3,373 research outputs found

    Localization of the Grover walks on spidernets and free Meixner laws

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    A spidernet is a graph obtained by adding large cycles to an almost regular tree and considered as an example having intermediate properties of lattices and trees in the study of discrete-time quantum walks on graphs. We introduce the Grover walk on a spidernet and its one-dimensional reduction. We derive an integral representation of the nn-step transition amplitude in terms of the free Meixner law which appears as the spectral distribution. As an application we determine the class of spidernets which exhibit localization. Our method is based on quantum probabilistic spectral analysis of graphs.Comment: 32 page

    Comportamiento Ecofisiol?gico de cuatro clones de cacao (Theobroma cacao) propagados mediante tres m?todos de enjertaci?n en el CURDN en Armero Guayabal Tolima.

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    133 P?ginasEl cultivo de cacao (Theobroma cacao) es uno de los cultivos m?s promisorios en Colombia, actualmente representa una importante fuente de ingresos para las familias campesinas, no obstante los sistemas de producci?n actuales presentan d?ficit en el nivel de rendimiento, debido principalmente a la existencia de plantaciones hibridas de bajo rendimiento y avanzada edad. Se hace necesario la renovaci?n y la instalaci?n de nuevas ?reas de cultivo con materiales clonados de alta productividad. Conocer el comportamiento de cada uno de estos materiales y los m?todos de enjertaci?n m?s eficientes aseguran el aumento de la productividad del cultivo de cacao. El objetivo del presente estudio consisti? en evaluar el comportamiento ecofisiol?gico de los clones de cacao TSH-565, CCN-51, ICS-60 e ICS-95 injertados sobre pl?ntulas de vivero y ?rboles adultos mediante los m?todos de aproximaci?n, parche y malayo. Realizado a cabo en el CURDN municipio de Armero Guayabal condiciones propias del sistema agroecol?gico valle interandino seco. Se registraron variables morfofisiol?gicas en los primeros estadios de la fase vegetativa permitiendo evaluar el porcentaje de prendimiento, correlacionar la emisi?n de estructuras ( nudos, hojas y ramas) con la variable climatol?gica de precipitaci?n, realizar an?lisis de varianza y comparaci?n de medias para los m?todos de parche y aproximaci?n, en el m?todo malayo no se alcanz? el n?mero de unidades experimentales requeridas por lo que se realizo una simple comparaci?n de medias entre clones y se correlacionaron con la variable de precipitaci?n. Los resultados m?s relevantes en el porcentaje de prendimiento los present? el m?todo de parche siendo el clon ICS 95 el que presenta los mayores porcentajes de prendimiento en los tres m?todos. Las correlaciones de la variable de precipitaci?n con la emisi?n de estructuras de los clones y las variables de crecimiento de los clones injertados mediante el m?todo malayo en la mayor?a de los casos presentan una tendencia de crecimiento a favor de la variable dependiente cuando se da un decrecimiento en la variable de precipitaci?n. Se contempl? el an?lisis de veinti?n variables de crecimiento siendo diez variables las longitudes de los entre-nudos. En el an?lisis de varianza del m?todo de parche un 80% de las variables presenta significancia para el factor clon destac?ndose el clon CCN 51 por registrar el mayor n?mero de medias con mayor promedio. El an?lisis de varianza para el m?todo de aproximaci?n registr? significancia para 38% de las variables en el factor clon presentando el clon ICS 95 con el mayor n?mero de promedios altos.ABSTRACT. The cultivation of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is one of the most promising crops in Colombia, currently represents a significant source of income for rural families, however the current production systems show deficits in performance level, due mainly to the existence of low-yielding hybrid plantations and old age. It is necessary renovation and installation of new growing areas with high productivity cloned material. Know the behavior of each of these materials and more efficient grafting methods ensure higher productivity of cocoa. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ecophysiological behavior of cocoa clones TSH-565, CCN-51, ICS-60 and ICS-95 grafted on nursery seedlings and adult trees by the methods of approximation, patch and Malay. Carried out in the CURDN in the town Armero Guayabal, agroecological conditions of the dry Andean valley. Morphophysiological variables were recorded in the early stages of the vegetative phase allowing to evaluate the percentage of apprehension, to correlate the emission structures (nodes, leaves and branches) with variable climatological of precipitation, analysis of variance and mean form. patch and approximation, in the method Malay not reached the required number of experimental units so we made a simple comparison of means between the clones and correlated with variable precipitation. The most relevant results in the percentage of apprehension where presented by method of Patch and the clone ICS 95 was the one with the highest percentages of apprehension in the three methods. The correlations of the variable precipitation structures issuing of clones and the growth variables of the clones grafted by method Malay in most cases show a growth trend in favor of the dependent variable when there is a decrease in precipitation variable. It was contemplated the analysis of twenty variables, ten of these variables with lengths within the knots. In the analysis of patch method variance to 80% of the variables has significance for the clone factor standing out the clone CCN 51 to record the highest number of measures with the greatest average. The analysis of variance for the approximation method. Recorded significance for 38% of the variables presented in the clone factor ICS 95 with the greatest number of high averages.ADVERTENCIA. La facultad de Ingenier?a Agron?mica de la Universidad del Tolima, el director, codirector y el jurado calificador, no son responsables de los conceptos ni de las ideas expuestas por los autores del presente trabajo. Art?culo 16, Acuerdo 032 de 1976 y Articulo 29, Acuerdo 064 de 1991, Consejo Acad?mico de la Universidad del Tolima.INTRODUCCI?N 21 1. JUSTIFICACI?N 23 2. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 25 3. OBJETIVOS 26 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 26 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 26 4. MARCO TE?RICO 27 4.1 PRODUCCI?N DE CACAO A NIVEL MUNDIAL 27 4.2 CULTIVO DE CACAO EN COLOMBIA 27 4.3 BOT?NICA DEL CACAO (Theobroma cacao) 28 4.4 EL INJERTO EN LA PRODUCCI?N DE CACAO 29 4.5 M?TODOS DE INJERTACI?N 30 4.5.1 Injerto ?lateral o malayo? 30 4.5.2 Injerto por ?aproximaci?n o pechito con pechito? 30 4.5.3 Injerto de ?parche? 31 4.6 CARACTER?STICAS DE LOS CLONES 31 5. HIP?TESIS 32 6. DISE?O METODOL?GICO 33 6.1 UBICACI?N ESPACIAL DE LA ZONA DE ESTUDIO 33 6.2 MATERIALES UTILIZADOS EN LA INVESTIGACION 33 6.3 M?TODOS DE INJERTACI?N 33 6.4 DISE?O EN CAMPO Y LABORES REALIZADAS 34 6.5 PAR?METROS EVALUADOS 34 6.6 AN?LISIS ESTAD?STICO 36 7. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSI?N 37 7.1 DATOS CLIMATOL?GICOS 37 7.1.1 Precipitaci?n 37 7.1.2 Humedad relativa 38 7.1.3 Temperatura 39 7.2 PORCENTAJE DE PRENDIMIENTO DE LOS CLONES 40 7.3 COMPORTAMIENTO DE LA EMISION DE ESTRUCTURAS DEL INJERTO 43 7.3.1 Comportamiento de la emisi?n de nudos 43 7.3.2 Comportamiento de la emisi?n de hojas 46 7.3.3 Comportamiento de la emisi?n de ramas 50 7.4 CORRELACI?N DE LA EMISI?N DE ESTRUCTURAS Y LA VARIABLE DE PRECIPITACI?N 52 7.5 METODO DE INJERTACI?N MALAYO 55 7.5.1 Comparaci?n de los clones injertados con el m?todo ?malayo? 55 7.5.2 Correlaci?n de la variable precipitaci?n y las variables de los clones injertados mediante el m?todo ?malayo? 58 7.6 AN?LISIS DE VARIANZA Y COMPARACI?N DE MEDIAS DE LAS VARIABLES MORFOFISIOL?GICAS DE LOS CLONES PROPAGADOS MEDIANTE EL M?TODO DE INJERTACI?N DE ?PARCHE? 62 7.6.1 An?lisis de varianza de las variables n?mero de ramas, nudos, di?metro, longitud, de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?parche? 62 7.6.2 Comparaci?n de medias de las variables n?mero de ramas, nudos, di?metro y longitud de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?parche? 63 7.6.3 An?lisis de varianza de las variables relacionadas con emisi?n foliar de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?parche? 65 7.6.4 Comparaci?n de medias de las variables relacionadas con emisi?n foliar de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?parche? 65 7.6.5 An?lisis de varianza de la variable longitud de entre-nudos (c/u) de la base al nudo 10 de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?parche? 69 7.6.6 Comparaci?n de medias de la variable longitud de entre-nudos (c/u) de la base al nudo diez de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?parche? 70 7.7 AN?LISIS DE VARIANZA Y COMPARACI?N DE MEDIAS DE LAS VARIABLES MORFOFISIOL?GICAS DE LOS CLONES PROPAGADOS MEDIANTE EL M?TODO DE INJERTACI?N DE ?APROXIMACI?N? 75 7.7.1 An?lisis de varianza de las variables n?mero de ramas, nudos, di?metro, longitud, de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?aproximaci?n? 75 7.7.2 Comparaci?n de medias de las variables n?mero de ramas, nudos, di?metro y longitud de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?aproximaci?n? 76 7.7.3 An?lisis de varianza de las variables relacionadas con emisi?n foliar de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?aproximaci?n? 77 7.7.4 Comparaci?n de medias de las variables relacionadas con emisi?n foliar de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?aproximaci?n? 78 7.7.5 An?lisis de varianza de la variable longitud de entre nudos (c/u) de la base al nudo 10 de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?aproximaci?n? 79 7.7.6 Comparaci?n de medias de la variable longitud de entre nudos (c/u) de la base al nudo 10 de los clones propagados mediante el m?todo de injertaci?n de ?aproximaci?n? 80 7.8 AN?LISIS DE VARIANZA Y COMPARACI?N DE MEDIAS DE LAS VARIABLES MORFOFISIOL?GICAS DE LOS CLONES PROPAGADOS MEDIANTE LOS M?TODOS DE INJERTACI?N DE ?PARCHE Y APROXIMACI?N? 84 7.8.1 An?lisis de varianza de las variables n?mero de ramas, nudos, di?metro, longitud, de los clones propagados mediante los m?todos de injertaci?n de ?parche y aproximaci?n? 85 7.8.2 Comparaci?n de medias de las variables n?mero de ramas, nudos, di?metro y longitud de los clones propagados mediante los m?todos de injertaci?n de ?parche y aproximaci?n? 86 7.8.3 An?lisis de varianza de las variables relacionadas con emisi?n foliar de los clones propagados mediante los m?todos de injertaci?n de ?parche y aproximaci?n? 91 7.8.4 Comparaci?n de medias de las variables relacionadas con emisi?n foliar de los clones propagados mediante los m?todos de injertaci?n de ?parche y aproximaci?n? 93 7.8.5 An?lisis de varianza de la variable longitud de entre nudos (c/u) de la base al nudo 10 de los clones propagados los m?todos de injertaci?n de ?parche y aproximaci?n? 105 7.8.6 Comparaci?n de medias de la variable longitud de entre nudos (c/u) de la base al nudo 10 de los clones propagados los m?todos de injertaci?n de ?parche y aproximaci?n? 106 8. CONCLUSIONES 120 9. RECOMENDACIONES 124 REFERENCIAS 125 ANEXOS 12

