2,887 research outputs found

    Video corrections of undergraduate teaching lab reports

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    Comunicació presentada a INTED2019, 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. (March 11-13, 2019, Valencia, Spain).Here it is presented a new methodology based on using video recordings for the evaluation and marking of lab reports in the undergraduate teaching labs. Students are typically requested these reports at each lab session. The reports are partly (or fully) used for the determination of the students mark related to the teaching labs. These reports do not always have the quality expected, since undergraduate students frequently experience different difficulties. Video recordings of the marking process of the reports, with the inclusion of a detailed identification and explanation of the mistakes found, have been performed for the Materials Technology subject in the 4th course of the Industrial Technology Engineering degree. These video recordings, unlike the typically adopted corrections using text comments, were more warmly welcomed by the students, increased the comprehension of the mistakes they performed, and helped them to learn how to prepare higher quality reports. In addition, most of the students considered that these video corrections should be generally implemented in all the teaching labs. Finally, it was also found that marking through this method saves a significant amount of marking time to the lecture

    Reasoning on transition from manipulative strategies to general procedures in solving counting problems

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    We describe the procedures used by 11- to 12-year-old students for solving basic counting problems in order to analyse the transition from manipulative strategies involving direct counting to the use of the multiplication principle as a general procedure in combinatorial problems. In this transition, the students sometimes spontaneously use tree diagrams and sometimes use numerical thinking strategies. We relate the findings of our research to recent research on the representational formats on the learning of combinatorics, and reflect on the didactic implications of these investigations

    Inductive reasoning in the justification of the result of adding two even numbers

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    In this paper we present an analysis of the inductive reasoning of twelve secondary students in a mathematical problem-solving context. Students were proposed to justify what is the result of adding two even numbers. Starting from the theoretical framework, which is based on Pólya’s stages of inductive reasoning, and our empirical work, we created a category system that allowed us to make a qualitative data analysis. We show in this paper some of the results obtained in a previous study

    The 16th Century mathematics academy: Philip II, Siliceo, Juan de Herrera

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    During the 16th century, architects, and engineers performed a crucial role in the Spanish monarchy. They were new social agents and leaders combining theoretical and practical knowledge in their professional practice. Engineers and architects connect to scientific culture through the so-called “arts”, which include the military arts, construction, extracting benefits from metals (or metallurgy), and navigation, or nautical science. The scientific renaissance underway in Hispanic society continued during the reign of Philip II (1556-1598). For the first Ame, during this period, the cultivation of scientific-technical knowledge became a State affair, as the rulers recognized the great utility of improving management of the Empire

    Surge glaciers during the Little Ice Age in the Pyrenees

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    Producción CientíficaLos complejos morrénicos históricos de los Pirineos contienen elementos de interés para conocer los cambios climáticos históricos y su evolución. La complejidad temporal que muestran permiten aproximarnos a la evolución y la dinámica de los glaciares durante la Pequeña Edad de Hielo (PEH). Además, la presencia de formas de modelado glaciar como crestas de compresión, morrenas hummocky y flutes señalan una dinámica glaciar definida por la presencia de flujos rápidos. La idea de este trabajo es mostrar la existencia de formas de modelado asociadas a flujos de hielo rápido o glaciares de oleada, así como su extensión, temporalidad y significado ambiental. Basados en el análisis de sistemas de formas glaciares (glacier landsystem), a partir de las huellas geomorfológicas como flutes, morrenas de empuje y morrenas hummocky en 17 complejos glaciares, se establece la existencia de flujos de hielo rápidos o glaciares de oleada durante la PEH. El análisis de morfosecuencias mediante trabajo de campo, fotointerpretación y fuentes históricas en 8 complejos morrénicos de la PEH y su comparación con reconstrucciones previas del clima en la Península Ibérica y Europa han permitido establecer como hipótesis una rápida respuesta de los glaciares a los breves cambios temporales de temperatura y humedad. Los circos glaciares con huellas de flujos rápidos se sitúan en los macizos más altos, siempre con las cumbres por encima de 3000 m, y están orientados prioritariamente al norte (88%). Los complejos morrénicos estudiados (Infierno Central, Infierno Oriental, Oulettes de Gaube, Monte Perdido, Marboré, La Paúl, Literola y Tempestades) están formados por cuatro unidades morfológicas principales: un sistema de morrenas frontales (U1); morrenas laterales o frontales más voluminosas (U2); complejos morrénicos menores con morrenas de empuje y hummocky que enlazan con flutes (U3); y arcos menores situados valle arriba (U4), no existentes en todos los casos. La Unidad 3 pertenece a una etapa con flujos rápidos del hielo o glaciares de oleada y a partir de la morfoestratigrafía se puede establecer que estos procesos se produjeron en torno a 1820-1840, en un lapso temporal de 20-35 años, ya al final de la PEH. Esta unidad la relacionamos con una posible respuesta climática a un enfriamiento repentino y al aumento de las precipitaciones invernales que incrementa la disponibilidad de agua de fusión nival y la rápida fusión del hielo durante el verano, generando rápidos cambios hidrodinámicos en los pequeños glaciaresMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project CGL2015-68144-R

    Applications of impedance spectroscopy in thermoelectricity

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    t is widely used in a lot of different fields (solar cells, fuel cells, corrosion, supercapacitors, batteries, etc.). • Powerful and very reliable equipment are available in the market. • It allows the separation of the physical processes occurring in a device

