54 research outputs found

    Castell: a heterogeneous cmp architecture scalable to hundreds of processors

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    Technology improvements and power constrains have taken multicore architectures to dominate microprocessor designs over uniprocessors. At the same time, accelerator based architectures have shown that heterogeneous multicores are very efficient and can provide high throughput for parallel applications, but with a high-programming effort. We propose Castell a scalable chip multiprocessor architecture that can be programmed as uniprocessors, and provides the high throughput of accelerator-based architectures. Castell relies on task-based programming models that simplify software development. These models use a runtime system that dynamically finds, schedules, and adds hardware-specific features to parallel tasks. One of these features is DMA transfers to overlap computation and data movement, which is known as double buffering. This feature allows applications on Castell to tolerate large memory latencies and lets us design the memory system focusing on memory bandwidth. In addition to provide programmability and the design of the memory system, we have used a hierarchical NoC and added a synchronization module. The NoC design distributes memory traffic efficiently to allow the architecture to scale. The synchronization module is a consequence of the large performance degradation of application for large synchronization latencies. Castell is mainly an architecture framework that enables the definition of domain-specific implementations, fine-tuned to a particular problem or application. So far, Castell has been successfully used to propose heterogeneous multicore architectures for scientific kernels, video decoding (using H.264), and protein sequence alignment (using Smith-Waterman and clustalW). It has also been used to explore a number of architecture optimizations such as enhanced DMA controllers, and architecture support for task-based programming models. ii

    CellSim: a validated modular heterogeneous multiprocessor simulator

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    As the number of transistors on a chip continues increasing the power consumption has become the most important constraint in processors design. Therefore, to increase performance, computer architects have decided to use multiprocessors. Moreover, recent studies have shown that heterogeneous chip multiprocessors have greater potential than homogeneous ones. We have built a modular simulator for heterogeneous multiprocessors that can be configure to model IBM's Cell Processor. The simulator has been validated against the real machine to be used as a research tool.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Zonas Francas en Colombia, reforma tributaria Ley 2277 de 2022

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    A través de este artículo, se hace énfasis en la importancia de las zonas francas en Colombia desde la incidencia en el crecimiento económico y el desarrollo de las regiones, a través de su historia, evolución y datos estadísticos de la actualidad relacionado con el progreso. Las zonas francas se crearon con el fin de dinamizar las transacciones y operaciones comerciales en el exterior y de esta forma incentivar la inversión extranjera en el país; para ello, cuentan con beneficios tributarios sí se da cumplimiento a los lineamientos de la última reforma tributaria Ley 2277 de 2022 que, se caracteriza por orientar los beneficios a la cantidad de exportaciones que se realicen y a la vocación de las empresas. Las zonas francas funcionan como mecanismos de desarrollo y permiten atraer grandes inversiones, ya que con ellas se generan espacios a los empresarios sobre entornos de globalización para mejorar la productividad, innovación, transferencia de tecnología, competitividad e innovación, además de impulsar la diversificación y la expansión de mercados.UNIVERSIDAD LIBRE - FACULTA DE CIENCIAS ECONOMICAS - ESPECIALIZACION GERENCIA TRIBUTARIAThrough this article, emphasis is placed on the importance of free zones in Colombia from the impact on the economic growth and development of the regions, through their history, evolution and current statistical data related to progress. The free zones were created in order to boost commercial transactions and operations abroad and in this way encourage foreign investment in the country; To do this, they have tax benefits if the guidelines of the latest tax reform Law 2277 of 2022 are complied with, which is characterized by orienting the benefits to the amount of exports carried out and the vocation of the companies. Free zones function as development mechanisms and allow attracting large investments, since they create spaces for entrepreneurs in globalization environments to improve productivity, innovation, technology transfer, competitiveness and innovation, in addition to promoting diversification and market expansion

