178 research outputs found

    Assessment of business skills experimental study: aspects and personality traits (pp. 213-221)

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    Los emprendedores son personas que invierten sus propios activos en crear oportunidades para ellos mismos y para otros. Se requiere ser flexible ya que tanto el mercado de trabajo como la economía mundial han variado enormemente a lo largo de los años. Son vistos como los únicos capaces de atajar el desempleo, que se está extendiendo por todo el mundo socavando las economías locales. En este estudio se pretende mirar al empresario como protagonista: el papel que desempeña en el seno de su comunidad, la influencia que tiene sobre la economía, los valores e ideas que impulsan su acción. La muestra se representa por un grupo de 400 empresarios italianos, incluyendo (36,5%) hombres y mujeres (63,5%), con un rango de edad del 37,02 (d.s.=11,61). Les pedimos que rellenen un cuestionario (Coem Joseè Carlos Sánchez,2006),que tiene en cuenta su compromiso de trabajo, los estilos cognitivos y aspectos y rasgos de la personalidad, para evaluar cuál es su elección de su carrera.Enterpreneurs are people investing their own asset to create opportunities for them selves and others,they are requie to be flexible as both job market and global economy have varied enormously over the years. They’re currently seen as the only ones able to tackle unemployment which is spreading across the world undermining local economies . This study main is to look at the entrepreneur himself:the role he plays within his community, the influence he has on the economy, the values and ideas driving his action. the sample in represented by a group of 400 italian entrepreneurs, including (36,5%) of males and female (63,5%), and age range is 37,02(d.s.=11,61). We asked them to fill in a questionaire (Coem Joseè Carlos Sanchez,2006),which takes into account eitheir work engagement, cognitive styles and aspect and personalità traits, for to assess what their career choice.peerReviewe

    No all’anoressia sì alla ricerca : il taboo anoressia analisi di uno spot per raccontare una magrezza relazionale

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    En las últimas décadas, los trastornos alimentarios (DCA), en abundancia y severidad de condiciones patológicas, se impusieron para los medios de comunicación, no sólo para la atención del ámbito de los profesionales de la salud, sino también para la persona ordinaria. Este proyecto de investigación es parte de una tendencia más amplia, cuyo objetivo es investigar los componentes etiológicos, educativos y sociales relativos a los trastornos alimentarios. Indicadores epistemológicos que guían el enfoque de la investigación de los siguientes: aspectos de prevención y tratamiento de trastornos de la alimentación y la construcción del significado de los trastornos alimentarios en los nuevos medios, el papel de la publicidad en la comunicación de las enfermedades y las actitudes y comportamientos adolescentes. El trabajo pretende analizar, a través de grupos focales e insumos proporcionados por el análisis de una campaña de publicidad, opiniones y actitudes de los niños hacia la publicidad vinculada a la DCA. Los resultados muestran que el tabú de las enfermedades y el mantenimiento puede ser desplegado y comunicado a través de la investigación, lo que le permite adquirir la perspectiva en supuestos de la juventud.In recent decades, eating disorders (DCA), in abundance and severity of pathological conditions, were imposed for the media, not only for the attention of the scope of health professionals, but also the ordinary person. This research project is part of a broader trend, which aims to investigate the etiological components, educational and social relating to eating disorders. Epistemological indicators that guide the research focus of the following: aspects of prevention and treatment of eating disorders and the construction of the meaning of eating disorders on the new media, the role of advertising in the communication of the disease and attitudes and behaviors adolescents. The work aims to analyze, through focus groups and inputs provided by the analysis of a publicity campaign, opinions and attitudes of children towards advertising tied to the DCA. The results show that the taboo of the diseases and maintenance can be deployed and communicated through research, allowing it to acquire the perspective view on assumptions of youth.Negli ultimi decenni i Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare (DCA), per numerosità e gravità dei quadri clinici, si sono imposti, per opera dei media, non solo all’attenzione dei professionisti dell’ambito sanitario, ma anche della persona comune. Il presente progetto di ricerca si inserisce all’interno di un filone più ampio, volto ad indagare le componenti eziologiche, educative e sociali concernenti i disturbi del comportamento alimentare. Gli indicatori epistemologici che orientano la ricerca mettono a fuoco i seguenti elementi: gli aspetti della prevenzione e della terapia dei disturbi alimentari; la costruzione del significato dei disturbi alimentari attraverso i nuovi media; il ruolo della pubblicità nella comunicazione della malattia e negli atteggiamenti e comportamenti degli adolescenti. Il lavoro vuole analizzare, attraverso focus group e stimoli forniti dall’analisi di una campagna pubblicitaria, le opinioni e gli atteggiamenti dei ragazzi nei confronti della pubblicità legata ai DCA. I risultati evidenziano che il taboo delle malattie alimentari può e deve essere dispiegato e comunicato attraverso la ricerca, permettendo così di acquisire la visione prospettata dagli assunti del mondo giovanile.peerReviewe

