143 research outputs found

    Presentation and discussion of the UAM/exercise I-1b: "Pin-Cell Burn-Up Benchmark" with the hybrid method

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    The aim of this work is to present the Exercise I-1b “pin-cell burn-up benchmark” proposed in the framework of OECD LWR UAM. Its objective is to address the uncertainty due to the basic nuclear data as well as the impact of processing the nuclear and covariance data in a pin-cell depletion calculation. Four different sensitivity/uncertainty propagation methodologies participate in this benchmark (GRS, NRG, UPM, and SNU&KAERI). The paper describes the main features of the UPM model (hybrid method) compared with other methodologies. The requested output provided by UPM is presented, and it is discussed regarding the results of other methodologies

    Scalable agent platforms with friendly interaction for modeling practical problems

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    Trabajo presentado al EGI Community Forum, celebrado en Bari (Italia) del 10 al 13 de noviembre de 2015.Many problems can be addressed in a realistic way with the help of Agent Based Model tools. However, these tools are sometimes not easy to use for a final user, or are not able to scale up to use the computing resources required by the problem. We propose to develop a general platform supporting different ABM solutions, and deployed as a service in HPC Cloud resources. We analyze a first possible pilot, through the discussion of a simple but real use case: the anthropogenic impact in the water quality in a lake.Peer Reviewe

    Tabu search-based method for bézier curve parameterization

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    A very important issue in many applied fields is to construct the fitting curve that approximates a given set of data points optimally in the sense of least-squares. This problem arises in a number of areas, such as computer-aided design & manufacturing (CAD/CAM), virtual reality, medical imaging, computer graphics, computer animation, and many others. This is also a hard problem, because it is highly nonlinear, over-determined and typically involves a large number of unknown variables. A critical step in this process is to obtain a suitable parameterization of the data points. In this context, this paper introduces a new method to obtain an optimal solution for the parameterization problem of the least-squares fitting Bézier curve. Our method is based on a local search metaheuristic approach for optimization problems called tabu search. The method is applied to some simple yet illustrative examples for the cases of 2D and 3D curves. The proposed method is simple to understand, easy to implement and can be applied to any kind of smooth data points. Our experimental results show that the presented method performs very well, being able to fit the data points with a high degree of accuracy.This research has been financially supported by the Computer Science National Program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Project Ref. #TIN2012-30768, Toho University, the University of Cantabria, and the Instituto de Física de Cantabria, a mixed research center of the University of Cantabria and CSIC-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.Peer Reviewe

    Updated Co-58 evaluation for background capture reaction (MT102) (JEF/DOC-1367)

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    The neutron capture (n,gamma) cross-section for 27-Co-58 theoretically presents a single resonance for 9 eV. However, after plotting the processed library, a discontinuity is made clear as the cross section plummets down to cero in a small range of energy where the peak of the resonance would be expected

    Propuesta de optimización para mejorar la eficiencia en la emisión de licencias de edificación en una municipalidad distrital, Piura, 2022

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    El objetivo general de la investigación fue diseñar una propuesta de optimización para mejorar la eficiencia en la emisión de Licencias de Edificación en una Municipalidad Distrital, Piura, 2022. La investigación fue de tipo básica, con un diseño no experimental, con un enfoque mixto, transversal y propositivo, en la cual se diagnosticó la situación actual de la optimización en la emisión de Licencias de Edificación, determinando los fundamentos teóricos de la optimización y evaluando la eficiencia en la emisión de Licencias de Edificación. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó un análisis documental y aplicación de cuestionarios. Asimismo, al ser un enfoque mixto, se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada. Se concluyó que una Municipalidad Distrital, Piura, no presenta eficiencia en la emisión de Licencias de Edificación, ya que no se tienen implementados programas de inducción y reinducción, no se fomenta una cultura colaborativa entre trabajadores, no se dictan capacitaciones sobre normativa aplicable, no se dictan charlas sobre las herramientas existentes y no se cuenta con un repositorio de lecciones aprendidas, finalmente se logró diseñar una Propuesta de optimización para mejorar la eficiencia en la emisión de Licencias de Edificación en una Municipalidad Distrital, Piura, 2022

