330 research outputs found

    Espaço de cuidados de enfermagem à saúde do homem e ao câncer de próstata: relato de uma atividade extensionista

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    The aim of this study is to report the experience from the experience of a fellow, about the development of extensionist actions linked to an extension project with the theme of prevention of prostate cancer and attention to men's health. An experience report is set up based on the observations and experience of the scholarship holder. Interviews were conducted with visitors to the Urology ward of a university hospital to assess their knowledge on the subject of prostate cancer; lectures aimed at clarifying all visitors and users who attend an outpatient unit; and tracking children and siblings of clients diagnosed with prostate cancer. A profile was also created on the social network Instagram, with the aim of disseminating information regarding prostate cancer and other pathologies targeted at the male population. The extensionist project has achieved its health education objectives for improvements in men's health, either by carrying out health promotion and prostate cancer prevention at the university hospital, or by using the social network Instagram to publish content based on scientific references.O objetivo deste estudo é relatar a experiência a partir da vivência de uma bolsista, acerca do desenvolvimento das ações extensionistas vinculadas a um projeto de extensão com a temática de prevenção ao câncer de próstata e atenção à saúde do homem. Configura-se um relato de experiência pautado nas observações e vivência da bolsista. São realizadas entrevistas com visitantes da enfermaria de Urologia de um hospital universitário para avaliar o conhecimento dos mesmos sobre o tema câncer de próstata; palestras visando o esclarecimento de todos os visitantes e dos usuários que comparecem a uma unidade ambulatorial; e rastreamento de filhos e irmãos de clientes com diagnóstico de câncer de próstata. Foi criado também um perfil na rede social Instagram, com o objetivo de disseminar informações relativas ao câncer de próstata e outras patologias direcionadas a população masculina. O projeto extensionista tem atingido seus objetivos de educação em saúde para melhorias na saúde masculina, seja pela realização de promoção à saúde e prevenção do câncer de próstata no hospital universitário, seja pelo uso da rede social Instagram para publicações de conteúdos embasados em referências científicas

    Espaço de cuidados de enfermagem à saúde do homem e ao câncer de próstata: relato de uma atividade extensionista

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    The aim of this study is to report the experience from the experience of a fellow, about the development of extensionist actions linked to an extension project with the theme of prevention of prostate cancer and attention to men's health. An experience report is set up based on the observations and experience of the scholarship holder. Interviews were conducted with visitors to the Urology ward of a university hospital to assess their knowledge on the subject of prostate cancer; lectures aimed at clarifying all visitors and users who attend an outpatient unit; and tracking children and siblings of clients diagnosed with prostate cancer. A profile was also created on the social network Instagram, with the aim of disseminating information regarding prostate cancer and other pathologies targeted at the male population. The extensionist project has achieved its health education objectives for improvements in men's health, either by carrying out health promotion and prostate cancer prevention at the university hospital, or by using the social network Instagram to publish content based on scientific references.O objetivo deste estudo é relatar a experiência a partir da vivência de uma bolsista, acerca do desenvolvimento das ações extensionistas vinculadas a um projeto de extensão com a temática de prevenção ao câncer de próstata e atenção à saúde do homem. Configura-se um relato de experiência pautado nas observações e vivência da bolsista. São realizadas entrevistas com visitantes da enfermaria de Urologia de um hospital universitário para avaliar o conhecimento dos mesmos sobre o tema câncer de próstata; palestras visando o esclarecimento de todos os visitantes e dos usuários que comparecem a uma unidade ambulatorial; e rastreamento de filhos e irmãos de clientes com diagnóstico de câncer de próstata. Foi criado também um perfil na rede social Instagram, com o objetivo de disseminar informações relativas ao câncer de próstata e outras patologias direcionadas a população masculina. O projeto extensionista tem atingido seus objetivos de educação em saúde para melhorias na saúde masculina, seja pela realização de promoção à saúde e prevenção do câncer de próstata no hospital universitário, seja pelo uso da rede social Instagram para publicações de conteúdos embasados em referências científicas

    RT-qPCR study of COX-1 and -2 genes in oral surgical model comparing single-dose preemptive ibuprofen and etoricoxib : a randomized clinical trialy

