8,683 research outputs found

    ¿CIUDADANÍA O AYUDA SOCIAL? del diseño de la política pública a la experiencia de las mujeres beneficiarias asistenciales en Chile

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    En torno al caso chileno, este artículo se propone interrogar el sentido que adquiere la noción de ciudadanía en el marco de las actuales políticas de asistencia social en Chile. En un primer momento, se analiza la evolución reciente de éstas así como las lógicas y procesos que explican la emergencia y transformación del conocido dispositivo “Chile Solidario” (CHS), poniendo énfasis en la constelación de ayudas sociales que se consolida a su alero. En un segundo momento, se discute el concepto de ciudadanía desde una perspectiva sociológica, no formal ni normativa, y se intenta mostrar, a partir de testimonios de mujeres beneficiarias de políticas de asistencia social en Chile, el contenido empírico de una ciudadanía asistencial como prevalece en sus experiencias de vida.Palavras-chave : Política social; Asistencia social; América Latina; Chile Solidario; Conditional Cash Transfer Programs (CCTP).CITIZENSHIP OR SOCIAL ASSISTANCE? the public policy project the experience of female beneficiaries of social assistance in Chile Marco Ceballos From the Chilean experience, this article aims to examine the meaning of the notion of citizenship in the context of current assistance policies. At first time, we analyze their recent development as well as the logics and processes that explain the emergence and transformation of the known device “Chile Solidario” (CHS), emphasizing the constellation of social aid developed under his wing. In the second stage, the concept of citizenship is discussed from a sociological perspective, non-formal or normative, attempting to show, through the testimonies of women beneficiaries of social assistance policies, the empirical content of an assistance citizenship as it prevails in their life experiences. Keywords: Social policy. Social assistance. Latin America. Chile Solidario.LA CITOYENNETE OU L’AIDE SOCIALE? le projet de politique publique de l’expérience des femmes bénéficiaires de l’aide sociale au Chile  Marco Ceballos Autour de l’expérience chilienne, cet article interroge le sens pris par la notion de citoyenneté dans le cadre des politiques d’assistance sociale actuelles au Chili. Dans un premier moment, on analyse l’évolution récente de celles-ci ainsi que les logiques et les processus capables d’expliquer l’émergence et la transformation du assez connu dispositif “Chile Solidario” (CHS), mettant l’accent sur la constellation d’aides sociales qui se consolident à son insu. Dans un deuxième moment, le concept de citoyenneté est discuté depuis une perspective sociologique, non pas formelle ni normative, en essayant de montrer, à partir de témoignages de femmes bénéficiaires des politiques d’assistance sociales au Chili, le contenu empirique d’une citoyenneté assistantielle qui prévaut dans leurs expériences de vie. Mots-clés: Politique sociale. L’aide sociale. L’Amérique Latine. Chile Solidario. Conditional Cash Transfer Programs (CCTP). Publicação Online do Caderno CRH no Scielo: http://www.scielo.br/ccrh  Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br

    Analysing the performance of radiological monitoring network during nuclear accidents

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    JRODOS was used to simulate the dispersion of airborne radioactive material from a point source over the period 2012–2015. In total, 1331 radioactive plumes were simulated with the objective to investigate the influence of changes in meteorological conditions in the performance of the monitoring network. For this purpose, the existing set of 84 monitoring stations included in the EUropean Radiological Data Exchange Platform (EURDEP) system in an area of 200 km around the source point is taken as reference. A methodology is presented for quantitative evaluation of the variability of the number of stations affected, the time of the first detection, the maximum registered and differences between the maximum values match in the network and in the simulated plumes. The results show seasonal differences in all of these parameters according to changes in the size and shape of the affected area due to meteorological conditions. There are large differences in the number of monitoring stations affected by the plumes, from 2 to 74; in the timing and location of the first alert given by the network, from 1 to more than 5 h and faster along the west-east axis from the source; and in level of maximum gamma dose rate detected by the monitoring stations, from 0.17 nSv/h in summer to 0.22 nSv/h in autumn. These results show the need to consider this type of analysis over the years in the design of monitoring networks and in the development of nuclear emergency preparedness and response (EP&R) plans

    Enfoque histórico de la educación física en México

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    El trabajo de corte documental es un ensayo que revisa las concepciones teóricas y prácticas de la Educación Física en México. Desde el método histórico lógico, con enfoque genérico se produjo la cuidadosa revisión de programas, acuerdos planes de estudios y modelos educativos para que desde el análisis de contenido, estudiar el origen y la evolución de la formación en Educación Física a la luz de los cambios impuestos por planes y programas y modelos de Educación Física, para llegar a los requerimientos actuales contextualizados en la aspiración del proyecto educativo mexicano que desde el 2011 ha estado enfrascado en la Reforma Integral de la Educación Básica, la cual ha implicado serios cambios con nuevos estándares curriculares y campos formativos para este nivel. En todo el trabajo se sostiene la idea de que los cambios en las concepciones y prácticas de la Educación Física en el devenir histórico, han impuesto también cambios en la formación, así se revisan las dos principales instituciones formadoras de profesionales de la Educación Física en universidades y escuelas normales, ambas con el encargo social de la formación permanente y diversificada del profesor de Educación Física

