727 research outputs found

    Taking rights ironically ¿Qué nos enseñan sobre el “educado” liberalismo los “groseros” populistas de extrema derecha?

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    En los últimos años, Europa asiste a un desconcertante fenómeno: la consolidación y crecimiento de una pluralidad de partidos populistas de derecha radical que luchan por hacerse con un espacio en el escenario político. En este artículo sugiero que existe una relación particularmente compleja entre el liberalismo y este tipo de movimientos, por la cual los populistas de derecha son capaces de detectar y explotar algunas de las debilidades y contradicciones del discurso y la práctica liberales. Mediante la utilización de las herramientas conceptuales proporcionadas por la teoría política y jurídica, propongo tratar de desentrañar con cierto nivel de detalle en qué consiste esta paradójica relación y reflexionar sobre los que considero que pueden ser sus aspectos más relevantes.In the last years, Europe assists to a disquieting phenomenon: the consolidation and growth of a myriad of right-wing populists parties struggling for the achievement of a space in the political scenario. In this article I suggest that a particularly complex relation between liberalism and this sort of movements exists, by which far-right populists are able to detect and exploit some of the weaknesses and contradictions in the liberals discourse and practice. Through the use of conceptual tools provided by the political and legal theory, I propose to try to unravel with a certain level of detail in what does this paradoxical relation consist, and to reflect on what I consider that could be its most prominent aspect

    Organizaciones regionales y mecanismos de protección de la democracia en América Latina, el Caribe, y la Unión Europea

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    How can regional organisations such as the EU, the OAS and UNASUR contribute to the protection of democracy in their respective member states? This study explores the performance of regional organisations in Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union and concludes that governments design democracy protection mechanisms with a strong intergovernmental bias that gives ample political discretion in reacting to eventual violations by offenders. The European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean have experienced successive waves of democratisation. Starting from the 1970s, almost all countries in both regions can be qualified as democratic. In several cases, though, these democracies can be labelled as imperfect. Moreover, some countries have experienced instances of anti-democratic involution (in the most extreme cases) or an erosion of democratic institutions. Membership of regional organisations has contributed greatly to transition to democracy and democratic consolidation. Both scholars and political leaders perceive that regional organisations have played a significant role, among other mechanisms through democratic conditionality. In most cases, these regional organisations have included provisions to verify that their member states remain democratic (and/or obey other values such as rule of law). But the relationship between the mechanisms for scrutinising compliance with these values and the performance of the organisation applying them remains underexplored. This study analyses the institutional design of mechanisms of democracy protection (MDPs) in regional organisations in the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean. Three elements of the institutional design result particularly relevant: the procedures for activation of MDPs and the role of different actors (i.e. governments and/or autonomous organisation bodies); the mechanism for verification and review; and the type of sanctions in combination with the procedures to adopt them. The study concludes by making the case that intergovernmental decision-making for MDPs leaves ample room for political discretion and suggests a number of possible elements for improving institutional design

    La inserción jurídica de las autonomías en la Unión Europea : institucionalización y democratización como rasgos centrales de un proceso inacabado

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    Justo tras el fin de la dictadura franquista, España comenzó simultáneamente, en el contexto de su transición a la democracia, dos procesos interrelacionados y, hasta cierto punto, complementarios, de transformación; no de ellos en forma de descentralización —conducente a la creación de un Estado— y el otro en forma de europeización —cuyo resultado ha sido la integración de España en el cuerpo político supranacional de la Unión Europea—. El objeto de este artículo es mostrar y explicar, en terminos jurídicos, cómo estos dos procesos se han llevado a cabo en las tres últimas décadas. Así, los fundamentales cambios experimentados por el ordenamiento jurídico español serán entendidos como el resultado de la lenta institucionalización de diversas formas de participación de nuestras Comunidades Autónomas en la Unión Europea, y el como resultado de la necesidad de un mayor grado de control democrático y transparencia en esass formas de participación. Institucionalización y democratización, por tanto, como elementos centrales de un proceso general que está, hoy en día, aún por concluir

    Más allá de Lisboa: horizontes europeos

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    Nicolás Mariscal. Madrid: Tecnos, 2010, 264 pp

