260 research outputs found

    Protocolo de pesquisa: avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa do TRA em bebês

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    The accomplishment of the Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) approach during the early childhood may represent a remarkably less traumatic and less expensive therapeutic choice. The purpose of this study is to investigate the mothers' perceptions about the ART technique in the oral health/disease process of their children diagnosed with Early Childhood Caries (ECC), and to evaluate the clinical performance of the atraumatic restorations placed in these children at six-, twelve- and twenty-four-month intervals.O emprego do Tratamento Restaurador Atraumático (TRA) durante a primeira infância pode representar uma escolha terapêutica menos traumática e menos dispendiosa. Esta pesquisa propõe investigar a percepção das mães sobre o TRA no processo saúde/doença bucal de seus filhos portadores de Cárie Precoce da infância (ECC), e avaliar o comportamento clínico destas restaurações, após períodos de seis, doze e vinte e quatro meses

    Predicate Decomposition, and Linking Syntax and Semantics: A Brazilian Portuguese Analysis

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    This paper presents a theoretical proposal on the lexical-syntax relationship, related to verbs. In essence, the proposal consists of two tasks: a) to corroborate the idea of lexically representing verbs by means of a semantic predicate decomposition and, more importantly, b) to propose a linking mechanism between such lexical-semantic level and syntax itself. The contribution of this study consists in the form and manner in which the linking occurs. Even though linking theories abound in the literature, and even though in a general sense the approach presented here is not new, there are some relevant details that distinguish it from previous proposals, as it will become clear. Furthermore, from an empirical point of view, there is originality in the description we make of a vast group of verbs from Brazilian Portuguese (BP) that serves as a demonstration of the theoretical proposal


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    Primeiramente, eu dedico este artigo à memória do Prof. Carlos Franchi. Apresento, aqui, uma proposta alternativa para o Princípio da Hierarquia Temática. A proposta é diferente de outras no sentido que, para construir o Princípio da Hierarquia, uso somente quatro propriedades semânticas desencadeador, afetado, estado e controle e suas combinações. Além disso, o princípio não é construído por papéis temáticos como o usual na literatura corrente. Diferentemente de outras propostas, a localização de um argumento em uma posição sintática específica deve-se à propriedade que compõe o papel temático (e não o próprio papel temático). Papel temático aqui, é definido como uma relação estabelecida entre um predicador simples ou complexo e seus argumentos. Abstract First of all, I dedicate this paper to Prof. Carlos Franchi (in memoriam). It presents an approach for the Thematic Hierarchy Principle applied to BP. The approach is different from others in the sense that, to construct the Thematic Hierarchy Principle, I deal only with four semantic properties trigger, affected, state, and control and their combinations. Besides, the principle is not constructed by thematic roles as is usual in the current literature. Differing from other proposals, the localization of an argument in a specific syntactic position is due to the property that composes the thematic role (and not to the thematic role per se). Thematic roles here are defined as a set of entailments (the semantic properties) derived from the relation established between a single or complex predicate and its arguments

    Two decades of ART: improving on success through further research

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    Since the introduction of the Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) approach over twenty years ago, more than 190 research publications have appeared. The last research agenda defining research priorities for ART was published in 1999. The objective of the present work was to review existing research in the context of future research priorities for ART. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An internet survey was conducted amongst those who had published on ART or were known to be working on the ART approach, to solicit their views as to areas of future ART research. Three broad categories were defined, namely: 1. Basic and laboratory research; 2. Clinical research, and, 3. Community, Public Health, Health Services Research. RESULTS: A 31% response rate was achieved. The study identified a number of new areas of research as well as areas where additional research is required. These are expressed as recommendations for future ART research. CONCLUSIONS: The ART approach is based on a robust, reliable and ever-growing evidence base concerning its clinical applications which indicates that it is a reliable and quality treatment approach. In common with all other oral health care procedures, targeted applied research is required to improve the oral health care offered

    Atendimento Odontológico a Pacientes com Deficiência

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    Atendimento Odontológico a Pacientes com Deficiênci

    El papel de la universidad pública en la salud bucal de poblaciones excluidas

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    Sr. Editor. Esta carta tiene como objetivo describir cómo una universidad pública, a través de sus actividades de extensión, puede actuar en comunidades que viven en exclusión social y mostrar las condiciones de salud bucal correlacionadas con el perfil socioeconómico de esas familias

    The public university role on excluded populations’ oral health

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    Esta carta tiene como objetivo describir cómo una universidad pública, a través de sus actividades de extensión, puede actuar en comunidades que viven en exclusión social y mostrar las condiciones de salud bucal correlacionadas con el perfil socioeconómico de esas familias

