650 research outputs found

    Efficient optical quantum state engineering

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    We discuss a novel method of efficiently producing multi-photon states using repeated spontaneous parametric downconversion. Specifically, by attempting downconversion several times, we can pseudo-deterministically add photons to a mode, producing various several-photon states. We discuss both expected performance and experimental limitations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Nalokson nesespray kan redusere risikoen for dĂždelige heroinoverdoser

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    Bakgrunn: Antall overdosedÞdsfall blant heroinmisbrukere i Norge er hÞyt. Behandling med motgiften nalokson er kun tilgjengelig gjennom helsepersonell. Nalokson kan ogsÄ gis som nesespray av ikke helsepersonell. Økt tilgjengelighet av nalokson kan redusere bÄde antall fatale overdoser og fare for stikkskader og blodsmitte med hepatitt C og hiv blant helsepersonell. I denne artikkelen presenterer vi kunnskap om bruk av nalokson nesespray i behandling av opioidoverdoser. Material og metode: Vi har gjennomfÞrt sÞk etter relevant forskning om effekt av nalokson nesespray i databasene Medline, Embase og Cochrane library. Artikler er valgt ut basert pÄ skjÞnn og forhÄndsbestemte kriterier om behandling og pasientpopulasjon. Det var ingen restriksjoner pÄ hvilken studiedesign som var benyttet eller metodologisk kvalitet. Konklusjonen er basert pÄ innhentet material. Resultater: Ni relevante studier ble identifisert og inkludert, hvorav fire hadde kontrollgrupper men kun to var randomiserte sammenligninger. Ingen av studiene var utfÞrt i Norge. Nalokson nesespray gitt grunnet mistanke om opioidoverdose synes Ä fÞre til rask klinisk respons. Ved sammenligning med dagens praksis med injisert nalokson peker funn mot nesten like rask normalisering av Ändedrett ved nesespray. Bruk av nalokson nesespray kan gi redusert behov for nalokson injeksjoner og derfor redusert fare for stikkskade blant helsepersonell. Hvis ogsÄ legfolk utenom helsepersonell lÊres opp til Ä gi nalokson nesespray vil tilgjengeligheten av motgift og kunnskap rundt forebygging av overdoser kunne Þkes. Fortolkning: Det er forelÞpig for fÄ studier av hÞy kvalitet til Ä kunne konkludere endelig med effekt av nesespray. Men de studiene som foreligger tyder pÄ at nalokson i form av nesespray kan vÊre effektiv i behandlingen av overdoser. Nalokson nesespray anbefales derfor utprÞved ytterligere i randomiserte studier i Norge sammenlignet med dagens praksis. Videre bÞr opplÊringen i bruk for pÄrÞrende, brukere og ansatte i eksisterende lavterskeltiltak evalueres da dette vil kunne Þke nalokson tilgjengeligheten og bidra til Ä redusere antallet overdosedÞdsfall

    Securing the OLSR routing protocol with or without compromised nodes in the network

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    The primary issue with respect to securing Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) is that of ensuring network integrity even when the network is subject to attacks to break its connectivity. In this research report, we study how to secure the OLSR routing protocol . We first analyse the attacks that can be launched against the network integrity. We then present mechanisms for ensuring that only ``trusted'' nodes are admitted into the network and, subsequently, are the only nodes used to forward traffic. We also present mechanisms for detecting and dealing with scenarios where ``trusted'' nodes have become compromised

    Wigner Distribution Deconvolution Adaptation for Live Ptychography Reconstruction

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    We propose a modification of Wigner Distribution Deconvolution (WDD) to support live processing ptychography. Live processing allows to reconstruct and display the specimen transfer function gradually while diffraction patterns are acquired. For this purpose we reformulate WDD and apply a dimensionality reduction technique that reduces memory consumption and increases processing speed. We show numerically that this approach maintains the reconstruction quality of specimen transfer functions as well as reduces computational complexity during acquisition processes. Although we only present the reconstruction for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) datasets, in general, the live processing algorithm we present in this paper can be applied to real-time ptychographic reconstruction for different fields of application