    CellSs : Scheduling techniques to better exploit memory hierarchy

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    ABSTRACT: Cell Superscalar’s (CellSs) main goal is to provide a simple, flexible and easy programming approach for the Cell Broadband Engine (Cell/B.E.) that automatically exploits the inherent concurrency of the applications at a task level. The CellSs environment is based on a source-to-source compiler that translates annotated C or Fortran code and a runtime library tailored for the Cell/B.E. that takes care of the concurrent execution of the application. The first efforts for task scheduling in CellSs derived from very simple heuristics. This paper presents new scheduling techniques that have been developed for CellSs for the purpose of improving an application’s performance. Additionally, the design of a new scheduling algorithm is detailed and the algorithm evaluated. The CellSs scheduler takes an extension of the memory hierarchy for Cell/B.E. into account, with a cache memory shared between the SPEs. All new scheduling practices have been evaluated showing better behavior of our system

    A module-based cell processor simulator

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    An interesting design alternative to replication-based chip multiprocessors is to create heterogeneous chip multiprocessors composed of several different cores, with one or more of them running the operating system and orchestrating execution, and the others serving as accelerators where parts of the application are off-loaded. We are developing a simulator for this kind of heterogenous architectures, using the Cell Broadband Engine as a first model and the UNISIM modular infrastructure. Thanks to UNISIM, the modules composing the simulator can be easily changed and replaced by others, allowing us to customize the processor and explore the design space for these emerging architectures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Hydraulic and hydrological studies for flood mitigation in Nueva Colombia stream

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    El presente trabajo se enfoca en el riesgo de inundación del arroyo Nueva Colombia, el cual atraviesa los barrios, La Esmeralda, Nueva Colombia y Carlos Meisel, los cuales se han visto afectados por los eventos extremos de precipitación. Es necesario realizar una caracterización adecuada de los barrios anteriormente mencionados, dado que es de suma importancia conocer cómo se encuentra la zona en términos sociales, culturales, económicos y demográficos, con el fin de determinar, como estos factores junto con las acciones antropogénicas han afectado la cuenca generando cambios tanto en calidad como en cantidad de agua. Por lo cual, se busca realizar el análisis del riesgo de inundación donde mediante el uso de fuentes bibliográficas confiables describir los eventos asociados a los distintos procesos climáticos y sus consecuencias. Se plantearon 3 alternativas como respuesta a la problemática de riesgo de inundación, de las cuales se optó por el uso de canal rectangular con 146 metros de escalonamiento usando concretos de 28 MPa y 35 MPa y mezcla binaria con ceniza volante clase F; considerando aspectos sociales, económicos y ambientales. Siendo esta solución aplicable como mitigación del riesgo y la prevención del riesgo de desastre.This work focuses on the risk of flooding of Nueva Colombia stream, which crosses the neighborhoods of La Esmeralda, Nueva Colombia, and Carlos Meisel, which have been affected by extreme precipitation events. It is necessary to conduct an adequate characterization of the aforementioned neighborhoods, since it is of utmost importance to know how the area is in social, cultural, economic and demographic terms, in order to determine how these factors together with anthropogenic actions have affected the basin, generating changes in both water quality and quantity. Therefore, a flood risk analysis has been made using reliable bibliographic sources to describe the events associated with the different climatic processes and their consequences. Three alternatives were proposed as a response to the flood risk problem, of which the use of a rectangular channel with 146 meters of staggering using 28 MPa and 35 MPa concrete and a binary mixture with class F fly ash was chosen: considering social, economic and environmental aspects. This solution is applicable for risk mitigation and disaster risk prevention

    Scalability of parallel video decoding on heterogeneous manycore architectures

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    This paper presents an analysis of the scalability of the parallel video decoding on heterogeneous many core architectures. As benchmark, we use a highly parallel H.264/AVC video decoder that generates a large number of independent tasks. In order to translate task-level parallelism into performance gains both the video decoder and the architecture have been optimized. The video decoder was modified for exploiting coarse-grain frame-level parallelism in the entropy decoding kernel which has been considered the main bottleneck. Second, a heterogeneous combination of cores is evaluated for executing different type of tasks. Finally, an evaluation of the memory requirements of the whole system has been carried out. Experiments conducted using a trace-driven simulation methodology shows that the evaluated system exhibits a good parallel scalability up to 68 cores. At this point the parallel video decoder is able to decode more than 200 HD frames per second using simple low power processors.Postprint (published version


