442 research outputs found

    Drought, agricultural adaptation, and sociopolitical collapse in the Maya Lowlands

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    Paleoclimate records indicate a series of severe droughts was associated with societal collapse of the Classic Maya during the Terminal Classic period (∼800–950 C.E.). Evidence for drought largely derives from the drier, less populated northern Maya Lowlands but does not explain more pronounced and earlier societal disruption in the relatively humid southern Maya Lowlands. Here we apply hydrogen and carbon isotope compositions of plant wax lipids in two lake sediment cores to assess changes in water availability and land use in both the northern and southern Maya lowlands. We show that relatively more intense drying occurred in the southern lowlands than in the northern lowlands during the Terminal Classic period, consistent with earlier and more persistent societal decline in the south. Our results also indicate a period of substantial drying in the southern Maya Lowlands from ∼200 C.E. to 500 C.E., during the Terminal Preclassic and Early Classic periods. Plant wax carbon isotope records indicate a decline in C_4 plants in both lake catchments during the Early Classic period, interpreted to reflect a shift from extensive agriculture to intensive, water-conservative maize cultivation that was motivated by a drying climate. Our results imply that agricultural adaptations developed in response to earlier droughts were initially successful, but failed under the more severe droughts of the Terminal Classic period

    Stability of the human faecal microbiome in a cohort of adult men

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    Characterizing the stability of the gut microbiome is important to exploit it as a therapeutic target and diagnostic biomarker. We metagenomically and metatranscriptomically sequenced the faecal microbiomes of 308 participants in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. Participants provided four stool samples—one pair collected 24–72 h apart and a second pair ~6 months later. Within-person taxonomic and functional variation was consistently lower than between-person variation over time. In contrast, metatranscriptomic profiles were comparably variable within and between subjects due to higher within-subject longitudinal variation. Metagenomic instability accounted for ~74% of corresponding metatranscriptomic instability. The rest was probably attributable to sources such as regulation. Among the pathways that were differentially regulated, most were consistently over- or under-transcribed at each time point. Together, these results suggest that a single measurement of the faecal microbiome can provide long-term information regarding organismal composition and functional potential, but repeated or short-term measures may be necessary for dynamic features identified by metatranscriptomics

    INSPECT: A Multimodal Dataset for Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis and Prognosis

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    Synthesizing information from multiple data sources plays a crucial role in the practice of modern medicine. Current applications of artificial intelligence in medicine often focus on single-modality data due to a lack of publicly available, multimodal medical datasets. To address this limitation, we introduce INSPECT, which contains de-identified longitudinal records from a large cohort of patients at risk for pulmonary embolism (PE), along with ground truth labels for multiple outcomes. INSPECT contains data from 19,402 patients, including CT images, radiology report impression sections, and structured electronic health record (EHR) data (i.e. demographics, diagnoses, procedures, vitals, and medications). Using INSPECT, we develop and release a benchmark for evaluating several baseline modeling approaches on a variety of important PE related tasks. We evaluate image-only, EHR-only, and multimodal fusion models. Trained models and the de-identified dataset are made available for non-commercial use under a data use agreement. To the best of our knowledge, INSPECT is the largest multimodal dataset integrating 3D medical imaging and EHR for reproducible methods evaluation and research

    Critical assessment and ramifications of a purported marine trophic cascade

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    When identifying potential trophic cascades, it is important to clearly establish the trophic linkages between predators and prey with respect to temporal abundance, demographics, distribution, and diet. In the northwest Atlantic Ocean, the depletion of large coastal sharks was thought to trigger a trophic cascade whereby predation release resulted in increased cownose ray abundance, which then caused increased predation on and subsequent collapse of commercial bivalve stocks. These claims were used to justify the development of a predator-control fishery for cownose rays, the “Save the Bay, Eat a Ray” fishery, to reduce predation on commercial bivalves. A reexamination of data suggests declines in large coastal sharks did not coincide with purported rapid increases in cownose ray abundance. Likewise, the increase in cownose ray abundance did not coincide with declines in commercial bivalves. The lack of temporal correlations coupled with published diet data suggest the purported trophic cascade is lacking the empirical linkages required of a trophic cascade. Furthermore, the life history parameters of cownose rays suggest they have low reproductive potential and their populations are incapable of rapid increases. Hypothesized trophic cascades should be closely scrutinized as spurious conclusions may negatively influence conservation and management decision

