281 research outputs found

    The role of individual and social variables in task performance.

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    This paper reports on a data-based study in which we explored - as part of a larger-scale British-Hungarian research project - the effects of a number of affective and social variables on foreign language (L2) learners’ engagement in oral argumentative tasks. The assumption underlying the investigation was that students’ verbal behaviour in oral task situations is partly determined by a number of non-linguistic and non-cognitive factors whose examination may constitute a potentially fruitful extension of existing task-based research paradigms. The independent variables in the study included various aspects of L2 motivation and several factors characterizing the learner groups the participating students were members of (such as group cohesiveness and intermember relations), as well as the learners’ L2 proficiency and ‘willingness to communicate’ in their L1. The dependent variables involved objective measures of the students’ language output in two oral argumentative tasks (one in the learners’ L1, the other in their L2): the quantity of speech and the number of turns produced by the speakers. The results provide insights into the interrelationship of the multiple variables determining the learners’ task engagement, and suggest a multi-level construct whereby some independent variables only come into force when certain conditions have been met

    “Just Imagine That
”: A Solution Focused Approach to Doctoral Research Supervision in Health and Social Care

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    Effective supervision in doctoral research is critical to successful and timely completion. However,supervision is a complex undertaking with structural as well as relational challenges for bothstudents and supervisors. This instructional paper describes an internationally applicable approach tosupervision that we have developed in the health and social care disciplines that offers structure, butis also dynamic and responsive to the needs of students and supervisors and aims to develop theresearch competency of students. Our approach called Solution Focused Research Supervision(SFRS) is based on solution focused approaches, adapted from Solution Focused Brief Therapy andquestioning techniques derived from coaching. This approach has enabled our supervision teams toeffectively develop focused research questions and decide on appropriate research methodologiesand methods. We offer the SFRS approach as a way of working that seeks to recognize and buildupon strengths, foster engagement and openness to learning as well as build trust between studentsand supervisors. The authors, from (countries deleted for peer review), are supervisors and studentswho have developed the approach and provide practical examples of its application

    Clinical simulation in Australia and New Zealand: Through the lens of an advisory group

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    Across Australia, innovations in simulation to enhance learning in nursing have been occurring for three decades and nursing is, and needs to be, a leading player in simulation knowledge diffusion. However, expertise is unevenly distributed across health services and education providers. Rather than build on the expertise and achievements of others, there is a tendency for resource duplication and for trial and error problem solving, in part related to a failure to communicate achievements for the benefits of the professional collective. For nursing to become a leader in the use of simulation and drive ongoing development, as well as conducting high quality research and evaluation, academics need to collaborate, aggregate best practice in simulation learning, and disseminate that knowledge to educators working in health services and higher education sectors across the whole of Australia and New Zealand. To achieve this strategic intent, capacity development principles and committed action are necessary. In mid 2010 the opportunity to bring together nurse educators with simulation learning expertise within Australia and New Zealand became a reality. The Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery (CDNM) Australia and New Zealand decided to establish an expert reference group to reflect on the state of Australian nursing simulation, to pool expertise and to plan ways to share best practice knowledge on simulation more widely. This paper reflects on the achievements of the first 18 months since the group's establishment and considers future directions for the enhancement of simulation learning practice, research and development in Australian nursing

    Measurements of integral muon intensity at large zenith angles

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    High-statistics data on near-horizontal muons collected with Russian-Italian coordinate detector DECOR are analyzed. Precise measurements of muon angular distributions in zenith angle interval from 60 to 90 degrees have been performed. In total, more than 20 million muons are selected. Dependences of the absolute integral muon intensity on zenith angle for several threshold energies ranging from 1.7 GeV to 7.2 GeV are derived. Results for this region of zenith angles and threshold energies have been obtained for the first time. The dependence of integral intensity on zenith angle and threshold energy is well fitted by a simple analytical formula.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Personality, conventional Christian belief and unconventional paranormal belief : a study among teenagers

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    A sample of 10,851 pupils (5493 males and 5358 females) attending Year 9 classes (13- to 14-year-olds) and a sample of 9494 pupils (4787 males and 4707 females) attending Year 10 classes (14- to 15-year-olds) in non-denominational state-maintained secondary schools in England and Wales completed questions concerned with conventional Christian belief and unconventional paranormal belief, alongside the short-form Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. The data demonstrated that conventional Christian belief and unconventional paranormal belief occupy different locations in relation to the Eysenckian model of personality in respect of the psychoticism scale and the lie scale. While conventional Christian belief is associated with lower psychoticism scores and higher lie scale scores (greater social conformity), unconventional paranormal belief is associated with higher psychoticism scores and lower lie scale scores (lower social conformity)

