96 research outputs found

    Utilização de subprodutos da indústria de biodiesel na alimentação de ruminantes

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    Com a introdução de óleo vegetal na cadeia produtiva do biocombustível no Brasil, é esperado o aumento da demanda por plantas oleaginosas e oferta de fibras vegetais resultantes da extração do óleo. Considerando a alimentação animal como elo entre a produção de biodiesel e a pecuária, propomos o estudo da utilização de subprodutos destes empreendimentos na alimentação visando aumentar a produtividade e diminuir a emissão de gases de efeito estufa pelos animais, gerando créditos de carbono e atendendo ao interesse da iniciativa privada. A técnica de produção de gases in vitro tem sido utilizada no LANA-CENA/USP com a finalidade de estudar o efeito de alimentos que possuem metabólitos secundários bioativos, na fermentação ruminal e degradabilidade da matéria orgânica (MOVD), bem como, no estudo da produção de metano. Resultados recentes mostraram que a substituição total do farelo de soja por tortas de algodão, dendê, mamona e pinhão manso proporcionou menor produção total de gases; e que a produção de metano foi significativamente afetada pela inclusão das tortas, sendo que o farelo de soja apresentou produção de metano de 15,3 mL/g MOVD. Diversos trabalhos mostram que as tortas e farelos apresentam características nutricionais adequadas para inclusão na dieta de ruminantes, entretanto, estudos criteriosos desses materiais enquanto matérias-primas para ração animal são necessários para avaliar possíveis efeitos deletérios devido à presença de metabólitos bioativos. Através de análises de cromatografia de alta resolução, podem ser identificadas essas substâncias que, em condições tropicais podem não apresentar a mesma toxicidade. A introdução de tortas com elevado teor de gordura nas dietas de ruminantes pode auxiliar na mitigação de metano entérico, e a produção de algumas oleaginosas pode contribuir com o seqüestro de carbono pelos solos de Cerrado na recuperação de pastagens, reduzindo a necessidade de desmatamentos.With the introduction of vegetable oil in the bio-fuel productive chain in Brazil, the increase in the demand of oleaginous plants is expected as well as the offer of the resulting vegetable fibers from the extraction of the oil. Considering the animal feeding as link between the biodiesel production and the livestock, we propose the study of the use of by-products of these enterprises in the feeding system seeking to increase the productivity and to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from the animals, generating carbon credits and assisting to the interest of the private initiative. The in vitro gas technique has been used at LANA-CENA/USP with the purpose of studying the effect of feeds containing secondary bioactive metabolites upon the ruminal fermentation and organic matter degradability (MOVD), as well as, in the study of methane production. The total substitution of the soybean meal for meals of cotton seed, palm oil, castor oil plant and jatropha provided less total gas production and the production of methane was affected significantly by the inclusion of the meals, with soybean meal presenting methane production of 15.3 mL/g MOVD. Literature data also show that meals from biodiesel production present appropriate nutritional characteristics for inclusion in the diet of ruminant, however, discerning studies of those materials while raw materials for animal ration are necessary to evaluate possible harmful effects due to the presence of bioactive metabolites. Through analyses of high resolution chromatography, those metabolites may be identified. The introduction of meals with high fat content in the diets of ruminant can aid in the mitigation of enteric methane, and the production of some oleaginous plants can contribute with the sequestering of carbon for the Cerrado soils in the recovery of pastures, reducing the need of deforestation

    Influence of different nitrogen sources on the digestibility of diets based on sugarcane

