314 research outputs found
José María Quadrado archivero de Mallorca
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The Spanish Transition Forty Years Later. Democracy, Devolution and Pluralism
El trabajo realiza un balance de los resultados de la transición española a la democracia cuarenta años después de su culminación. Las claves de un prestigio internacional que se ha visto relativamente eclipsado con el tiempo estriban en la incapacidad para estabilizar el sistema territorial, la deficiente secularización del Estado para hacer frente a la creciente diversidad interna de la sociedad española y las carencias en los aspectos ligados a la justicia transicional, que a largo plazo han repercutido negativamente en la cultura política e institucional del país.With the death of Franco in 1975, Spain faced multiple challenges, including how best to manage the transition from fascist dictatorship to democracy while also addressing the rise of nationalist movements in Catalonia and the Basque Country seeking autonomy. That the leaders of the democratic transition would build territorial pluralism into their conception of democratization was by no means inevitable. Why and how did democratization and pluralism intersect during the Spanish democratic transition? Forty years on, what does the Spanish experience tell us about the relationship between democracy and devolution and the changing place of pluralism within the self-identity of the country? Which sources of exclusion stubbornly endure?Global Centre for Pluralism (Canada)Peer reviewe
Ex uno plures. La imaginación liberal, la fragmentación del demos constitucional hispánico
Ex uno plures. La imaginación liberal y la fragmentación del demos constitucional hispánico Francisco Colom González Resumen: Las teorías más difundidas sobre el nacionalismo suelen pasar muy rápidamente por la experiencia latinoamericana. Tampoco en el
Properties and optimal manufacturing conditions of chicken feathers thermoplastics biocomposites
The aim of this study was the analysis and characterization of composites based on thermoplastics (ethylene vinyl acetate, polypropilene and high-density polyethylene) and chicken feathers. Several composite samples with a content of 20% v/v of chicken feathers have been studied to determine the optimal manufacturing conditions of temperature, mixing time, and mixing speed to achieve the best tensile properties. The results have shown that the addition of micronized chicken feather (20% v/v) to thermoplastic matrices increases stiffness and provides a more brittle behavior. Ethylene vinyl acetate matrix also shows an ability to participate in second-order intermolecular interactions with chicken feathers, providing better tensile properties (tensile strength and toughness) than polypropilene and high-density polyethylene. Optimal manufacturing conditions were found for a mixing time of around 5min; a mixing speed of 50rmin 1 ; and temperature values of 160 C in case of high-density polyethylene, 120 C for ethylene vinyl acetate, and 170 C for polypropilene. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy analysis have been performed in order to provide further understanding of the compatibility and microstructural features that support the tensile properties of the materialsPostprint (author’s final draft
FTIR spectroscopic and thermogravimetric characterization of ground tyre rubber devulcanized by microwave treatment
In this work the phenomena involved with the microwave devulcanization of ground tyre rubber (GTR) were investigated. During studies three types of GTR characterized by different content of organic compounds (elastomers, plasticizers, etc..), carbon black and ash have been analyzed. The chemical structure of GTR before and after microwave devulcanization process was studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Furthermore, efficiency of microwave devulcanization conducted at different time was evaluated based on the crosslinking density and sol content values. FTIR spectroscopy results shown that devulcanization of GTR causes a decrease in carbon black with generation of CO2 due to its thermo oxidation, a decrease in structural groups of elastomeric components (mainly methylene and methine) and a breaking of C-S groups and S-S bridges. The presented results indicate the strong correlation between content of SiO2 in GTR and its degree of devulcanization. It was observed that GTR with a high content of SiO2 are easier devulcanized than samples with low content of SiO2, which suggest the presence of silica fillers improve microwave devulcanization efficiencyPostprint (author's final draft
Flexible processing architecture for maintaining QoS in embedded systems applications