    Private and public spheres: History, society, and culture in the novels of Jesus Fernandez Santos.

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    The Spanish novelist Jesus Fernandez Santos (1926-1988) published twelve novels and four collections of short stories between 1954 and 1988. Over the years his work has been the subject of many articles and five monographs which have, overwhelmingly, studied his fiction in terms of changing narrative modes, constant themes, geographical determinism in rural communities, and existential anguish. However, an important and valid approach to analysing his work involves the assessment of Jesus Fernandez Santos as a dissident voice within the system, a serious critic of the main ideological tenets of the Francoist regime. From his belief that man is a product of historical circumstances, he explored the consequences of the socio-economic and political structures of the country and the prevailing culture on the lives of his characters, exposing the negative effects in terms of lack of sense of personal worthiness, alienation, inability to communicate with others, lack of community spirit, and so on. In so doing, he challenged the triumphalistic myth of the regime: that the Spanish individual and national identity constituted an eternal essence that Franco was helping to safeguard and develop. Thus, Jesus Fernandez Santos's narrative can be viewed as a counter-discourse. In my thesis I study three aspects of the narrative of Fernandez Santos that have been particularly neglected in previous studies. First, the theme of challenging social values by making individuals aware of the injustices of the system and presenting the transformation of social and political relationships as a valid goal in life. The author maintained that the personal is always political, that we are all part of the system. Second, I examine his perception of Catholicism as a negative influence on the development of the self and his criticism of the Catholic Church as an institution that colluded with Franco's regime in order to maintain the political and social status quo. A third aspect of Jesus Fernandez Santos's narrative that I have studied is the author's attitudes to women and feminist issues. Although Fernandez Santos's sympathetic approach to women has been acknowledged in general terms by others, I have undertaken a more detailed analysis. In my thesis I have studied how the author includes women's voices to present their perspective within the general framework of society and culture

