23 research outputs found

    Checklist para o transporte intra-hospitalar seguro do doente crítico: a scoping review

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    Transporting critically ill patients is has a set of risks that may jeopardize their safety. Knowing the risks associated with intrahospitalar transport of critically ill patients is essential to improving patient safety. For the sake of improving patient safety, was chosen to approach it as an intrahospitalar transport checklist, as the literature describes it as a practical and simple way to increase safety. Objective: Map available scientific evidence regarding aspects of a checklist that ensure the safety of critically ill patients in intrahospitalar transport. Material and Method: A scoping review was performed following the methodology proposed by The Joanna Briggs Institute in databases using the EBSCOhost and B-on search engines. Conducted research in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Selected free full text articles, with no time limit. Inclusion criteria: adult/elderly critically ill patient, intrahospital transport, a checklist and patient safety. Results: Included 7 articles for analysis. Most verification requests that ensure the safety of critical patients on intrahospitalar transport concern the transport preparation phase, in which patient is monitored was the most mentioned aspect. From the post-transportation phase, checklist aspects are only available in 3 of 7 articles Conclusion: All studies address aspects that improve the safety of critically ill patients in intrahospitalar transport and are likely to be included in the checklist. There is no unanimity as to which aspects to include in the checklist.O transporte do doente crítico acarreta um conjunto de riscos para a sua segurança. Conhecer os riscos associados ao transporte intra-hospitalar do doente crítico é essencial para melhorar a segurança do mesmo. Optou-se por abordar a checklist de transporte intra-hospitalar, uma vez que a literatura a descreve como uma forma prática e simples de aumentar a segurança. Objetivo: Mapear a evidência científica disponível referente aos aspetos de uma checklist que garantem a segurança do doente crítico no transporte intra-hospitalar. Material e Método: Realizou-se uma scoping review recorrendo à metodologia do The Joanna Briggs Institute, nas bases de dados utilizando os motores de busca EBSCOhost e B-on. Realizada pesquisa em Português, Inglês e Espanhol. Selecionados artigos free full text, sem limite temporal. Critérios de inclusão: o doente crítico adulto/idoso, o transporte intra-hospitalar, a checklist e a segurança do doente. Resultados: Foram incluídos 7 artigos. A maioria dos aspetos da checklist que garantem a segurança do doente crítico no transporte intra-hospitalar, dizem respeito à fase da preparação do transporte, na qual o aspeto mais mencionado é a monitorização do doente. Da fase posterior ao transporte, aspetos da checklist apenas são mencionados em 3 dos 7 artigos. Conclusão: Todos os estudos abordam aspetos que são passíveis de incluir em checklist e melhoram a segurança do doente. Não existe unanimidade quanto aos aspetos a incluir na checklist do transporte intra-hospitalar.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalencia de Trichinella spp. en jabalíes y cerdos de matanza domiciliaria en la provincia de Huesca

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    Trichinella spp. es un nematodo que parasita numerosas especies de mamíferos, estando catalogada como zoonosis de transmisión alimentaria. En la Unión Europea es obligatorio el análisis de las canales de ganado porcino y équidos que se sacrifican para consumo humano, junto con especies cinegéticas como el jabalí que pueden constituir una fuente de contagio para el hombre mediante el consumo de carne contaminada con larvas L1 de Trichinella spp. La triquinelosis es una enfermedad con una incidencia baja que aparece en brotes puntuales en núcleos familiares debido al consumo de carne o derivados que no han pasado por controles sanitarios. No obstante, su control veterinario requiere una cuantiosa inversión económica por parte de las Administraciones públicas, por lo que se sigue considerando una zoonosis parasitaria de gran interés.En este estudio se ha contado con los datos facilitados por la Subdirección Provincial de Salud Pública de Huesca, gracias a los cuales se ha podido realizar un control acerca de la prevalencia de Trichinella spp. en jabalíes abatidos en las 12 temporadas de caza comprendidas entre 2010-2011 y el 2021-2022, así como los cerdos sacrificados en matanzas domiciliarias en este mismo intervalo. Se han identificado 68 jabalíes positivos sobre un total de 35.955 lo que significa una prevalencia de un 1,89‰. El estudio estadístico revela diferencias significativas en la prevalencia entre distintas temporadas y altibajos a lo largo del periodo, con un porcentaje superior al 2,3‰ en cinco temporadas y un máximo de 5,3‰ registrado en 2018-19. El análisis por comarcas muestra que tres de ellas suponen sobre la mitad de animales analizados y concentran el 75% de jabalíes positivos (Sobrarbe, Hoya de Huesca y Alto Gallego). Algo menos de la mitad (32/68) de las muestras positivas fueron genotipadas y de ellas casi el 80% (25/32) fueron identificadas como Trichinella britovi, mientras que las restantes resultaron ser Trichinella spiralis.<br /