    Inacusatividade e inergatividade no PB

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    This paper presents a descriptive analysis of intransitive verb behavior in Brazilian Portuguese, specially the verbs known as unaccusative ones. We propose a prototypical analysis of this verb class, because the tests proposed by the literature do not always reach to define exactly what are the typical properties of unaccusativity or not. As observed from the BP data, there are some typical unaccusative verbs, some typical inergative verbs, but there are also other verbs, which present properties from both classes. Thus, we show here 40 verbs from BP and their behavior in relation to unaccusativity

    Manifestaciones bucales en un paciente pediátrico con pentasomía X : reporte de un caso

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    Aim: To describe the oral finding, physical features and medical features with the genetic diagnosis of a Pentasomy X. Case report: A 6-year-old female patient was referred for oral evaluation presenting acute pain related to ulcers in the attached gingival and dorsum of tongue mucosa. Medical history revealed Pentasomy X associated with interatrial communication, convergent strabismus, recurrent seizures, dysautonomia, episodes of thrombosis and cognitive delay with limited oral communication skills. A palliative oral treatment was applied. Oral hygiene improvement and surveillance were decided considering the absence of dental hypersensitivity, post eruptive enamel breakdowns or dental caries. Less than 30 cases had been reported in the literature, reflecting the rare nature of this genetic disorder and with great difficulties to perform dental treatment. As regards the oral health status of these patients, with an emphasis on dental care, information is totally lacking. Conclusion: Oral care in patients with genetic syndromes must consider the status in general health to prevent medical complications associated with oral disease or dental treatment. Minimal intervention and surveillance are appropriate options in customized therapy.Objetivo: Describir los hallazgos orales, características físicas y médicas con el diagnóstico genético de una pentasomía X. Reporte de caso: Paciente de 6 años remitida para evaluación bucal por presentar dolor agudo relacionado con úlceras en la encía adherida y dorso de la lengua. La historia clínica reveló pentasomía X asociada con comunicación interauricular, estrabismo convergente, convulsiones recurrentes, disautonomía, episodios de trombosis y retraso cognitivo con habilidades limitadas de comunicación oral. Se aplicó un tratamiento oral paliativo. Se decidió la mejora de la higiene oral y la vigilancia considerando la ausencia de hipersensibilidad dental, fracturas de esmalte poseruptivas o caries dental. Se han reportado menos de 30 casos en la literatura, lo que refleja la naturaleza rara de este trastorno genético y con grandes dificultades para realizar el tratamiento odontológico. En cuanto al estado de salud bucal de estos pacientes, con énfasis en el cuidado dental, la información es poca. Conclusión: El cuidado bucal en pacientes con síndromes genéticos debe considerar el estado de salud general para prevenir complicaciones médicas asociadas con enfermedades bucales o tratamientos odontológicos. La intervención mínima y la vigilancia son opciones apropiadas en la terapia personalizada

    The quantifier 'tudo' in Brazilian Portuguese

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    This article examines the word 'tudo' as a quantifier in Brazilian Portuguese. 'Tudo' is a complex expression, for it comprehends in its logical meaning a universal quantifier and its restriction. A possible paraphrase for 'tudo' is the expression 'todas as coisas'. However, we have found an interesting phenomenon in BP: the word 'tudo' being used as a pure universal quantifier, without an inherent restriction. An example of this kind of occurrence is the sentence 'Eu comi os bolo tudo', which cannot be paraphrased by '*Eu comi os bolos todas as coisas', but it can be paraphrased by 'Eu comi os bolos todos'. We call this phenomenon "tudoQ" and it is the subject of our research (we call "tudoI" the "traditional" sense of tudo, which has an inherent restriction). This article provides a description of syntactic and semantic aspects of the quantifier tudoQ.O presente artigo trata da palavra tudo enquanto quantificador no PB. Inicialmente uma expressão complexa, 'tudo' compreende em seu significado lógico um quantificador universal e uma restrição, podendo ser parafraseado com a expressão 'todas as coisas'. Entretanto, dados do português brasileiro coloquial revelam um fenômeno interessante: 'tudo' sendo usado como um quantificador universal puro, sem restrição inerente. É o caso da sentença 'Eu comi os bolo tudo', que não pode ser parafraseada com '*Eu comi os bolos todas as coisas', mas sim com 'Eu comi os bolos todos'. Chamamos esse fenômeno de "tudoQ" e o individuamos como nosso objeto de estudo (ao tudo "tradicional", que contém uma restrição inerente, chamamos de "tudoI"). Este artigo relata a descrição que realizamos de aspectos sintáticos e semânticos do quantificador tudoQ