Comunicación presentada en las V Jornadas de Computación Empotrada, Valladolid, 17-19 Septiembre 2014The growing available capacity on a single chip is leading to increasingly sophisticated applications in the field of embedded systems. In addition, the cloud computing paradigm, allows the extension of the capabilities of these systems using remote resources. Among the wide range of applications that can arise in this context, are those in which it is critical to meet certain quality of service (QoS) requirements, such as limited latency. In these cases, real-time operating systems (RTOS) provide a valid solution to guarantee predictability and response time using the resources of the embedded system. However, in applications where the elements to process can grow and decrease in a variable way, the load can exceed the capabilities of the embedded system, which is an important limitation. In this paper, a new architecture is proposed, aiming to take the most of remotely available resources only when the load temporarily exceeds the capabilities of the embedded system. The access to the remote resources is done by using cloud platforms maintaining an acceptable level of QoS for the application
Structural and physico-mechanical properties of natural rubber/GTR composites devulcanized by microwaves: influence of GTR source and irradiation time
Ground tire rubber from car and truck was modified using microwave irradiation at variable time. The irradiated ground tire rubber was used as filler in composites based on natural rubber. The composites, with high content of ground tire rubber, were prepared using an internal batch mixer and subsequently cross-linked at 160¿. The influence of the ground tire rubber source (car/truck) and irradiation time on structure, physico-mechanical behaviour, thermal properties and morphology of natural rubber/ground tire rubber composites was studied. The interfacial interactions between ground tire rubber and natural rubber as function of ground tire rubber source and irradiation time were evaluated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, tensile tests, swelling measurements and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that irradiation of ground tire rubber slightly enhanced tensile properties and cross-link density of natural rubber/ground tire rubber composites. This effect was more evident in the case of ground tire rubbertruck because of its higher content of natural rubber and was reflected in changes in the interfacial adhesion, which were confirmed by the results of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy analysisPostprint (author's final draft
Análisis fundamental: deficiencias y comparación con otros métodos de análisis para la inversión
[ES] Cuando se decide invertir en los mercados financieros, normalmente se plantean diversas preguntas antes de iniciar el proyecto. Aunque hay varias de ellas que deben realizarse en función del capital disponible y de las condiciones personales, normalmente se pasa más tiempo intentando resolver cuestiones referidas al tipo de inversión o especulación que se va a realizar. Algunos ejemplos de estas cuestiones podrían referirse al horizonte temporal de la inversión, instrumentos o mercados en los que se invertirá o método de inversión a emplear (fundamental, técnico, de volatilidad, modelo CAPM).
Centrándonos en esta última pregunta, actualmente existen muchos métodos de inversión o especulación con activos financieros, siendo el análisis fundamental el de mayor aceptación en el ámbito económico y académico por sus sólidas bases económicas y su aparente racionalidad. Es por ello por lo que es el método de inversión por excelencia y adoptado por muchos participantes del mercado, desde grandes fondos de inversión con miles de millones en cuenta hasta particulares con pequeñas cuentas de valores. Es el método de inversión mas
estudiado en las universidades y escuelas de negocios, en el que los analistas de los bancos e instituciones financieras basan sus análisis y es avalado por grandes inversores como Warren Buffet o George Soros e incluso parece desafiar la teoría de mercado eficiente. Sin embargo, a pesar de todo esto, observamos que, al menos el inversor particular, cuando invierte siguiendo sus instrucciones obtiene rendimientos más bien pobres, que muchas veces no consiguen batir al mercado y en muchas ocasiones soportando grandes dosis de sufrimiento (perdidas, nervios y miedo, entre otros) a lo largo de la duración de la inversión. ¿Por qué sucede esto?
En este trabajo de final de Máster, se tratará de analizar las deficiencias del análisis fundamental bursátil, siempre a partir del conocimiento adquirido durante el Máster y se comparará sus resultados con los obtenidos con otros métodos de inversión, como el análisis técnico, por ejemplo. Por último, hay que indicar que este trabajo no pretende ser una crítica al análisis fundamental, simplemente se expresara la opinión del alumno sobre dicho análisis.[EN] When someone decides to invest in financial markets, several questions are usually asked before starting the project. Although there are several of them that must be made depending on the capital available and personal conditions, it usually spends more time trying to resolve issues regarding the kind of investment or speculation. Some examples of these issues could be investment´s time, assets or markets in which it will be invested, or which investment method will be used (fundamental, technical, volatility, CAPM model...).
