5,585 research outputs found

    The written production of argumentative and dissertation text: a didactic project based on Bakhtin's philosophy

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    This article is characterized as a theoretical and practical research related to a project developed during the year 2015 in two schools - one public, the other private- , in the city of Birigui, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The main goal of the study was to analyze: the pedagogical project and the teachers’ activities oriented towards teaching and learning of argumentative and dissertation texts. The methodology used in this research comprised: (i) visiting both schools, (ii) producing a description of ongoing school practices, with focus on the teaching of argumentative and dissertation texts, (iii) suggesting a teacher’s activity to improve this apprenticeship, (iv) putting this activity into practice and (v) analyzing obtained results. The theoretical framework used for this study was the Bakhtinian philosophy (BAKHTIN, 2013; 2006a; 2006b; 2006c; 2006d; 2010; 2013; VOLOSHINOV, 1986). This theoretical approach was chosen due to the importance of comprehension of the text not just as an amalgamated set of words, phrases and paragraphs; other than that, we understand it as a structure of meaning, in which we encounter linguistic forms, ideologies and discursive stance. At last, we can say the results show that the argumentative texts render assistance to the development of the students’ argumentative competence and skill, that is, in their ability to argue and organize ideas in a communicative situation

    Laboratorio Urbano: las voces de la ciudad

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    Hablar de rehabilitación urbana es, necesariamente, hablar de la población que habita el espacio que va a ser rehabilitado. Si la participación ciudadana es importante en cualquier proceso que tenga consecuencias para la sociedad, se hace aún más evidente en los procesos de transformación urbana que afectan a espacios habitados


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    O objeto deste trabalho é o estudo realizado sobre as universidades estaduais da Bahia, Brasil (UNEB, UEFS, UESC e UESB) . O pressuposto mais geral orientador é de que o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade depende de que os indivíduos se orientem coletivamente em torno de princípios e valores, expressos a partir da formação das identidades coletivas, com vistas a alcançar direitos e condições de reprodução de vida, favorecendo, assim, o desenvolvimento de uma vida sociopolítica democrática. Nesse sentido, o processo do ensino superior trouxe inúmeros ganhos para as comunidades e estes são expressos pela fala dos atores que participaram. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que englobou o levantamento e a análise de conteúdo de informações oriundas de entrevistas com os atores que protagonizaram tal empreendimento, bem como de documentos. O estudo revela a visão que esses indivíduos têm desse processo e como avaliam a universidade que ajudaram a edificar, produto do seu protagonismo

    France and Language(s): Old Policies and New Challenges in Education. Towards a Renewed Framework?

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    Article de synthèse publié dans le yearbook du CIDREEThis article is concerned with the way the French education system deals with new challenges in terms of language, while referring to the (traditional) general framework of language planning in the country. The same principles and mindset that governed the way regional minority languages were treated in the past are now largely determining the way the languages of immigrants and their speakers are treated and considered. We thus seek to remind readers how the theoretical and practical background to language planning in education functions in France, showing how historical factors led to considering linguistic diversity as an unnecessary heritage rather than as an asset. We then move on to examine the state of language teaching generally speaking in the education system, in order to provide a general outlook on the subject. Finally, we show that albeit seemingly monolithic at first, the French system can also accommodate diversity to a certain extent, through looking at two particular contexts

    Evaluation of public policies in Portuguese regional development context – a preliminary methodological approach supported in north region

