107 research outputs found

    Allergens induce enhanced bronchoconstriction and leukotriene production in C5 deficient mice

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    BACKGROUND: Previous genetic analysis has shown that a deletion in the complement component 5 gene-coding region renders mice more susceptible to allergen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) due to reduced IL-12 production. We investigated the role of complement in a murine model of asthma-like pulmonary inflammation. METHODS: In order to evaluate the role of complement B10 mice either sufficient or deficient in C5 were studied. Both groups of mice immunized and challenged with a house dust extract (HDE) containing high levels of cockroach allergens. Airways hyper-reactivity was determined with whole-body plesthysmography. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed to determine pulmonary cellular recruitment and measure inflammatory mediators. Lung homogenates were assayed for mediators and plasma levels of IgE determined. Pulmonary histology was also evaluated. RESULTS: C5-deficient mice showed enhanced AHR to methylcholine challenge, 474% and 91% increase above baseline Penh in C5-deficient and C5-sufficient mice respectively, p < 0.001. IL-12 levels in the lung homogenate (LH) were only slightly reduced and BAL IL-12 was comparable in C5-sufficient and C5-deficient mice. However, C5-deficient mice had significantly higher cysteinyl-leukotriene levels in the BAL fluid, 1913 +/- 246 pg/ml in C5d and 756 +/- 232 pg/ml in C5-sufficient, p = 0.003. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate that C5-deficient mice show enhanced AHR due to increased production of cysteinyl-leukotrienes

    Generation of Immortal Cell Lines from the Adult Pituitary: Role of cAMP on Differentiation of SOX2-Expressing Progenitor Cells to Mature Gonadotropes

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    The pituitary is a complex endocrine tissue composed of a number of unique cell types distinguished by the expression and secretion of specific hormones, which in turn control critical components of overall physiology. The basic function of these cells is understood; however, the molecular events involved in their hormonal regulation are not yet fully defined. While previously established cell lines have provided much insight into these regulatory mechanisms, the availability of representative cell lines from each cell lineage is limited, and currently none are derived from adult pituitary. We have therefore used retroviral transfer of SV40 T-antigen to mass immortalize primary pituitary cell culture from an adult mouse. We have generated 19 mixed cell cultures that contain cells from pituitary cell lineages, as determined by RT-PCR analysis and immunocytochemistry for specific hormones. Some lines expressed markers associated with multipotent adult progenitor cells or transit-amplifying cells, including SOX2, nestin, S100, and SOX9. The progenitor lines were exposed to an adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin, over 7 days and were induced to differentiate to a more mature gonadotrope cell, expressing significant levels of α-subunit, LHβ, and FSHβ mRNAs. Additionally, clonal populations of differentiated gonadotropes were exposed to 30 nM gonadotropin-releasing hormone and responded appropriately with a significant increase in α-subunit and LHβ transcription. Further, exposure of the lines to a pulse paradigm of GnRH, in combination with 17β-estradiol and dexamethasone, significantly increased GnRH receptor mRNA levels. This array of adult-derived pituitary cell models will be valuable for both studies of progenitor cell characteristics and modulation, and the molecular analysis of individual pituitary cell lineages

    A revised evolutionary history of the CYP1A subfamily : gene duplication, gene conversion, and positive selection