    Assessing forest availability for wood supply in Europe

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    The quantification of forests available for wood supply (FAWS) is essential for decision-making with regard to the maintenance and enhancement of forest resources and their contribution to the global carbon cycle. The provision of harmonized forest statistics is necessary for the development of forest associated policies and to support decision-making. Based on the National Forest Inventory (NFI) data from 13 European countries, we quantify and compare the areas and aboveground dry biomass (AGB) of FAWS and forest not available for wood supply (FNAWS) according to national and reference definitions by determining the restrictions and associated thresholds considered at country level to classify forests as FAWS or FNAWS. FAWS represent between 75 and 95 % of forest area and AGB for most of the countries in this study. Economic restrictions are the main factor limiting the availability of forests for wood supply, accounting for 67 % of the total FNAWS area and 56 % of the total FNAWS AGB, followed by environmental restrictions. Profitability, slope and accessibility as economic restrictions, and protected areas as environmental restrictions are the factors most frequently considered to distinguish between FAWS and FNAWS. With respect to the area of FNAWS associated with each type of restriction, an overlap among the restrictions of 13.7 % was identified. For most countries, the differences in the FNAWS areas and AGB estimates between national and reference definitions ranged from 0 to 5 %. These results highlight the applicability and reliability of a FAWS reference definition for most of the European countries studied, thereby facilitating a consistent approach to assess forests available for supply for the purpose of international reportinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross-cultural validation of the patient-practitioner orientation scale among primary care professionals in Spain

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    In recent decades, many self-report instruments have been developed to assess the extent to which patients want to be informed and involved in decisions about their health as part of the concept of person-centred care (PCC). The main objective of this research was to translate, adapt and validate the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS) using a sample of primary care health-care professionals in Spain. Baseline analysis of PPOS scores for 321 primary care professionals (general practitioners and nurses) from 63 centres and 3 Spanish regions participating in a randomized controlled trial. We analysed missing values, distributions and descriptive statistics, item-to-scale correlations and internal consistency. Performed were confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the 2-factor model (sharing and caring dimensions), scale depuration and principal component analysis (PCA). Low inter-item correlations were observed, and the CFA 2-factor model only obtained a good fit to the data after excluding 8 items. Internal consistency of the 10-item PPOS was acceptable (0.77), but low for individual subscales (0.70 and 0.55). PCA results suggest a possible 3-factor structure. Participants showed a patient-oriented style (mean = 4.46, SD = 0.73), with higher scores for caring than sharing. Although the 2-factor model obtained empirical support, measurement indicators of the PPOS (caring dimension) could be improved. Spanish primary care health-care professionals overall show a patient-oriented attitude, although less marked in issues such as patients' need for and management of medical information

    Rationale, design and organization of the delayed antibiotic prescription (DAP) trial: a randomized controlled trial of the eficacy and safety of delayed antibiotic prescribing strategies in the non-complicated acute respiratory tract infections in general practice

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    Background: Respiratory tract infections are an important burden in primary care and it's known that they are usually self-limited and that antibiotics only alter its course slightly. This together with the alarming increase of bacterial resistance due to increased use of antimicrobials calls for a need to consider strategies to reduce their use. One of these strategies is the delayed prescription of antibiotics. Methods: Multicentric, parallel, randomised controlled trial comparing four antibiotic prescribing strategies in acute non-complicated respiratory tract infections. We will include acute pharyngitis, rhinosinusitis, acute bronchitis and acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (mild to moderate). The therapeutic strategies compared are: immediate antibiotic treatment, no antibiotic treatment, and two delayed antibiotic prescribing (DAP) strategies with structured advice to use a course of antibiotics in case of worsening of symptoms or not improving (prescription given to patient or prescription left at the reception of the primary care centre 3 days after the first medical visit). Discussion: Delayed antibiotic prescription has been widely used in Anglo-Saxon countries, however, in Southern Europe there has been little research about this topic. The DAP trial wil evaluate two different delayed strategies in Spain for the main respiratory infections in primary care

    Desburocratização do divórcio conversão : projeto de lei que prevê a conversão automática da separação judicial definitiva em divórcio, decretada judicialmente, após decorrido o prazo legal

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    Apresenta uma análise crítica do Projeto de Lei n.º 5.698/2005. Propõe o Projeto de Lei a alteração de dois dispositivos do novo Código Civil brasileiro, prevendo a conversão automática da separação definitiva em divórcio, decretada judicialmente, após decorrido o prazo legal, sem que qualquer das partes tenha manifestado arrependimento durante esse interregno de tempo