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    The evaluation of territorial programs and plans has been gaining importance, both in political-institutional speeches and practices and in academic reflections. In Portugal, the structure of planning, operacionalized on a vast number of quite recent instruments, requires an effort of articulation in the guidelines to various scales (from European until the municipal) and of the various fields (some sectoral, others, of more transversal nature). The development of monitoring systems, as well as the generalisation of the evaluation procedures, answer to the need of articulation between policies and support the strategic nature that is planning today. As a part of the Research Project SPOTIA - Sustainable Spatial Policy Orientations and Territorial Impact Assessment - Contribution to Portuguese context' (Centre of Geographical Studies – University of Lisbon to the Ministry of Science and Technologies), this paper aims to present an example of the first outputs of this research on the analysis of coherence between three different instruments planning, such as the National Policy Planning (PNPOT), a guiding document of national level, the Regional Spatial Plan to Northern Territory (PROT-Norte), the regional guidance document, and the Regional Operational Programme (PO-Norte), the regional program associated to a financing plan and program implementation. The analysis of coherence between these documents is not only between their general, strategic and specific objectives, but also by the indicator system assessment of each document. With this analysis we can reach the domains that are constantly, or not, present in these documents. In this context, a first essay of a methodological approach on evaluation of public policies in Portuguese context will be presented.

    Demand Aggregation as a Strategy for Untapping Buildings’ Energy Renovation Potential: Diagnosis and Prioritization Methodology and Case Study from the Basque Country

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    Energy renovation of post-World War II private multifamily residential buildings has been identified to have a great deal of energy-saving potential but faces a great challenge across Europe, and especially in South Europe, due to fragmented property structures and longer return periods in energy efficiency investments. However, there is great deal of potential in activating demand aggregation in areas with homogeneous typologies. Local authorities play a key role in leading district-scale renovation but lack adequate methods for analysing and prioritizing areas from an integrated perspective, including social aspects. The methodology presented in this paper aims to support local authorities by providing a tool for the diagnosis and prioritization of homogeneous groups of residential buildings to address their renovation based on an analysis of their needs and opportunity factors. First, the methodology sets the universe of analysis; second, based on indicators, it provides comparative information within the municipality, which leads to a prioritization of areas for building renovations according to the state of the building and to the socio-economic profile of the residents; lastly, a detailed diagnosis of selected groups is performed, providing information to design the Renovation Action Plans accordingly. The application of the methodology in Basauri is presented in this paper.This research was funded by the European Commission, grant number 84706

    O cuidado confortador ao idoso crónico hospitalizado

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    Introducción y objetivos: La práctica de cuidados de enfermería geriátrica deben basarse en conocimientos científicos y justificar prácticas, contribuyendo al ejercicio del cuidado confortable. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las situaciones de atención de confort para los pacientes ancianos crónicos hospitalizados. Metodología: Hemos realizado un estudio etnográfico con un enfoque cualitativo. Llevamos a cabo entrevistas semi-estructuradas y observación participante de los pacientes con el fin de determinar los medios y medidas de confort. Resultados: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 22 ancianos, en su mayoría mujeres, de edades comprendidas entre los 65 y los 90 años. Los medios y medidas de confort se centran en estrategias de promoción de la comodidad, llevadas a cabo por enfermeras y reconocido por los pacientes (información; disminución de estímulos ambientales externos; humor; sonrisa; contacto y otros) y, en particular, los momentos de confort ("cuidados de la tarde"; visita familiar; primer contacto y cuidados de higiene personal), que se reconocen como fundamentos del cuidado confortable. Conclusión: el cuidado Confortable se asume como un complejo proceso de ayuda, construido entre los ancianos y la enfermera, de manera que el estudio refuerza la idea de que existe una necesidad de investigación en diferentes contextos, con el fin de aumentar el conocimiento acerca de las mejores estrategias de confort.Introduction and aims: The practices of geriatric nursing care should be based on scientific knowledge and justified practices, contributing to the exercise of comfort care. This study aimed to identify the comfort care situations for hospitalised chronic elderly patients Methodology: We have carried out an ethnographic study with a qualitative approach. We conducted semi-structured interviews and participant observation to patients in order to identify ways and means of comfort. Results: The sample was composed of 22 elderly, mostly female, aged between 65 and 90 years old. The ways and means of comfort are focused on comfort promoting strategies, conducted by the nurse and recognized by the patients (information; decrease of external environmental stimulus; humour; smile; touch and others), and in particular comfort moments (“afternoon cares”; the family visit; the first contact and the personal hygienic care), that are recognized as foundations of comfort care. Conclusion: Comfort care assumes itself as a complex process of help, built between the elderly and the nurse, in a way that the study reinforces the idea that there is a need for research in different contexts, in order to increase knowledge about the best comfort strategies.Introdução e objectivos: As práticas de cuidados de enfermagem geriátricos, devem revestir-se de conhecimentos científicos e práticas fundamentadas, contribuindo para o exercício do cuidado confortador. Este estudo teve como objectivo identificar as situações de cuidados confortadores aos doentes idosos crónicos hospitalizados. Metodologia: Efectuámos um estudo etnográfico com uma abordagem qualitativa. Realizámos entrevistas semi-estruturadas aos doentes e observação participante de forma a identificar modos e formas de confortar. Resultados: A amostra ficou constituída por 22 idosos, a maioria do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre 65 e 90 anos. Os modos e formas de confortar centram-se em estratégias promotoras de conforto mobilizadas pelo enfermeiro e reconhecidas pelos doentes (a informação/esclarecimento; a diminuição de estímulos externos ambientais; o humor; o sorriso; o toque, entre outros), e em momentos particulares de conforto (“cuidados da tarde”; a visita da família; o contacto inaugural e os cuidados de higiene e arranjo pessoal), que se constituem como alicerçes do cuidar/cuidado confortador. Conclusão: O cuidado confortador assume-se como um processo complexo, de ajuda coconstruído entre o idoso e o enfermeiro, pelo que o estudo reforça a ideia de que há necessidade de investigações em diferentes contextos com vista a ampliar o conhecimento acerca das melhores estratégias de confortar.peerReviewe

