3 research outputs found
Can Agricultural Biotechnology be Pro?Poor?
- Author
- CGIAR/National Academy of Science
- Holmes
- Ian Scoones
- Kendall
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics
- Pimbert
- Pinstrup-Andersen
- Pinstrup-Andersen
- Royal Society US National Academy of Sciences, Brazilian Academy of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy, Mexican Academy of Sciences and the Third World Academy of Sciences
- Stone
- Wakeford
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/10/2002
- Field of study
Traditional and Modern Crop Protection in Perspective
- Author
- Apple
- Baker
- Barr
- Bradfield
- Browning
- Browning
- Calora
- Carson
- Chapman
- Conklin
- Consult. Group. Int. Agric. Res. (CGIAR)
- Dalrymple
- Dalrymple
- De Datta
- Edward H. Glass
- Falcon
- Feakin
- Glass
- Glass
- Gourou
- Gregory
- H. David Thurston
- Harlan
- Harris
- Horsfall
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
- International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
- Jennings
- Jones
- Langford
- Ling
- Moody
- National Academy of Science (NAS)
- National Academy of Science (NAS)
- National Academy of Science (NAS)
- National Academy of Science (NAS)
- National Academy of Science (NAS)
- National Academy of Science (NAS)
- Nye
- Ou
- Ou
- Purseglove
- Rice Information Cooperative Effort (RICE)
- Ruthenberg
- Shephard
- Southwood
- Spencer
- Stakman
- Vavilov
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
The development of the international center model for agricultural research: A prehistory of the CGIAR
- Author
- Anderson
- Anon
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Barrett
- Bayles
- Byerlee
- Calder
- Carsky
- CGIAR Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC)
- Chandler
- Chandler
- Chardon
- Curry
- Davis
- Dean
- Derek Byerlee
- Dixon
- Dubin
- Elgueta Guerin
- Evenson
- Fletcher
- Gamble
- Hardin
- Hardin
- Hayes
- Herrmann
- Hilje
- Hillocks
- Hodge
- Humphrey
- John K. Lynam
- Jones
- Jugenheimer
- Leakey
- Lynam
- Lynam
- Maredia
- Matchett
- McCalla
- McCook
- McKelvey
- McKelvey
- National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
- Nehring
- Odhiambo
- Olsson
- Orton
- Ozgediz
- Paddock
- Parthasarthy
- Perkins
- Perry
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Press
- Raitzer
- Renkow
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Ruttan
- Sawyer
- Smith
- Stakman
- Staples
- Stevenson
- Storey
- Swaminathan
- Tilley
- US Department of State
- Vanlauwe
- Volper
- Walsh
- Waterhouse
- Weaver
- Wilson
- World Bank
- Worthington
- Wortman
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study