    Mezclas de cemento u otros ligantes aplicables a materiales y técnicas constructivas utilizando EPS molido y cascotes reciclados provenientes de residuos de construcción y demolición.

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    Desde el CEP desarrollamos materiales de construcción alternativos a los tradicionales para minimizar el impacto medioambiental generado por los residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD). El hormigón es el material de construcción más empleado en el mundo gracias a sus excelentes propiedades: durabilidad, resistencia y adaptación a moldes. Su uso produce grandes costos medioambientales: enorme cantidad de energía consumida para extracción, acarreo, fabricación y traslado de componentes. Esta investigación desarrolla distintas fórmulas utilizando EPS molido y cascotes fraccionados mezclados con ligantes apropiados para fabricar Materiales Constructivos durables, económicos, de bajo peso y con buena aislación térmica, reduciendo el impacto ambiental que produce la fabricación tradicional de bloques, ladrillos y revestimientos. El EPS es uno de los RCD de restos y de embalajes más perjudiciales al medio ambiente tanto por su volumen como por su prolongado tiempo de degradación, mientras que los cascotes son el principal RCD en nuestra área de trabajo. Estas mezclas pueden ser utilizadas para autoconstrucción y planes de vivienda contribuyendo a generar empleo, creando nuevos conocimientos y expandiendo la conciencia del cuidado Medioambiental. Los profesionales del Centro trabajamos junto con alumnos en programas de pasantías de investigación con crédito académico. Para la obtención de las citadas materias primas se han generado acuerdos con empresas generadoras, con planes logísticos para optimizar recorridos reduciendo consumo de combustible. De esta forma se evita que un considerable volumen de RCD llegue a vertederos y centros de enterramiento habituales y se reduce la potencialidad de su voladura tapando desagues pluviales. Se desarrollan por un lado mezclas aislantes en densidades de 500 a 600 kg/m3 que utilizadas en espesores habituales de construcción cumplen con las normas actuales de transmisión térmica. Estas mezclas incluyen cemento, residuos de EPS molidos pasantes por tamiz de 6mm y aditivios. Por otro lado se desarrollan mezclas en densidades de 900 a 1100 kg/m3 que utilizadas en espesores habituales cumplen con resistencia equivalente a la de ladrillos comunes. Estas mezclas incluyen cemento, residuos de EPS molidos pasantes por tamiz de 6mm, restos de cascotes molidos pasantes por tamiz de 20mm, arena y aditivos. Los moldes requeridos son fabricados a su vez con materiales reciclados de EPS

    Evaluation of trace-metal concentrations in water consumption of streams near Guajira (Colombia)

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    The spatial distribution of metals in the water for consumption in the different supply sources, natural sources, family storage tanks and deep wells were studied. 16 samples were made for different municipalities belonging to the department of La Guajira upper part. The water samples were analyzed in 2016 and analyzed physically and chemically and microbiologically. The results were compared with national standards and those established by the WHO. The results found show some traces of metals in some of the sampling sites. The concentrations of Calcium, Magnesium exceeded the concentrations established by the standards. The results reinforce the need for better control of the physicochemical and microbiological parameters of the water consumed by the population

    Role of fibroblast growth factor-23 in calcinosis in women with systemic sclerosis

