575 research outputs found

    Nidificació tardana de Tachybaptus ruficollis al delta del Llobregat

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    Es comenta la nidificació d'una parella de cabusset al delta del Llobregat en el mes de setembre

    Modeling Exit and Entry of Farmers in a Crop Insurance Program

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    This paper examines the factors influencing farmer participation in crop insurance schemes, but unlike previous studies that focus on total demand, participation is disaggregated into entrants and those exiting. Modeling entry and exit decisions separately illustrates that the effect of a given variable is often muted by aggregation. In addition, the approach in this paper distinguishes between price and yield variables rather than total returns and is consequently able to demonstrate that price variables are particularly important for farmers considering enrolling in crop insurance, while yield variables and other risk management opportunities are more important for farmers who have been in the program but are deciding to exit. The result suggests that moral hazard is reduced significantly by calculating the coverage yield level for an individual producer on the basis of a moving average of past yields for that farmer. While yield and its variance are particularly influential in the participation decision for farmers currently enrolled, its significant impact on the insurance decision for all farmers highlights the importance of crop insurance as a potential adaptation strategy to weather events.crop insurance, entry and exit, panel data, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Datos diversos sobre la F. Rallidae (Aves, Gruiformes) en el delta del Llobregat (Barcelona)

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    El principio de buena fe como fuente de deberes secundarios de conducta en los contratos en Colombia

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    Artículo de ReflexiónEl principio de buena fe ha guiado el desarrollo normativo de todos los países de herencia occidental, y en lo que se refiere a los procesos contractuales privados el papel que cumple ha sido fundamental. Para la etapa precontractual, se ha producido un debate sobre qué tipo de responsabilidad se debe aplicar cuando se vulnera el principio de buena fe, si de tipo contractual o extracontractual. El presente artículo busca abordar este problema jurídico desde el análisis de la extensión de las obligaciones sobre las que debe recaer la inobservancia de la “buena conducta” por alguna de las partes y que signifique la no realización del negocio.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. EVOLUCIÓN HISTÓRICA DEL PRINCIPIO DE BUENA FE. 2. EL PRINCIPIO DE BUENA FE Y EL COMMON LAW. 3. APLICACIÓN DEL PRINCIPIO DE BUENA FE COMO FUENTE DE DEBERES SECUNDARIOS DE CONDUCTA EN LOS CONTRATOS EN COLOMBIA 4. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoAbogad

    An architecture supporting the development of serious games for scenario-based training and its application to Advanced Life Support

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    The effectiveness of serious games for training has already been proved in several domains. A major obstacle to the mass adoption of serious games comes from the difficulties in their development, due to the lack of widely adopted architectures that could streamline their creation process. In this thesis we present an architecture supporting the development of serious games for scenario-based training, a serious games for medical training we developed exploiting the architecture and the results of a study about its effectivenes

    Physiological Consequences of protein translocation stress in Bacillus subtilis

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    Bacillus subtilis is a soil-inhabiting bacterium, characterized by high-level protein secretion. Since secreted proteins are easy to harvest, B. subtilis is frequently employed in industry for enzyme production. Protein secretion from the cytoplasm, across the cytoplasmic membrane and into the growth medium takes place via the general secretion pathway (Sec) or the so-called twin-arginine (Tat) pathway. Interestingly, B. subtilis cells experience stress when being pushed towards high-level protein secretion. To date, the impact of this secretion stress at the level of the cytoplasmic membrane remained poorly understood, due to the hydrophobic nature and low abundance of membrane proteins. Studies described in this PhD thesis were therefore focused on a definition of protein secretion stress at the membrane level. To this end, a multidisciplinary approach combining biochemical and “omics” technologies was applied. In one series of experiments, the Tat pathway was overexpressed to enhance productivity. This resulted in the identification of a protein that closely interacts with the Tat pathway and modulates its activity. Moreover, high level expression of the Tat pathway resulted in prolonged bacterial growth, altered amino acid metabolism and downregulation of differentiation processes, such as biofilm formation and sporulation. In contrast, absence of the Tat pathway resulted in severe oxidative stress. Lastly, the stressful effects of secreting a staphylococcal antigen via the Sec pathway were analysed by absolute membrane protein quantification, which provided novel insights in the accompanying cellular rearrangements. Altogether, the present studies provide new leads for minimizing secretion stress and enhancing protein production in B. subtilis