    Desenvolvimento e estrutura da escala dimensional do sentido de vida

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    En los últimos años ha aumentado considerablemente el interés por identificar factores específicos que pueden influir en nuestra salud, principalmente aspectos como el sentido de vida, la felicidad y la búsqueda de metas. Desde las aproximaciones humanistas y logoterapéuticas, el sentido de vida es, en términos generales, uno de los factores base para una vida sana. En Latinoamérica son muy pocas las pruebas que han sido desarrolladas o validadas para medir el sentido de vida. El propósito de esta investigación fue desarrollar la Escala Dimensional de Sentido del Vida, comprendido como coherencia existencial y propósito vital. El desarrollo de la escala se realizó mediante la construcción del instrumento para evaluar su estructura y sus características psicométricas. Participaron 820 personas, mujeres y varones, entre 20 y70 años de edad.Los resultados sugieren que la prueba presenta una alta consistencia interna y una estructura de dos dimensiones, una que evalúa la coherencia existencial, y la otra, el propósito vital de las personas.In recent years, the interest for identifying specific factors that may influence our health has greatly increased, especially issues like meaning of life, happiness and pursuit of goals. From the humanistic and logotherapeutic approaches, the meaning of life is, in general, a key factor for a healthy life. In Latin America, very few tests have been developed and validated to measure the meaning of life. The purpose of this research was to develop the Dimensional Scale of Sense of Life, understood as existential coherence and purpose in life. The development of the scale was performed by constructing the instrument to assess its structure and psychometric characteristics. 820 people, women and men, participated, aged 20 and 70 years. Results suggest that the test has high internal consistency and a two-dimensional structure, one that assesses the existential coherence, and the other, the life purpose of people.Nos últimos anos vem aumentado consideravelmente o interesse em identificar fatores específicos que podem influir em nossa saúde, principalmente aspectos como o sentido de vida, a felicidade e a procura de metas. Desde as aproximações humanistas e logoterapêuticas, o sentido de vida é, em termos gerais, um dos fatores base para uma vida saudável. Na América Latina são muito poucas as pesquisas realizadas ou validadas para medir o sentido de vida. O propósito desta pesquisa foi desenvolver a Escala Dimensional de Sentido de Vida, compreendido como coerência existencial e propósito vital. O desenvolvimento da escala foi realizado mediante a construção do instrumento para avaliar sua estrutura e suas características psicométricas. Participaram 820 pessoas, homens e mulheres, entre 20 e 70 anos de idade. Os resultados sugerem que o teste apresenta uma alta consistência interna e uma estrutura de duas dimensões, uma que avalia a coerência existencial, e a outra, o propósito vital das pessoas

    Glomerulonefritis rápidamente progresiva asociada a endocarditis afebril y anca anti-proteinasa 3

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    Endocarditis associated with antiPR3 ANCA and acute kidney injure generates a challenge in its diagnosis and treatment. In order to make a review about that combination, we presented a patient with necrotizing glomerulonephritis produced by a Enterococcus faecalis´s subacute endocarditis and antiPR3 ANCA positive.Differential diagnosis is made between an acute kidney failure produced by ANCA´s vasculitis vs necrotizing glomerulonephritis by endocarditis. Frequently it is necessary to make a biopsy to get a diagnosis. Negative immunofluorescence will guide to vasculitis associated ANCA, while positive immune complexes will guide to poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.Other challenge that generates the association of acute kidney disease, endocarditis and antiPR3 ANCA is the treatment. ANCA positive can prompt to start immunosuppressant treatments. However, in the context of endocarditis, it could be inadvisable and even dangerous to use it. For this reason, it is controversial the use of immunosuppressant in combination with antibiotics in the acute process, in contrast with the use of only antibiotics. In the current paper we collect the 19 reports in the literature about endocarditis associated with antiPR3 ANCA, the treatment and the renal evolution of each patient. We concluded, generally, a better improvement of kidney function in patients treated with only antibiotics than those patients treated with the combination of  antibiotics and corticoids. However, there are so few reports that we can´t consider significant the different between both treatment groups.La endocarditis asociada a ANCA anti-PR3 e insuficiencia renal plantea un dilema tanto en su diagnóstico como tratamiento. Para abordar una revisión de dicho tema, se presenta el caso de un paciente con glomerulonefritis rápidamente progresiva secundaria a endocarditis subaguda por Enterococcus faecalis y positividad para ANCA anti-PR3. El diagnóstico diferencial principal se establecería entre una afectación renal de una vasculitis asociada a ANCA no diagnosticada previamente vs una glomerulonefritis postinfecciosa secundaria a la endocarditis. En muchos casos es necesario disponer de una biopsia renal que esclarezca el diagnóstico, ya que una inmunofluorescencia negativa orientará hacia una vasculitis, mientras que una positividad para inmunocomplejos iría a favor de una glomerulonefritis postestreptocócica. El tratamiento a seguir es otro reto que se plantea en la coexistencia de insuficiencia renal aguda, endocarditis y ANCA anti-PR3 positivo. La positividad de ANCAs induce a valorar iniciar tratamiento con inmunosupresores, no obstante, en el lecho de una endocarditis puede resultar desaconsejado e incluso poner en riesgo la vida del paciente someterlo a un estado de inmunosupresión. Es, por tanto, controvertido el uso de inmunosupresión en combinación con antibioterapia en el proceso agudo en contraposición al uso de antibioterapia exclusivamente. En el actual artículo se recogen los 19 casos publicados en la literatura de endocarditis asociados a ANCA anti-PR3, así como el tratamiento que se realizó en cada uno de los casos y la evolución en la función renal de cada paciente, concluyendo, en general, una mejor recuperación de la función renal en los pacientes tratados con antibioterapia en exclusiva que en aquellos tratados con la combinación antibióticocorticoides. Sin embargo, dado el pequeño tamaño muestral, no se puede considerar significativa la diferencia entre ambos tratamientos

