4,503 research outputs found

    Level-3 Calorimetric Resolution available for the Level-1 and Level-2 CDF Triggers

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    As the Tevatron luminosity increases sophisticated selections are required to be efficient in selecting rare events among a very huge background. To cope with this problem, CDF has pushed the offline calorimeter algorithm reconstruction resolution up to Level 2 and, when possible, even up to Level 1, increasing efficiency and, at the same time, keeping under control the rates. The CDF Run II Level 2 calorimeter trigger is implemented in hardware and is based on a simple algorithm that was used in Run I. This system has worked well for Run II at low luminosity. As the Tevatron instantaneous luminosity increases, the limitation due to this simple algorithm starts to become clear: some of the most important jet and MET (Missing ET) related triggers have large growth terms in cross section at higher luminosity. In this paper, we present an upgrade of the Level 2 Calorimeter system which makes the calorimeter trigger tower information available directly to a CPU allowing more sophisticated algorithms to be implemented in software. Both Level 2 jets and MET can be made nearly equivalent to offline quality, thus significantly improving the performance and flexibility of the jet and MET related triggers. However in order to fully take advantage of the new L2 triggering capabilities having at Level 1 the same L2 MET resolution is necessary. The new Level-1 MET resolution is calculated by dedicated hardware. This paper describes the design, the hardware and software implementation and the performance of the upgraded calorimeter trigger system both at Level 2 and Level 1.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures,34th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Philadelphia, 200

    The Fall of the Quasar Population

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    We derive quantitative predictions of the optical and X-ray luminosity functions (LF) for QSs in the redshift range z<3z<3. Based on BH paradigm, we investigate how the accretion is controlled by the surrounding structures, as these grow hierarchically. We argue that for z<3z < 3 efficient black hole fueling is triggered by the encounters of a gas-rich host with its companions in a group. The dispersion of the dynamical parameters in the encounters produces a double power-law LF. Strong luminosity evolution (LE) is produced as these encounters deplete the gas supply in the host; an additional, milder density evolution obtains since the interactions become progressively rarer as the groups grow richer but less dense. From the agreement with the optical and the X-ray data, we conclude that the evolution of the bright quasars is articulated in two ways. Earlier than z 3z~3 the gas-rich protogalaxies grow by merging, which also induces parallel growth of central holes accreting at Eddington rates. In the later era of group assemblage the host encounters with companions drive onto already existing holes further but meager accretion; these consume the gas in the hosts, and cause supply-limited emissions which are intermittent, go progressively sub-Eddington and peter out. Then other fueling processes come to the foreground; we discuss the faint emissions, especially noticeable in X-rays, which are expected when hosts in the field cannibalize satellite galaxies with their meager gas contents.Comment: 12 pages Latex + 3 EPS figures, ApJ in press, we have corrected the previous printing problems with the style \ca

    Quasar Evolution Driven by Galaxy Encounters in Hierarchical Structures

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    We link the evolution of the galaxies in the hierarchical clustering scenario with the changing accretion rates of cold gas onto the central massive black holes that power the quasars. We base on galaxy interactions as main triggers of accretion; the related scaling laws are taken up from Cavaliere & Vittorini (2000), and grafted to a semi-analytic code for galaxy formation. As a result, at high zz the protogalaxies grow rapidly by hierarchical merging; meanwhile, much fresh gas is imported and also destabilized, so the holes are fueled at their full Eddington rates. At lower zz the galactic dynamical events are mostly encounters in hierarchically growing groups; now the refueling peters out, as the residual gas is exhausted while the destabilizing encounters dwindle. So, with no parameter tuning other than needed for stellar observables, our model uniquely produces at z>3z>3 a rise, and at z2.5z\lesssim 2.5 a decline of the bright quasar population as steep as observed. In addition, our results closely fit the observed luminosity functions of quasars, their space density at different magnitudes from z5z\approx 5 to z0z\approx 0, and the local mBHσm_{BH}-\sigma relation.Comment: 5 pages. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    CIRS: Cluster Infall Regions in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I. Infall Patterns and Mass Profiles

