12 research outputs found

    A projected decrease in lightning under climate change

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    Lightning strongly influences atmospheric chemistry, and impacts the frequency of natural wildfires. Most previous studies project an increase in global lightning with climate change over the coming century but these typically use parameterizations of lightning that neglect cloud ice fluxes, a component generally considered to be fundamental to thunderstorm charging. As such, the response of lightning to climate change is uncertain. Here, we compare lightning projections for 2100 using two parameterizations: the widely used cloud-top height (CTH) approach, and a new upward cloud ice flux (IFLUX) approach that overcomes previous limitations. In contrast to the previously reported global increase in lightning based on CTH, we find a 15% decrease in total lightning flash rate with IFLUX in 2100 under a strong global warming scenario. Differences are largest in the tropics, where most lightning occurs, with implications for the estimation of future changes in tropospheric ozone and methane, as well as differences in their radiative forcings. These results suggest that lightning schemes more closely related to cloud ice and microphysical processes are needed to robustly estimate future changes in lightning and atmospheric composition

    A miR-19 regulon that controls NF-κB signaling.

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    Fine-tuning of inflammatory responses by microRNAs (miRNAs) is complex, as they can both enhance and repress expression of pro-inflammatory mediators. In this study, we investigate inflammatory responses following global miRNA depletion, to better define the overall contribution of miRNAs to inflammation. We demonstrate that miRNAs positively regulate Toll-like receptor signaling using inducible Dicer1 deletion and global miRNA depletion. We establish an important contribution of miR-19b in this effect, which potentiates nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activity in human and mouse cells. Positive regulation of NF-κB signaling by miR-19b involves the coordinated suppression of a regulon of negative regulators of NF-κB signaling (including A20/Tnfaip3, Rnf11, Fbxl11/Kdm2a and Zbtb16). Transfection of miR-19b mimics exacerbated the inflammatory activation of rheumatoid arthritis primary fibroblast-like synoviocytes, demonstrating its physiological importance in the pathology of this disease. This study constitutes, to our knowledge, the first description of a miR-19 regulon that controls NF-κB signaling, and suggests that targeting this miRNA and linked family members could regulate the activity of NF-κB signaling in inflammation

    Uso dos recursos de Internet na Enfermagem: uma revisão Uso de los recursos de la Internet en la Enfermería: una revisión Use of Internet resources in Nursing: a review

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    Os recursos do sistema Internet estão cada vez mais popularizados em todas as áreas das atividades humanas na sociedade. Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar e descrever as principais modalidades de utilização da Internet pela enfermagem nas áreas de Educação, Assistência e Pesquisa. Trata-se de um estudo bibliográfico cuja fonte de dados foi a base de dados MEDLINE, usando-se expressões de pesquisa pertinentes às áreas enfocadas. Dos trabalhos referidos, 63 artigos foram selecionados. A principal utilização na área de Educação é o desenvolvimento de aplicações para promover ensino à distância; na área de Educação ao Paciente é a disponibilização de informação de saúde; na área de Assistência são as aplicações que oferecem protocolos assistenciais para promover a prática baseada em evidências e na área de Pesquisa é a coleta de dados on-line. Conclui-se que a enfermagem vem utilizando satisfatoriamente os recursos do sistema Internet e, isto tem contribuído para o próprio desenvolvimento da profissão.<br>Los recursos del sistema Internet son amplamente popularizados en la mayoria de las actividades humanas en la sociedad. Esto artículo objectiva identificar y describir las principales modalidades de utilización de la Internet por la enfermería en las areas de Educación, Asistencia y Pesquisa. Es un estudio de revisión bibliográfica cuya fuente de datos fue la base de datos MEDLINE, usandose descriptores pertinentes a las areas enfocadas. De los trabajos referidos, 63 articulos fueran selecionados. La principal utilización en la area de Educación es el desarrollo de aplicaciones para promover la educacion a distancia; en la area de Educación al Paciente es la disponibilización de información de salud; en la area de Asistencia son las aplicaciones con protocolos asistenciales para promover la practica basada en evidencias y en la area de Pesquisa es la recolecta de datos online. Se ha concluyido que la enfermería utiliza satisfactoriamente los recursos del sistema Internet y esto ha contribuido para el proprio desarrollo de la profesión.<br>Resources of Internet system are widely popularized in most of all human activities in the society. This paper aims to identify and to describe major modalities of Internet utilization in nursing areas of Education, Care, and Research. This is a bibliographic review which data source was MEDLINE database, using pertinent descriptors for the focused areas. From referred publications, it was selected 63 articles. Major utilization in Education area is the development of applications to promote distance education; in Patient Education area is the development of applications to make health information available; in Care area are the applications to make care protocols available to promote evidence-based practice, and in Research area is online data collection. It was concluded that nursing is using Internet resources in a satisfactory way, and it has contributed for the profession evolution