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2005. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Molecular Evolution 62 (2006): 708-717, doi:10.1007/s00239-005-0134-z.Members of cytochrome P450 subfamily 1A (CYP1As) are involved in detoxification and bioactivation of common environmental pollutants. Understanding the functional evolution of these genes is essential to predicting and interpreting species differences in sensitivity to toxicity by such chemicals. The CYP1A gene subfamily comprises a single ancestral representative in most fish species and two paralogs in higher vertebrates, including birds and mammals. Phylogenetic analysis of complete coding sequences suggests that mammalian and bird paralog pairs (CYP1A1/2 and CYP1A4/5, respectively) are the result of independent gene duplication events. However, comparison of vertebrate genome sequences revealed that CYP1A genes lie within an extended region of conserved fine-scale synteny, suggesting that avian and mammalian CYP1A paralogs share a common genomic history. Algorithms designed to detect recombination between nucleotide sequences indicate that gene conversion has homogenized most of the length of the chicken CYP1A genes, as well as the 5’ end of mammalian CYP1As. Together, these data indicate that avian and mammalian CYP1A paralog pairs resulted from a single gene duplication event and that extensive gene conversion is responsible for the exceptionally high degree of sequence similarity between CYP1A4 and CYP1A5. Elevated non-synonymous/synonymous substitution ratios within a putatively unconverted stretch of ~250 bp suggests that positive selection may have reduced the effective rate of gene conversion in this region, which contains two substrate recognition sites. This work significantly alters our understanding of functional evolution in the CYP1A subfamily, suggesting that gene conversion and positive selection have been the dominant processes of sequence evolution.Funding for this work was provided by the NIH Superfund Basic Research Program at Boston University (5-P42-ES-07381) and by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Distinct and Shared Roles of β-Arrestin-1 and β-Arrestin-2 on the Regulation of C3a Receptor Signaling in Human Mast Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The complement component C3a induces degranulation in human mast cells via the activation of cell surface G protein coupled receptors (GPCR; C3aR). For most GPCRs, agonist-induced receptor phosphorylation leads to the recruitment of β-arrestin-1/β-arrestin-2; resulting in receptor desensitization and internalization. Activation of GPCRs also leads to ERK1/2 phosphorylation via two temporally distinct pathways; an early response that reflects G protein activation and a delayed response that is G protein independent but requires β-arrestins. The role of β-arrestins on C3aR activation/regulation in human mast cells, however, remains unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We utilized lentivirus short hairpin (sh)RNA to stably knockdown the expression of β-arrestin-1 and β-arrrestin-2 in human mast cell lines, HMC-1 and LAD2 that endogenously expresses C3aR. Silencing β-arrestin-2 attenuated C3aR desensitization, blocked agonist-induced receptor internalization and rendered the cells responsive to C3a for enhanced NF-κB activity as well as chemokine generation. By contrast, silencing β-arrestin-1 had no effect on these responses but resulted in a significant decrease in C3a-induced mast cell degranulation. In shRNA control cells, C3a caused a transient ERK1/2 phosphorylation, which peaked at 5 min but disappeared by 10 min. Knockdown of β-arrestin-1, β-arrestin-2 or both enhanced the early response to C3a and rendered the cells responsive for ERK1/2 phosphorylation at later time points (10-30 min). Treatment of cells with pertussis toxin almost completely blocked both early and delayed C3a-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation in β-arrestin1/2 knockdown cells. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: This study demonstrates distinct roles for β-arrestins-1 and β-arrestins-2 on C3aR desensitization, internalization, degranulation, NF-κB activation and chemokine generation in human mast cells. It also shows that both β-arrestin-1 and β-arrestin-2 play a novel and shared role in inhibiting G protein-dependent ERK1/2 phosphorylation. These findings reveal a new level of complexity for C3aR regulation by β-arrestins in human mast cells

    Replication profile of PCDH11X and PCDH11Y, a gene pair located in the non-pseudoautosomal homologous region Xq21.3/Yp11.2

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    In order to investigate the replication timing properties of PCDH11X and PCDH11Y, a pair of protocadherin genes located in the hominid-specific non-pseudoautosomal homologous region Xq21.3/Yp11.2, we conducted a FISH-based comparative study in different human and non-human primate (Gorilla gorilla) cell types. The replication profiles of three genes from different regions of chromosome X (ZFX, XIST and ATRX) were used as terms of reference. Particular emphasis was given to the evaluation of allelic replication asynchrony in relation to the inactivation status of each gene. The human cell types analysed include neuronal cells and ICF syndrome cells, considered to be a model system for the study of X inactivation. PCDH11 appeared to be generally characterized by replication asynchrony in both male and female cells, and no significant differences were observed between human and gorilla, in which this gene lacks X-Y homologous status. However, in differentiated human neuroblastoma and cerebral cortical cells PCDH11X replication profile showed a significant shift towards allelic synchrony. Our data are relevant to the complex relationship between X-inactivation, as a chromosome-wide phenomenon, and asynchrony of replication and expression status of single genes on chromosome X

    A decade with vamdc: Results and ambitions

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    This paper presents an overview of the current status of the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) e-infrastructure, including the current status of the VAMDC-connected (or to be connected) databases, updates on the latest technological development within the infrastructure and a presentation of some application tools that make use of the VAMDC e-infrastructure. We analyse the past 10 years of VAMDC development and operation, and assess their impact both on the field of atomic and molecular (A&amp;M) physics itself and on heterogeneous data management in international cooperation. The highly sophisticated VAMDC infrastructure and the related databases developed over this long term make them a perfect resource of sustainable data for future applications in many fields of research. However, we also discuss the current limitations that prevent VAMDC from becoming the main publishing platform and the main source of A&amp;M data for user communities, and present possible solutions under investigation by the consortium. Several user application examples are presented, illustrating the benefits of VAMDC in current research applications, which often need the A&amp;M data from more than one database. Finally, we present our vision for the future of VAMDC.</jats:p

    A Decade with VAMDC: Results and Ambitions

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    This paper presents an overview of the current status of the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) e-infrastructure, including the current status of the VAMDC-connected (or to be connected) databases, updates on the latest technological development within the infrastructure and a presentation of some application tools that make use of the VAMDC e-infrastructure. We analyse the past 10 years of VAMDC development and operation, and assess their impact both on the field of atomic and molecular (A&M) physics itself and on heterogeneous data management in international cooperation. The highly sophisticated VAMDC infrastructure and the related databases developed over this long term make them a perfect resource of sustainable data for future applications in many fields of research. However, we also discuss the current limitations that prevent VAMDC from becoming the main publishing platform and the main source of A&M data for user communities, and present possible solutions under investigation by the consortium. Several user application examples are presented, illustrating the benefits of VAMDC in current research applications, which often need the A&M data from more than one database. Finally, we present our vision for the future of VAMDC

