13 research outputs found

    Turismo rural y sustentabilidad: Arnedillo, Comunidad Autónoma de la Rioja, España

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    The restoration of transport equipment in disuse in this small community in Spain, serves as an example of how the relation between the public and the private sectors can increase tourism and local development.La restauración del equipamiento de transporte en desuso, en esta pequeña localidad de España, permite pensar en una relación públicoprivado que potencie el turismo y a la vez el desarrollo local

    The global mobility divide: How visa policies have evolved over time.

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    While visa policies are the major instrument for regulating and controlling the global flow of people, little is known about how they have changed over time. Accordingly, scholars have expressed the need for large-N datasets which cover more than one point in time. This article takes up this challenge and presents a for the first time a global overview of the changes in visa waiver policies based on a newly created database containing the visa waiver policies of over 150 countries for 1969 and 2010. We find that, on average, visa-free mobility has in-creased over the past 40 years. However, not everybody has benefited from these develop-ments. In fact, visa waivers are increasingly unequally divided: While citizens of OECD countries and rich countries have gained mobility rights, mobility rights for other regions have stagnated or even diminished, in particular for citizens from African countries. Overall, we find a clear bifurcation in mobility rights, leading to a ‘global mobility divide’

    Crime among irregular immigrants and the influence of internal border control

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    Both the number of crime suspects without legal status and the number of irregular or undocumented immigrants held in detention facilities increased substantially in theNetherlands between 1997 and 2003. In this period, theDutch state increasingly attempted to exclude irregular immigrants from the formal labour market and public provisions. At the same time the registered crime among irregular migrants rose. The 'marginalisation thesis' asserts that a larger number of migrants have become involved in crime in response to a decrease in conventional life chances. Using police and administrative data, the present study takes four alternative interpretations into consideration based on: 1) reclassification of immigrant statuses by the state and redefinition of the law, 2) criminal migration and crossborder crime, 3) changes in policing, and 4) demographic changes. A combination of factors is found to have caused the rise in crime, but the marginalisation thesis still accounts for at least 28%. These findings accentuate the need for a more thorough discussion on the intended and unintended consequences of border control for immigrant crime

    Health care for irregular migrants: pragmatism across Europe. A qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Health services in Europe face the challenge of delivering care to a heterogeneous group of irregular migrants (IM). There is little empirical evidence on how health professionals cope with this challenge. This study explores the experiences of health professionals providing care to IM in three types of health care service across 16 European countries.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Semi-structured interviews were conducted with health professionals in 144 primary care services, 48 mental health services, and 48 Accident & Emergency departments (total n = 240). Although legal health care entitlement for IM varies across countries, health professionals reported facing similar issues when caring for IM. These issues include access problems, limited communication, and associated legal complications. Differences in the experiences with IM across the three types of services were also explored. Respondents from Accident & Emergency departments reported less of a difference between the care for IM patients and patients in a regular situation than did respondents from primary care and mental health services. Primary care services and mental health services were more concerned with language barriers than Accident & Emergency departments. Notifying the authorities was an uncommon practice, even in countries where health professionals are required to do this.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The needs of IM patients and the values of the staff appear to be as important as the national legal framework, with staff in different European countries adopting a similar pragmatic approach to delivering health care to IM. While legislation might help to improve health care for IM, more appropriate organisation and local flexibility are equally important, especially for improving access and care pathways.</p

    Turismo rural y sustentabilidad: Arnedillo, Comunidad Autónoma de la Rioja, España

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    The restoration of transport equipment in disuse in this small community in Spain, serves as an example of how the relation between the public and the private sectors can increase tourism and local development.La restauración del equipamiento de transporte en desuso, en esta pequeña localidad de España, permite pensar en una relación públicoprivado que potencie el turismo y a la vez el desarrollo local

    Generación energética de sistemas agrovoltaicos bifaciales en el Valle de Lluta

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    Memoria para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil MecánicoLas necesidades básicas, en particular las demandas de alimentos y energía eléctrica, asociadas a la gran cantidad de personas que habitan actualmente nuestro planeta, han puesto sobre la mesa la discusión referente a los usos prioritarios que deben ser asignados a las tierras disponibles. Bajo este contexto, surge el concepto de sistema agrovoltaico (APV), el cual combina actividades agrícolas y de generación eléctrica fotovoltaica de manera simultánea sobre un mismo terreno. Esta tecnología se encuentra actualmente ligada a un nivel de investigación y desarrollo, ya que sus impactos sobre las distintas componentes (cultivos y paneles FV) aún no son, del todo, definidas. De tal modo, se propone la implementación de este sistema en el norte de nuestro país, como posible solución a las problemáticas locales identificadas en el valle de Lluta, núcleo agrícola de la región de Arica y Parinacota. Las potenciales ventajas asociadas a esta instalación son: 1) el aumento en la producción de ciertos productos agrícolas, 2) un importante ahorro de agua dado el carácter árido de la zona y 3) la disponibilidad de energía eléctrica para comunidades locales de condiciones precarias. Este trabajo se centra en el impacto de esta instalación sobre el desempeño de la componente energética, compuesta por tecnología fotovoltaica bifacial, la cual aprovecha la cara posterior del panel para una producción energética adicional. Para cumplir con lo propuesto, dos localidades específicas del valle son seleccionadas: en las que son desarrollados los cultivos de berenjenas y cebollas. En adelante, se plantea determinar el impacto en la generación energética, asociado a la instalación de tecnología PV bifacial sobre los suelos agrícolas de cada locación seleccionada. Para lo anterior, se diseña y aplica una metodología adecuada, capaz de estimar la reflexión generada albedo- por los suelos agrícolas del valle de Lluta. Esta, toma valores experimentales medidos en sitio, comprueba y define su relación con los parámetros de radiación global horizontal (GHI), ángulo azimut y ángulo cenital, determina el efecto de su disposición espacial por medio del factor de visión y considera las consecuencias asociadas a la evolución de sus componentes en el tiempo. El estudio arroja impactos interesantes para la componente energética. La metodología empleada revela entre un 11,42% y un 17,23% de ganancia energética frente al estándar monofacial. Lo anterior asociado a los cultivos cebollas y berenjenas respectivamente