146 research outputs found

    La incorporación de las líneas móviles al marco muestral de las encuestas telefónicas: Pertinencia, métodos y resultados

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    En una parte creciente de los hogares españoles (entre el 20% y el 25% según la fuente consultada), el teléfono móvil ha reemplazado al fijo como la herramienta principal de comunicación a distancia. Las personas que residen en estos hogares presentan un perfil específico que les diferencia de aquellos que disponen de ambas tecnologías, y, en mayor medida, de quienes sólo tienen teléfono fijo. La consecuencia principal de este proceso para la investigación mediante encuestas telefónicas es que, si bien la cobertura de la telefonía es prácticamente universal, cada día son más los hogares excluidos del marco muestral de las encuestas telefónicas tradicionales. En los últimos años se ha generado un cuerpo creciente de literatura en torno a este problema que advierte de la necesidad de incorporar las líneas móviles en las encuestas telefónicas. Desde 2007, hemos llevado a cabo seis encuestas, de ámbito nacional y regional, basadas en el uso de marcos muestrales duales de líneas fijas y móviles. El objetivo del artículo es contribuir al debate sobre las soluciones al reto que plantea la población que sólo es accesible a través del móvil. Para ello, expondremos los procedimientos técnicos y metodológicos que hemos aplicado para realizar estas encuestas. Asimismo, basándonos en los resultados obtenidos, mostraremos que la incorporación de las líneas móviles tiene efectos positivos sobre los indicadores de calidad de las encuestas y los datos recogidos en ellas.Peer Reviewe

    Stress vs sputtering effects in the propagation of surface ripples produced by ion-beam sputtering

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    The proceeding at: 19th International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials (IBMM 2014). Took place at 2014, September, 14-19, in Bruges (Belgium). The event Web Site in https://iks32.fys.kuleuven.be/indico/event/16/Under low energy ion irradiation, periodic features (ripples) can develop on the surfaces of semiconductor materials, with typical sizes in the nanometric range. Recently, a theory of pattern formation has been able to account for the variability with the ion/target combination of the critical angle value separating conditions on ion incidence that induce the presence or the absence of ripples. Such a theory is based in the accumulation of stress in the damaged irradiated layer and its relaxation via surface-confined viscous flow. Here we explore the role of stress, and its competition with purely erosive mechanisms, to deter-mine the sign of the velocity with which the ripple pattern moves across the target plane. Based on this theory, we discuss different situations and make specific testable predictions for the change of sign in that velocity.Our work has been funded through MINECO (Spain) grants FIS2012-38866-C05-01, FIS2012-32349, and FIS2013-47949-C2-2. A.M.-B. acknowledges support from MINECO, through FPI scholarship BES-2010-036179.Publicad

    BiblogTecarios: el poder de las conexiones y del crowdsourcing

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    BiblogTecarios (“blogging librarians”) was created with a clear objective: to offer its members the possibility of having a platform to publish their knowledge, concerns and opinions about their professional sector, that of Information and Documentation. Since its beginnings it has been clear that the purpose of the project was not intended to allow a few to publish each day, but rather that the more people participating in the project, the greater variety of topics could be discussed. Now that BiblogTecarios has 40 blogs, communication tools are essential for the proper functioning of the website, as well as the desire to work on a joint (collaborative and cooperative) project. Crowdsourcing, or the collective intelligence of its members, helped this project to grow; personal connections and collective work are the key pillars for its continued growth. BiblogTecarios connects people: it is crowdsourcing

    Trabalho com Famílias refugiadas em Intervenção Precoce: desenvolvemos autonomia ou criamos dependência?

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    Considerando as práticas recomendadas em Intervenção Precoce, as quais defendem modelos centrados na família, Dempsey & Dunst (2004); Dunst (2017); Dunst & Espe-Sherwindt (2016); Espe-Sherwindt & Serrano (2016), durante as etapas do desenvolvimento infantil, a autora busca conhecer as abordagens adotadas por profissionais da IP, que contemplem ações sistemáticas no acolhimento e planejamento individualizado das famílias refugiadas residentes na Alemanha.Para isso serão realizadas entrevistas com profissionais que tenham uma relação direta com essas famílias, assim como o relato das próprias famílias assistidas, a fim de identificarmos as dificuldades e as alternativas encontradas tantos por profissionais quanto pelas famílias.

    Estimating uncertainty in density surface models

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    This work was funded by OPNAV N45 and the SURTASS LFA Settlement Agreement, and being managed by the U.S. Navy’s Living Marine Resources program under Contract No. N39430-17-C-1982.Providing uncertainty estimates for predictions derived from species distribution models is essential for management but there is little guidance on potential sources of uncertainty in predictions and how best to combine these. Here we show where uncertainty can arise in density surface models (a multi-stage spatial modelling approach for distance sampling data), focussing on cetacean density modelling. We propose an extensible, modular, hybrid analytical-simulation approach to encapsulate these sources. We provide example analyses of fin whales Balaenoptera physalus in the California Current Ecosystem.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    In vitro pilot study to determine the accuracy of the ARCUSdigma to determine condylar positions