    PERAN ORANG TUA DALAM MENUMBUHKAN NASIONALISME PADA ANAK USIA SEKOLAH DASAR (Di Perumahan Griya Kencana, Desa Mojosarirejo, Kecamatan Driyorejo, Kabupaten Gresik)

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran orang tua dalam menumbuhkan nasionalisme pada anak usia sekolah dasar dan untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung serta penghambat peran orang tua dalam menumbuhkan nasionalisme pada anak usia sekolah dasar di Perumahan Griya Kencana, Desa Mojosarirejo, Kecamatan Driyorejo, Kabupaten Gresik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dan jumlah informan yang digunakan sebanyak 10 orang yang terdiri dari orang tua atau kepala keluarga berlatar belakang pendidikan berbeda yaitu tingkat SD, SMP/SMA, dan PT. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran orang tua dalam menumbuhkan nasionalisme pada anak usia sekolah dasar di Perumahan Griya Kencana, Desa Mojosarirejo, Kecamatan Driyorejo, Kabupaten Gresik, yaitu sebagai penyampai nilai nasionalisme dan pembimbing bagi anak-anaknya dalam mengimplemantasikan nilai nasionalisme pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Faktor yang mendukung dalam menumbuhkan nasionalisme pada anak usia sekolah dasar cukup beragam, yaitu mulai dari faktor peran orang tua itu sendiri atau pemaksimalan peran orang tua dalam menumbuhkan nasionalisme pada anak usia sekolah dasar yang dipengaruhi tingkat pendidikan atau latar belakang pendidikan orang tua, masyarakat (kegiatan di masyarakat yang mendukung dalam hal menumbuhkan nasionalisme), dan media (internet). Faktor yang menghambat dalam menumbuhkan nasionalisme pada anak usia sekolah dasar, yaitu faktor peran orang tua itu sendiri atau kurang maksimalnya peran orang tua dalam menumbuhkan nasionalisme pada anak usia sekolah dasar yang dipengaruhi tingkat pendidikan atau latar belakang pendidikan orang tua, masyarakat (kegiatan di masyarakat yang kurang mendukung dalam hal menumbuhkan nasionalisme), dan media (internet) yang membawa masuk budaya asing.Kata Kunci : Peran orang tua, nasionalisme, dan anak usia sekolah dasarAbstractResearch aims to know role parents in growing nationalism on a school-age child base and to know by factors in support and inhibitors role parents in growing nationalism on a school-age child the basis on housing Griya Kencana, Village Mojosarirejo, Sub-district Driyorejo, Regency Gresik. This type of research is qualitative, descriptive, and the number of informants used as many as 10 people consisting of parents or family educational background to head different elementary, junior/senior high school, and university. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. The result showed that parents role in growing nationalism in elementary school children aged Griya Kencana Housing, Viilage Mojosarirejo, sub-districts Driyorejo, Gresik Regency namely as better messenger value nationalism and tutorship for his children in implementing value of nationalism in daily life. Factor supporting in growing nationalism in elementary school children aged quite varied, starting from parents role factor itself or maximizing parents role in growing nationalism in children aged elementary school education or influenced educational background parents society (activities in public support in terms of nationalism), and media (internet). Factors impeding in growing nationalism in elementary school children aged that is the factor parents itself or less maximum parents role in growing nationalism in children aged elementary school education or influenced educational background parents society (activities in societies lacking support in term of nationalism), and media (internet) bring in an unfamiliar culture. Key words: the role of parents, nationalism, and elementary school age childre

    Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR)

