1,037 research outputs found

    Isolation of microorganisms able to degradate pharmaceutical compounds and search of responsible genes

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    Motivation: At present, it has been an increase in the inappropriate use of certain pharmaceutical compounds (phc) due to its easy availability. Some of these phc are not degraded and accumulate contaminating water and soil and it is therefore necessary to search for strategies that allow the elimination of these compounds from the environment [1,2].This work has to main objectives: (i) the isolation of microorganisms, from contaminated water samples, able to degrade several phc and (ii) the search for clones, from a metagenomic library, that confer to E.coli the ability to degrade these compounds. The phc used are: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ethinylestradiol, Carbamazepine, Clofibric acid, Propranolol and Naproxen. Methods: To isolate microorganisms able to degrade phc, we have performed enrichment cultures using contaminated water samples from different origins as inoculum and different liquid minimal media containing one of the selected phc as sole carbon source. When differential growth was observed between the control flasks (with no carbon source) and those supplemented with drugs, they were spread on Petri dishes containing the same media to get isolated colonies. To identify the microorganisms growing on these plates, and therefore, able to degrade phc, 16S rDNA was sequenced.  Afterwards, we determined their growing rates in culture media with different carbon sources.  In order to achieve the second objective, two different metagenomic libraries from petroleum contaminated soils were screened to search for genes involved in the use of these drugs as a source of carbon or nitrogen. Results and conclusions:  In this work, we have isolated a microorganism, from a pharmaceutical waterwaste plant, able to degradate ibuprofen and identified as Sphingomonas sp. This bacterium could be used in bioremediation in the future as an alternative for the decontamination of water and soil. To date, we have not found any microorganism that degrades the other selected phc. The isolated strain is currently being characterized. It has a doubling time of 4 hours in minimal medium with ibuprofen at 30ºC and its growth in media containing sebacic acid, proline, lactic acid and beta-hydroxybutyrate as carbon sources was also evaluated. With regard to the second objective, we have not found any clone able to use phc as carbon or nitrogen source in the screens of the two metagenomic librarie

    A century of limnological evolution and interactive threats in the Panama Canal: Long-term assessments from a shallow basin

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    Large tropical river dam projects are expected to accelerate over the forthcoming decades to satisfy growing demand for energy, irrigation and flood control. When tropical rivers are dammed the immediate impacts are relatively well studied, but the long-term (decades-centuries) consequences of impoundment remain poorly known. We combined historical records of water quality, river flow and climate with a multi-proxy (macrofossils, diatoms, biomarkers and trace elements) palaeoecological approach to reconstruct the limnological evolution of a shallow basin in Gatun Lake (Panama Canal, Panama) and assess the effects of multiple linked factors (river damming, forest flooding, deforestation, invasive species, pollution and hydro-climate) on the study area. Results show that a century after dam construction, species invasion, deforestation and salt intrusions have forced a gradual change in the study basin from a swamp-type environment towards a more saline lake-governed system of benthic–littoral production likely associated with the expansion of macrophyte stands. Hydrology still remains the most important long-term (decades) structural factor stimulating salinity intrusions, primary productivity, deposition of minerals, and reduction of water transparency during wet periods. During dry periods, physical-chemical conditions are in turn linked to clear water and aerobic conditions while nutrients shift to available forms for the aquatic biota in the detrital-rich reductive sediments. Our study suggests that to preserve the natural riverine system functioning of this area of the Panama Canal, management activities must address long-term ecosystem structural drivers such as river flow, runoff patterns and physical-chemical conditions

    Over 500 Days in the Life of the Photosphere of the Type Iax Supernova SN 2014dt

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    Type Iax supernovae (SNe Iax) are the largest known class of peculiar white dwarf SNe, distinct from normal Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). The unique properties of SNe Iax, especially their strong photospheric lines out to extremely late times, allow us to model their optical spectra and derive the physical parameters of the long-lasting photosphere. We present an extensive spectral timeseries, including 21 new spectra, of SN Iax 2014dt from +11 to +562 days after maximum light. We are able to reproduce the entire timeseries with a self-consistent, nearly unaltered deflagration explosion model from Fink et al. using TARDIS, an open source radiative-transfer code. We find that the photospheric velocity of SN 2014dt slows its evolution between +64 and +148 days, which closely overlaps the phase when we see SN 2014dt diverge from the normal spectral evolution of SNe Ia (+90 to +150 days). The photospheric velocity at these epochs, ~400-1000 km s-1, may demarcate a boundary within the ejecta below which the physics of SNe Iax and normal SNe Ia differ. Our results suggest that SN 2014dt is consistent with a weak deflagration explosion model that leaves behind a bound remnant and drives an optically thick, quasi-steady-state wind creating the photospheric lines at late times. The data also suggest that this wind may weaken at epochs past +450 days, perhaps indicating a radioactive power source that has decayed away

    Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and TARDIS Models of the Broad-lined Type-Ic Supernova 2014ad