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    In order to evaluate the effects of different nitrogen sources (soybean meal - FS, corn gluten meal - GL, and urea - UR) on the digestibility of diets based on sugarcane, five rumen fistulated crossbred cattle, four years old and 470 kg mean live weight (LW), were used in a completely randomized block design experiment, with five treatments: T1, 99.25% sugarcane + 0.75% UR; T2, 93.24% sugarcane + 6.76% FS; T3, 95.87% sugarcane + 3.79% FS + 0.34% UR; T4, 94.78% sugarcane + 5.22% GL; and T5, 96.77% sugarcane + 2.88% GL + 0.35% UR, and four replications in time. Digestibility coefficients were determined using chronic oxide as an external indicator, as were digestible energy (DE) content and total digestible nutrients (TDN). The nitrogen sources had no effect (P>0.05) on digestibility coefficients of dry matter (DM), crude protein, crude fiber, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, nitrogen-free extract, and organic matter, nor on TDN content, but the digestibility of gross energy was influenced (P < 0.05) by nitrogen sources, means being 76.0 and 66.75% for T4 and T1, respectively. The DE value was also influenced by nitrogen sources, T4 (3.89 Mcal/kg DM) being higher (P<0.01) than T3 (3.37 Mcal) and T1 (3.18 Mcal). The daily intake of sugarcane DM (% LW) varied from 1.03 (T5) to 1.28 (T2) without significant differences (P>0.01)

    Cytological and Histopathological Correlation of Feline Giant Cell-Rich Osteosarcoma

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    Background: Primary bone tumours are uncommon and poorly reported in cats but osteosarcoma (OSA) is the most frequent, mostly in elderly animals. Giant cell-rich OSA is considered rare in the literature representing 3% of all OSA in humans. The mitotic index seems to have a significant effect on the survival time of cats affected by this neoplasm as well as the tumour histopathological grade. The objective of this study was to report the cytological and histopathological findings of a giant cell rich OSA in a 4-year old cat with persistent feline leukemia virus (FeLV) antigenaemia.Case: A 4-year-old male neutered cat was referred with a history of persistent FeLV viraemia and pelvic limb lameness with a firm swelling. Previous radiographs of the affected limb revealed bone lysis in the third and fourth metatarsals and increased soft tissue radiopacity in the tarsal region. The referral veterinary assumed it to be osteomyelitis and initiated clinical treatment with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. The cat was referred after there was no response to medical treatment. The cat was presented with a 5cm diameter ulcerated mass, with putrid odor in the pelvic limb. Complementary exams were performed, and abnormalities were found, including increased urea, creatinine, calcium and potassium, and decreased sodium and phosphorus. A new radiograph showed exuberant bone proliferation, with increased radiopacity involving tarsal, metatarsal, distal third of tarsal I and II, and distal diaphysis of metatarsal V, without compromising the metaphyseal region of distal diaphysis of metatarsal IV. Chest radiographs and abdominal ultrasound were unremarkable. Fine-needle aspiration was performed for cytological analysis, which reavealed a moderate amount of pleomorphic mesenchymal cells with moderate adhesion, cytoplasm with a format ranging from fusiform to stellate, pronounced anisocytosis and cellular pleomorphism, and elevated nucleus:cytoplasm ratio. Nucleus was oval and presented loose chromatin, single to double large and evident nucleolus, frequent karyomegaly, along with marked anisocariosis and nuclear pleomorphism. Multinucleated giant cells were and there was a single mitotic figure in 12 high power fields (0.196 mm2 FN20/400x). Therefore, it was suggestive of malignant mesenchymal neoplasia with possibility of OSA, fibrosarcoma oe undifferentiated sarcoma. Limb amputation with femoral disarticulation was performed uneventfully. The material was conserved in 10% formalin, submitted to macroscopic and microscopic evaluation, which showed a large number of fusiform and stellate cells, with indistinct edges, scarce eosinophilic cytoplasm, high nucleus:cytoplasm ratio and oval nucleus, presenting moderate to marked anisocariosis, loose chromatin, with unique and evident nucleoli, besides of bone trabeculae. Nuclear pleomorphism was moderate and there was four mitotic figures in three random high-power fields (400x). It was observed areas of vascular ectasia, and neoplastic embolization in lymphatic and blood vessels. Among the cells, collagenous stroma was predominant but in some areas there was an eosinophilic amorphous material with the possibility of osteoid matrix or collagen. There was also a large numbers of multinucleated giant cells. The histopathological result was compatible with a grade III giant cell rich OSA.Discussion: Although bone tumours are uncommon in cats, OSA is the most frequent, affecting maingly middle-aged to elderly cats, with a mean age of 10 years, which is different from the present report in a 4-year old cat, with FeLV persistent viraemia. Retroviral status may have influenced the development of the disease at na early onset. FeLV induces uncontrolled cell proliferation through insertional mutagenesis (usually near myc) inducing malignant neoplasias, mainly lymphoma, but also multiple cartilaginous exostosis, which, along with osteomyelitis and bone cyst were included in this patient´s list of differential diagnoses. Despite the macroscopic and radiographical andagressiveness there was no metastasis identified through chest radiographs or abdominal ultrasound, and feline OSA is associated with a lower metastatic rate, if compared to canine OSA. Cytological analysis was compatible with malignant mesenchymal neoplasia, being suggestive of giant cell rich OSA. There is no cytological classification for OSA, however cytological findings of malignancy may be correlated with the patient's clinical course. Cytological features were in agreement with the histopathological findings, compatible with a grade III giant cell rich OSA. Therefore, it is concluded that the characteristics of malignancy presented by cytology were sufficient for the recommendation of amputation of the affected limb, once there was no imaging sign of metastases in the chest or abdomen