    Characterization of the Atmosphere of the Hot Jupiter HAT-P-32Ab and the M-dwarf Companion HAT-P-32B

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    Copyright © 2015 IOP PublishingWe report secondary eclipse photometry of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-32Ab, taken with Hale/Wide-field Infra-Red Camera (WIRC) in H and KS bands and with Spitzer/IRAC at 3.6 and 4.5 μm. We carried out adaptive optics imaging of the planet host star HAT-P-32A and its companion HAT-P-32B in the near-IR and the visible. We clearly resolve the two stars from each other and find a separation of 2.''923 ± 0.''004 and a position angle 110fdg64 ± 0fdg12. We measure the flux ratios of the binary in g'r'i'z' and H and KS bands, and determine T eff= 3565 ± 82 K for the companion star, corresponding to an M1.5 dwarf. We use PHOENIX stellar atmosphere models to correct the dilution of the secondary eclipse depths of the hot Jupiter due to the presence of the M1.5 companion. We also improve the secondary eclipse photometry by accounting for the non-classical, flux-dependent nonlinearity of the WIRC IR detector in the H band. We measure planet-to-star flux ratios of 0.090% ± 0.033%, 0.178% ± 0.057%, 0.364% ± 0.016%, and 0.438% ± 0.020% in the H, KS , 3.6 and 4.5 μm bands, respectively. We compare these with planetary atmospheric models, and find they prefer an atmosphere with a temperature inversion and inefficient heat redistribution. However, we also find that the data are equally well described by a blackbody model for the planet with T p = 2042 ± 50 K. Finally, we measure a secondary eclipse timing offset of 0.3 ± 1.3 minutes from the predicted mid-eclipse time, which constrains e = 0.0072 +0.0700}_-0.0064 when combined with radialNASACenter for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds at the Pennsylvania State UniversityPennsylvania State UniversityEberly College of SciencePennsylvania Space Grant ConsortiumNational Science Foundation - Graduate Research Fellowship ProgramNatural Science and Engineering Research Council of CanadaJPL/SpitzerCalifornia Institute of Technology - NASA Sagan FellowshipAlfred P. Sloan FoundationCalifornia Institute of TechnologyInter-University Centre for Astronomy and AstrophysicsNational Science FoundationMt. Cuba Astronomical FoundationSamuel Oschi

    Quantification of drought during the collapse of the classic Maya civilization.

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    The demise of Lowland Classic Maya civilization during the Terminal Classic Period (~800 to 1000 CE) is a well-cited example of how past climate may have affected ancient societies. Attempts to estimate the magnitude of hydrologic change, however, have met with equivocal success because of the qualitative and indirect nature of available climate proxy data. We reconstructed the past isotopic composition (δ18O, δD, 17O-excess, and d-excess) of water in Lake Chichancanab, Mexico, using a technique that involves isotopic analysis of the structurally bound water in sedimentary gypsum, which was deposited under drought conditions. The triple oxygen and hydrogen isotope data provide a direct measure of past changes in lake hydrology. We modeled the data and conclude that annual precipitation decreased between 41 and 54% (with intervals of up to 70% rainfall reduction during peak drought conditions) and that relative humidity declined by 2 to 7% compared to present-day conditions.ERC 339694 (Water Isotopes of Hydrated Minerals

    Timing of CGM initiation in pediatric diabetes: The CGM TIME Trial.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether timing of CGM initiation offering low glucose suspend (LGS) affects CGM adherence in children and youth starting insulin pump therapy. METHODS: A 5-site RCT of pump-naïve subjects (aged 5-18 years) with type 1 diabetes (T1D) for at least 1 year compared simultaneous pump and CGM initiation offering LGS vs standard pump therapy with CGM initiation delayed for 6 months. Primary outcome was CGM adherence (hours per 28 days) (MiniMed™ Paradigm™ Veo™ system; CareLink Pro™ software) over 6 months after CGM initiation. Secondary outcome HbA1c was measured centrally. Linear mixed-models and ordinary least squares models were fitted to estimate effect of intervention, and covariates baseline age, T1D duration, HbA1c, gender, ethnicity, hypoglycemia history, clinical site, and association between CGM adherence and HbA1c. RESULTS: The trial randomized 144/152 (95%) eligible subjects. Baseline mean age was 11.5 ± 3.3(SD) years, T1D duration 3.4 ± 3.1 years, and HbA1c 7.9 ± 0.9%. Six months after CGM initiation, adjusted mean difference in CGM adherence was 62.4 hours per 28 days greater in the Simultaneous Group compared to Delayed Group (P = .007). There was no difference in mean HbA1c at 6 months. However, for each 100 hours of CGM use per 28-day period, HbA1c was 0.39% (95% CI 0.10%-0.69%) lower. Higher CGM adherence was associated with reduced time with glucose \u3e10 mmol/L (P \u3c .001). CONCLUSION: CGM adherence was higher after 6 months when initiated at same time as pump therapy compared to starting CGM 6 months after pump therapy. Greater CGM adherence was associated with improved HbA1c