    Consultation-liaison services in Aarhus: a service organization proposal

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    RESUMO: São diversos os programas e tipos de organização de serviço que podem ser encontrados no contexto da Psiquiatria de Ligação (PL) por todo o mundo. Na Dinamarca, a relação entre a psiquiatria e as outras especialidades está organizada de diferentes maneiras a nível nacional. Em Aarhus, estão disponíveis duas vezes por semana a consulta programada para os pacientes admitidos no hospital geral e esta consultas são fornecidos por 2 psiquiatras consultores que trabalham a tempo inteiro na urgência de psiquiatria. A urgência de psiquiatria faz parte do Departamento P - Departamento das Psicoses do Hospital Universitário Aarhus e fornece serviços não só para as referências externas agudas dos médicos de clínica geral, mas também para referências agudas de outras especialidades. Além disso, há uma Clínica de Investigação de Doenças Funcionais integrada no Departamento de Clínica Médica da Universidade de Aarhus, mas atualmente não há nenhum tipo de colaboração formal entre este Departamento de Investigação e os serviços de PL prestados pelos médicos de emergência. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão da literatura sobre os diferentes modelos de serviços de PL existentes, seguido da descrição do contexto histórico, bem como os pontos fortes e fracos dos serviços de PL existentes em Aarhus. Além disso, o autor irá identificar as necessidades de serviço, as barreiras e os fatores facilitadores para uma eventual reorganização e, finalmente, propor uma solução nova, mais eficiente e integrada de serviços de PL em Aarhus.---------------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Several programs and services' organizations are to be found in the context of Consultation-Liaison (C-L) psychiatry around the world. In Denmark, the links between psychiatry and the other specialities are organized in different ways. In Aarhus, elective C-L services are available twice a week to patients admitted to the general hospital and these consultations are provided by 2 consultant psychiatrists who work daily in the emergency psychiatric department. This department is a part of Department P - Department for Psychosis of Aarhus University Hospital and it provides services not only to the acute external referrals from the general practitioners but also to acute referrals from other specialities. Moreover, there is a research Clinic for Functional Diseases under the Department for Clinical Medicine of Aarhus University but presently there is no formal collaboration between this research department and the C-L services provided by the emergency doctors. This dissertation aims to present a literature review about the different models of C-L services followed by the description of the historical background as well as by the highlighting of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing C-L services in Aarhus. Moreover, the author will identify the service needs, the barriers and facilitating factors to an eventual reorganization and finally propose a new, more efficient and integrated solution for C-L services in Aarhus