238 research outputs found

    Quasi-Interpolation Functionals on Spline Spaces

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    AbstractThis paper is concerned with the structure of quasi-interpolation functionals on the space spanned by exponential polynomial splines and their translates. The existence of these function is guaranteed by certain conditions which are derived, using the notion of commutators, and shown to be equivalent to some generalization of the Strang-Fix conditions. Characterizations of quasi-interpolation functionals are also formulated, and admissible sets for these functionals are given. Several interpolation schemes are obtained through the quasi-interpolation functionals

    Multi-step Multi-camera View Planning for Real-Time Visual Object Tracking

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    Abstract. We present a new method for planning the optimal next view for a probabilistic visual object tracking task. Our method uses a variable number of cameras, can plan an action sequence several time steps into the future, and allows for real-time usage due to a computation time which is linear both in the number of cameras and the number of time steps. The algorithm can also handle object loss in one, more or all cameras, interdependencies in the camera’s information contribution, and variable action costs. We evaluate our method by comparing it to previous approaches with a prere-corded sequence of real world images. From K. Franke et al., Pattern Recognition, 28th DAGM Symposium, Springer, 2006, (pp. 536–545).

    Harmonic Wavelet Transform and Image Approximation

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    In 2006, Saito and Remy proposed a new transform called the Laplace Local Sine Transform (LLST) in image processing as follows. Let f be a twice continuously differentiable function on a domain Ω. First we approximate f by a harmonic function u such that the residual component v=f−u vanishes on the boundary of Ω. Next, we do the odd extension for v, and then do the periodic extension, i.e. we obtain a periodic odd function v *. Finally, we expand v * into Fourier sine series. In this paper, we propose to expand v * into a periodic wavelet series with respect to biorthonormal periodic wavelet bases with the symmetric filter banks. We call this the Harmonic Wavelet Transform (HWT). HWT has an advantage over both the LLST and the conventional wavelet transforms. On the one hand, it removes the boundary mismatches as LLST does. On the other hand, the HWT coefficients reflect the local smoothness of f in the interior of Ω. So the HWT algorithm approximates data more efficiently than LLST, periodic wavelet transform, folded wavelet transform, and wavelets on interval. We demonstrate the superiority of HWT over the other transforms using several standard images

    Cardiovascular outcomes associated with use of clarithromycin: population based study

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    Study question What is the association between clarithromycin use and cardiovascular outcomes? Methods In this population based study the authors compared cardiovascular outcomes in adults aged 18 or more receiving oral clarithromycin or amoxicillin during 2005-09 in Hong Kong. Based on age within five years, sex, and calendar year at use, each clarithromycin user was matched to one or two amoxicillin users. The cohort analysis included patients who received clarithromycin (n=108 988) or amoxicillin (n=217 793). The self controlled case series and case crossover analysis included those who received Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment containing clarithromycin. The primary outcome was myocardial infarction. Secondary outcomes were all cause, cardiac, or non-cardiac mortality, arrhythmia, and stroke. Study answer and limitations The propensity score adjusted rate ratio of myocardial infarction 14 days after the start of antibiotic treatment was 3.66 (95% confidence interval 2.82 to 4.76) comparing clarithromycin use (132 events, rate 44.4 per 1000 person years) with amoxicillin use (149 events, 19.2 per 1000 person years), but no long term increased risk was observed. Similarly, rate ratios of secondary outcomes increased significantly only with current use of clarithromycin versus amoxicillin, except for stroke. In the self controlled case analysis, there was an association between current use of H pylori eradication treatment containing clarithromycin and cardiovascular events. The risk returned to baseline after treatment had ended. The case crossover analysis also showed an increased risk of cardiovascular events during current use of H pylori eradication treatment containing clarithromycin. The adjusted absolute risk difference for current use of clarithromycin versus amoxicillin was 1.90 excess myocardial infarction events (95% confidence interval 1.30 to 2.68) per 1000 patients. What this study adds Current use of clarithromycin was associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, and cardiac mortality short term but no association with long term cardiovascular risks among the Hong Kong population

    Defining the essence of innovation how important terms in promoting of transformation processes in Ukraine

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    Feature hierarchies are essential to many visual object recognition systems and are well motivated by observations in biological systems. The present paper proposes an algorithm to incrementally compute feature hierarchies. The features are represented as estimated densities, using a variant of local soft histograms. The kernel functions used for this estimation in conjunction with their unitary extension establish a tight frame and results from framelet theory apply. Traversing the feature hierarchy requires resampling of the spatial and the feature bins. For the resampling, we derive a multi-resolution scheme for quadratic spline kernels and we derive an optimization algorithm for the upsampling. We complement the theoretic results by some illustrative experiments, consideration of convergence rate and computational efficiency.DIPLECSGARNICSELLII

    Dynamically turning off interactions in a two component condensate

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    We propose a mechanism to change the interaction strengths of a two component condensate. It is shown that the application of pi/2 pulses allows to alter the effective interspecies interaction strength as well as the effective interaction strength between particles of the same kind. This mechanism provides a simple method to transform spatially stable condensates into unstable once and vice versa. It also provides a means to store a squeezed spin state by turning off the interaction for the internal states and thus allows to gain control over many body entangled states.Comment: 7 pages 5 figures, symbols changed, minor changes, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Insulator-Superfluid transition of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice in magnetic field

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    We study the insulator-superfluid transition of spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice in a uniform magnetic field. Based on a mean-field approximation we obtained a zero-temperature phase diagram. We found that depending on the particle number the transition for bosons with antiferromagnetic interaction may occur into different superfluid phases with spins aligned along or opposite to the field direction. This is qualitatively different from the field-free transition for which the mean-field theory predicts a unique (polar) superfluid state for any particle number.Comment: 10 pages, 2 eps figure