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    En este trabajo pretendemos determinar la precisión, entendida como el grado de concordancia de las medidas entre si, de un pantógrafo electrónico (ARCUSdigma) en la determinación de dos posiciones condilares seleccionadas, sobre una muestra constituida por los modelos de siete pacientes montados en articulador semiajustable. Tras analizar los resultados obtenidos y teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones con que cuenta el estudio, podemos concluir que dicho instrumento presenta una alta precisión a la hora de realizar tales determinaciones.n this work we seek to determine the accuracy (it is the concordance of the measures) of an electronic pantograph (ARCUSdigma) to determine two condylar positions. We have a sample constituted by the models of seven patients mounted in a semiajustable articulator. In spite of the limitations of this study, the results indicate that the instrument has a high precision for these determinations

    Interacción con la Música Flamenca: Análisis y Generación

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    One main concern in Europe is the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. Music is a main component of such heritage and flamenco is a main part of Andalusian musical culture. Focusing on flamenco music, in this paper, we describe steps on the analysis and generation of flamenco music oriented towards the diffusion and promotion of this musical style. Specifically, the separation of meaningful musical audio elements from flamenco excerpts by means of the scheme that will be described provides a novel an interactive way of listening to flamenco music by enabling the user to select or emphasize audio elements at will. Also, the scheme for the interactive generation of flamenco music that will be presented allows the user to play and interact with flamenco music by means of a user friendly interface implemented for iOS devices.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ese trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por Campus de Excelencia Internacional en Patrimonio, PATRIMONIUN-10, para programas de generación de investigación de referencia internacional en materia de Patrimonio Cultural y Natural, convocatoria realizada en el ámbito del proyecto PATRIMONIUN-10, Jaén, Marzo de 2014, y por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España, Proyecto TIN2013-47276-C6-2-R

    Self-organized nanopattrening of silicon surfaces by ion beam sputtering

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    In recent years Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) has revealed itself as a powerful technique to induce surface nanopatterns with a large number of potential applications. These structures are produced in rather short processing times and over relatively large areas, for a wide range of materials, such as metals, insulators, and semiconductors. In particular, silicon has become a paradigmatic system due to its technological relevance, as well as to its mono-elemental nature, wide availability, and production with extreme flatness. Thus, this review focuses on the IBS nanopatterning of silicon surfaces from the experimental and the theoretical points of view. First, the main experimental results and applications are described under the light of the recently established evidence on the key role played by simultaneous impurity incorporation during irradiation, which has opened a new scenario for an improved understanding of the phenomenon. Second, the progress and state-of-art of the theoretical descriptions of the IBS nanopatterning process for this type of targets are discussed. We summarize the historical approach to IBS through simulation techniques, with an emphasis on recent information from Molecular Dynamics methods, and provide a brief overview of the earlier and most recent continuum models for pure and compound systems.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministries of Science and Innovation (grants Nos. FIS2009-12964-C05-01, FIS2009-12964-C05-03, FIS2009-12964-C05-04, and BES-2010-036179) and of Economy and Competitiveness (grants Nos. FIS2012-38866-C05-01 and FIS2012-38866-C05-05, FIS2012-32349 and FIS2013-47949-C2-2). A.R.C. also acknowledges funding from SFRH/BPD/74095/2010 (Portugal) and from Juan de la Cierva program (Spain) under contract No. JCI-2012-14509.Publicad

    Relación entre empoderamiento familiar y calidad de los servicios de atención temprana

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    Este trabajo pretende estudiar el nivel de empoderamiento de las familias en relación con la Calidad de los Servicios de Atención Temprana en España, donde en la actualidad se está viviendo una transformación en los modelos de intervención. La recogida de datos se esta llevando a cabo a través de la percepción de las familias receptoras de  estos servicios. Se están utilizando las siguientes herramientas: FOS (Early Childhood Outcomes Center, 2010); FES (Paul E. Koen, Neal DeChillo y Barbara J. Fieson, 1992), FSS (Dunst, Trivette y Jenkins, 1984) y Family FINESSE (McWilliam, 2015). Para llevar a cabo este trabajo, hemos desarrollado el Análisis Factorial Exploratorio de Family FINESSE. Así pues, presentamos los factores analizados en dicha escala, así como otros datos psicométricos de la misma

    Centric relation: concepts revision and recording techniques. Part I

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    La relación céntrica ha sido objeto de disparidad de criterios en la odontología durante más de un siglo. A lo largo de este trabajo, vamos a exponer diferentes métodos usados tanto para obtener el registro, como para comprobar su certeza y corroborar la posición condilar. Dado que no existe evidencia científica en el tema, en este trabajo, revisaremos los estudios experimentales que aparecen en la literatura. Los hemos divididos en dos partes, la primera relacionada con la definición de relación céntrica y la segunda parte relacionada con técnicas de registro, posición condilar y la discrepancia entre relación céntrica y oclusión céntrica.The centric relation has been controversial on dentistry during more of one century. Along of this work, we are going to expose different methods to recording as checking the accuracy and condilar position. Given that there aren’t scientific evidence, in this work, we review the researches ublicated. We have divided them into two parts; the first is related with the definition of centric relation and the second part is related with recording techniques, condilar position and centric relation- centric occlusion discrepancy