72 research outputs found

    In vivo stimulation of locus coeruleus: effects on amygdala subnuclei

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    The locus coeruleus (LC) is the major noradrenergic nucleus and sends projections to almost all brain areas. A marked increase in norepinephrine release has been demonstrated in several brain areas in response to exposure to acute stressful stimuli, especially those innervated by LC projections. One of the brain areas innervated by LC neurons is the amygdala, a structure highly involved in emotional processes and memory formation. The aim of this study was to increase knowledge of the functional connectivity between the LC and the amygdala subnuclei. To reach this objective, we evaluated c‑fos immunoreactive cells in amygdala nuclei following direct electrical stimulation of the LC in conscious animals. This analysis of c‑fos immunoreactivity could inform whether there are differences in activity of the amygdala subnuclei related to LC electrical stimulation in conscious animals. Our results showed a marked increase in c‑fos activity in these amygdala subnuclei both ipsilateral and contralateral to LC electrical stimulation in vivo. Therefore, our study provides evidence that in vivo electrical stimulation of LC is able to activate the amygdala subnuclei as measured by c‑fos expression

    Scale for environmental attitude in physical aActivities in natural environments

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    La realización de actividades físico-deportivas en el medio natural debe conllevar una actitud de respeto hacia el medioambiente entre los participantes. El objetivo de este artículo es diseñar y validar un instrumento para valorar la actitud ambiental generada en este tipo de prácticas en ámbitos formativos. El cuestionario se concretó en 16 ítems con 5 opciones de respuesta (1, Nada de acuerdo; 5, Muy de acuerdo). Para la validación de la escala se contó con una muestra de 162 estudiantes universitarios de titulaciones relacionadas con la actividad física y el deporte (grado o máster en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte), que han cursado alguna asignatura relacionada con las actividades físicas en el medio natural. La fiabilidad obtenida con el α de Cronbach fue de 0.75. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la escala de actitudes hacia el medioambiente en la práctica de actividades físico-deportivas en el medio natural es un instrumento válido y fiable para valorar la actitud hacia el medioambiente en la participación en actividades físico-deportivas en el medio natural, desde un modelo ecológico. Las conclusiones extraídas, tras su construcción, indican la conveniencia de revisar si las actividades físicas en el medio natural se desarrollan desde una perspectiva sostenible para que, en el caso de que no sea así, se apliquen las estrategias necesarias para su transformaciónEngaging in physical-sport activities in nature should lead to an attitude of respect for the environment among participants. The objective of this article is to design and validate an instrument to assess the environmental attitude generated in this kind of practice within the sphere of training. The questionnaire has 16 items with 5 response choices (1, totally disagree to 5, totally agree). To validate the scale, a sample was used of 162 university students in degrees related to physical activity and sport (Bachelor’s or Master’s in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences) who were taking a course related to physical activities in nature. The reliability obtained with the Cronbach’s α was 0.75. The results show that the scale of attitudes towards the environment in the practice of physical-sport activities in nature is a valid, reliable instrument from an ecological model. After its construction, the conclusions extracted indicate the advisability of checking whether physical activities in nature are carried out from a sustainable perspective so that if they are not, the strategies needed to transform them can be applie

    Diferenças na frequência cardíaca em situações de jogo modificadas de basquetebol formativo

