de centralización (media). Las variables categóricas se expresaron con Frecuencia Relativa en porcentajes. Los datos fueron procesados por Excel. RESULTADOS: entre los que usan Instagram más de 3 horas, un41% son mujeres y en el caso de los varones es 32%, según la procedencia un 41% que usan la aplicación durante la misma cantidad de horas son de otras provincias fuera de Córdoba y relacionando esta cantidad de horas con las materias un 55,38% tiene nota sobresaliente(7-10) en Introducción a la Físicay Químicabiológica, un 57% en Introducción a odontología y un63,85% en biología celular. CONCLUSIONES: el análisis de los resultados nonos permite afirmar que el uso frecuente de Instagram es la causa determinante del bajo rendimiento académico de estudiantes porque gran parte de alumnos que usan esta red social durante una mayor cantidad de tiempo al día consiguen un alto rendimiento académico.Palabras claves:Red social/Instagram/estudiantes universitarios/ tiempo/https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RevFacOdonto/issue/view/2637/677Fil: Plaza, Hector. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Cabral, Anahi Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Torres, Jeremias Ezequiel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Altamirano, Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Villalba, Lautaro Ezequiel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Gigena, Pablo Cristian. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Metodología de la Investigación en Ciencias de la Salud; Argentina.Fil: Baudaux, Laura Daiana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Otras Ciencias de la Salu

    Satellite and Ground Remote Sensing Techniques to Trace the Hidden Growth of a Lava Flow Field: The 2014-15 Effusive Eruption at Fogo Volcano (Cape Verde)

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    Fogo volcano erupted in 2014–2015 producing an extensive lava flow field in the summit caldera that destroyed two villages, Portela and Bangaeira. The eruption started with powerful explosive activity, lava fountains, and a substantial ash column accompanying the opening of an eruptive fissure. Lava flows spreading from the base of the eruptive fissure produced three arterial lava flows. By a week after the start of the eruption, a master lava tube had already developed within the eruptive fissure and along the arterial flow. In this paper, we analyze the emplacement processes based on observations carried out directly on the lava flow field, remote sensing measurements carried out with a thermal camera, SO2 fluxes, and satellite images, to unravel the key factors leading to the development of lava tubes. These were responsible for the rapid expansion of lava for the ~7.9 km length of the flow field, as well as the destruction of the Portela and Bangaeira villages. The key factors leading to the development of tubes were the low topography and the steady magma supply rate along the arterial lava flow. Comparing time-averaged discharge rates (TADR) obtained from satellite and Supply Rate (SR) derived from SO2 flux data, we estimate the amount and timing of the lava flow field endogenous growth, with the aim of developing a tool that could be used for hazard assessment and risk mitigation at this and other volcanoes.This research received no external funding.Published11156V. Pericolosità vulcanica e contributi alla stima del rischioJCR Journa

    Tetraspanin co029 expression as a tumor biomarker for monoclonal antibodies preparation: antigenic assessment in colorectal cancer cells

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    Introduction: The identification of innovative cancer biomarkers is a very relevant ongoing quest. Moreover, their role in cancer diagnosis and clinical management has been radically changed in the last few years with the major emphasis on cancer molecular classification, therapeutic target identification, and therapeutic protocol responsivity. tetraspanins are a family of transmembrane proteins correlated with tumor stage, tumor type and patient outcome affecting cell growth, morphology, invasion, and metastasis. Methods: We expressed the 31kDa transmembrane human tetraspanin co029 antigen in Escherichia coli expression host cells using Gateway® platform. Western blotting and ELISA techniques, together with gene sequencing, confirmed the identity of TSP co029 recombinant protein. Forty clones producing antibodies against TSP co029 were obtained. These antibodies were incubated with human colorectal cancer cells in different conditions. ELISA and immunohistochemistry were also performed. Results: The expressed tetraspanin had an appropriate conformation and antigenic integrity to produce antibodies with affinity to the native TSP co029 biomarker. The affinity of the purified recombinant protein and antibodies were confirmed by western blotting, florescent staining of human colorectal cancer cells in fluorescence and confocal microscopies and by ELISA and immunohistochemistry. Conclusion: Our data showed that the recombinant protein and antibodies produced in this study allowed the confirmation of tetraspanin co029 protein presented on the surface of human colorectal cancer cells