    Influence of Fe doping and magnetic field on martensitic transition in Ni–Mn–Sn melt-spun ribbons

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    "Mn-rich Ni-Mn-Sn metamagnetic shape memory alloys exhibiting magnetostructural transformation are of a great potential as the base materials for solid-state refrigeration. With the aim of fine tuning of the transformation characteristics and improving functional properties, in the present work we have fabricated polycrystalline Ni50-xFexMn40Sn10 (x = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 at.%) melt-spun ribbons, starting from the base alloy with x = 0, which is weakly magnetic in both austenitic and martensitic phases. By exploring martensitic transformation (MT) and magnetic behaviors as a function of Fe doping and magnetic field, we have found that Fe and/or magnetic field reduce the MT temperature and Curie temperature of austenite phase, becoming closer to each other as the Fe-content increases, accompanied by an increase of the magnetic moment of austenite, magnetization jump at MT, transformation volume, and magnetic contribution, Delta S-M, to the total entropy change at MT. The ribbons present moderate values of Delta S-M equal to 11 J kg(-11)K(-1) at 5 T for x = 8, moderate thermal hysteresis (10-14 K) nearly independent of Fe doping or magnetic field, and adjustable structural and magnetic transition temperatures close to room temperature. (C) 2016 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    The politics of implementation of the judicial council model in Europe

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    Currently, at least three approaches to judicial governance coexist in the European continent: the judicial council model, the courts service model and the Ministry of Justice model. Although doctrinal and case-specific literature abounds on this topic, examples of cross-country studies explaining choices on these models of judicial governance are rather scarce. More particularly, we lack so far knowledge on how different factors interact in leading to the implementation of the judicial council model. This is striking, given the importance of judicial councils for the operation of the rule of law. Furthermore, explanations on the choices of models of judicial governance are essential to understanding the intricate issue of the political rationalities underlying macro-level design of judicial institutions. Using qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) and focusing on European liberal democracies, this article contributes to literature in the field. It is shown that judicial councils are created when post-authoritarian countries implement new constitutions either in Romanistic law countries or in countries subject to Europeanizing pressures

    Ionophore-Based Optical Sensor for Urine Creatinine Determination

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    Creatinine is a metabolite present in urine, and its concentration is used to diagnose and monitor kidney performance. For that reason, the development of new sensors to analyze this metabolite and obtain accurate results in a short period of time is necessary. An optical disposable sensor for monitoring creatinine levels in urine is described. The system, based on a new aryl-substituted calix[4]pyrrole synthetic receptor, has an unusual coextraction scheme. Due to the low pKa values of creatininium (pKa 4.8), a careful selection of a lipophilic pH indicator that works in acid medium is required. The sensor components were optimized, and the new sensor displays a good response time to creatinine (approximately 3 min) over a wide dynamic range (from 1 × 10−5 to 1 × 10−2 M). Moreover, the optical selectivity coefficients obtained for creatinine over common cations present in urine meet the requirements for real sample measurements. With a good sensor-to-sensor reproducibility (RSD, 5.1−6.9% in the middle of the range), this method provides a simple, quick, cost-effective, and selective alternative to the conventional methodology based on Jaffé’s reactionFQM-118MINECO (CTQ2016-78754-C2-1-R)Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) CTQ2016-77128-RMINECO (CTQ2017-84319-P)Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation 2014-2018 SEV-2013-0319FEDER funds (Project CTQ2017- 84319-P)CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya and AGAUR (2017 SGR 1123

    Aislamiento e identificación fenotípica y genotípica de Moraxella ovis de casos clínicos de queratoconjuntivitis ovina en el Estado de México

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    La queratoconjuntivitis contagiosa ovina (QCO) es una enfermedad infectocontagiosa que produce ceguera temporal o permanente en ovinos y caprinos, se encuentra asociada a un conjunto de agentes infecciosos como Moraxella ovis, Mycoplasma conjunctivae y Chlamydia psittaci, el diagnóstico se realiza mediante un examen clínico y pruebas de laboratorio. De un total de 861 animales examinados, 209 presentaron algún tipo de lesión ocular resultando en una prevalencia del 24.27% de animales con lesiones compatibles con QCO. De las 209 muestras remitidas al laboratorio se lograron identificar 58 como Moraxella ovis mediante bacteriología y por la amplificación de los genes 16S rRNA y RxtA por PCR. En virtud de los resultados podemos concluir que Moraxella ovis esta involucrada en los casos de QCO en establecimientos productores de ovinos en el Estado de México