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    Objetivo: avaliar a completude e o atraso vacinal das crianças de um centro de educação infantil antes e após uma intervenção educativa com as famílias.Método: estudo do tipo antes e depois, realizado em um centro de educação infantil em São Paulo de fevereiro a abril de 2017. A intervenção consistiu no envio de lembretes e folhetos às famílias sobre a importância da vacinação. A situação vacinal foi verificada através da Caderneta de Saúde da Criança. Foram utilizados os testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher.Resultados: participaram do estudo 151 crianças e suas famílias antes e 145 depois. A prevalência da completude vacinal passou de 81,5% para 93,1% após a intervenção (p=0,003). O atraso vacinal foi mais frequente entre crianças menores de dois anos e aquelas do sexo mascuilno.Conclusão: a intervenção contribuiu para o aumento da completude vacinal por meio da educação em saúde das famílias das crianças.Objective: To assess vaccination completion and delay in children at a child education centerbefore and after an educational intervention with their families.Method: A before-and-after study carried out at a child education center in São Paulo fromFebruary to April 2017. The intervention consisted of sending reminders and leaflets to thefamilies about the importance of vaccination. The vaccination status was verified through theChild Health Handbook. Fisher’s exact and chi-square tests were used.Results: 151 children and their families participated in the before-phase of the study, and 145in its after-phase. The prevalence of vaccination completion rose from 81.5% to 93.1% afterthe intervention (p=0.003). Vaccination delay was more frequent among children under twoyears of age and those who were male.Conclusion: The intervention contributed to the increase of vaccination completion throughhealth education of the children’s families.Objetivo: evaluar el pleno cumplimiento y el atraso vacunatorios en niños de un centro deeducación infantil antes y después de una intervención educativa con las familias.Método: estudio del tipo antes y después realizado en un centro de educación infantil de SanPablo entre febrero y abril de 2017. La intervención consistió en enviar recordatorios y folletosa las familias sobre la importancia de la vacunación. La situación de vacunas se verificó a travésde la Libreta de vacunas infantiles. Se emplearon las pruebas de chi-cuadrado y Exacta deFisher.Resultados: del estudio participaron 151 niños y sus familias antes de la intervención, y 145después de ella. La prevalencia del pleno cumplimiento vacunatorio aumentó del 81,5% al93,1% después de la intervención (p=0,003). El atraso en las vacunas fue más frecuente entrelos niños de menos de dos años de edad y entre los del sexo masculino.Conclusión: la intervención contribuyó a mejorar el índice de pleno cumplimiento vacunatorioal ofrecer educación en salud a las familias de los niños

    Determinants of the mean growth rate of children under the age of six months: a cohort study