    Genome-wide identification, characterisation and expression profiling of the ubiquitin-proteasome genes in Biomphalaria glabrata

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    Submitted by Nuzia Santos ([email protected]) on 2019-08-27T16:39:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Genome-wide identification.pdf: 12612955 bytes, checksum: fd4068e8355f870120d20ad7ff2c2fc6 (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Nuzia Santos ([email protected]) on 2019-08-27T16:43:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Genome-wide identification.pdf: 12612955 bytes, checksum: fd4068e8355f870120d20ad7ff2c2fc6 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2019-08-27T16:43:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Genome-wide identification.pdf: 12612955 bytes, checksum: fd4068e8355f870120d20ad7ff2c2fc6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Laboratório de Bioinformática e Análises Moleculares. Patos de Minas, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Laboratório de Bioinformática e Análises Moleculares. Patos de Minas, MG, BrasilFundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto René Rachou. Grupo de Pesquisa em Biologia do Schistosoma mansoni e sua Interação com o Hospedeiro. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Lavras. Departamento de Biologia. Seção de Fisiologia de Plantas. Laboratório de Fisiologia Molecular de Plantas. Lavras, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Escola de Farmácia. Departamento de Farmácia. Ouro Preto, MG, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto René Rachou. Grupo de Pesquisa em Biologia do Schistosoma mansoni e sua Interação com o Hospedeiro. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto René Rachou. Grupo de Pesquisa em Biologia do Schistosoma mansoni e sua Interação com o Hospedeiro. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Laboratório de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular. Patos de Minas, MG, Brasil.Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Instituto de Biologia. Departamento de Biologia Animal. Campinas, SP, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto René Rachou. Grupo de Pesquisa em Helmintologia e Malacologia Médica. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Laboratório de Bioinformática e Análises Moleculares. Patos de Minas, MG, Brasil.BACKGROUND: Biomphalaria glabrata is the major species used for the study of schistosomiasis-related parasite-host relationships, and understanding its gene regulation may aid in this endeavor. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) performs post-translational regulation in order to maintain cellular protein homeostasis and is related to several mechanisms, including immune responses. OBJECTIVE: The aims of this work were to identify and characterise the putative genes and proteins involved in UPS using bioinformatic tools and also their expression on different tissues of B. glabrata. METHODS: The putative genes and proteins of UPS in B. glabrata were predicted using BLASTp and as queries reference proteins from model organism. We characterised these putative proteins using PFAM and CDD software describing the conserved domains and active sites. The phylogenetic analysis was performed using ClustalX2 and MEGA5.2. Expression evaluation was performed from 12 snail tissues using RPKM. FINDINGS: 119 sequences involved in the UPS in B. glabrata were identified, which 86 have been related to the ubiquitination pathway and 33 to proteasome. In addition, the conserved domains found were associated with the ubiquitin family, UQ_con, HECT, U-box and proteasome. The main active sites were lysine and cysteine residues. Lysines are responsible and the starting point for the formation of polyubiquitin chains, while the cysteine residues of the enzymes are responsible for binding to ubiquitin. The phylogenetic analysis showed an organised distribution between the organisms and the clades of the sequences, corresponding to the tree of life of the animals, for all groups of sequences analysed. The ubiquitin sequence was the only one with a high expression profile found in all libraries, inferring its wide range of performance. MAIN CONCLUSIONS: Our results show the presence, conservation and expression profile of the UPS in this mollusk, providing a basis and new knowledge for other studies involving this system. Due to the importance of the UPS and B. glabrata, this work may influence the search for new methodologies for the control of schistosomiasis


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    Chamamos aqui de principais tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação, as comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem, a robótica, os sistemas tutoriais inteligentes, os sistemas hipermídia adaptativos, as simulações e laboratórios tradicionais e remotos e as tecnologias da realidade. Neste segundo volume do livro, discutimos o que chamamos acima de principais tecnologias digitais de informação, na forma de capítulos separados. Nele, procuramos integrar as informações teóricas trazidas no volume 1 com a prática no uso dessas tecnologias no ensino formal. Nossa esperança é que este material seja útil como bibliografia básica em cursos de pedagogia e licenciaturas, para disciplinas que tratem do uso de tecnologias digitais.&nbsp