    30 years of European Commission Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring Database (REMdb) – an open door to boost environmental radioactivity research

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    Abstract. The Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring data bank (REMdb) was created in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident (1986) by the European Commission (EC) – Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC), sited in Ispra (Italy). Since then it has been maintained there with the aim to keep a historical record of the Chernobyl accident and to store the radioactivity monitoring data gathered through the national environmental monitoring programs of the member states (MSs). The legal basis is the Euratom Treaty, Chapter III Health and Safety, Articles 35 and 36, which clarify that MSs shall periodically communicate to the EC information on environmental radioactivity levels. By collecting and validating this information in REMdb, JRC supports the DG for Energy in its responsibilities in returning qualified information to the MSs (competent authorities and general public) on the levels of radioactive contamination of the various compartments of the environment (air, water, soil) on the European Union scale. REMdb accepts data on radionuclide concentrations from EU MSs in both environmental samples and foodstuffs from 1984 onwards. To date, the total number of data records stored in REMdb exceeds 5 million, in this way providing the scientific community with a valuable archive of environmental radioactivity topics in Europe. Records stored in REMdb are publicly accessible until 2011 through an unrestricted repository "REM data bank – Years 1984–2006" https://doi.org/10.2905/jrc-10117-10024 (De Cort et al., 2007) and "REM data bank – Years 2007–2011" https://doi.org/10.2905/de42f259-fafe-4329-9798-9d8fabb98de5 (De Cort et al., 2012). Access to data from 2012 onwards is granted only after explicit request, until the corresponding monitoring report is published. Each data record contains information describing the sampling circumstances (sampling type, begin and end time), measurement conditions (value, nuclide, apparatus, etc.), location and date of sampling, and original data reference. In this paper the scope, features and extension of REMdb are described in detail


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    INTRODUCCIÓN: La artrosis es una de las enfermedades crónicas y degenerativas más comunes en la sociedad occidental. Se considera la cadera como la segunda articulación más afectada por la artrosis manifestándose con síntomas como dolor y pérdida de fuerza. Se ha sugerido una posible relación entre la existencia de Puntos Gatillo Miofasciales (PGM) y la artrosis de cadera. Pero no hay estudios que hayan demostrado que es más prevalente la presencia de PGM en pacientes con artrosis de cadera. Además tampoco se ha comparado si este grupo de pacientes presenta una función muscular diferente a la de sujetos sanos en un mismo rango de edad. MATERIAL Y METODOS. Estudio descriptivo transversal observacional y comparativo. Se incluyeron 19 casos con signos clínicos de artrosis de cadera y 18 sin signos clínicos de artrosis de cadera. Se valoró la presencia de PGM, el dolor, la fuerza muscular y la longitud muscular y la capacidad funcional. RESULTADOS: Los sujetos con signos clínicos de artrosis presentaron mayor número de PGM en el reto anterior del cuádriceps, tensor de la fascia lata y psoas iliaco, que reprodujeron sus síntomas en la zona de la cadera y áreas relacionadas, mayor debilidad muscular y menor longitud muscular y peor capacidad funcional que los sujetos sin signos clínicos de artrosis de cadera. DISCUSIÓN: La presencia de PGM latentes que hayan sido obviados inicialmente y que se activen por diferentes mecanismos pueden ser el origen del dolor local y referido de los sujetos con signos clínicos de artrosis. Este dolor y esta disfunción neuromuscular podrían ser los causantes de la disminución de fuerza y de la longitud muscular que sufren estos sujetos llegando finalmente a alterar su capacidad funcional del miembro inferior. CONCLUSIÓN: Los sujetos con signos clínicos de artrosis de cadera tienen mayor presencia de PGM y reproducen sus síntomas locales y referidos a otras áreas características de esta patología, presentan mayor debilidad, menor longitud muscular y peor capacidad funcional que los sujetos sin signos clínicos de artrosis de cadera

    Los jueces de paz, más allá de una alternativa para la Descongestión Judicial

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    Cuando se aborda el tema de los Jueces de Paz desde una perspectiva que supere el tema de la descongestión judicial, se planteó una recolección de información que brinde un panorama claro sobre la realidad de esta institución en Colombia. Sin embargo, la falta de información en todos los niveles sobre el tema llevó a la investigación al verdadero lugar que le correspondía. El debate teórico desde la validez jurídica, social y teleológica de los Jueces de Paz en un país que apenas empieza a decidir si es capaz de recorrer caminos de paz y de reconstrucció