    Entorpecentes : algumas considerações sobre a legislação comparada

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    Monografia apresentada no Curso de Especialização em Direito, Pós-Graduação, lato sensu, junto ao Centro de Pós-Graduação da Instituição Toledo de Ensino, em Bauru-SP, no primeiro semestre de 1994, trabalho facultativo à conclusão do módulo de Dreito Penal, ministrado pelo Professor Doutor Dirceu de MelloTece algumas consideradores sobre o problema dos entorpercentes, "destacando tanto o comportamento da legislação pátria ante tais delitos, como examinando também a legislação comparada, em alguns países do mundo; enfocando, principalmente, a toxicomania como uma doença"

    Checklist for a safe intra-hospital transport of critically ill patients: A scoping review

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    Transportar a un paciente crítico conlleva una serie de riesgos que pueden poner en peligro su seguridad. Conocer los riesgos asociados con el transporte intrahospitalario es esencial para mejorar su seguridad. Elegimos estudiar la lista de verificación de transporte intrahospitalario, ya que la literatura los describe como una forma práctica y simple de aumentar la seguridad. Objetivo: Mapear la envidencia científica existente sobre los aspectos del check list o lista de verificación garantizando la seguridad del paciente crítico en el transporte intrahospitalario. Material y método: Se realizó un scoping review através de la metodologia The Joanna Briggs Institute, utilizando los motores de búsqueda EBSCOhost y B-on. La investigación fue realizada en portugués, inglés y español. Fueron seleccionados artículos con texto libre, sin límite de tiempo. Los criterios incluídos: el paciente crítico adulto/anciano, transporte intrahospitalario, la lista de verificación y la seguridad del paciente. Resultados: Se incluyeron 7 artículos. La mayoría de los aspectos de la lista de verificación se enfoca en la preparación del transporte, el aspecto que más se menciona es la monitorización del paciente. La parte después del transporte, aspectos de la lista de verificación solo es mencionada en 3 de los 7 artículos. Conclusión: Todos los estudios constatan aspectos que pueden incluírse en una lista de verificación y que mejoran la seguridad de los pacientes críticos en el transporte intrahospitalario. No hay unanimidad en cuanto a qué aspectos incluir en la lista de verificación.O transporte do doente crítico acarreta um conjunto de riscos para a sua segurança. Conhecer os riscos associados ao transporte intra-hospitalar do doente crítico é essencial para melhorar a segurança do mesmo. Optou-se por abordar a checklist de transporte intra-hospitalar, uma vez que a literatura a descreve como uma forma prática e simples de aumentar a segurança. Objetivo: Mapear a evidência científica disponível referente aos aspetos de uma checklist que garantem a segurança do doente crítico no transporte intra-hospitalar. Material e Método: Realizou-se uma scoping review recorrendo à metodologia do The Joanna Briggs Institute, nas bases de dados utilizando os motores de busca EBSCOhost e B-on. Realizada pesquisa em Português, Inglês e Espanhol. Selecionados artigos free full text, sem limite temporal. Critérios de inclusão: o doente crítico adulto/idoso, o transporte intra-hospitalar, a checklist e a segurança do doente. Resultados: Foram incluídos 7 artigos. A maioria dos aspetos da checklist que garantem a segurança do doente crítico no transporte intra-hospitalar, dizem respeito à fase da preparação do transporte, na qual o aspeto mais mencionado é a monitorização do doente. Da fase posterior ao transporte, aspetos da checklist apenas são mencionados em 3 dos 7 artigos. Conclusão: Todos os estudos abordam aspetos que são passíveis de incluir em checklist e melhoram a segurança do doente. Não existe unanimidade quanto aos aspetos a incluir na checklist do transporte intra-hospitalar.Transporting critically ill patients is has a set of risks that may jeopardize their safety. Knowing the risks associated with intrahospitalar transport of critically ill patients is essential to improving patient safety. For the sake of improving patient safety, was chosen to approach it as an intrahospitalar transport checklist, as the literature describes it as a practical and simple way to increase safety. Objective: Map available scientific evidence regarding aspects of a checklist that ensure the safety of critically ill patients in intrahospitalar transport. Material and Method: A scoping review was performed following the methodology proposed by The Joanna Briggs Institute in databases using the EBSCOhost and B-on search engines. Conducted research in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Selected free full text articles, with no time limit. Inclusion criteria: adult/elderly critically ill patient, intrahospital transport, a checklist and patient safety. Results: Included 7 articles for analysis. Most verification requests that ensure the safety of critical patients on intrahospitalar transport concern the transport preparation phase, in which patient is monitored was the most mentioned aspect. From the post-transportation phase, checklist aspects are only available in 3 of 7 articles Conclusion: All studies address aspects that improve the safety of critically ill patients in intrahospitalar transport and are likely to be included in the checklist. There is no unanimity as to which aspects to include in the checklist