    Facing 2020: the 9 traits of successfull migrant entrepreneurs in the municipality of Rome

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    The distinctiveness of migrants’ entrepreneurial propensity can be explained by considering both internal characteristics of the individual migrant, as well as the external environment of the host economy he/she operates in (Kloosterman et al. 1999). Migrants can perceive and seek entrepreneurial opportunities through specific sets of resources and personality-traits (Kloosterman/Rath 2001, Kloosterman 2010). Despite of this, the topic is vastly under-studied compared to its economic importance. After an in-depth study of the literature status quo about it, the paper analyses the motivation, intention, self-efficacy, culture, entrepreneurial orientation and performance of immigrant entrepreneurs. The main aim is to verify to what extent perceptions and skills of these immigrant entrepreneurs are similar to entrepreneurial psychological constructs studied in the literature. The used research instrument was the semi-structured interview consisting of 49 open-ended questions directed at the sample under examination. The results of the study showed a significant correlation between motivation and business performance (a motivated entrepreneur is more likely to succeed in business than an unmotivated entre-preneur) and a significant positive correlation between culture and motivation to start a business (a culture that is supportive of entrepreneurial activities, lowuncertainty avoidance, high individualism and lowpower distance relates positively to a high level of entrepreneurial self-efficacy).peerReviewe

    Skills traits and enterpreneurial competences: an applied study

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    Teniendo en cuenta que "el empresario no nace, sino se hace", la educación empresarial es de gran importancia para el desarrollo y la formación de los empresarios. Sin embargo, no se puede ignorar que ciertas características, más que otras, parecen afectar a la voluntad de iniciar un negocio. En particular, estas variables son el locus de control, el compromiso, la auto-eficacia y la empleabilidad. De hecho, el interés que la psicología muestra hacia el empresario está conectado con el desarrollo personal del individuo que "se compromete". La investigación se llevó a cabo en Roma en una muestra de un centenar de empresarios y empresarios potenciales. Se demostró que significativamente estas variables están presentes entre las personas que trabajan en la compañía romana que se ha analizado concretamente.Given that “entrepreneurs are not born but made”, entrepreneurship education is of great importance for the development and training of entrepreneurs. However, one cannot ignore that certain characteristics, more than others, seem to affect the will to start a business. In particular, these variables are locus of control, engagement, self-efficacy, and employability. In fact, the interest that psychology turns to entrepreneurship is connected to the personal development of the individual that “undertakes”. The research took place in Rome on a sample of one hundred entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs. It showed that these variables are significantly present among the people employed in the Roman company that has been specifically analyzed.peerReviewe

    Uno studio sulla percezione della riforma universitaria: il caso di Scienze della Comunicazione alla Sapienza