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    This study aimed to investigate some factors that contributed to higher or lower growth rate of children up to the sixth month of life. This is a cohort study with 240 children evaluated in four stages. Variables of birth, eating habits of the child, mothers’ breast-feeding difficulty and pacifier use were investigated. Children’s weight gain rate (grams/day) and size gain (cm/month) were measured in all assessments and compared according to the variables of interest. In the first month, weight gain rate of children born by cesarean section was smaller. By the second month, the growth rate (weight and size gain) was higher among children who were exclusively or predominantly breastfed and lower among those who consumed infant formula. Children of mothers who reported difficulty to breastfeed showed a lower growth rate until the second month. Children age four months who consumed porridge had lower weight and size gain rate. Pacifier use was associated with lower weight gain rates up the first, second and fourth month

    Caracterização da microbiota associada a formigas capturadas em ambiente hospitalar

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    RESUMO: Inúmeros veículos de transmissão de microrganismos são conhecidos e tem seu papel na cadeia de infecção bem esclarecido dentro da comunidade científica, como os ratos, piolhos, pulgas e os mosquitos. Entretanto, formigas são vetores pouco considerados como fonte de infecção, mas possuem a mesma importância, principalmente quando se fala de infecção hospitalar. Diversos pesquisadores já demonstraram que esses artrópodes realizam simbiose com bactérias, sendo, portanto, vetores mecânicos destas. A partir disso, infecções nosocomiais se tornam possíveis em consequência do fato de as formigas circularem livremente pelas instalações hospitalares, entrando em contato com material infectado e logo depois com pacientes, medicamentos, aparelhos e utensílios, sala de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), entre outros, disseminando os microrganismos patogênicos. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar quais microrganismos potencialmente patogênicos são carreados nos corpos de formigas em dois hospitais da cidade de Anápolis – Goiás. O estudo será realizado a partir da captura das formigas em tubos de ensaio, após essa etapa será realizado o isolamento e identificação de bactérias no laboratório de microbiologia da UniEvangélica. As bactérias isoladas, então, serão submetidas ao teste de antibiograma por difusão em disco. Assim, pretende-se contribuir para o reconhecimento do mecanismo vetorial mediado por formigas em ambiente hospitalar e identificar a relação entre os microrganismos carreados e seu comportamento frente ao tratamento antibiótico padrão, além de fornecer respaldo científico para elaboração de novos procedimentos de segurança por controle de vetores em ambiente hospitalar. &nbsp

    Caracterização da microbiota associada a formigas capturadas em ambiente hospitalar: revisão sistemática / Characterization of microbiota associated with ants captured in a hospital environment: systematic review

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    Inúmeros veículos de transmissão de microrganismos são conhecidos e tem seu papel na cadeia de infecção bem esclarecido dentro da comunidade científica, como os ratos, piolhos, pulgas e os mosquitos. Entretanto, formigas são vetores pouco considerados como fonte de infecção, mas possuem a mesma importância, principalmente no que se refere à infecção hospitalar. Diversos pesquisadores já demonstraram que esses artrópodes realizam simbiose com bactérias, sendo, portanto, vetores mecânicos destas. A partir disso, infecções nosocomiais se tornam possíveis em consequência do fato de as formigas circularem livremente pelas instalações hospitalares. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever quais microrganismos potencialmente patogênicos são carreados nos corpos de formigas em hospitais. Foi feita uma pesquisa sistemática nas plataformas PubMed, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) com os descritores (ants AND hospital) AND (bacteria) AND (infection) AND (insect vectors). Após a aplicação dos critérios pré-definidos de inclusão e exclusão, 16 referências foram selecionadas e exploradas nesse trabalho. Assim, pretende-se contribuir para o reconhecimento do mecanismo vetorial mediado por formigas em ambiente hospitalar e identificar a relação entre os microrganismos carreados, além de fornecer respaldo científico para elaboração de novos procedimentos de segurança por controle de vetores em ambiente hospitalar

    The utilization of educational technologies: huge gap between the real and the ideal training processes in nursing education / Utilização das tecnologias educativas: distância oceânica entre o processo formativo real e o ideal na enfermagem