    La cámara de cuentas de Andalucía: configuración legal, organización y estrategias

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    En un contexto socio-político marcado por la corrupción y la falta de control en las Administraciones Públicas, el objetivo de este trabajo se dirige a analizar el régimen jurídico del órgano de fiscalización externa de la Junta de Andalucía ─Cámara de Cuentas de Andalucía─, particularmente su organización y la función de control respecto a la gestión y fiscalización contable del sector público en el ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma. Asimismo, se analizarán: la adaptación a las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría del Sector Público (ISSAI), el procedimiento fiscalizador, la regulación de sus técnicas de información y el régimen de publicidad y transparencia de los resultados del control.In a social and political context of corruption and mismana-gement in Public Administrations, this paper describes and analyzes the autono-mic legal regime of the external control of public funds in Andalusia and if that control is really effective. Therefore, this article aims to investigate the organization and functions of the Court of Audit of Andalusia, the adaptation to the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI), the audit procedure, the regulation of its techniques of information and the publicity and transparency of the control results

    Liquid Transport Pipeline Monitoring Architecture Based on State Estimators for Leak Detection and Location

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    This research presents the implementation of optimization algorithms to build auxiliary signals that can be injected as inputs into a pipeline in order to estimate —by using state observers—physical parameters such as the friction or the velocity of sound in the fluid. For the state estimator design, the parameters to be estimated are incorporated into the state vector of a Liénard-type model of a pipeline such that the observer is constructed from the augmented model. A prescribed observability degree of the augmented model is guaranteed by optimization algorithms by building an optimal input for the identification. The minimization of the input energy is used to define the optimality of the input, whereas the observability Gramian is used to verify the observability. Besides optimization algorithms, a novel method, based on a Liénard-type model, to diagnose single and sequential leaks in pipelines is proposed. In this case, the Liénard-type model that describes the fluid behavior in a pipeline is given only in terms of the flow rate. This method was conceived to be applied in pipelines solely instrumented with flowmeters or in conjunction with pressure sensors that are temporarily out of service. The design approach starts with the discretization of the Liénard-type model spatial domain into a prescribed number of sections. Such discretization is performed to obtain a lumped model capable of providing a solution (an internal flow rate) for every section. From this lumped model, a set of algebraic equations (known as residuals) are deduced as the difference between the internal discrete flows and the nominal flow (the mean of the flow rate calculated prior to the leak). The residual closest to zero will indicate the section where a leak is occurring. The main contribution of our method is that it only requires flow measurements at the pipeline ends, which leads to cost reductions. Some simulation-based tes

    "They Always Get Our Story Wrong": Addressing Social Justice Activists' News Distrust Through Solidarity Reporting

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    This study positions social justice activists' objections to dominant reporting norms as a catalyst for critically reassessing these norms and their connection to diminishing trust in US journalism. Based on a conceptual application of discourse ethics to journalism and qualitative analysis of 28 in-depth interviews with social justice activists, we examine how participants experience and evaluate mainstream coverage of social justice, and why they think journalism could improve its trustworthiness through practices consistent with solidarity reporting norms

    Editorial - Número 23

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    La Revista Modulo Arquitectura CUC número 23 es el producto de un trabajo arduo por parte de todo el equipo de colaboradores y el comité editorial, siempre comprometidos con alcanzar estándares internacionales y nacionales de calidad científica con el anhelo de posicionar esta revista como referente permanente para investigadores, estudiantes y profesionales de la arquitectura y oficios afines