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    Few published ultraviolet (UV) spectra exist for stripped-envelope supernovae, and none to date for broad-lined Type Ic supernovae (SN Ic-bl). These objects have extremely high ejecta velocities and are the only supernova type directly linked to gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Here we present two epochs of HST/STIS spectra of the SN Ic-bl 2014ad, the first UV spectra for this class. We supplement this with 26 new epochs of ground-based optical spectra, augmenting a rich spectral time series. The UV spectra do not show strong features, likely due to high opacity, and are consistent with broadened versions of other SN Ic spectra observed in the UV. We measure Fe II 5169 Angstrom velocities and show that SN 2014ad has even higher ejecta velocities than most SNe Ic both with and without observed GRBs. We construct models of the SN 2014ad UV+optical spectra using TARDIS, a 1D Monte-Carlo radiative-transfer spectral synthesis code. The models fit the data well at multiple epochs in the optical but underestimate the flux in the UV. We find that high densities at high velocities are needed to reproduce the spectra, with \sim3 M_\odot of material at v>v > 22,000 km s1^{-1}, assuming spherical symmetry. Our nebular line fits suggest a steep density profile at low velocities. Together, these results imply a higher total ejecta mass than estimated from previous light curve analysis and expected from theory. This may be reconciled by a flattening of the density profile at low velocity and extra emission near the center of the ejecta.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, submitted to AAS Journal

    B-Chromosome Ribosomal DNA Is Functional in the Grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans

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    B-chromosomes are frequently argued to be genetically inert elements, but activity for some particular genes has been reported, especially for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes whose expression can easily be detected at the cytological level by the visualization of their phenotypic expression, i.e., the nucleolus. The B24 chromosome in the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans frequently shows a nucleolus attached to it during meiotic prophase I. Here we show the presence of rRNA transcripts that unequivocally came from the B24 chromosome. To detect these transcripts, we designed primers specifically anchoring at the ITS-2 region, so that the reverse primer was complementary to the B chromosome DNA sequence including a differential adenine insertion being absent in the ITS2 of A chromosomes. PCR analysis carried out on genomic DNA showed amplification in B-carrying males but not in B-lacking ones. PCR analyses performed on complementary DNA showed amplification in about half of B-carrying males. Joint cytological and molecular analysis performed on 34 B-carrying males showed a close correspondence between the presence of B-specific transcripts and of nucleoli attached to the B chromosome. In addition, the molecular analysis revealed activity of the B chromosome rDNA in 10 out of the 13 B-carrying females analysed. Our results suggest that the nucleoli attached to B chromosomes are actively formed by expression of the rDNA carried by them, and not by recruitment of nucleolar materials formed in A chromosome nucleolar organizing regions. Therefore, B-chromosome rDNA in E. plorans is functional since it is actively transcribed to form the nucleolus attached to the B chromosome. This demonstrates that some heterochromatic B chromosomes can harbour functional genes.This study was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CGL2009-11917), and was partially performed by FEDER funds. M. Ruiz-Estévez was supported by a fellowship (FPU) from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    Probing host pathogen cross-talk by transcriptional profiling of both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and infected human dendritic cells and macrophages

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    This study provides the proof of principle that probing the host and the microbe transcriptomes simultaneously is a valuable means to accessing unique information on host pathogen interactions. Our results also underline the extraordinary plasticity of host cell and pathogen responses to infection, and provide a solid framework to further understand the complex mechanisms involved in immunity to M. tuberculosis and in mycobacterial adaptation to different intracellular environments

    Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Annual Pollen Index Recorded by Sites Belonging to the Portuguese Aerobiology Network

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    This study presents the findings of a 10-year survey carried out by the Portuguese Aerobiology Network (RPA) at seven pollen-monitoring stations: five mainland stations (Oporto, Coimbra, Lisbon, Évora and Portimão) and two insular stations [Funchal (Madeira archipelago) and Ponta Delgada (Azores archipelago)]. The main aim of the study was to examine spatial and temporal variations in the Annual Pollen Index (API) with particular focus on the most frequently recorded pollen types. Pollen monitoring (2003–2012) was carried out using Hirst-type volumetric spore traps, following the minimum recommendations proposed by the European Aerobiology Society Working Group on Quality Control. Daily pollen data were examined for similarities using the Kruskal–Wallis nonparametric test and multivariate regression trees. Simple linear regression analysis was used to describe trends in API. The airborne pollen spectrum at RPA stations is dominated by important allergenic pollen types such as Poaceae, Olea and Urticaceae. Statistically significant differences were witnessed in the API recorded at the seven stations. Mean API is higher in the southern mainland cities, e.g. Évora, Lisbon and Portimão, and lower in insular and littoral cities. There were also a number of significant trends in API during the 10-year study. This report identifies spatial and temporal variations in the amount of airborne pollen recorded annually in the Portuguese territory. There were also a number of significant changes in API, but no general increases in the amount of airborne pollen