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    We use the Fourth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to test the ubiquity of infall patterns around galaxy clusters and measure cluster mass profiles to large radii. We match X-ray cluster catalogs with SDSS, search for infall patterns, and compute mass profiles for a complete sample of X-ray selected clusters. Very clean infall patterns are apparent in most of the clusters, with the fraction decreasing with increasing redshift due to shallower sampling. All 72 clusters in a well-defined sample limited by redshift (ensuring good sampling) and X-ray flux (excluding superpositions) show infall patterns sufficient to apply the caustic technique. This sample is by far the largest sample of cluster mass profiles extending to large radii to date. Similar to CAIRNS, cluster infall patterns are better defined in observations than in simulations. Further work is needed to determine the source of this difference. We use the infall patterns to compute mass profiles for 72 clusters and compare them to model profiles. Cluster scaling relations using caustic masses agree well with those using X-ray or virial mass estimates, confirming the reliability of the caustic technique. We confirm the conclusion of CAIRNS that cluster infall regions are well fit by NFW and Hernquist profiles and poorly fit by singular isothermal spheres. This much larger sample enables new comparisons of cluster properties with those in simulations. The shapes (specifically, NFW concentrations) of the mass profiles agree well with the predictions of simulations. The mass inside the turnaround radius is on average 2.19±\pm0.18 times that within the virial radius. This ratio agrees well with recent predictions from simulations of the final masses of dark matter haloes.Comment: 34 pages, 24 figures, accepted for publication in AJ, full resolution version available at http://www.astro.yale.edu/krines

    Powerful high energy emission of the remarkable BL Lac object S5 0716+714

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    BL Lac objects of the intermediate subclass (IBLs) are known to emit a substantial fraction of their power in the energy range 0.1--10 GeV. Detecting gamma-ray emission from such sources provides therefore a direct probe of the emission mechanisms and of the underlying powerhouse. The AGILE gamma-ray satellite detected the remarkable IBL S5 0716+714 (z \simeq 0.3) during a high state in the period from 2007 September - October, marked by two very intense flares reaching peak fluxes of 200\times10^{-8} ph / cm^2 s above 100 MeV, with simultaneous optical and X-ray observations. We present here a theoretical model for the two major flares and discuss the overall energetics of the source. We conclude that 0716+714 is among the brightest BL Lac's ever detected at gamma-ray energies. Because of its high power and lack of signs for ongoing accretion or surrounding gas, the source is an ideal candidate to test the maximal power extractable from a rotating supermassive black hole via the pure Blandford-Znajek (BZ) mechanism. We find that during the 2007 gamma-ray flares our source approached or just exceeded the upper limit set by BZ for a black hole of mass 10^9 M_sunComment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Spin effects in transport through non-Fermi liquid quantum dots

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    The current-voltage characteristic of a one dimensional quantum dot connected via tunnel barriers to interacting leads is calculated in the region of sequential tunneling. The spin of the electrons is taken into account. Non-Fermi liquid correlations implying spin-charge separation are assumed to be present in the dot and in the leads. It is found that the energetic distance of the peaks in the linear conductance shows a spin-induced parity effect at zero temperature T. The temperature dependence of the positions of the peaks depends on the non-Fermi liquid nature of the system. For non-symmetric tunnel barriers negative differential conductances are predicted, which are related to the participation in the transport of collective states in the quantum dot with larger spins. Without spin-charge separation the negative differential conductances do not occur. Taking into account spin relaxation destroys the spin-induced conductance features. The possibility of observing in experiment the predicted effects are briefly discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication on Physical Review