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    El objetivo de este estudio se refiere a los sentimientos generados en la Universidad italiana a partir del Proceso de Bolonia. Después de las principales medidas y publicaciones de investigación y análisis de este proceso, el trabajo se coloca en el lugar de la configuración diseñada por el decreto ministerial 509/1999, promulgado con la participación de los estudiantes del Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad de Roma. La parte empírica ha estructurado el análisis en dos momentos: con el primer dato cuantitativo se procedió a la reelaboración de los datos la investigación de la facultad "Dieci anni dopo il 3+2. La riforma didattica nella percezione di studenti, docenti e media", realizado en el año 2007, a través de la extrapolación de los estudiantes, obtenida por la encuesta de la red nacional. El siguiente paso ha completado el análisis de datos con la entrevista cualitativa, dirigida a las listas de profesores y estudiantes. Las dos partes interesadas en la historia podrían profundizar en las razones surgidas de la primera parte del trabajo, debido a la evolución narrativa de las motivaciones de los aspectos considerados. El análisis cualitativo ha permitido actualmente tomar las impresiones conectadas por la orden ministerial 270/2004, que se inició en la facultad en el curso 2008/2009.The object of the study concerns with the Italian university reform feels, beginning by the Bologna Process. After the principal steps and research publications analysis of this process, the work purpose is placed in the setting designed by the ministerial decree 509/1999 with the students’ involvement of the university of Rome Communication Department. The empiric part has been structured in two analysis moments: in the first quantitative one it is proceeded to the data reprocessing of the faculty research “Dieci anni dopo il 3+2. La riforma didattica nella percezione di studenti, docenti e media”,conducted in 2007, through the students’ sample extrapolation, obtained by the national web-survey. The following step has complemented the data analysis with the qualitative interview, aimed to a departmente professors’ and students’ shortlist. The two stakeholders’ story could deepen the reasons surfaced in the first part of the work, because of the evolutions narrative motivations of the considered phenomenal aspects. The qualitative analysis moment has allowed to catch the impressions connected to the ministerial decree 270/2004 enforcement too, which started at faculty in the 2008/2009 academic year.L’oggetto di studio affrontato riguarda la percezione della riforma universitaria italiana, a partire dal Processo di Bologna. Prese in esame le principali tappe di questo processo e i più significativi documenti e rapporti di ricerca pubblicati, l’obiettivo del lavoro si inserisce all’interno del D.M. 509/1999, coinvolgendo gli studenti della Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione della Sapienza Università di Roma. La parte empirica è stata articolata in due momenti di analisi: nella prima fase quantitativa si è proceduto alla rielaborazione dei dati della ricerca di Facoltà “Dieci anni dopo il 3+2. La riforma didattica nella percezione di studenti, docenti e media”, condotta nel 2007, attraverso l’estrapolazione di un sub-campione di studenti ottenuto dalla web-survey condotta in ambito nazionale. La fase successiva ha integrato l’analisi dei dati con l’intervista qualitativa, indirizzata a una rosa di docenti e studenti della Facoltà. La testimonianza dei due stakeholder ha permesso di approfondire le cause emerse attraverso la prima parte della ricerca, tramite la motivazione narrativa delle modalità di declinazione degli aspetti studiati. Il momento di analisi qualitativa ha consentito, inoltre, di cogliere le impressioni relative all’applicazione del D.M. 270/2004, il cui avvio presso la Facoltà è iniziato nell’anno accademico 2008/2009.peerReviewe

