124,469 research outputs found

    The role of social media in the collaboration, interaction, co-creation and co-delivery of a social venture in an uncertain conflict environment

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    This research case study examines the creation and development of a bottom-up social enterprise immediately after the outbreak of a civil war in an Arab country by a group of young patriots in the aftermath of the Arab Spring uprisings in the 2010s. Drawing on Linders’ (2012) model of social action lifecycle, our study examines how different actors become involved and co-created a socially entrepreneurial venture (SEV), how these actors contributed to the coproduction and co-delivery of the social actions (values) over time, and how social media play roles in these processes. Drawing from the empirical evidences of citizen co-production within the existing literature, we found that SEVs operate in very different ways in which the role of social media is critical, both from their equivalents operating in a penurious but stable environment, and those intending to pursue political action within a conflict situation. In our case study, social media was not intended for mass-mobilisation, but for selected mobilisation amongst those within the network. This is due to the insecure environment and the fear of infiltration from opposing parties. We also examine how new actors were, over time, being carefully screened and selected, and potential harmful existing players being excluded, which in turn contributed to the evolving nature of the social enterprises

    Approximate inference in hidden Markov models using iterative active state selection

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    Novel reduced-state BCJR algorithms

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    The effect of sea quarks on the mass of the charm quark from Lattice QCD

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    We compute the mass of the charm quark using both quenched and dynamical lattice QCD calculations. We examine the effects of mass dependent lattice artifacts by comparing two different formalisms for the heavy quarks. We take the continuum limit of the charm mass in quenched QCD by extrapolating from three different lattice spacings. At a fixed lattice spacing, the mass of the charm quark is compared between quenched QCD and dynamical QCD with a sea quark mass around strange. In the continuum limit of quenched QCD, we find m_c(m_c)=1.29(7)(13) GeV. No evidence was seen for unquenching.Comment: Added NP analysis of quenched data, corrected error in PCAC RGI mass, updated strange quark mass discussion and references, unified notation and corrected typos. No change in final result. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Joint space-time trellis code detection and MIMO equalisation via particle filtering

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    Atmospheric teleconnection mechanisms of extratropical North Atlantic SST influence on Sahel rainfall

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    Extratropical North Atlantic cooling has been tied to droughts over the Sahel in both paleoclimate observations and modeling studies. This study, which uses an atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) coupled to a slab ocean model that simulates this connection, explores the hypothesis that the extratropical North Atlantic cooling causes the Sahel droughts via an atmospheric teleconnection mediated by tropospheric cooling. The drying is also produced in a regional climate model simulation of the Sahel when reductions in air temperature (and associated geopotential height and humidity changes) from the GCM simulation are imposed as the lateral boundary conditions. This latter simulation explicitly demonstrates the central role of tropospheric cooling in mediating the atmospheric teleconnection from extratropical North Atlantic cooling. Diagnostic analyses are applied to the GCM simulation to infer teleconnection mechanisms. An analysis of top of atmosphere radiative flux changes diagnosed with a radiative kernel technique shows that extratropical North Atlantic cooling is augmented by a positive low cloud feedback and advected downstream, cooling Europe and North Africa. The cooling over North Africa is further amplified by a reduced greenhouse effect from decreased atmospheric specific humidity. A moisture budget analysis shows that the direct moisture effect and monsoon weakening, both tied to the ambient cooling and resulting circulation changes, and feedbacks by vertical circulation and evaporation augment the rainfall reduction. Cooling over the Tropical North Atlantic in response to the prescribed extratropical cooling also augments the Sahel drying. Taken together, they suggest a thermodynamic pathway for the teleconnection. The teleconnection may also be applicable to understanding the North Atlantic influence on Sahel rainfall over the twentieth century

    Craniometaphyseal and craniodiaphyseal dysplasia, head and neck manifestations and management

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    Craniometaphyseal and craniodiaphyseal dysplasia are rare genetic disorders of bone due to modelling errors of long bones and skull bones. These syndromes present with multiple ENT symptomatology from an early age. The diagnostic distinction can now be made radiologically by serial skeletal survey which is important for prognosis. We review the clinical, radiological, computed tomography (CT) scan, otological, audiological and histopathological findings in two cases with craniodiaphyseal, and two cases with craniometaphyseal dysplasia, and report our experiences of medical and surgical treatment to date. In the craniodiaphyseal dysplasia, the hearing abnormality progressed from an initial conductive to a mixed loss on serial audiometric follow up. Temporal bone CT scans showed narrowing of the middle ear cavity, internal auditory meatus, and facial nerve canal at the geniculate ganglion. Benefits from choanal stenosis surgery, craniofacial remodelling and dacrocystorhinostomy were shortlived. Calcitriol therapy with a low calcium diet did not alter the clinical course of progression in our cases. The underlying defect, causing net bone formation in these phenotypically similar syndromes, appears to be different when based on the differing biochemical responses to calcitriol and bone biopsy findings. Increased numbers of osteoblasts were found in bone biopsies from both cases with craniodiaphyseal dysplasia. Early recognition is crucial in these conditions as therapy directed at the underlying bony defect has the best chance of success if initiated in infancy (Cole et al., 1988; Fanconi et al., 1988; Key et al., 1988)