Focusing on this last question, there are many investing or speculating methods. Fundamental analysis is the most accepted in the economic and academic sphere for its economic bases and apparent rationality. By this it is the investment method par excellence and adopted by many market participants, from large investment funds to retailers with small accounts. It is the most studied investment method in universities and business schools, in which analysts from banks and financial institutions base their analyses and is endorsed by investors such as Warren Buffet or George Soros and even seems to challenge the market efficiency. However, despite all this, we note that, at least the retail investor, when he invests following fundamental analysis¿s instructions he obtains poor yields, which often fail to beat the market and in many times with suffering (economic losses, nervous and afraid, among others) over the duration of the investment. Why this?
In this paper, I will try to analyze the deficiencies of the fundamental analysis, always from the knowledge acquired during the master¿s degree and compare its results with those obtained with other investment methods, such as technical analysis, for example. Finally, to indicate that this work is not intended to be a criticism of fundamental analysis, simply expressing the student's opinion on that analysis.[CA] L'anàlisi fonamental bursatil es presenta com un mètode fiable amb forts arguments econòmics
per a obtindré guanys sostinguts amb la especul-lacio amb actius financers. No obstant això, a
la pràctica real podem trobar nombroses experiències d'inversors que estan constantment
involucrats en pèrdues a l'hora de comprar i vendre.
El present document tracta d'explicar per què d'aquesta situació. Amb aquesta finalitat, s'ha
estudiat la correl-lacio entre les variables utilitzades en els dos principals mètodes d'anàlisi
fonamental, el descompte de fluxes i la valoració per magnituds comptables, y la rentabilitat de
les accions.
Els resultats d'aquest treball mostren com tant el descompte del flux de caixa com el mètode de
anàlisis per magnituds comptables no són mètodes efectius per especular sobre accions, ja que
les variables utilitzades en ambdós mètodes presenten una correl-lacio proxima a 0 amb la
formació de preus.
Partint d'aquests resultats i com es veurà més endavant, és imprescindible que l'inversor
minorista implementi eines addicionals per intentar no incórrer en pèrdues tan greus que els
obliguen a abandonar l'activitat. Mitjançant l'aplicació d'una correcta gestió del risc,
l'especulador minorista millora així les possibilitats de sobreviure als mercats, retenir el seu
capital i, per tant, les possibilitats d'obtenir rendibilitats més o menys sostenibles al llarg del
temps.Colom Castelló, F. (2020). Análisis fundamental: deficiencias y comparación con otros métodos de análisis para la inversión. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/152237TFG
Pesas y medidas en Mallorca desde el siglo XIII al siglo XIX
Abstract not availabl
Actores colectivos y modelos de conflicto en el estado de bienestar
La dinámica histórica del "Estado de bienestar", su tan anunciada crisis y su no menos incierto futuro, puede ser mejor comprendida si se la concibe como el fruto de una determinada constelación histórica de estrategias organizativas, frentes de conflicto y actores colectivos. Esa constelación permite configurarlo teóricamente como un espacio político en el que confluyen tres modelos distintos de confrontación de intereses: los del capital y del trabajo, los de la politica institucionalizada y los expresados en formas extrainstitucionales de protesta. De su capacidad institucional para resolver esos tipos de conflicto, así como del recíproco ajuste de equilibrio entre sus escenarios, depende en buena medida el futuro político de los Estados de bienestar.The Welfare State, its current crisis and its chances for the future, can be better understood
if they are considered as the result of a historical set of organizational strategies, political cleavages
and collective agency. From this point of view we can conceive the State as a political arena
in which three different models of interest conflict meet: capital versus labor, institutional politics
and protest expressed through non-institutional means. The political future of the Welfare
State depends therefore on its conflict solving capacity as well as on its ability to balance those
three different conflict model
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