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar y conocer las respuestas cardíacas de los baloncestistas en situaciones modificadas o reducidas de juego, para, en un futuro, desarrollar un plan de entrenamiento más eficaz. La muestra del estudio estuvo formada por 19 jugadores de baloncesto, 12 de ellos de categoría infantil y los 7 restantes de categoría cadete, pertenecientes a un club participante en Campeonatos de España de Baloncesto. Las situaciones de juego fueron 3x3 y 4x4, con presencia y ausencia de feedback por parte del entrenador, con una duración de 4 minutos y descanso activo de 3 minutos. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0.05) en las relaciones establecidas entre 3x3 sin feedback y 3x3 con feedback en ejercicio vigoroso; situación de 3x3 sin feedback y 3x3 sin feedback en ejercicio moderado; en situación de 3x3 y 3x3 con frecuencia cardíaca media; en situación de 4x4 y 4x4 con frecuencia cardíaca media; y en situación de 4x4 y 4x4 con frecuencia cardíaca media en relación a la categoría.The aim of this study was to determine and learn the heart rate responses of basketball players in small-sided or modified games, in order to develop a more effective workout plan in the future. The study sample consisted of 19 basketball players from a National Championship Club, 12 of them in the U’14 category and the remaining 7 belonging to the U’16 category. Small-sided games were 3x3 and 4x4 with a duration of 4 minutes and an active break of 3 minutes. Significant differences (p<0.05) were found referring to the relations established between 3x3 without feedback and 3x3 with feedback in vigorous exercise; in 3x3 without feedback and 3x3 with feedback in moderate exercise; in 3x3 and 3x3 with average heart rate; in 4x4 and 4x4 with average heart rate and in 4x4 and 4x4 with average heart rate related to game categories.O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar e conhecer as respostas cardíacas dos basquetebolistas em situações modificadas ou reduzidas de jogo para, no futuro, desenvolver um plano de treino mais eficaz. A amostra deste estudo foi formada por 19 jogadores de basquetebol - 12 dos quais de categoria infantil e 7 dos quais de categoria cadete – que pertencem a um clube participante nos Campeonatos espanhóis de basquetebol. As situações de jogo foram 3x3 e 4x4, com presença e ausência de feedback por parte do treinador, com uma duração de 4 minutos e com um descanso ativo de 3 minutos. Encontraram-se diferenças significativas (p<0.05) nas relações estabelecidas entre 3x3 sem feedback e 3x3 com feedback em exercício árduo; situação de 3x3e de 3x3 com frequência cardíaca média; situação de 4x4 e 4x4 com frequência cardíaca média; e em situação de 4x4 e 4x4 com frequência cardíaca média em relação à categoria.peerReviewe

    Are probiotic treatments useful on fibromyalgia syndrome or chronic fatigue syndrome patients? A systematic review

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    Evidence suggests that the gut microbiota might play an important role in fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Our goal is to systematically review the reported effect of probiotic treatments in patients diagnosed with FMS or CFS. A systematic review was carried out using 14 databases (PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, PsycINFO, and others) in February 2016 to search for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and pilot studies of CFS or FMS patient, published in the last ten years (from 2006 to 2016). The Jadad scale was used to asseverate the quality of the clinical trials considered. Two studies (n=83) met the inclusion criteria, which were performed in CFS patients and both studies were considered as a ‘High range of quality score’. The administration of Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota in CFS patients, over the course of 8 weeks, reduced anxiety scores. Likewise, this probiotic changed the faecal composition following 8 weeks of treatment. Additionally, the treatment with Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 in CFS patients, during the same period, reduced inflammatory biomarkers. The evidence about the usefulness of probiotics in CFS and FMS patients remains limited. The studied strains of probiotics have demonstrated a significant effect on modulating the anxiety and inflammatory processes in CFS patients. However, more experimental research, focusing mainly on the symptoms of the pathologies studied, is needed

    The Effect of Multiprobiotics on Memory and Attention in Fibromyalgia: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic, generalized and diffuse pain disorder accompanied by cognitive deficits such as forgetfulness, concentration difficulties, loss of vocabulary and mental slowness, among others. In recent years, FMS has been associated with altered intestinal microbiota, suggesting that modulating gut microbiota (for example, through probiotics) could be an effective therapeutic treatment. Thus, the aim of the present study was to continue exploring the role of probiotics in cognitive processes in patients with FMS. A pilot randomized controlled trial was conducted in 31 patients diagnosed with FMS to compare the effects of a multispecies probiotic versus a placebo on cognitive variables (memory and attention) after eight weeks. Results showed that treatment with a multispecies probiotic produced an improvement in attention by reducing errors on an attention task, but it had no effect on memory. More specifically, a tendency to reduce errors of omission (Go trials) during the Go/No-Go Task was observed after treatment. These findings, along with our previous results in impulsivity, underline the relevance of using probiotics as a therapeutic option in FMS, although more research with a larger sample size is required

