22 research outputs found

    Mercury methylation in the hypolimnetic waters of lakes with and without connection to wetlands in northern Wisconsin

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    Rates of Hg methylation and demethylation were measured in anoxic hypolimnetic waters of two pristine Wisconsin lakes using stable isotopes of Hg as tracers. One of the lakes is a clear-water seepage lake situated in sandy terrain with minimal wetland influence. The other is a dark-water lake receiving channelized inputs from a relatively large terrestrial wetland. Methyl mercury (MeHg) accumulated in the anoxic hypolimnia of both lakes during summer stratification, reaching concentrations of 0.8 ng center dot L-1 in the clear-water lake and 5 ng center dot L-1 in the dark-water lake. The stable isotopic assays indicated that rate constants of Hg-(II) methylation (K-m) ranged from 0.01 to 0.04 center dot day(-1) in the clear-water lake and from 0.01 to 0.09 center dot day(-1) in the dark-water lake, depending on the depth stratum. On average, K-m was threefold greater in the dark-water lake. Hypolimnetic demethylation rate constants (K-dm) averaged 0.03 center dot day(-1) in the clear-water lake and 0.05 center dot day(-1) in the dark-water lake. These methylation rates were sufficient to account for the observed accumulation of MeHg in hypolimnetic water during summer in both lakes. Despite substantial export of MeHg from the wetland to the dark-water lake, our study indicates that in-lake production and decomposition of MeHg dominated the MeHg cycle in both lakes

    Geobacteraceae are important members of mercury-methylating microbial communities of sediments impacted by waste water releases

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    Microbial mercury (Hg) methylation in sediments can result in bioaccumulation of the neurotoxin methylmercury (MMHg) in aquatic food webs. Recently, the discovery of the gene hgcA, required for Hg methylation, revealed that the diversity of Hg methylators is much broader than previously thought. However, little is known about the identity of Hg-methylating microbial organisms and the environmental factors controlling their activity and distribution in lakes. Here, we combined high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA and hgcA genes with the chemical characterization of sediments impacted by a waste water treatment plant that releases significant amounts of organic matter and iron. Our results highlight that the ferruginous geochemical conditions prevailing at 1–2 cm depth are conducive to MMHg formation and that the Hgmethylating guild is composed of iron and sulfur-transforming bacteria, syntrophs, and methanogens. Deltaproteobacteria, notably Geobacteraceae, dominated the hgcA carrying communities, while sulfate reducers constituted only a minor component, despite being considered the main Hg methylators in many anoxic aquatic environments. Because iron is widely applied in waste water treatment, the importance of Geobacteraceae for Hg methylation and the complexity of Hgmethylating communities reported here are likely to occur worldwide in sediments impacted by waste water treatment plant discharges and in iron-rich sediments in general