1,018 research outputs found

    A new data assimilation procedure to develop a debris flow run-out model

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    Abstract Parameter calibration is one of the most problematic phases of numerical modeling since the choice of parameters affects the model\u2019s reliability as far as the physical problems being studied are concerned. In some cases, laboratory tests or physical models evaluating model parameters cannot be completed and other strategies must be adopted; numerical models reproducing debris flow propagation are one of these. Since scale problems affect the reproduction of real debris flows in the laboratory or specific tests used to determine rheological parameters, calibration is usually carried out by comparing in a subjective way only a few parameters, such as the heights of soil deposits calculated for some sections of the debris flows or the distance traveled by the debris flows using the values detected in situ after an event has occurred. Since no automatic or objective procedure has as yet been produced, this paper presents a numerical procedure based on the application of a statistical algorithm, which makes it possible to define, without ambiguities, the best parameter set. The procedure has been applied to a study case for which digital elevation models of both before and after an important event exist, implicating that a good database for applying the method was available. Its application has uncovered insights to better understand debris flows and related phenomena

    Radiation to atom quantum mapping by collective recoil in Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We propose an experiment to realize radiation to atom continuous variable quantum mapping, i.e. to teleport the quantum state of a single mode radiation field onto the collective state of atoms with a given momentum out of a Bose-Einstein condensate. The atoms-radiation entanglement needed for the teleportation protocol is established through the interaction of a single mode with the condensate in presence of a strong far off-resonant pump laser, whereas the coherent atomic displacement is obtained by the same interaction with the radiation in a classical coherent field. In principle, verification of the protocol requires a joint measurement on the recoiling atoms and the condensate, however, a partial verification involving populations, i.e. diagonal matrix elements may be obtained through counting atoms experiments

    How likely are oscillations in a genetic feedback loop with delay?

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    Some genetic control networks display temporal oscillations as a result of delays in their homeostatic control. A relevant question about these systems is whether the oscillating regime is a rare feature, or it corresponds to a sizeable volume of the space of parameters. The answer is not trivial mainly due to the large number of parameters controlling the rate equations which describe the network. We have developed an efficient sampling scheme of the parameter space, based on a Monte Carlo algorithm, and applied it to a two-node system with delay, characterised by a 8-dimension parameter space. The result is that the volume fraction of the parameter space associated with oscillations is small but not negligible, and it is weakly dependent on the duration of the delay. The most critical parameter to control oscillations is the coupling production rates, which must have opposite sign, giving rise to a negative feedback loop. The oscillating regions are connected except along the equilibrium constants between the two species, not allowing neutral evolution along this parameter

    Robust generation of entanglement in Bose-Einstein condensates by collective atomic recoil

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    We address the dynamics induced by collective atomic recoil in a Bose-Einstein condensate in presence of radiation losses and atomic decoherence. In particular, we focus on the linear regime of the lasing mechanism, and analyze the effects of losses and decoherence on the generation of entanglement. The dynamics is that of three bosons, two atomic modes interacting with a single-mode radiation field, coupled with a bath of oscillators. The resulting three-mode dissipative Master equation is solved analytically in terms of the Wigner function. We examine in details the two complementary limits of {\em high-Q cavity} and {\em bad-cavity}, the latter corresponding to the so-called superradiant regime, both in the quasi-classical and quantum regimes. We found that three-mode entanglement as well as two-mode atom-atom and atom-radiation entanglement is generally robust against losses and decoherence,thus making the present system a good candidate for the experimental observation of entanglement in condensate systems. In particular, steady-state entanglement may be obtained both between atoms with opposite momenta and between atoms and photons

    Analysis of agroclimatic resources for Georgian viticulture

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    One of the results of the \u201cResearch Project for the Study of Georgian Grapes and Wine Culture\u201d promoted by the National Wine Agency of the Republic of eorgia was the production of a bilingual handbook for modern viticulture. The first sections of the handbook were devoted to the agrometeorological analysis of environmental resources and limitations, comprising a general analysis of Georgian climate and agrometeorological features, followed by detailed regional cards. The agrometeorological analysis of Georgia was based on daily data collected by National and International networks for the period 1974-2013. Several agrometeorological indexes were calculated in order to define resources and limitations for viticulture for each viticultural region of Georgia, providing fundamental information for grape-growing and wine-making

    Reconhecimento parental e plasticidade fenotípica em duas cultivares de milho em resposta à competição intraespecífica

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    Os cultivos agrícolas são normalmente estabelecidos em sistema de monocultivo, sob adequada disponibilidade hídrica e nutricional, manejo intensivo de plantas daninhas e elevada densidade de plantas altamente relacionadas, como forma de obtenção de altos rendimentos. Essas condições podem ter potencializado a capacidade de reconhecimento parental em plantas cultivadas. Diante do exposto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade de reconhecimento parental e a plasticidade fenotípica em duas cultivares de milho (Zea mays L.) em resposta à competição intraespecífica. Para tal, dois genótipos de milho contratantes quanto ao grau de domesticação (Híbrido e Crioula), foram cultivadas com plantas vizinhas de diferentes graus de parentesco [tratamento entre indivíduos meio-irmão, da população e estranhos (entre cultivares)] e tiveram o crescimento e características morfológicas, fisiológicas e bioquímicas avaliadas. A cultivar Híbrido apresentou um comportamento de reconhecimento parental evitando a competição entre plantas que compartilham algum grau de parentesco, enquanto sob competição com vizinho estranhos respondeu a competição, alterando o padrão de alocação de biomassa, apresentando maior alocação ás raízes em comparação a colmo e folha. Um menor investimento também foi observado em estruturas morfológicas, como altura e, uma maior concentração de clorofila a e total foi observada para a cultivar Híbrido, quando sob competição com indivíduos estranhos. A cultivar Crioula por sua vez, apresentou um mesmo padrão de alocação de biomassa, estruturas morfológicas e fisiológicas entre os tratamentos. Para as variáveis bioquímicas, quando sob competição com indivíduos meio-irmão e da população, as plantas da cultivar Crioula mostraram investir recursos para produção de metabólitos secundários, sugerindo que as respostas de reconhecimento de identidade em espécies de culturas não melhoradas podem envolver alterações metabólicas na planta. Logo, a cultivar Crioula apresentou baixa plasticidade fenotípica em atributos de crescimento, morfológico e fisiológicos em relação à competição intraespecífica e a cultivar Híbrido, em função da maior capacidade de reconhecimento parental, apresentou maior plasticidade fenotípica em atributos relacionados ao crescimento e morfologia