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    La dermatofitosis es una enfermedad que afecta la piel, evidenciándose en el crecimiento de hongos en múltiples partes del cuerpo, generalmente las de mayor exposición. En la última década se ha encontrado que esta enfermedad se ha propagado en grandes proporciones, afectando principalmente los pobladores de la Ciénaga de la Virgen, por la elevada humedad y altas temperaturas. En ese contexto, esta investigación pretende identificar las propiedades antioxidantes y anti-micóticas que tiene la planta Cassia Fistula (Cañandonga) para prevenir la propagación del hongo en la piel de los habitantes de esta zona y/o mitigar los efectos producidos por los hongos dermatofitos en la dermis de los pacientes que se encuentren afectados.Se realizó una extracción metanólica para el fruto de Cassia Fistula, planta que prolifera en la ciudad de Cartagena, y fue tratada junto con el grupo de investigación genoma de la Universidad del Sinú, posteriormente se aplicó el método de Bornträger a los extractos para comprobar la presencia de antioxidante

    Multi-phase flow prediction in crude collection systems: description of requirements

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    For the last 60 years, many authors have studied the behavior of multiphase flow in pipelines. An extensive number of correlations and models exist in the literature for the evaluation and prediction of pressure gradients, flow patterns, liquid holdup, and fluid properties. The reliable calculation of scenarios from a detailed and rigorous model, guarantees the success of the operation. Decision making without prior knowledge of the various models involved in the prediction of flow behavior, leads to inadequate estimates, and unnecessary expenditures on human resources and computation. This happens in many occasions due to the lack of knowledge regarding the parameters affecting the hydraulic models, and to the lack of a methodology to model these profiles, which allows proposing situations that respond to the events for their respective prediction. This paper presents a review of the most relevant methods in the petroleum industry to characterize multiphase flow. A general methodology for an appropriate use of the various commercially available steady-state simulators is also proposed.Keywords: Flow Assurance, Multiphasic Flow, Stable state.Durante los últimos 60 años numerosos autores se han dedicado al estudio del comportamiento de flujo multifásico en tuberías. En la literatura existe un extenso número de correlaciones y modelos para la predicción y evaluación de gradientes de presión, patrones de flujo, holdup de líquido, y propiedades del fluido. El cálculo fiable de escenarios a partir de un modelo detallado y riguroso, garantiza el éxito de la operación. La toma de decisiones sin un conocimiento previo de los diversos modelos involucrados en la predicción del comportamiento de flujo, ocasiona estimaciones inadecuadas, y gastos innecesarios en recurso humano y de cómputo. Esto ocurre en muchas ocasiones debido a la falta de conocimiento de los parámetros que afectan los modelos hidráulicos, y a la inexistencia de una metodología que modele estos perfiles; con el fin de posteriormente poder predecir su comportamiento de forma acertada. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión de los métodos más relevantes en la industria del petróleo para caracterizar el flujo multifásico. Además, se propone una metodología general para el uso apropiado de los diversos simuladores en estado estable que existen comercialmente.Palabras Clave: Aseguramiento de Flujo, Flujo Multifásico, Estado Estable

    The SARC architecture

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    The SARC architecture is composed of multiple processor types and a set of user-managed direct memory access (DMA) engines that let the runtime scheduler overlap data transfer and computation. The runtime system automatically allocates tasks on the heterogeneous cores and schedules the data transfers through the DMA engines. SARC's programming model supports various highly parallel applications, with matching support from specialized accelerator processors.Postprint (published version