    Limitations of service-learning in initial training in physical activity and sports

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    El Aprendizaje-Servicio constituye un enfoque innovador que fomenta la participación solidaria del alumnado. Ha mostrado tener beneficios tanto para el aprendizaje como para su desarrollo personal. Aunque no se duda de la potencialidad formativa de los proyectos de Aprendizaje-Servicio, su aplicación presenta limitaciones (dificultades e inconvenientes) que requieren una revisión profunda, con el fin de poder obtener criterios claros para el desarrollo de experiencias de éxito. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las limitaciones de la implementación de una experiencia de Aprendizaje-Servicio en actividad físico-deportiva en formación inicial. Participaron tres docentes de la asignatura Actividades Físico-Deportivas en el Medio Natural del grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y 30 alumnos de segundo curso con participación voluntaria y 61 receptores del servicio. La información se recogió a través de un portafolio del alumnado y entrevistas al alumnado y el diario del docente. Entre las dificultades detectadas en la experiencia destacan: (1) la falta de formación y experiencia del alumnado universitario en lo referente al diseño, intervención y evaluación de proyectos de actividad físico-deportiva; (2) la elevada carga de trabajo tanto para profesorado como para alumnado; y (3) la dificultad para desarrollar acciones coordinadas, tanto entre programas, como entre profesorado y alumnado, como entre el propio alumnado. La limitación de la investigación viene dada por el contexto de estudio y la aplicación de un programa específico de actividad físicaService-Learning is an innovative approach that encourages solidarity participation of students, which has shown benefits for students’ learning and their personal development. Although there is no doubt about the formative potential of Service-Learning projects, its application has limitations (difficulties and inconveniences) that require a deep review, in order to draw clear criteria for the development of successful experiences. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyze the limitations of the implementation of a Service-Learning experience in physical activity and sport in initial training. Three teachers of the subject in Physical Activities and Sports in the Natural Environment of the Physical Activity and Sports Science degree at the Autonomous University of Madrid took part in the study, along with 30 second-year students who voluntarily offered to participate, and 61 service recipients. The information was collected through portfolios and interviews with the students, and with teachers’ logs. Among the difficulties detected in the experience we found: (1) university students’ lack of training and experience with the design, intervention, and assessment of physical activity and sports projects; (2) high workload for both teachers and students; and (3) difficulty to develop coordinated actions among programs, between teachers and students, and among the students themselves. Limitations of this research are represented by the study context and the application of specific programs of physical activit

    Formative assessment in service-learning. An experience in physical activities in natural environment