    The Efficacy of Exercise in Reducing Depressive Symptoms among Cancer Survivors: A Meta-Analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this meta-analysis was to examine the efficacy of exercise to reduce depressive symptoms among cancer survivors. In addition, we examined the extent to which exercise dose and clinical characteristics of cancer survivors influence the relationship between exercise and reductions in depressive symptoms. METHODS: We conducted a systematic search identifying randomized controlled trials of exercise interventions among adult cancer survivors, examining depressive symptoms as an outcome. We calculated effect sizes for each study and performed weighted multiple regression moderator analysis. RESULTS: We identified 40 exercise interventions including 2,929 cancer survivors. Diverse groups of cancer survivors were examined in seven exercise interventions; breast cancer survivors were examined in 26; prostate cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma were examined in two; and colorectal cancer in one. Cancer survivors who completed an exercise intervention reduced depression more than controls, d(+) = -0.13 (95% CI: -0.26, -0.01). Increases in weekly volume of aerobic exercise reduced depressive symptoms in dose-response fashion (β = -0.24, p = 0.03), a pattern evident only in higher quality trials. Exercise reduced depressive symptoms most when exercise sessions were supervised (β = -0.26, p = 0.01) and when cancer survivors were between 47-62 yr (β = 0.27, p = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Exercise training provides a small overall reduction in depressive symptoms among cancer survivors but one that increased in dose-response fashion with weekly volume of aerobic exercise in high quality trials. Depressive symptoms were reduced to the greatest degree among breast cancer survivors, among cancer survivors aged between 47-62 yr, or when exercise sessions were supervised

    Impact of glucocorticoid receptor density on ligand-independent dimerization, cooperative ligand-binding and basal priming of transactivation: a cell culture model

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    Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) levels vary between tissues and individuals and are altered by physiological and pharmacological effectors. However, the effects and implications of differences in GR concentration have not been fully elucidated. Using three statistically different GR concentrations in transiently transfected COS-1 cells, we demonstrate, using co-immunoprecipitation (CoIP) and fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET), that high levels of wild type GR (wtGR), but not of dimerization deficient GR (GRdim), display ligand-independent dimerization. Whole-cell saturation ligand-binding experiments furthermore establish that positive cooperative ligand-binding, with a concomitant increased ligand-binding affinity, is facilitated by ligand-independent dimerization at high concentrations of wtGR, but not GRdim. The down-stream consequences of ligand-independent dimerization at high concentrations of wtGR, but not GRdim, are shown to include basal priming of the system as witnessed by ligand-independent transactivation of both a GRE-containing promoter-reporter and the endogenous glucocorticoid (GC)-responsive gene, GILZ, as well as ligand-independent loading of GR onto the GILZ promoter. Pursuant to the basal priming of the system, addition of ligand results in a significantly greater modulation of transactivation potency than would be expected solely from the increase in ligand-binding affinity. Thus ligand-independent dimerization of the GR at high concentrations primes the system, through ligand-independent DNA loading and transactivation, which together with positive cooperative ligand-binding increases the potency of GR agonists and shifts the bio-character of partial GR agonists. Clearly GR-levels are a major factor in determining the sensitivity to GCs and a critical factor regulating transcriptional programs

    Phylogenetic Distribution of Intron Positions in Alpha-Amylase Genes of Bilateria Suggests Numerous Gains and Losses

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    Most eukaryotes have at least some genes interrupted by introns. While it is well accepted that introns were already present at moderate density in the last eukaryote common ancestor, the conspicuous diversity of intron density among genomes suggests a complex evolutionary history, with marked differences between phyla. The question of the rates of intron gains and loss in the course of evolution and factors influencing them remains controversial. We have investigated a single gene family, alpha-amylase, in 55 species covering a variety of animal phyla. Comparison of intron positions across phyla suggests a complex history, with a likely ancestral intronless gene undergoing frequent intron loss and gain, leading to extant intron/exon structures that are highly variable, even among species from the same phylum. Because introns are known to play no regulatory role in this gene and there is no alternative splicing, the structural differences may be interpreted more easily: intron positions, sizes, losses or gains may be more likely related to factors linked to splicing mechanisms and requirements, and to recognition of introns and exons, or to more extrinsic factors, such as life cycle and population size. We have shown that intron losses outnumbered gains in recent periods, but that “resets” of intron positions occurred at the origin of several phyla, including vertebrates. Rates of gain and loss appear to be positively correlated. No phase preference was found. We also found evidence for parallel gains and for intron sliding. Presence of introns at given positions was correlated to a strong protosplice consensus sequence AG/G, which was much weaker in the absence of intron. In contrast, recent intron insertions were not associated with a specific sequence. In animal Amy genes, population size and generation time seem to have played only minor roles in shaping gene structures