    Graphical representation and generalization in sequences problems

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    In this paper we present different ways used by Secondary students to generalize when they try to solve problems involving sequences. 359 Spanish students solved generalization problems in a written test. These problems were posed through particular terms expressed in different representations. We present examples that illustrate different ways of achieving various types of generalization and how students express generalization. We identify graphical representation of generalization as a useful tool of getting other ways of expressing generalization, and we analyze its connection with other ways of expressing it

    Does spatial clustering help explaining differences in the inequality of income distribution? Evidence from Argentina

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    This paper analyzes the relationship between the spatial clustering of income distribution andinequality in the provinces of Argentina. The goal of the paper is to use spatial techniques to analyze to what extent the spatial clustering of income distribution affects the inequality of income distribution in a regional context of Argentina. In general, the literature of inequality implicitly considers each region or province as an independent entity and the potential for observational interaction across space has often gone ignored. However, spatial autocorrelation occurs when the spatial distribution of the variable of interest exhibits a systematic pattern. I compute three measures of global spatial autocorrelation: Moran’s I, Geary’s c, and Getis and Ord’s G, as the degree of provincial clustering between 1991 and 2002. The paper’s main conclusion is that there is evidence that relatively high (low) unequal provinces tend to be located nearby other high (low) unequal provinces more often than would be expected due to random chance. Therefore each province should not be viewed as an independent observation, as it has been implicitly assumed in previous studies of regional income inequality.Este artículo analiza la relación entre la agrupación espacial de la distribución del ingreso y la desigualdad en las provincias de Argentina. El objetivo de este trabajo es usar técnicas espaciales para analizar hasta que punto la agrupación espacial de la distribución del ingreso afecta la desigualdad de la distribución del ingreso en un contexto regional de Argentina. En general, la literatura de desigualdad implícitamente considera a cada región o provincia como una entidad independiente y el potencial para la observación de la interacción a través del espacio a menudo se ha ignorado. Mientras tanto, la autocorrelación espacial ocurre cuando la distribución espacial de la variable de interés exhibe un patrón sistemático. Yo computo tres medidas de autocorrelación espacial global: La I de Moran, c de Geary, y G de Getis y Ord, como grado de CLUSTERING provincial entre 1991 y 2002. La principal conclusión del trabajo es que hay evidencia que provincias con desigualdad relativamente alta (baja) tienden a ser localizadas cerca de otras provincias con alta (baja) desigualdad más a menudo de lo esperado debido al azar. Por ende cada provincia no debería ser vista como una observación independiente, como ha sido supuesto implícitamente en estudios previos sobre la desigualdad de ingresos regional

    Errors in algebraic statements translation during the creation of an algebraic domino

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    We present a research study which main objective is to inquire into secondary school students´ ability to translate and relate algebraic statements which are presented in the symbolic and verbal representation systems. Data collection was performed with 26 14-15 years old students to whom we proposed the creation of an algebraic domino, designed for this research, and its subsequent use in a tournament. Here we present an analysis of the errors made in such translations. Among the obtained results, we note that the students found easier to translate statements from the symbolic to the verbal representation and that most errors in translating from verbal to symbolic expressions where derived from the particular characteristics of algebraic language. Other types of errors are also identified. KEYWORDS: Algebraic language, domino, errors, translation between representation systems, verbal representation

    Aprendizaje-Servicio universitario en contextos de actividad física, educación física y deporte: una revisión sistemática

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    El Aprendizaje-Servicio ha mostrado ser una metodología muy útil en los Grados Universitarios donde el alumnado debe desarrollar competencias para intervenir en contextos donde desarrollará su actividad profesional, como aquellos del campo de la actividad física. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar sistemáticamente la evidencia existente sobre los efectos que la implementación de propuestas de Aprendizaje-Servicio en contextos de Actividad Física, Educación Física y Deporte tiene en los diferentes agentes implicados. Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática en tres bases de datos: Web of Science, ERIC and SportDiscus. Se encontraron 284 artículos, pero después del proceso de exclusión quedaron un total de 25. Los estudios muestran que la implementación de propuestas de Aprendizaje-Servicio tiene un impacto positivo en las competencias curriculares, sociales, culturales y cívicas, en el desarrollo e identidad profesional y las emociones. Solo 4 investigaciones han estudiado el impacto en los receptores del servicio, mostrando diferentes resultados en función del programa implementado. Solo un estudio evalúa el programa, mostrando buenos resultados. El Aprendizaje-Servicio en estos contextos ha mostrado numerosos beneficios para los estudiantes en el nivel académico, social y laboral; y en los receptores beneficiándose de la práctica de actividad física, y mejorando su salud y funciones motoras.Service-Learning seems to be a very useful methodology in University Grades where students must develop competences to intervene in different contexts where they will be able to perform their professional activity such as those related with physical activity. The aim of this research is to conduct a systematic review of the evidence about the effects that university Service-Learning programs in Physical Activity, Physical Education and Sport settings have on the different agents involved. A systematic review was carried out by searching three databases: Web of Science, ERIC, and SportDiscus. We found 284 articles, but after the exclusion process, we ended up with 25. Studies have shown that implementing Service-Learning proposals have a positive impact on curricular, social, cultural, and civic competences, professional development, personal identity, and feelings. Only four researches address the impact on the recipients, showing different results depending on the program implemented. Just one study assesses the own program showing good results. University Service-Learning in these contexts has shown numerous benefits for students on the academic, social, and work levels; and for the recipients, it helps them make the most of the benefits of practicing physical activity, improving their health and motor functions