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    En este trabajo se presenta la propuesta de evaluación de un proyecto de Aprendizaje-Servicio desarrollado en el grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, concretamente en la asignatura de Actividades Físico-Deportivas en el Medio Natural (2º curso), como trabajo grupal-opcional para la evaluación continua del alumnado. El portafolio constituye el instrumento empleado para recoger las evidencias del trabajo realizado por el grupo en sus diferentes fases. El principal propósito se ha centrado en ofrecer una evaluación formativa, basada en la retroalimentación y en los procesos que ayuden al estudiante a conseguir los objetivos pretendidos, asegurando el éxito en sus aplicaciones y reforzando tanto la adquisición como el desarrollo de las competencias profesionales, mediante la aplicación de experiencias a una situación de práctica real. La propuesta desarrollada ha sido muy bien valorada por los estudiantes del Grado, así como por el alumnado y responsables de los contextos de intervención (servicio). A pesar de incidir de forma objetiva sobre las competencias docentes y generar un interesante impacto sobre el servicio prestado, es necesario desarrollar procesos de evaluación viables y sostenibles, teniendo en cuenta la alta carga de trabajo.In this paper we present the assessment proposal of a Service-Learning Project developed in the Degree of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at Autonomous University of Madrid, specifically at the subject of Physical Activities in the Natural Environment as an optional group work for the continuous assessment of the students. The portfolio constitutes the instrument used to collect the evidences of the work carried out by the group in its different phases. The main purpose has been to offer a formative assessment, based on feedback and processes that help the student achieve the intended objectives, ensuring success in their applications and reinforcing both the acquisition and development of professional skills through the application of experiences to a real practice situation. The experience developed has been highly valued by the students of the Degree and by the students and responsible for the intervention contexts (service). Despite having an objective impact on teaching competences and generating an interesting impact on the service provided, it is necessary to develop viable and sustainable evaluation processes, taking into account the high workload

    Diseño y validación de una escala para evaluar el aprendizaje-servicio universitario en actividad física y deporte

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    The interest that Service-Learning is having in the framework of HigherEducation encourages verification of its effects on university education. Forthis purpose, we need rigorous and reliable tools that help us measure theimpact of these training proposals from a comprehensive approach. Thisarticle describes the process for the design and validation of an instrumentthat allows us to assess the evaluation of the perception of universitystudents regarding Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sport and howthey contribute to their learning. For the construction of the instrument, abibliographic review was carried out related to the proposed objective. Forvalidation, 200 students from five Spanish universities who had participatedduring the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 courses in some experience of Service-Learning in Physical Activity with groups at a disadvantage were included.Content validation was developed by six experts. A confirmatory factoranalysis was carried out to assess the theoretical dimension structureproposed for the scale and the internal consistency of the global scale andeach of its dimensions was checked. The results confirm the adequacy ofthe chosen structural model (RMSEA = .08) and the reliability of the scale(α = .95) and of each of its dimensions (α between .68 and .86). It is concludedthat the scale is valid for measuring students’ perception of participation inUniversity Service-Learning experiences and their contribution to learningand personal and social development. In addition, it will allow us to objectifyand validate the specific effects that this pedagogical approach has in itseducational, professional, personal and community aspect.El interés que está teniendo el Aprendizaje-Servicio en el marco de la Educación Superior incita a comprobar sus efectos en la formación universitaria. Para ello se precisa de herramientas rigurosas y fiables que ayuden a medir el impacto de estas propuestas formativas desde un enfoque integral. Eneste artículo se describe el proceso de diseño y validación de un instrumento que permita evaluar la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios sobre el Aprendizaje-Servicio en Actividad Física y Deporte y cómo contribuyen a su aprendizaje. Para la construcción del instrumento se realizó una revisión bibliográfica relacionada con el objetivo propuesto. Para su validación se contó con 200 estudiantes de cinco universidades españolas, que participaron  durante los cursos 2017/2018 y 2018/2019 en alguna experiencia de Aprendizaje-Servicio en Actividad Física con colectivos en situación de desventaja. La validación de contenido fue llevada a cabo por seis expertos. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio para valorar la estructura de dimensiones teóricas propuesta para la escala y se comprobó la consistencia interna de la escala global y de cada una de sus dimensiones. Los resultados confirman la adecuación del modelo estructural elegido (RMSEA= .08) y la fiabilidad de la escala (α = .95) y de cada una de sus dimensiones (α entre .68 y .86).  Se concluye que laescala es válida para medir la percepción del alumnado sobre la participación en experiencias de Aprendizaje-Servicio Universitario y su contribución al aprendizaje y desarrollo personal y social. Además, nos permitirá objetivar y validar los efectos concretos que tiene este enfoque pedagógico en su dimensión formativa, profesional, personal y comunitaria