    Type IIb Supernova SN 2011dh: Spectra and Photometry from the Ultraviolet to the Near-Infrared

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    We report spectroscopic and photometric observations of the Type IIb SN 2011dh obtained between 4 and 34 days after the estimated date of explosion (May 31.5 UT). The data cover a wide wavelength range from 2,000 Angstroms in the UV to 2.4 microns in the NIR. Optical spectra provide line profiles and velocity measurements of HI, HeI, CaII and FeII that trace the composition and kinematics of the SN. NIR spectra show that helium is present in the atmosphere as early as 11 days after the explosion. A UV spectrum obtained with the STIS reveals that the UV flux for SN 2011dh is low compared to other SN IIb. The HI and HeI velocities in SN 2011dh are separated by about 4,000 km/s at all phases. We estimate that the H-shell of SN 2011dh is about 8 times less massive than the shell of SN 1993J and about 3 times more massive than the shell of SN 2008ax. Light curves (LC) for twelve passbands are presented. The maximum bolometric luminosity of 1.8±0.2×10421.8 \pm 0.2 \times 10^{42} erg s1^{-1} occurred about 22 days after the explosion. NIR emission provides more than 30% of the total bolometric flux at the beginning of our observations and increases to nearly 50% of the total by day 34. The UV produces 16% of the total flux on day 4, 5% on day 9 and 1% on day 34. We compare the bolometric light curves of SN 2011dh, SN 2008ax and SN 1993J. The LC are very different for the first twelve days after the explosions but all three SN IIb display similar peak luminosities, times of peak, decline rates and colors after maximum. This suggests that the progenitors of these SN IIb may have had similar compositions and masses but they exploded inside hydrogen shells that that have a wide range of masses. The detailed observations presented here will help evaluate theoretical models for this supernova and lead to a better understanding of SN IIb.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, 9 tables, accepted by Ap

    KELT-11b: A Highly Inflated Sub-Saturn Exoplanet Transiting the V=8 Subgiant HD 93396

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    We report the discovery of a transiting exoplanet, KELT-11b, orbiting the bright (V=8.0V=8.0) subgiant HD 93396. A global analysis of the system shows that the host star is an evolved subgiant star with Teff=5370±51T_{\rm eff} = 5370\pm51 K, M=1.4380.052+0.061MM_{*} = 1.438_{-0.052}^{+0.061} M_{\odot}, R=2.720.17+0.21RR_{*} = 2.72_{-0.17}^{+0.21} R_{\odot}, log g=3.7270.046+0.040g_*= 3.727_{-0.046}^{+0.040}, and [Fe/H]=0.180±0.075 = 0.180\pm0.075. The planet is a low-mass gas giant in a P=4.736529±0.00006P = 4.736529\pm0.00006 day orbit, with MP=0.195±0.018MJM_{P} = 0.195\pm0.018 M_J, RP=1.370.12+0.15RJR_{P}= 1.37_{-0.12}^{+0.15} R_J, ρP=0.0930.024+0.028\rho_{P} = 0.093_{-0.024}^{+0.028} g cm3^{-3}, surface gravity log gP=2.4070.086+0.080{g_{P}} = 2.407_{-0.086}^{+0.080}, and equilibrium temperature Teq=171246+51T_{eq} = 1712_{-46}^{+51} K. KELT-11 is the brightest known transiting exoplanet host in the southern hemisphere by more than a magnitude, and is the 6th brightest transit host to date. The planet is one of the most inflated planets known, with an exceptionally large atmospheric scale height (2763 km), and an associated size of the expected atmospheric transmission signal of 5.6%. These attributes make the KELT-11 system a valuable target for follow-up and atmospheric characterization, and it promises to become one of the benchmark systems for the study of inflated exoplanets.Comment: 15 pages, Submitted to AAS Journal