    Caracterização e ocorrĂȘncia do distĂșrbio do amolecimento precoce em mamĂ”es 'Golden'

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    The occurrence of green skin and soft pulp in 'Golden' papaya fruit during certain seasons has been reported by farmers in the northern of the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil. The objective of this study was to characterize and determine the occurrence of this disorder, which was referred as "early softening disorder". Fruits were harvested weekly for 11 months (from September to July). The fruits were stored at 10°C, and then fruit flesh firmness and skin color were analyzed. The results of the firmness test were submitted to regression analysis assuming a linear trendline. The slope of the curve was called the 'softening index' (SI). Fruits with early softening are characterized by a loss of firmness in less than 10 days, even when stored under refrigeration. Although softened, the skin of the fruit remains partially green. Fruits with the disorder occurred more frequently from mid-summer to mid-autumn (February to May). It is not possible to distinguish early softening disorder fruits from those without the disorder by skin color and flesh firmness analysis at the time of the harvest.Tem sido relatado por produtores da regiĂŁo norte do EspĂ­rito Santo a ocorrĂȘncia de mamĂ”es 'Golden' com casca verde e polpa mole, em determinadas Ă©pocas do ano. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e determinar a ocorrĂȘncia deste distĂșrbio denominado de amolecimento precoce. Foram realizadas coletas semanais durante 11 meses (perĂ­odo de setembro a julho). Os frutos foram armazenados a 10°C e analisados quanto Ă  firmeza da polpa e Ă  cor da casca. Os resultados de firmeza da polpa foram submetidos Ă  anĂĄlise de regressĂŁo, assumindo-se que a equação Ă© do tipo linear, e o Ăąngulo de inclinação da curva foi chamado Índice de Amolecimento (IA). Frutos com o distĂșrbio caracterizaram-se pela perda da firmeza em menos de 10 dias, mesmo quando armazenados sob refrigeração. Embora amolecidos, a coloração da casca manteve-se parcialmente verde. A maior frequĂȘncia de frutos com o distĂșrbio ocorreu de meados de verĂŁo a meados de outono (fevereiro a maio). NĂŁo Ă© possĂ­vel distinguir frutos com o distĂșrbio do amolecimento precoce daqueles normais pela anĂĄlise da cor da casca e da firmeza da polpa, no momento da colheita

    A review of the use of blood and blood products in HIV-infected patients

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    Despite numerous publications on the appropriate use of blood and blood products, few specifically consider the role of transfusion in the management of HIV. This review is a synthesis of conditions encountered in the management of HIV-infected patients where the transfusion of blood or blood products may be indicated. A consistent message emerging from the review is that the principles of transfusion medicine do not differ between HIV-negative and -positive patients. The aim of the review is to provide clinicians witha practical and succinct overview of the haematological abnormalities and clinical circumstances most commonly encountered in the HIV setting, while focusing on the rational and appropriate use of blood and blood products forHIV patients. Important ethical considerations in dealing with both the collection and transfusion blood and blood products in the HIV era have also been addressed

    Critical literacy as a pedagogical goal in English language teaching

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    In this chapter, the authors provide an overview of the area of critical literacy as it pertains to second language pedagogy (curriculum and instruction). After considering the historical origins of critical literacy (from antiquity, and including in first language education), they consider how it began to penetrate the field of applied linguistics. They note the geographical and institutional spread of critical literacy practice as documented by published accounts. They then sketch the main features of L2 critical literacy practice. To do this, they acknowledge how practitioners have reported on their practices regarding classroom content and process. The authors also draw attention to the outcomes of these practices as well as challenges that practitioners have encountered in incorporating critical literacy into their second language classrooms

    Atmospheric Muon Flux at Sea Level, Underground, and Underwater

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    The vertical sea-level muon spectrum at energies above 1 GeV and the underground/underwater muon intensities at depths up to 18 km w.e. are calculated. The results are particularly collated with a great body of the ground-level, underground, and underwater muon data. In the hadron-cascade calculations, the growth with energy of inelastic cross sections and pion, kaon, and nucleon generation in pion-nucleus collisions are taken into account. For evaluating the prompt muon contribution to the muon flux, we apply two phenomenological approaches to the charm production problem: the recombination quark-parton model and the quark-gluon string model. To solve the muon transport equation at large depths of homogeneous medium, a semi-analytical method is used. The simple fitting formulas describing our numerical results are given. Our analysis shows that, at depths up to 6-7 km w. e., essentially all underground data on the muon intensity correlate with each other and with predicted depth-intensity relation for conventional muons to within 10%. However, the high-energy sea-level data as well as the data at large depths are contradictory and cannot be quantitatively decribed by a single nuclear-cascade model.Comment: 47 pages, REVTeX, 15 EPS figures included; recent experimental data and references added, typos correcte