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    Background: This study aimed to evaluate the gene expression of cyclooxygenases (COXs) in an oral model of preemptive analgesia. Material and Methods: Gingival tissue was collected during extraction of lower third molars from a randomized, triple-blind, split-mouth and placebo-controlled study. The eligible patients were randomly sorted to receive a single dose either of ibuprofen 400mg, or etoricoxib 120 mg or a placebo, one hour prior to surgery. The temporal course of RNAm was evaluated for COX-1 and -2 by means of a quantitative polymerase chain reaction in real time (RT-qPCR) at time zero and 30 minutes after the surgical procedure began, and it was correlated with clinical parameters (pain and maximum mouth opening). Results: There was a significant increase in COX-1 expression between T0 and T30 in ibuprofen (p=0.004) and eto-ricoxib (p=0.010) groups. As regards COX-2, there were increases from T0 to T30 in all groups (placebo, p=0.012; ibuprofen, p<0.001; etoricoxib, p<0.001). All groups showed a significant decrease in COX-2:COX-1 ratio from T0 to T30 (placebo, p=0.013; ibuprofen, p<0.001; etoricoxib, p=0.047). Experimental groups showed a significant correlation between COX-1 and COX-2 levels and clinical pain parameters. Conclusions: The present preemptive analgesia study concludes that COX-2 RNAm induction was directly linked to third molar-related tissue inflammation and that the relation between COX-1 and COX-2 levels were inversely proportional to the preemptively administered nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs COX-2 selectivity

    Preemptive analgesia-related gene and protein expression in third molar surgeries under non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug protocols : A PROSPERO-registered systematic review of clinical studies

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    This study aimed to review translational studies focusing on third molar removal surgeries through a systematic analytical approach. A PROSPERO-registered systematic review (CRD42017060455) was conducted following the PRISMA statement to summarize current knowledge on gene expression in third molar surgeries. A search was performed in PubMed?s Medline and Scopus databases, without date or language restrictions, using the logical expression {[(Third molar) OR (preemptive) OR (cyclooxygenase inhibitors) OR (acute inflammation) AND (gene expression)]}. All studies included in the analysis evaluated gene expression in a third molar extraction model, using the preemptive analgesia methodology in seven investigations. The sample analyzed was obtained from gingival tissue biopsy (n=4), blood (n=1), transudate (n=1) and gingival tissue biopsy/transudate (n=1). There were differences with respect to evaluated genes, drug protocol, sample studied, and method for evaluating gene expression. Third molar surgeries were found to be associated with different COX-related gene expression patterns. Although inflammatory events following the surgical procedure are associated with COX isoforms, data from preemptive analgesia studies are scarce, especially from studies correlating gene expression and clinical parameters. In the future, from a clinical perspective, identifying the molecular targets of a drug based on individual gene expression may be helpful to delineate specific third molar, surgery-related, preemptive analgesia protocols

    Perillyl alcohol in Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN-PA): Cytotoxicity and antitumor potential in sarcoma 180 mice model

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    Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells. These cells invade organs and tissues by extension or direct dissemination and can spread to other regions of the body. Nanomedicine offers many possibilities to prevent the spread of cancer tissue and help cure the disease. In this work, solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) were used to encapsulate perillyl alcohol (PA), a volatile monoterpene with proven anticancer activity. Encapsulation of PA into SLN (SLN-PA) is expected to promote controlled release, increase PA bioavailability, and impair the volatility of the monoterpene. SLN-PA prepared by high-shear homogenization showed average particle diameter around 254 nm, polydispersity index ~ 0.35, zeta potential ~ -14.7 mV, and encapsulation efficiency 84.6%. Scanning electron microscope analysis revealed a decrease in crystallinity, suggesting the encapsulation of PA in the SLN, confirming the spherical shape and the loading of the monoterpene in the SLN. In vitro cytotoxicity assays against murine fibroblasts (L929) showed that SLN-PA in both treated doses did not induce any cytotoxicity on non-tumoral cells. In vivo antitumor effect of the SLN-PA was evaluated in sarcoma 180-transplanted mice. The in vivo results demonstrated a significant tumor inhibition rate of 51.76 and 54.49% via intraperitoneal application of SLN-PA at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg/day (p < 0.05), respective when compared to the negative control (dimethyl sulfoxide). Adverse side effects of SLN-PA were not noticed in the liver, the kidney, or spleen tissue. The developed SLN-PA can be considered as a safe approach for site-specific antitumor effect in vivo, reinterpreting new nanoparticles- based cancer therapy.This work was supported by the Banco do Nordeste (grant FUNDECI/2016.0015), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa e à Inovação Tecnológica do Estado de Sergipe (Fapitec) and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Eliana B. Souto would like to acknowledge the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT/MCT) and from European Funds (PRODER/COMPETE) for the project UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund), co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity continuous exercise on inflammatory, leptin, IgA, and lipid peroxidation responses in obese males