    Mejora y Actualización del Plan de Mantenimiento Preventivo de Los Equipos Biomédicos del Área Central de Esterilización del Complejo Hospitalario Guillermo Kaelin de la Fuente

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    En la actualidad, de las entidades estatales, quizá los hospitales nacionales, son los que más sufren las consecuencias de la realidad del país; las condiciones en que se presta el servicio satisfacen apenas las necesidades de los usuarios, son consecuencia de carencias organizacionales que impiden la correcta administración del personal y de los recursos. Uno de los departamentos con mayores carencias dentro de los hospitales nacionales es el de mantenimiento. Con pocos recursos, encargados y operadores del departamento hacen lo posible, por mantener su servicio, pero cada día que pasa las carencias y vacíos administrativos hacen más difícil su labor. El funcionamiento de los equipos biomédicos de un hospital, es de vital importancia, ya que de ellos depende la realización de actividades necesarias, para proporcionar un servicio de calidad estipulado. Como en cualquier institución, se presentan complicaciones por falla de equipos, debido a varias causas: falta de un control en el mantenimiento, mala operación, finalización de su tiempo de vida útil, fallas en el sistema eléctrico, entre otros; y el Complejo Hospitalario Guillermo Kaelin De La Fuente no es la excepción. Es por ello que, surge la necesidad, de contar con rutinas de mantenimiento eficientes, pues con la aplicación de éstas, puede realizarse una mejor administración, referente al control, historial, procedimientos, estimado de tiempos para la ejecución y cantidad de personal necesario para brindarlos, y con éstos reducir costos, tiempo y brindar un servicio eficiente y eficaz

    Processing and validation of JEFF3-3.1.2 Cross-section Library into Various Formats: ACE, PENDF, GENDF, MATXSR and BOXER.

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    Following the processing and validation of JEFF-3.1 performed in 2006 and presented in ND2007, and as a consequence of the latest updated of this library (JEFF-3.1.2) in February 2012, a new processing and validation of JEFF-3.1.2 cross section library is presented in this paper. The processed library in ACE format at ten different temperatures was generated with NJOY-99.364 nuclear data processing system. In addition, NJOY-99 inputs are provided to generate PENDF, GENDF, MATXSR and BOXER formats. The library has undergone strict QA procedures, being compared with other available libraries (e.g. ENDF/B-VII.1) and processing codes as PREPRO-2000 codes. A set of 119 criticality benchmark experiments taken from ICSBEP-2010 has been used for validation purposes

    Processing of the JEFF-3.1.2 Cross Section Library into various formats (ACE, PENDF, GENDF, MATXSR and BOXER) for testing purposes

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    1. Objectives and planning 1.1 Processing JEFF-3.1.2 in ACE format 1.2 Processing JEFF-3.1.2 to JANIS and BOXER format 1.3 Changes in NJOY99.364 1.4 Updates in JEFF-3.1.2 1.5 Processing TENDL-201

    Cuckoo Search with Lévy Flights for Weighted Bayesian Energy Functional Optimization in Global-Support Curve Data Fitting

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    ABSTRACT. The problem of data fitting is very important in many theoretical and applied fields. In this paper, we consider the problem of optimizing a weighted Bayesian energy functional for data fitting by using global-support approximating curves. By global-support curves we mean curves expressed as a linear combination of basis functions whose support is the whole domain of the problem, as opposed to other common approaches in CAD/CAM and computer graphics driven by piecewise functions (such as B-splines and NURBS) that provide local control of the shape of the curve. Our method applies a powerful nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm called cuckoo search, introduced recently to solve optimization problems. A major advantage of this method is its simplicity: cuckoo search requires only two parameters, many fewer than other metaheuristic approaches, so the parameter tuning becomes a very simple task.The paper shows that this new approach can be successfully used to solve our optimization problem. To check the performance of our approach, it has been applied to five illustrative examples of different types, including open and closed 2D and 3D curves that exhibit challenging features, such as cusps and self-intersections. Our results show that the method performs pretty well, being able to solve our minimization problem in an astonishingly straightforward way.This research has been kindly supported by the Computer Science National Program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Project Ref. no. TIN2012-30768, Toho University (Funabashi, Japan), and the University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain)