1,533 research outputs found

    Penerapan Pendidikan Mitigasi Bencana Gempa Bumi untuk Siswa dan Guru di SD Negeri 1 Poka, Kota Ambon, Provinsi Maluku

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    Kota Ambon merupakan daerah yang memilki tingkat kerentanan gempa bumi di provinsi Maluku. Berdasarkan indeks risiko bencana, Kota Ambon merupakan kota yang paling banyak mengalami bencana gempa bumi di Provinsi Maluku. Upaya kesiapsiagaan masyarakat terhadap bencana masih dianggap lemah, terbukti dengan banyaknya korban jiwa, kerugian properti, dan kematian. Anak-anak diklasifikasikan sebagai rentan terhadap upaya penanggulangan bencana dan oleh karena itu memerlukan upaya khusus untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang mitigasi bencana. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang mitigasi bencana melalui kegiatan sosialisasi kesiapsiagaan bencana untuk mewujudkan sekolah tangguh bencana. Kegiatan pengabdian ini merupakan salah satu bentuk bangian dari kerja kuliah nyata (KKN) mandiri Universitas Pattimura yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4 Desember 2021 dengan jumlah peserta 21 Siswa dan juga para guru di SD Negeri 1 Poka.  Kegiatan ini menemukan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan siswa SD Negeri 1 Poka tentang mitigasi bencana masih perlu ditingkatkan lebih lanjut. Pengetahuan yang rendah dapat meningkatkan jumlah korban akibat bencana. Solusi yang ditawarkan oleh kami adalah melakukan kegiatan edukasi kesadaran bencana melalui sosialisasi kebencanaan. Diharapkan tindak lanjut tindakan seperti pemeliharaan dan pengawasan sebagai pengendalian dengan tujuan kegiatan tersebut memiliki hasil yang optimal untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang mitigasi bencana dan terwujudnya sekolah tangguh bencana

    Mix methods approach to explore patients' perspectives on the acceptability of a urinary biomarker test in replacement of cystoscopy in bladder cancer surveillance

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the minimal accepted sensitivity (MAS) of a urine biomarker that patients are willing to accept to replace cystoscopy and to qualitatively assess their views and reasons. PATIENT AND METHODS: Patients were part of a prospective multi-center observational study recruiting patients with bladder cancer for a urine biomarker study (DETECT II; ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02781428). A mix methods approach comprising of 1) Questionnaire to assess patients' experience with cystoscopy and patients' preference for cystoscopy vs urinary biomarker and 2). Semi-structured interviews to understand patient views, choice and reasons for their preference. RESULTS: A urine biomarker with MAS of 90% would be accepted by 75.8% of patients. This is despite a high self-reported prevalence of hematuria (51.0%), dysuria/ lower urinary tract symptoms (69.1%) and urinary tract infection requiring antibiotics (25.8%). There was no association between MAS with patient demographics, adverse events experienced, cancer characteristics and distance of patients' home to hospital. Qualitative analysis suggest that patients acknowledge that cystoscopy is invasive, embarrassing and associated with adverse events but are willing to tolerate the procedure due to a high sensitivity. Patients have confidence in cystoscopy and appreciate the visual diagnosis of cancer. Both low and high-risk patients would consider a biomarker with a reported sensitivity similar to cystoscopy. CONCLUSION: Patients value the high sensitivity cystoscopy accords despite the reported discomfort and adverse events experienced following cystoscopy. The sensitivity of a urinary biomarker must be close to cystoscopy before patients' acceptance

    Exploring patients’ experience and perception of being diagnosed with bladder cancer: A mixed methods approach

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine patient experience and perception following a diagnosis of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). PATIENT AND METHODS: Patients were part of a prospective multi-centre observational study recruiting patients with NMIBC for a urine biomarker study (DETECT II; ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02781428). A mix methods approach comprising 1) the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (Brief IPQ) and 2) semi-structured interviews to explore patients' experience of experiencing haematuria, initial and subsequent experience with NMIBC diagnosis. Both assessments were completed at 6 months following NMIBC diagnosis. RESULTS: A total of 213 patients completed the Brief IPQ. Patients felt that they had minimal symptoms (median [IQR: 2 [0-5]) and were not particularly affected emotionally (3 [1-6]) with a minimal effect to their daily life (2 [0-5]). However, they remained concern about their cancer diagnosis (5 [3-8]) and felt that they had no personal control over the cancer (2 [2-5]) and believed that their illness would affect them for some time (6 [3-10]). A significant association with a lower personal control of the disease (p70 years of age. A high number of patients were uncertain about the cause of their bladder cancer diagnosis. Qualitative analysis found that at initial presentation of haematuria, most patients were not aware of the risk of bladder cancer. Patients were most anxious and psychologically affected between the interval of cystoscopy diagnosis and transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT). Following TURBT, most patients were positive about their cancer prognosis. CONCLUSION: NMIBC patients have a poor perception of disease control and believe that their disease will continue over a prolonged period of time. This is particularly more pertinent in the elderly. Patients are most psychologically affected during the interval between cancer diagnosis following cystoscopy and tumour resection at TURBT. Further, health awareness about the causes of bladder cancer remained poor with a significant number of patients unaware of the cause of bladder cancer. Psychological support and prompt TURBT following bladder cancer diagnosis would help improve the mental health of patients with NMIBC

    Lepton number violating interactions and their effects on neutrino oscillation experiments

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    Mixing between bosons that transform differently under the standard model gauge group, but identically under its unbroken subgroup, can induce interactions that violate the total lepton number. We discuss four-fermion operators that mediate lepton number violating neutrino interactions both in a model-independent framework and within supersymmetry (SUSY) without R-parity. The effective couplings of such operators are constrained by: i) the upper bounds on the relevant elementary couplings between the bosons and the fermions, ii) by the limit on universality violation in pion decays, iii) by the data on neutrinoless double beta decay and, iv) by loop-induced neutrino masses. We find that the present bounds imply that lepton number violating neutrino interactions are not relevant for the solar and atmospheric neutrino problems. Within SUSY without R-parity also the LSND anomaly cannot be explained by such interactions, but one cannot rule out an effect model-independently. Possible consequences for future terrestrial neutrino oscillation experiments and for neutrinos from a supernova are discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, Late

    Consistency analysis of metabolic correlation networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Metabolic correlation networks are derived from the covariance of metabolites in replicates of metabolomics experiments. They constitute an interesting intermediate between topology (i.e. the system's architecture defined by the set of reactions between metabolites) and dynamics (i.e. the metabolic concentrations observed as fluctuations around steady-state values in the metabolic network).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we analyze, how such a correlation network changes over time, and compare the relative positions of metabolites in the correlation networks with those in established metabolic networks derived from genome databases. We find that network similarity indeed decreases with an increasing time difference between these networks during a day/night course and, counter intuitively, that proximity of metabolites in the correlation network is no indicator of proximity of the metabolites in the metabolic network.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The organizing principles of correlation networks are distinct from those of metabolic reaction maps. Time courses of correlation networks may in the future prove an important data source for understanding these organizing principles.</p

    Sequential Quasi-Monte Carlo

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    We derive and study SQMC (Sequential Quasi-Monte Carlo), a class of algorithms obtained by introducing QMC point sets in particle filtering. SQMC is related to, and may be seen as an extension of, the array-RQMC algorithm of L'Ecuyer et al. (2006). The complexity of SQMC is O(NlogN)O(N \log N), where NN is the number of simulations at each iteration, and its error rate is smaller than the Monte Carlo rate OP(N1/2)O_P(N^{-1/2}). The only requirement to implement SQMC is the ability to write the simulation of particle xtnx_t^n given xt1nx_{t-1}^n as a deterministic function of xt1nx_{t-1}^n and a fixed number of uniform variates. We show that SQMC is amenable to the same extensions as standard SMC, such as forward smoothing, backward smoothing, unbiased likelihood evaluation, and so on. In particular, SQMC may replace SMC within a PMCMC (particle Markov chain Monte Carlo) algorithm. We establish several convergence results. We provide numerical evidence that SQMC may significantly outperform SMC in practical scenarios.Comment: 55 pages, 10 figures (final version

    Spin pumping in magnetic trilayer structures with an MgO barrier

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    We present a study of the interaction mechanisms in magnetic trilayer structures with an MgO barrier grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The interlayer exchange coupling, A ex, is determined using SQUID magnetometry and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), displaying an unexpected oscillatory behaviour as the thickness, t MgO, is increased from 1 to 4 nm. Transmission electron microscopy confirms the continuity and quality of the tunnelling barrier, eliminating the prospect of exchange arising from direct contact between the two ferromagnetic layers. The Gilbert damping is found to be almost independent of the MgO thickness, suggesting the suppression of spin pumping. The element-specific technique of X-ray detected FMR reveals a small dynamic exchange interaction, acting in concert with the static interaction to induce coupled precession across the multilayer stack. These results highlight the potential of spin pumping and spin transfer torque for device applications in magnetic tunnel junctions relying on commonly used MgO barriers

    Platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β, carrying the activating mutation D849N, accelerates the establishment of B16 melanoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB and PDGF receptor (PDGFR)-β are mainly expressed in the developing vasculature, where PDGF-BB is produced by endothelial cells and PDGFR-β is expressed by mural cells, including pericytes. PDGF-BB is produced by most types of solid tumors, and PDGF receptor signaling participates in various processes, including autocrine stimulation of tumor cell growth, recruitment of tumor stroma fibroblasts, and stimulation of tumor angiogenesis. Furthermore, PDGF-BB-producing tumors are characterized by increased pericyte abundance and accelerated tumor growth. Thus, there is a growing interest in the development of tumor treatment strategies by blocking PDGF/PDGFR function. We have recently generated a mouse model carrying an activated PDGFR-β by replacing the highly conserved aspartic acid residue (D) 849 in the activating loop with asparagine (N). This allowed us to investigate, in an orthotopic tumor model, the role of increased stromal PDGFR-β signaling in tumor-stroma interactions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>B16 melanoma cells lacking PDGFR-β expression and either mock-transfected or engineered to express PDGF-BB, were injected alone or in combination with matrigel into mice carrying the activated PDGFR-β (D849N) and into wild type mice. The tumor growth rate was followed and the vessel status of tumors, i.e. total vessel area/tumor, average vessel surface and pericyte density of vessels, was analyzed after resection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Tumors grown in mice carrying an activated PDGFR-β were established earlier than those in wild-type mice. In this early phase, the total vessel area and the average vessel surface were higher in tumors grown in mice carrying the activated PDGFR-β (D849N) compared to wild-type mice, whereas we did not find a significant difference in the number of tumor vessels and the pericyte abundance around tumor vessels between wild type and mutant mice. At later phases of tumor progression, no significant difference in tumor growth rate was observed between wild type mice and mutant mice, although the pericyte coverage was higher around tumor vessels from mutant mice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings suggest that the activated PDGFR-β (D849N) in the host animal increased the total vessel area and the average vessel surface even in PDGF-negative tumors, resulting in a shorter lag phase during tumor establishment.</p