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    Objective: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a complex disorder of unknown etiology. The purpose of this study was to evaluate fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23) serum levels in women with SSc compared with healthy controls and to examine a possible association between FGF-23 serum levels with the presence of calcinosis in SSc patients. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in San Cecilio Hospital, Granada (Spain) from November 2017 to May 2019. Sixty-two women with SSc and 62 age and sex matched healthy controls were included in this study. FGF-23 serum concentration was evaluated by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: There was no significant difference in FGF-23 levels between SSc patients and healthy controls (78.2 ± 60.5 vs. 80.3 ± 56.3 pg/mL, p= 0.662). Regarding the characteristics of the disease, we found a relationship between the values of FGF-23 and the presence of calcinosis. The levels of FGF-23 are higher in patients suffering from calcinosis (p= 0.028). Conclusion: We observed the presence of higher levels of serum FGF-23 in SSc female patients with calcinosis. Therefore, FGF-23 could be a possible therapeutic target for future treatments

    Endothelin-1 serum levels in women with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate serum Endothelin-1(ET-1) levels in female Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients compared with healthy controls, examine possible associations between ET-1 with different characteristic of the disease and investigate possible associations between ET-1 with surrogate markers of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in Vega-Baja Hospital, Orihuela (Spain) from November 2016 to May 2018. Sixty-three women with RA and sixty-five age and sex healthy controls were included in this study. Serum ET-1 was analyzed using ELISA. Results: Serum levels of ET-1 in RA female patients were higher than those in healthy controls (p ??0.001). Serum le vels of ET-1 were positively associated with Nterminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) (r = 0.27, p < 0.05) and with C-reactive protein (CRP) (r = 0.36, p < 0.05). ET-1 levels in women with RA were higher in smokers. Pre dnisone use was associated with lower ET-1 levels. No association with carotid intima media thickness was found. Conclusions: we observed the presence of higher le - vels of serum ET-1 in RA women patients compared with healthy controls. These increased levels of ET-1 are associated with inflammation and smoking and reduced by prednisone intake

    TP53, ATRX alterations, and low tumor mutation load feature IDH-wildtype giant cell glioblastoma despite exceptional ultra-mutated tumors

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    Background: Giant cell glioblastoma (gcGBM) is a rare morphological variant of IDH-wildtype (IDHwt) GBM that occurs in young adults and have a slightly better prognosis than "classic" IDHwt GBM. Methods: We studied 36 GBMs, 14 with a histopathological diagnosis of gcGBM and 22 with a giant cell component. We analyzed the genetic profile of the most frequently mutated genes in gliomas and assessed the tumor mutation load (TML) by gene-targeted next-generation sequencing. We validated our findings using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data. Results: p53 was altered by gene mutation or protein overexpression in all cases, while driver IDH1, IDH2, BRAF, or H3F3A mutations were infrequent or absent. Compared to IDHwt GBMs, gcGBMs had a significant higher frequency of TP53, ATRX, RB1, and NF1 mutations, while lower frequency of EGFR amplification, CDKN2A deletion, and TERT promoter mutation. Almost all tumors had low TML values. The high TML observed in only 2 tumors was consistent with POLE and MSH2 mutations. In the histopathological review of TCGA IDHwt, TP53-mutant tumors identified giant cells in 37% of the cases. Considering our series and that of the TCGA, patients with TP53-mutant gcGBMs had better overall survival than those with TP53wt GBMs (log-rank test, P < .002). Conclusions: gcGBMs have molecular features that contrast to "classic" IDHwt GBMs: unusually frequent ATRX mutations and few EGFR amplifications and CDKN2A deletions, especially in tumors with a high number of giant cells. TML is frequently low, although exceptional high TML suggests a potential for immune checkpoint therapy in some cases, which may be relevant for personalized medicine

    Quantum walks: a comprehensive review

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    Quantum walks, the quantum mechanical counterpart of classical random walks, is an advanced tool for building quantum algorithms that has been recently shown to constitute a universal model of quantum computation. Quantum walks is now a solid field of research of quantum computation full of exciting open problems for physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians and engineers. In this paper we review theoretical advances on the foundations of both discrete- and continuous-time quantum walks, together with the role that randomness plays in quantum walks, the connections between the mathematical models of coined discrete quantum walks and continuous quantum walks, the quantumness of quantum walks, a summary of papers published on discrete quantum walks and entanglement as well as a succinct review of experimental proposals and realizations of discrete-time quantum walks. Furthermore, we have reviewed several algorithms based on both discrete- and continuous-time quantum walks as well as a most important result: the computational universality of both continuous- and discrete- time quantum walks.Comment: Paper accepted for publication in Quantum Information Processing Journa