    Prospective Studies for LEP3 with the CMS Detector

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    On July 4, 2012, the discovery of a new boson, with mass around 125 GeV/c2 and with properties compatible with those of a standard-model Higgs boson, was announced at CERN. In this context, a high-luminosity electron-positron collider ring, operating in the LHC tunnel at a centre-of-mass energy of 240 GeV and called LEP3, becomes an attractive opportunity both from financial and scientific point of views. The performance and the suitability of the CMS detector are evaluated, with emphasis on an accurate measurement of the Higgs boson properties. The precision expected for the Higgs boson couplings is found to be significantly better than that predicted by Linear Collider studies.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, Submitted to the European Strategy Preparatory Group (contribution 171), Companion to arXiV:1208.0504. Version 2 contains several additional Higgs decay channels studied, and numbers for TLEP as well as for LEP

    Diacutaneous fibrolysis intervention in patients with mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome may avoid severe cases in elderly: A randomized controlled trial

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) mainly affects adults of working age. The prevalence of severe cases is higher in elderly patients (>65 years old). Clinical guidelines recommend conservative treatment as the best option in the initial stages of CTS to avoid severe cases. Diacutaneous Fibrolysis (DF) has demonstrated to improve nerve conduction studies and mechanosensitivity. The main purpose was to quantify changes in the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the median nerve, transversal carpal ligament (TCL) thickness, numbness intensity, and the subjective assessment of clinical change after DF treatment in patients with CTS. Methods: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial was designed. A number of 44 patients (60 wrists) with CTS were randomized to the DF group or the sham group. CSA and TCL thickness variables were registered by ultrasound. Clinical variables were assessed by the visual analogue scale and GROC scale. SPSS version 24.0 for MAC was used for statistical analysis. The group by time interaction between groups was analyzed using two-way repeated measures analysis of variance. Results: The DF group reduced CSA with a mean of 0.45 mm2 (IC 95% 0.05 to 0.86) and TCL thickness with a mean reduction of 0.4 mm (IC 95% 0.6 to 2.1) compared to the sham group (p < 0.01, p < 0,03, respectively). Additionally, the DF group decreased the numbness intensity with a mean reduction of 3.47 (IC 95% 2.50 to 4.44, p < 0.01) and showed a statistically significant improvement on the GROC scale (p < 0.01). Conclusions: DF treatment may significantly reduce CSA and TCL thickness, numbness intensity, and improved clinical perspective. DF applied in patients with mild to moderate CTS may prevent the progression of the disease as they age

    The European Radiological Data Exchange Platform (EURDEP): 25 years of monitoring data exchange

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    Abstract. During the early phase of an accident with the release of radioactive material to the environment at the local or transboundary scale, a rapid and continuous system of information exchange, including real-time monitoring data to competent authorities and the public, is critical for setting up countermeasures. This information and data exchange must be carried out in a harmonized and consistent manner to facilitate its interpretation and analysis. After the Chernobyl accident in 1986, and in order to avoid the competent authorities being unprepared again for a similar event, the European Commission (EC) defined and put in place a directive (Council Decision 87/600/EURATOM, 1987) which essentially obliges a member state that decides to implement widespread countermeasures to protect its population to notify the European Commission without delay. The same Council Decision also specifies that the results of radiological monitoring must be made available to the European Commission and all potentially affected member states. Over the past 30 years, the European Commission has invested resources in developing and improving a complete system to carry out this delicate task, currently composed of two platforms: the European Community Urgent Radiological Information Exchange (ECURIE) and the European Radiological Data Exchange Platform (EURDEP). This paper aims to increase knowledge of the latter system as a valuable tool for understanding and analysing the radioactivity levels in Europe. Commencing with background information, in this paper, we will describe the EURDEP system in detail, with an emphasis on its status, data availability, and how these data are diffused depending on the audience. Within the scope of this publication, we describe an example of measurements available in the EURDEP system, which to be used for scientific purposes. We provide two complete datasets (air-concentration samples – https://doi.org/10.2905/23CBC7C4-4FCC-47D5-A286-F8A4EDC8215F; De Cort et al., 2019a; and gamma dose rates – https://doi.org/10.2905/0F9F3E2D-C8D7-4F46-BBE7-EACF3EED1560; De Cort et al., 2019b) for the recent radiological release of 106Ru in Europe, which occurred between the end of September and early October 2017. Records stored are publicly accessible through an unrestricted repository called COLLECTION belonging to the JRC Data Public Catalogue (https://data.jrc.ec.europa.eu, last access: 1 July 2019)