    Extracellular vesicles for nucleic acid delivery: progress and prospects for safe RNA-based gene therapy

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    Nucleic acid-based drugs offer a potentially effective tool for treatment of a variety of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders and infectious diseases. However, clinical applications are hindered by instability of RNA molecules in the circulation and lack of efficient vectors that can deliver RNAs to target tissues and into diseased target cells. Synthetic polymer and lipids as well as virus-based vectors are among the most widely explored vehicles for RNA delivery, but clinical progress has been limited as a result of issues related to toxicity, immunogenicity and low efficiency. Most recently, the discovery that extracellular vesicles (EVs) are endogenous RNA carriers, which may display better biocompatibility and higher delivery efficiency as compared with the synthetic systems, has provided a ray of hope in coping with the delivery dilemma, and EV-based gene therapy has already sparked general interest both in academia and industry. In this review, the current knowledge on EV biology and their role in cell-cell communication will be summarized. Promises of EVs as drug carriers and recent technologies on tailoring EVs' biological attributes will be included, and preclinical studies in which EVs have shown promise for therapeutic RNA delivery will be discussed

    On the mathematical modelling and data assimilation for air pollution assessment in the Tropical Andes

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    Air pollution assessment in the Tropical Andes requires a multidisciplinary approach. This can be supported from the understanding of the underlying biological dynamics and atmospheric behavior, to the mathematical approach for the proper use of all available information. This review paper touches on several aspects in which mathematical models can help to solve challenging problems regarding air pollution in reviewing the state-of-the-art at the global level and assessing the corresponding state of development as applied to the Tropical Andes. We address the complexities and challenges that modelling atmospheric dynamics in a mega-diverse region with abrupt topography entails. Understanding the relevance of monitoring and facing the problems of data scarcity, we call attention to the usefulness of data assimilation for uncertainty reduction, and how these techniques could help tackle the scarcity of regional monitoring networks to accelerate the implementation and development of modelling systems for air quality in the Tropical Andes. Finally, we suggest a cyberphysical framework for decision-making processes based on the data assimilation of chemical transport models, the forecast of scenarios, and their use in regulation and policy making. © 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Coherent somatic mutation in autoimmune disease.

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    Many aspects of autoimmune disease are not well understood, including the specificities of autoimmune targets, and patterns of co-morbidity and cross-heritability across diseases. Prior work has provided evidence that somatic mutation caused by gene conversion and deletion at segmentally duplicated loci is relevant to several diseases. Simple tandem repeat (STR) sequence is highly mutable, both somatically and in the germ-line, and somatic STR mutations are observed under inflammation.Protein-coding genes spanning STRs having markers of mutability, including germ-line variability, high total length, repeat count and/or repeat similarity, are evaluated in the context of autoimmunity. For the initiation of autoimmune disease, antigens whose autoantibodies are the first observed in a disease, termed primary autoantigens, are informative. Three primary autoantigens, thyroid peroxidase (TPO), phogrin (PTPRN2) and filaggrin (FLG), include STRs that are among the eleven longest STRs spanned by protein-coding genes. This association of primary autoantigens with long STR sequence is highly significant (p<3.0x10(-7)). Long STRs occur within twenty genes that are associated with sixteen common autoimmune diseases and atherosclerosis. The repeat within the TTC34 gene is an outlier in terms of length and a link with systemic lupus erythematosus is proposed.The results support the hypothesis that many autoimmune diseases are triggered by immune responses to proteins whose DNA sequence mutates somatically in a coherent, consistent fashion. Other autoimmune diseases may be caused by coherent somatic mutations in immune cells. The coherent somatic mutation hypothesis has the potential to be a comprehensive explanation for the initiation of many autoimmune diseases

    Materials for oral delivery of proteins and peptides

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    Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356

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