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    Purpose: To compare the effects of a single high-intensity interval exercise session (HIIE) with amoderate-intensity continuous exercise session (MICE) on the inflammatory profile, IgA levels, and lipid peroxidation in sedentary obese males. Methods: Ten sedentary obese men (age 28.5 ± 2.7 years; BMI 35.9 ± 4.9 kg/m2; body fat 40.6 ± 2.0%) performed three experimental sessions, on separate days with 1 week wash-out period between interventions, according to a randomized order: (1) HIIE: 10 × 60 s at 90% of the HRmax alternated by 60 s of active recovery; (2) MICE: 20min at 70% of the HRmax; (3) Rest—control. Blood and saliva samples were collected before, immediately after and 60min after the end of each session in order to analyse serum levels of cytokines, IgA, and lipoperoxidation markers. Results: Leptin levels decreased immediately after HIIE (P = 0.033) and was different from the MICE (P = 0.025). IFN-g levels were reduced immediately after (P = 0.032) and 60min after HIIE (P = 0.003) compared to baseline, and it also increased IL-4 levels immediately after exercise (P = 0.007) compared to resting values. MICE promoted an increase in IFN-g levels immediately after exercise (P = 0.025) and 60min after exercise (P = 0.004) in relation to baseline. Both exercise conditions increased IL-6 levels up to 60min after exercise (P < 0.05). The IFN-g/IL-4 ratio decreased immediately after (P = 0.002) and 60min after HIIE (P = 0.005) in relation to pre-exercise. No changes were found for IgA-S and TBARS for any of the conditions. Conclusion: A single HIIE session is able to decrease IFN-g/IL-4 ratio, indicating an anti-inflammatory response, without alterations in the function of the mucosal immune systemand lipoperoxidation. On the other hand, a brief session ofMICE induced changes in the pattern of cytokines associated with increased cellular immune function

    Moduladores de coagulação alterados comprometem os pacientes infectados com COVID-19 / Altered coagulations modulators compromise COVID-19 infected patients

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    O novo coronavírus, denominado de coronavírus da síndrome respiratória aguda grave tipo 2 (SARS-CoV-2), foi responsável por causar um surto de pneumonia na cidade de Wuhan, província de Hubei, China em dezembro de 2019. A doença causada pelo SARS-CoV-2, conhecido como COVID-19, apresenta elevada morbimortalidade e transmissibilidade, proporcionando sua expansão mundial e ocasionando um estágio pandêmico. O SARS-CoV-2 tem como receptor a enzima conversora de angiotensina 2 e, após fusão com as células do hospedeiro, promove uma tempestade de citocinas que resulta em inflamação excessiva capaz de causar hipercoagulabilidade em pacientes críticos com COVID-19, associando a doença com um aumento na incidência de embolia pulmonar e trombose microvascular nos pulmões. Portanto, o objetivo do estudo é compreender a cascata de sinalização dos diferentes marcadores laboratoriais de pacientes com COVID-19, a fim de verificar possíveis distúrbios de coagulação em pacientes gravemente infectados

    Silver nanoparticles-composing alginate/gelatine hydrogel improves wound healing in vivo

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    Polymer hydrogels have been suggested as dressing materials for the treatment of cutaneous wounds and tissue revitalization. In this work, we report the development of a hydrogel composed of natural polymers (sodium alginate and gelatin) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with recognized antimicrobial activity for healing cutaneous lesions. For the development of the hydrogel, different ratios of sodium alginate and gelatin have been tested, while different concentrations of AgNO3 precursor (1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 mM) were assayed for the production of AgNPs. The obtained AgNPs exhibited a characteristic peak between 430450 nm in the ultraviolet-visible (UVVis) spectrum suggesting a spheroidal form, which was confirmed by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Fourier Transform Infra-red (FTIR) analysis suggested the formation of strong intermolecular interactions as hydrogen bonds and electrostatic attractions between polymers, showing bands at 2920, 2852, 1500, and 1640 cm1. Significant bactericidal activity was observed for the hydrogel, with a Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of 0.50 µg/mL against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 53.0 µg/mL against Staphylococcus aureus. AgNPs were shown to be non-cytotoxic against fibroblast cells. The in vivo studies in female Wister rats confirmed the capacity of the AgNP-loaded hydrogels to reduce the wound size compared to uncoated injuries promoting histological changes in the healing tissue over the time course of wound healing, as in earlier development and maturation of granulation tissue. The developed hydrogel with AgNPs has healing potential for clinical applications.This research received funding from the Coordenação Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sergipe (FAPITEC), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, #443238/2014-6, #470388/2014-5), and from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) projects M-ERA-NET/0004/2015 (PAIRED) and UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio