329 research outputs found

    Dorian Gray from the page to the screen. A comparative semiotic analysis of The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde, 1891) and The Picture of Dorian Gray (Albert Lewin, 1945)

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    Oscar Wilde’s only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891), and its homonymous screen adaptation which dates back to the period immediately following WWII, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945), directed by Albert Lewin, constitute an interesting example of semiotic transference from the page to the screen. As an audiovisual product, the film will allow the researcher to perceive the ways in which words become alive and add an enormous symbolic and significant wealth to the already abundant information that is conveyed through the connotative and allusive language of the text. This work tries to analyse meticulously a selection of key scenes taken from the film adaptation to later determine with the highest degree of accuracy possible what has been omitted, what has been added, and what has been deemed worthy of modification in the new version of Wilde’s work, where both Lewin and his cast of characters play the role of mediators

    iDub - The potential of intralingual dubbing in foreign language learning: How to assess the task

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    Research on the use of active dubbing activities in foreign language learning is gaining an increasingamount of attention. The most obvious skill to be enhanced in this context is oral production and a few authors have already mentioned the potential benefits of asking students to record their voices in a ‘semi-professional’ manner. The present project attempts to assess the potential of intralingual dubbing (English-English) to develop general oral production skills in adult university students of English B2 level in an online learning environment, and to provide general guidelines of dubbing task assessment for practitioners. To this end, a group of undergraduate pre-intermediate students worked on ten sequenced activities using short videos taken from an American sitcom over a period of two months. The research study included language assessment tests, questionnaires and observation as the basic data gathering tools to make the results as reliable and thorough as possible for this type of educational setting. The conclusions provide a good starting point for the establishment of basic guidelines that may help teachers implement dubbing tasks in the language class

    iStarJSON : a lightweight data-format for i* models

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    JSON is one of the most widely used data-interchange format. There is a large number of tools open for modelling with i*. However, none of them provides supporting for JSON. In this paper we propose iStarJSON language, a JSON-based proposal for interchanging i* models. We also, present an open source software that transforms XML-based format models to JSON models that expose a set of web services for mining iStarJSON models.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Alternativa al proyecto de la Ronda Sur de Igualada

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el aprendizaje del diseño de trazado de una obra lineal, aplicado a la alternativa de un proyecto en ejecución. Otro objetivo es aprender el funcionamiento de dos Software de trazado, como son Autocad Civil3D e Ispol. Como resultado final se realiza la comparativa de los mismos. El proyecto se localiza en el municipio de Òdena, en la comarca del Anoia. Situado en el tramo de la antigua Nacional II, entre la carretera C-15 (Vilafranca del Penedès) y la carretera de acceso al polígono industrial Plans d’Arau. El proyecto inicial de partida es la Ronda Sur de Igualada, carretera situada entre la Carretera C-37 P.K.62+970 a Carretera C-15 PK 44+285 en el tramo comprendido entre Santa. Margarida de Montbui y Vilanova del Camí. El primer enlace seleccionado para su modificación es el correspondiente al Enlace Plans d’Arau. Para ello, se propone el diseño de dos rotondas a ambos lados del tronco a nivel de terreno, con un ramal de enlace entre rotondas donde el tronco pasa elevado. Se pasa de un semienlace a un enlace completo con los cuatro viales de acceso al tronco en todos los sentidos de la marcha. El segundo enlace corresponde al Enlace C-15. En este caso se propone un enlace de trompeta a distinto nivel, creando los ramales necesarios para realizar todos los movimientos posibles en todos los sentidos de la marcha. Los enlaces distan entre ellos 400 metros. Están unidos por el eje principal o tronco con sección autovía. Inicialmente, se realiza una red de bases de replanteo mediante GPS en estático. El número total de bases implementadas son seis. Una vez decididos los tipos de enlaces a definir y obtenida la cartografía necesaria, se lleva a cabo el diseño de los mismos en los dos software escogidos. Mediante esta definición se aprende el funcionamiento de los mismos. Al final del proceso de diseño se realiza una comparativa de los dos programas Autocad Civil3D e Ispol. Como resultado de la comparativa se llega a la conclusión que Ispol es un programa de diseño de trazado más avanzado que Autocad Civil3D, ya que este segundo está limitado en algunas funciones, debido a su reciente aparición en el mercado con respecto a Ispol

    A unifying framework for the definition of syntactic measures over conceptual schema diagrams (extended version)

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    There are many approaches that propose the use of measures for assessing the quality of conceptual schemas. Many of these measures focus purely on the syntactic aspects of the conceptual schema diagrams, e.g. their size, their shape, etc. Similarities among different measures may be found both at the intra-model level (i.e., several measures over the same type of diagram are defined following the same layout) and at the inter-model level (i.e., measures over different types of diagrams are similar considering an appropriate metaschema correspondence). In this paper we analyse these similarities for a particular family of diagrams used in conceptual modelling, those that can be ultimately seen as a combination of nodes and edges of different types. We propose a unifying measuring framework for this family and illustrate its application on a particular type, namely business process diagrams.Preprin

    Un compositor a dalt del Bassegoda

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    Introducing use cases in a small organization: An experience and lessons learned

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    In this paper we report the adoption of use cases by a small organization in a university setting. Use cases were first introduced in the middle of a huge project and adopted thereafter for later projects. The paper mostly focuses in the first experience, whose most interesting characteristics were the large size of the resulting specification, the fact that it took place once the project had started (for documentation purposes instead of driving the development) and the limitation that resources allocated were not as much as required. We present the lessons learned from this experience

    The "Film and Creative Engagement Project" : Audiovisual Accessibility and Telecollaboration

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    La globalització i el progrés de les TIC afavoreixen el desenvolupament d'estratègies i destreses de comunicació dels estudiants universitaris per a participar en societats connectades digitalment. Aquest article analitza els resultats d'un estudi pilot que forma part de Film and Creative Engagement (FaCE), un projecte col·laboratiu d'investigació entre Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), Regne Unit, i l'Institut Tecnològic d'Estudis Superiors de Monterrey (ITESM), Mèxic. Els dos objectius principals van ser: (1) crear un model de projecte motivador transferible a altres universitats; i (2) proporcionar formació que contribuïsca al desenvolupament del seu futur professional, potencial acadèmic i sòlides relacions professionals de caràcter internacional. Els objectius secundaris incloïen posar en contacte a estudiants universitaris mexicans i britànics de manera virtual amb la finalitat de crear contextos per a la comunicació interactiva i la col·laboració basada en tasques. En el context de les llengües estrangeres, les tasques proposades pretenien desenvolupar les destreses dels estudiants sobre anàlisi fílmica (com el coneixement cultural i intercultural), i l'accessibilitat audiovisual (subtítols per a sords i per a persones amb problemes auditius (SDH) i audiodescripció (AD)). Es tracta d'un estudi mixt amb 44 participants i les dades es van recollir per mitjà de pre- i post-qüestionaris, reflexions dels estudiants i l'avaluació de les seues tasques. Concretament, el projecte FaCE, independentment de la carrera que l'alumne cursara, el va ajudar a millorar els seus coneixements lingüístics, el treball col·laboratiu, l'anàlisi crítica, la innovació i la creativitat, el maneig de la informació i les tecnologies de la comunicació, i va promoure la col·laboració internacional en entorns virtuals
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