348 research outputs found

    Poética del Postismo en la obra de Eduardo Chicharro

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    Este artículo estudia los métodos característicos de la poesía del "Postismo" en la obra de Eduardo Chicharro, teniendo en cuenta la base teórica que define la estética de esta corriente literaria. Los rasgos estilísticos en trabajos de este escritor y de esta tendencia vanguardista de posguerra se caracterizan por el uso de dispositivos musicales, semánticas y sintácticos, que se analizan en el curso de este trabajo.Este artículo estudia los métodos característicos de la poesía del "Postismo" en la obra de Eduardo Chicharro, teniendo en cuenta la base teórica que define la estética de esta corriente literaria. Los rasgos estilísticos en trabajos de este escritor y de esta tendencia vanguardista de posguerra se caracterizan por el uso de dispositivos musicales, semánticas y sintácticos, que se analizan en el curso de este trabajo.notPeerReviewe

    Initial Approach to Safety on Cruises Ships: Structure of the Sector

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    The importance of safety on ships is beyond dispute, however, there are some types of ship for which this matter deserves special consideration. One of these types of ships are passenger cruises, due to the high number of human lives that travel on board. For this reason, we believe that a particular study of safety in cruise ships is needed. The Port State Control (PSC) mechanism of coastal States to try to ensure security in their territorial waters in respect of the traffic of foreign ships may, a priori, be an impartial and reliable indicator of security, according to the deficiencies it detect in ships and the detentions that carried out. Thus, we will use the PSC inspections in this paper. The source of information about PSC inspections is EQUASIS, which is the information system of the majority of regional agreements PSC and US Coast Guard. The study period is 5 years (2012‐2016) and the cruise ships analysed are belonging to the International Association of Cruise Lines (CLIA). The objective of this work is an initial approach to safety on cruise ships and the structure of the sector according several factors (company, cruise type, age and pavilion)

    Régimen jurídico de las estaciones de viajeros

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, Departamento de Derecho Administrativo, leída el 16-12-2015La presente tesis pretende analizar el régimen jurídico de las estaciones de transporte de viajeros por ferrocarril. La hipótesis de trabajo de la que parto es doble. Por un lado, la falta de regulación normativa de una figura tan importante para el desarrollo del servicio ferroviario como son las estaciones de transporte de viajeros por ferrocarril. Por otro lado, la incorrecta calificación del régimen jurídico aplicable a éstas en aquellos casos en los que el legislador le ha dedicado atención individualizada. El análisis y estudio del régimen jurídico de las estaciones de transporte de viajeros por ferrocarril me han permitido observar dos tipos de patologías jurídicas que las afectan. La primera de ellas es de tipo histórico, está presente desde hace ya décadas en el campo del Derecho administrativo y de ella no escapa el ordenamiento jurídico‐ferroviario. Es el fenómeno de la huida del Derecho administrativo. Otra de las patologías es su falta de preparación para afrontar los retos actuales planteados entorno a las infraestructuras del transporte...The aim of this thesis is to analyse the laws and regulations governing the operation of railway stations. The hypothesis of this work is two‐fold. On the one hand, there is lack of specific laws and regulations governing the operation of railway stations in general, and on the other hand in cases where the legislator has dedicated individual attention to the railways stations, incorrect qualifications have been made to the general regime. On the one hand, there is no specific regulation for stations as such, and when the regulator has specifically regulated railway stations, the definition or status of these is mistaken. As a consequence of the analysis and study of the laws and regulations governing railway stations, this thesis identifies two types of legal issues. The so‐called“ huida del derechoadministrativo” and the lack of preparation to face the actual challenges related to transports infrastructures. This thesis uses a methodology based on both a historical and a contemporary analysis. It considers both European and national laws as well as jurisprudence and doctrine applicable to the railway stations. One of the problems identified is a severe lack of jurisprudence and doctrine specifically related to the railway stations. In order to alleviate this lack of jurisprudence and doctrine, I have used, as a comparative element, other infrastructures with similar characteristics such as ports and, especially, airports. The general objective of this thesis is to make a proposal to provide railway stations with a specific, consistent and contemporary legal regime...Depto. de Derecho AdministrativoFac. de DerechoTRUEunpu

    Régimen jurídico de las estaciones de viajeros

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    La presente tesis pretende analizar el régimen jurídico de las estaciones de transporte de viajeros por ferrocarril. La hipótesis de trabajo de la que parto es doble. Por un lado, la falta de regulación normativa de una figura tan importante para el desarrollo del servicio ferroviario como son las estaciones de transporte de viajeros por ferrocarril. Por otro lado, la incorrecta calificación del régimen jurídico aplicable a éstas en aquellos casos en los que el legislador le ha dedicado atención individualizada. El análisis y estudio del régimen jurídico de las estaciones de transporte de viajeros por ferrocarril me han permitido observar dos tipos de patologías jurídicas que las afectan. La primera de ellas es de tipo histórico, está presente desde hace ya décadas en el campo del Derecho administrativo y de ella no escapa el ordenamiento jurídico‐ferroviario. Es el fenómeno de la huida del Derecho administrativo. Otra de las patologías es su falta de preparación para afrontar los retos actuales planteados entorno a las infraestructuras del transporte..

    Fast response and temporal coherent oscillations in small-world networks

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    We have investigated the role that different connectivity regimes play in the dynamics of a network of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons by computer simulations. The different connectivity topologies exhibit the following features: random topologies give rise to fast system response yet are unable to produce coherent oscillations in the average activity of the network; on the other hand, regular topologies give rise to coherent oscillations, but in a temporal scale that is not in accordance with fast signal processing. Finally, small-world topologies, which fall between random and regular ones, take advantage of the best features of both, giving rise to fast system response with coherent oscillations.We acknowledge G. Laurent, A. Bäcker, M. Bazhenov, M. Rabinovich, and H. Abarbanel for insightful discussions. We thank the Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación Científica for financial support (PB97-1448), the CAM for financial support to L. F. L., and the CCCFC (UAM) for the use of computation resources

    Viral Dissemination of Content in Advertising: Emotional Factors to Reach Consumers

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    Social media has become a relevant content dissemination channel in recent years. Each user has the capacity to potentially reach others, and in this way, social media challenges the traditional distribution of content through mass media. The advertising industry has had to adapt to this new ecosystem and develop audiovisual pieces specifically tailored to this environment as part of their communication strategies. These pieces aim at achieving not only views but to engage viewers in sharing content with their contacts. Recent research indicates that there are certain aspects of human behaviour related to emotions and motivations that have an impact on the decision to share information, news and content with others. However, there are few studies analysing how the features of the content shared influence that decision. This article presents the content analysis results of the 100 most widely shared advertising viral videos around the world from 2011 to 2015 according to Adweek. The analysis was conducted from an emotional perspective in order to establish the common features of the most shared videos and to identify the frequency in which emotional narrative resources are used