185 research outputs found

    Current warming will reduce yields unless maize breeding and seed systems adapt immediately

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    The development of crop varieties that are better suited to new climatic conditions is vital for future food production1, 2. Increases in mean temperature accelerate crop development, resulting in shorter crop durations and reduced time to accumulate biomass and yield3, 4. The process of breeding, delivery and adoption (BDA) of new maize varieties can take up to 30 years. Here, we assess for the first time the implications of warming during the BDA process by using five bias-corrected global climate models and four representative concentration pathways with realistic scenarios of maize BDA times in Africa. The results show that the projected difference in temperature between the start and end of the maize BDA cycle results in shorter crop durations that are outside current variability. Both adaptation and mitigation can reduce duration loss. In particular, climate projections have the potential to provide target elevated temperatures for breeding. Whilst options for reducing BDA time are highly context dependent, common threads include improved recording and sharing of data across regions for the whole BDA cycle, streamlining of regulation, and capacity building. Finally, we show that the results have implications for maize across the tropics, where similar shortening of duration is projected

    Changing Patterns of Microhabitat Utilization by the Threespot Damselfish, Stegastes planifrons, on Caribbean Reefs

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    Background: The threespot damselfish, Stegastes planifrons (Cuvier), is important in mediating interactions among corals, algae, and herbivores on Caribbean coral reefs. The preferred microhabitat of S. planifrons is thickets of the branching staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis. Within the past few decades, mass mortality of A. cervicornis from white-band disease and other factors has rendered this coral a minor ecological component throughout most of its range. Methodology/Principal Findings: Survey data from Jamaica (heavily fished), Florida and the Bahamas (moderately fished), the Cayman Islands (lightly to moderately fished), and Belize (lightly fished) indicate that distributional patterns of S. planifrons are positively correlated with live coral cover and topographic complexity. Our results suggest that speciesspecific microhabitat preferences and the availability of topographically complex microhabitats are more important than the abundance of predatory fish as proximal controls on S. planifrons distribution and abundance. Conclusions/Significance: The loss of the primary microhabitat of S. planifrons—A. cervicornis—has forced a shift in the distribution and recruitment of these damselfish onto remaining high-structured corals, especially the Montastraea annulari

    The evolutionary significance of polyploidy

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    Polyploidy, or the duplication of entire genomes, has been observed in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, and in somatic and germ cells. The consequences of polyploidization are complex and variable, and they differ greatly between systems (clonal or non-clonal) and species, but the process has often been considered to be an evolutionary 'dead end'. Here, we review the accumulating evidence that correlates polyploidization with environmental change or stress, and that has led to an increased recognition of its short-term adaptive potential. In addition, we discuss how, once polyploidy has been established, the unique retention profile of duplicated genes following whole-genome duplication might explain key longer-term evolutionary transitions and a general increase in biological complexity

    Search for invisible decays of the Higgs boson produced via vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    Food habits of the farmer damselfish Stegastes nigricans inferred by stomach content, stable isotope, and fatty acid composition analyses

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    The territorial damselfish, Stegastes nigricans, maintains algal farms by excluding invading herbivores and weeding unpalatable algae from its territories. In Okinawa, Japan, S. nigricans farms are exclusively dominated by Polysiphonia sp., a highly digestible filamentous rhodophyte. This study was aimed at determining the diet of S. nigricans in Okinawa and its dependency on these almost-monoculture algal farms based on stomach content and chemical analyses. Stomach content analyses revealed that all available food items in the algal farms (i. e., algae, benthic animal inhabitants, trapped detritus) were contained in fish stomachs, but amorphous organic matter accounted for 68% of the contents. Therefore, carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios and fatty acid (FA) compositions were analyzed to trace items actually assimilated in their bodies. Stable isotope analyses showed that benthic animals were an important food source even for this farmer fish. Two essential fatty acids (EFAs), 20:4n6 and 20:5n3, which are produced only by rhodophytes among available food items, were rich in the muscle tissue of S. nigricans as well as in algal mats and detritus, suggesting that algal mats contribute EFAs to S. nigricans directly and indirectly through the food web. In conclusion, S. nigricans ingested algal mats, detritus, and benthic animals maintained within its farm. Algae and detritus were original sources of EFAs, and benthic animals, which were much more abundant in the farms than in outside territories, provided a nitrogen-rich dietary source for the fish