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    Objetivo: analisar os entraves durante o percurso acadêmico no curso de Enfermagem acerca da utilização das tecnologias educativas. Métodos: pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com discentes de enfermagem no período de novembro de 2016 a janeiro de 2017, sendo os depoimentos analisados através da análise de discurso. Resultados: os discentes discursaram como entraves o fato dos docentes permanecerem fincados no método tradicional de ensino; a falta de interesse em levar essas tecnologias para o ambiente de ensino, além da formação dos próprios educadores serem focadas em um ensino com metodologias tradicionais. Conclusão: surge a necessidade de discutir sobre o papel da gestão e a formação pedagógica necessária para a efetividade da docência em saúde, que, mesmo com todas as diretrizes norteadoras e reestruturadoras desse ensino, não garantem a formação do profissional com o perfil pretendido

    Analysis of plant samples marketed in pharmacies of natural products in the extreme South of Bahia / Análise de amostras de plantas comercializadas em farmácias de produtos naturais do extremo Sul da Bahia

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    The work with medicinal plants is above all a way of seeking natural and economic alternatives that can benefit the population as a whole. This work aimed to know teas and medicinal leaves sold in pharmacies in Porto Seguro. For this purpose, the quality of the samples was evaluated by analyzing the flavor, aroma, appearance and labels of the teas and leaves, checking the presence or absence of any quality control of these products. The pharmacognostic analyzes of the samples allowed to verify that of the 25 samples evaluated, 12% of them had labels. Only 12% contained information on the labels such as expiration date and no information on proper conservation, forms of use, recommendations, or both. Only 8% of herbal medicines had a scientific name, weight specification and company logo with CNPJ data, state registration. Information on SAC number, acronym and number at the Ministry of Health, package insert and technical responsible were not included in the product packaging. It was found that 100% of the surveyed products are not registered with the Ministry of Health and are therefore considered illegal before ANVISA. All samples observed were adequate for the color that characterizes the species. As for turbidity, most samples (81%) did not show any indication of this parameter. As for the conservation aspect, natural products were within the standards. As for the flavor of herbal medicines, all samples evaluated presented the characteristic taste of the species. Regarding the sweetness parameter, most of the species evaluated (77%) presented a weak sweet taste and 23% strongly sweet. 80.77% of the samples analyzed showed no acidity. Of the 25 samples analyzed, 69% of these had a pleasant, strong aromatic odor, 15% did not have a strong aromatic odor and 16% odorless. When preparing teas, it was observed that 23.1% of the samples had a sweet aroma, 50% did not exhibit this type of odor and 5% exhibited an artificial plant odor. It is concluded that after carrying out the analysis of taste, aroma, appearance and labels of the samples, in comparison to the pharmacopoeic parameters, it was found that the species already registered had corresponding characteristics and are in accordance with the results of the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis, in relation to the parameters considered in the research

    Enfrentamento à pandemia: conhecimento acessível à comunidade / Coping with the pandemic: Knowledge accessible to the community

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    A pandemia pela COVID-19 altera a saúde global e coloca em risco a comunidade e o grupo de pessoas com deficiência visual e surdas. Docentes e alunos da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais decidiram ofertar curso via e-mail e via página eletrônica para disseminar conhecimento sobre medidas preventivas e combate às fake News. A divulgação ocorreu dentro da comunidade universitária e em grupos comunitários. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar duas metodologias (por e-mail e pela página eletrônica) do curso, com avaliação do perfil dos participantes, da adesão e do desempenho. O curso contou com 1.841 inscritos. O grupo de participantes via e-mail apresentou em relação aos demais:  idade superior (p<0,001); maior número de deficientes (p=0,008) e de mulheres (p<0,001); maior escolaridade (p<0,001). Constatou-se associação entre a metodologia do curso e ter ou não recebido o auxílio financeiro emergencial (p=0,001) devido à pandemia e possuir filhos (p<0,001). Ocorreu progressão no conhecimento em ambos os grupos. A persistência até o final do curso foi maior no sexo masculino com correlação positiva (p=0,03; força de associação de 5,1%). Aqueles que não finalizaram o curso apresentaram média de idade superior (37,5 anos) aos que finalizaram (35,6 anos), com p=0,04. Apesar da baixa adesão geral, o curso contribuiu de forma acessível para disseminação do conhecimento científico sobre a COVID-19
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