    SSC radiation in BL Lac sources, the end of the tether

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    The synchrotron-self Compton (SSC) radiation process is widely held to provide a close representation of the double peaked spectral energy distributions from BL Lac Objects (BL Lacs), which are marked by non-thermal beamed radiations, highly variable on timescales of days or less. Their outbursts in the gamma ray relative to the optical/X rays might be surmised to be enhanced in BL Lacs as these photons are upscattered via the inverse Compton (IC) process. From the observed correlations among the spectral parameters during optical/X-ray variations we aim at predicting corresponding correlations in the gamma-ray band, and the actual relations between the gamma-ray and the X-ray variability consistent with the SSC emission process. We start from the homogeneous single-zone SSC source model, with log-parabolic energies distributions of emitting electron as required by the X-ray data of many sources. We find relations among spectral parameters of the IC radiation in both the Thomson (for Low energy BL Lacs) and the Klein-Nishina regimes (mainly for High energy BL Lacs) and we compute how variability is driven by a smooth increase of key source parameters, primarily the root mean square electron energy. The single component SSC source model in the Thomson regime turns out to be adequate for many LBL sources. However, the simple model meets its limits with the fast/strong flares recently reported for a few sources in the TeV range; these require sudden accelerations of emitting electrons in a second source component.Comment: 12 pages, 2 tables, 8 figure

    HST/ACS weak lensing analysis of the galaxy cluster RDCS 1252.9-2927 at z=1.24

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    We present a weak lensing analysis of one of the most distant massive galaxy cluster known, RDCS 1252.9-2927 at z=1.24, using deep images from the Advanced Camera for Survey (ACS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). By taking advantage of the depth and of the angular resolution of the ACS images, we detect for the first time at z>1 a clear weak lensing signal in both the i (F775W) and z (F850LP) filters. We measure a 5-\sigma signal in the i band and a 3-\sigma signal in the shallower z band image. The two radial mass profiles are found to be in very good agreement with each other, and provide a measurement of the total mass of the cluster inside a 1Mpc radius of M(<1Mpc) = (8.0 +/- 1.3) x 10^14 M_\odot in the current cosmological concordance model h =0.70, \Omega_m=0.3, \Omega_\Lambda=0.7, assuming a redshift distribution of background galaxies as inferred from the Hubble Deep Fields surveys. A weak lensing signal is detected out to the boundary of our field (3' radius, corresponding to 1.5Mpc at the cluster redshift). We detect a small offset between the centroid of the weak lensing mass map and the brightest cluster galaxy, and we discuss the possible origin of this discrepancy. The cumulative weak lensing radial mass profile is found to be in good agreement with the X-ray mass estimate based on Chandr and XMM-Newton observations, at least out to R_500=0.5Mpc.Comment: 38 pages, ApJ in press. Full resolution images available at http://www.eso.org/~prosati/RDCS1252/Lombardi_etal_accepted.pd


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    Lo schwannoma intralabirintico (SIL) è un raro tumore benigno (prevalenza 0.1-0.4%) che origina dalle cellule di Schwann perineurali del nervo cocleovestibolare prossimale al labirinto membranoso (coclea, vestibolo o canali semicircolari). E’ stato descritto per la prima volta da Meter nel 1917. I sintomi clinici di esordio includono ipoacusia neurosensoriale monolaterale progressiva (95%) e in alcuni casi improvvisa o fluttuante, acufeni (51%), disequilibrio (35%), vertigine (22%), fullness (2%). Alla risonanza magnetica (RM) il tumore si presenta come una massa circoscritta, ipointensa nelle sequenze T2-pesate e con un forte enhancement dopo somministrazione di gadolinio nelle immagini T1-pesate. Lo SIL si pone in diagnosi differenziale con M. di Meniere o neurite vestibolare. La mancanza di sintomi specifici e il lento pattern di crescita spiega la diagnosi tardiva. Oggigiorno la RM permette una diagnosi sempre più precoce e l’ adozione di un appropriato protocollo terapeutico