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    Network Working GroupNetwork Working GroupThis document describes the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. The protocol is an optimization of the classical link state algorithm tailored to the requirements of a mobile wireless LAN. The key concept used in the protocol is that of multipoint relays (MPRs). MPRs are selected nodes which forward broadcast messages during the flooding process. This technique substantially reduces the message overhead as compared to a classical flooding mechanism, where every node retransmits each message when it receives the first copy of the message. In OLSR, link state information is generated only by nodes elected as MPRs. Thus, a second optimization is achieved by minimizing the number of control messages flooded in the network. As a third optimization, an MPR node may chose to report only links between itself and its MPR selectors. Hence, as contrary to the classic link state algorithm, partial link state information is distributed in the network. This information is then used for route calculation. OLSR provides optimal routes (in terms of number of hops). The protocol is particularly suitable for large and dense networks as the technique of MPRs works well in this context

    Evidence for conservation in antigen gene sequences combined with extensive polymorphism at VNTR loci

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    Theileria parva is a tick‐transmitted apicomplexan protozoan parasite that infects lymphocytes of cattle and African Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer), causing a frequently fatal disease of cattle in eastern, central and southern Africa. A live vaccination procedure, known as infection and treatment method (ITM), the most frequently used version of which comprises the Muguga, Serengeti‐transformed and Kiambu 5 stocks of T. parva, delivered as a trivalent cocktail, is generally effective. However, it does not always induce 100% protection against heterologous parasite challenge. Knowledge of the genetic diversity of T. parva in target cattle populations is therefore important prior to extensive vaccine deployment. This study investigated the extent of genetic diversity within T. parva field isolates derived from Ankole (Bos taurus) cattle in south‐western Uganda using 14 variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) satellite loci and the sequences of two antigen‐encoding genes that are targets of CD8+T‐cell responses induced by ITM, designated Tp1 and Tp2. The findings revealed a T. parva prevalence of 51% confirming endemicity of the parasite in south‐western Uganda. Cattle‐derived T. parva VNTR genotypes revealed a high degree of polymorphism. However, all of the T. parva Tp1 and Tp2 alleles identified in this study have been reported previously, indicating that they are widespread geographically in East Africa and highly conserved

    Near-Constant Mean Curvature Solutions of the Einstein Constraint Equations with Non-Negative Yamabe Metrics

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    We show that sets of conformal data on closed manifolds with the metric in the positive or zero Yamabe class, and with the gradient of the mean curvature function sufficiently small, are mapped to solutions of the Einstein constraint equations. This result extends previous work which required the conformal metric to be in the negative Yamabe class, and required the mean curvature function to be nonzero.Comment: 15 page

    Linear optics substituting scheme for multi-mode operations

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    We propose a scheme allowing a conditional implementation of suitably truncated general single- or multi-mode operators acting on states of traveling optical signal modes. The scheme solely relies on single-photon and coherent states and applies beam splitters and zero- and single-photon detections. The signal flow of the setup resembles that of a multi-mode quantum teleportation scheme thus allowing the individual signal modes to be spatially separated from each other. Some examples such as the realization of cross-Kerr nonlinearities, multi-mode mirrors, and the preparation of multi-photon entangled states are considered.Comment: 11 pages, 4 eps-figures, using revtex

    To Know Beyond Listening: Monitoring Digital Music

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    In music production, “monitoring” refers traditionally to audile strategies intended to reveal the “true” sound of mediated audio. Here, it is expanded to include new, digital technologies intended to better know and control the record-object beyond what listening and listening technologies allow. Surveying traditional, contemporary, and emerging tools of record production and distribution, this essay addresses three types of monitoring: audio, visual, and data. In sum, monitoring entails the supplementation and subversion of the ear through protocols promising to surmount the biases and distortions of audio media. Key technologies include reference speakers, room correction systems, digital audio workstations, open mixes, pre-sets, social networking sites, and automatic music information retrieval. Situating these within a “techoustemology” of monitoring, the central argument is that many innovations in digital audio are non-auditory and, therefore, displace sound and listening as the central means of producing relevant knowledge about music mediated in the digital age
