376 research outputs found

    D-Branes on C^3_6. Part I. Prepotential and GW-invariants

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    This is the first of a set of papers having the aim to provide a detailed description of brane configurations on a family of noncompact threedimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds. The starting point is the singular manifold C^3/Z_6, which admits five distinct crepant resolutions. Here we apply local mirror symmetry to partially determine the prepotential encoding the GW-invariants of the resolved varieties. It results that such prepotential provides all numbers but the ones corresponding to curves having null intersection with the compact divisor. This is realized by means of a conjecture, due to S. Hosono, so that our results provide a check confirming at least in part the conjecture

    Investigation of the RTN Distribution of nanoscale MOS devices from subthreshold to on-state

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    This letter presents a numerical investigation of the statistical distribution of the random telegraph noise (RTN) amplitude in nanoscale MOS devices, focusing on the change of its main features when moving from the subthreshold to the on-state conduction regime. Results show that while the distribution can be well approximated by an exponential behavior in subthreshold, large deviations from this behavior appear when moving toward the on-state regime, despite a low probability exponential tail at high RTN amplitudes being preserved. The average value of the distribution is shown to keep an inverse proportionality to channel area, while the slope of the high-amplitude exponential tail changes its dependence on device width, length, and doping when moving from subthreshold to on-state

    Late metamorphic veins with dominant PS-15 polygonal serpentine in the Monte Avic ultramafite

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    The ultramafic body of Monte Avic (Aosta Valley, Western Alps, Italy) consists of antigorite serpentinite and Ti-clinohumite metadunite. They host late metamorphic veins, up to a couple of centimeters thick, compact, and homogeneous, with a “porcelain” appearance. Vein colors range from yellowish to light greenish, light yellowish fading to white, or rare orange. The veins consist of 15-sector PS-15 polygonal serpentine, with chemical composition Mg2.85 Fe0.08 Si2.05 O7.05 [OH]3.95. Recognition of this unusual phase is supported by diagnostic satellite reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (e.g., at dobs of 2.502, 2.336, 2.151, and 1.966 Å) TEM images (showing 15-sector polygonal fibers, mostly 200 nm in diameter and a few µm in length, forming a randomly oriented felt) and a µ-Raman wavenumber, matching previous data. This different evidence affords the successful distinction of PS-15 and PS-30, alternatively using TEM images, X-ray powder diffraction, or the low- and high-wavenumber µ-Raman spectra. At Monte Avic, the vein emplacement was accompanied by significant fluid pressure, as suggested by deformation and dismembering of the host rock, with PS-15 grown within isotropic stress microenvironments characterized by fluid-filled voids. Random growth of the mass-fiber polygonal serpentine was favored by low-strain conditions. PS-15 veins formed at the end of the long polyphase Alpine orogenic evolution, with hydrous fluids possibly deriving from serpentinite dehydration in the depth.</p

    The hERG1 potassium channel behaves as prognostic factor in gastric dysplasia endoscopic samples

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    Purpose: Gastric cancer (GC) is still a relevant health issue worldwide. The identification of prognostic factors for progression of gastric dysplasia (GD), the main pre-cancerous lesion of the intestinal-type GC, is hence mandatory.Patients and methods: A cohort of 83 GD endoscopic samples belonging to Italian subjects was collected. hERG1 expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry and scored 0-3, depending on the percentage of stained cells. Expression data were analysed in conjunction with clinico-pathological and survival data.Results: hERG1 turned out to be expressed in 67.47% (56 out of 83) of the GD samples. hERG1 expression was higher in high-grade GD compared to low-grade GD (29 out of 39, 74.36% vs 27 out of 44, 61.36%), although the statistical significance was not reached (P=0.246). No association emerged between hERG1 expression and clinical features of the patients (age, gender, localization, H. pylori infection, gastritis and intestinal metaplasia). In a subset of cases for which sequential samples of gastric lesions (from GD to Early Gastric Cancer and Advanced Gastric Cancer) were available, hERG1 expression was maintained in all the steps of gastric carcinogenesis from GD onwards. A general trend to increased expression in advanced lesions was observed. hERG1 score had a statistically significant impact on both Progression-Free Survival (P=0.018) and Overall Survival (P=0.031). In particular, patients displaying a high hERG1 score have a shorter survival.Conclusion: hERG1 is aberrantly expressed in human GD samples and has an impact on both PFS and OS, hence representing a novel prognostic marker for progression of GD towards GC of the intestinal histotype. Once properly validated, hERG1 detection could be included in the clinical practice, during endoscopic surveillance protocols, for the management of GD at higher risk of progression, as already proposed for Barrett's oesophagus

    Universit\ue0 degli studi di Macerata

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    Sono illustrati i servizi di orientamento, tutorato e job placement delle 4 Universit\ue0 delle March
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