    Predictors of female business conduct

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    La capacidad empresarial no se relaciona exclusivamente a la creación de nuevas empresas, sino que se refiere, también, al reconocimiento de oportunidades de realizar algo nuevo (productos, servicios, procesos de producción, utilización de tecnologías existentes) de parte de quien, trabajando en una organización, individua y organiza los recursos humanos y económicos con la finalidad de alcanzar los objetivos de la organización misma. Nuestra investigación intenta analizar la opinión que la población básica tiene en relación a algunos constructos referidos a la capacidad empresarial. El locus de control interno, la autoeficacia, la proactividad, el employability y el engagement, son características de predicción de la conducta empresarial. El instrumento de investigación es un cuestionario de auto-evaluación (COEM J. C. Sánchez, 2006) con 14 secciones, que investigan sectores específicos. La poblaciónón básica está formada por 100 trabajadoras en varias empresas de sexo femenino (Roma- Italia) entre 29 y 62 años. Los resultados de la investigación muestran sujetos dotados de importantes constructos de predicción de conductas empresariales. Última fase de la investigación ha sido la construcción de una población básica de control. Sintéticamente podemos afirmar que a partir de los resultados no emergen diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos.The entrepreneurial capability is not only related to the creation of new companies but to the acknowledgement/recognition of the opportunities to do something new (products, services, production processes, utilization of existing technologies) from someone who, while working in an organization, individuates and organizes the economic and human resources in order to reach the goals of the organization itself. Our research intends to analyze the opinion that the basic population has regarding/on some constructs referred to the entrepreneurial capability. The internal control locus, the auto efficiency, the proactivity, the employability and the engagement are characteristics of the entrepreneurial conduct. The investigation instrument is a questionnaire of self-evaluation (COEM J. C. Sanchez, 2006) with 14 sections that investigate on specific sectors. The basic population is formed by/consists of 100 female workers on diverse feminine companies (Rome-Italy) between 29 and 62 years old. The results of the research show subjects who are gifted with important entrepreneurial conduct prediction constructs. The last stage of the research has consisted in the construction of a basic control population. Synthetically we can say that, based on the results, there are no significant differences between both groups.peerReviewe

    From the vast expance of flexible contracts to the corner o entrepreneurship. An entrepreneurial narration

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    “Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises”. (Demonstene)In the specific study reported here, we targeted the situation of redundant workers in Italy. Following the review of statistical data 30 workers, who were made redundant by their companies, were interviewed. These individuals, who received a wage compensation by the Government for their total or partial loss of work, have attended the new SPAL (Active Labor Policies System) courses carried out by the Province of Rome. The aim of this study was to identify the extent to which the 30 individuals who were interviewed, who had good probabilities of leaving the labor market in adult age, already showed some of the key entrepreneurial characteristics. At the end of this study, these variables helped us to understand if and to what extend those redundant workers over 45 years of age had been inclined to start a new business and therefore how motivated they had been to embrace a new way of living and working, based on the development and launch of a new business. This work will present the results and the conclusions that emerged from the survey that was carried out between July 2012 and July 2013.

    Soft Skills and European Labour Market: Interviews with Finnish and Italian Managers

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    Recent reports have suggested that many employees in the labour market today lack essential soft skills. Yet, the specific relevance of these skills for particular job occupations is still to explore. We investigated perceptions of skill requirements and their development potential reflected against cultural impacts, using close interviews of 64 managers at firms in different fields of industries in Italy and Finland. Managers reported that, due to heightened competitive pressure, specific soft skills, particularly Work in team and flexibility to develop, are becoming increasingly important. The study indicates that the perceived significance of soft skills seems to vary according to the working environment and occupation. Furthermore, some soft skills seem to have a higher potential for development and thus suggested to be implemented in the university curricula. The paper concludes that a country characterized by working  environments conducive to the development of soft skills, must however promote research for the identification and relevance of the skills themselves

    El emprendedor desde el enfoque de la psicología positiva

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    En el presente trabajo se pretende analizar la conexión entre la psicología positiva y el comportamiento emprendedor. Desde sus orígenes y hasta hace no tanto tiempo atrás, la psicología sólo se centraba en la patología, en la debilidad y en el sufrimiento. Actualmente, el acento se pone sobre el bienestar mental o la calidad de vida para que el ser humano pueda, además de vivir saludablemente, salir fortalecido ante las adversidades o crisis que puedan presentársele. Conceptos propios de la psicología positiva como son resiliencia, motivación o felicidad, son cualidades propias del emprendedor, el cual tiene una sensibilidad especial para detectar oportunidades, movilizar recursos, interconectar información o tener ideas innovadoras. En definitiva, para hallar oportunidades donde otros no las ven o convertir en hechos lo pensado. Tener espíritu emprendedor es hacer las cosas, levantarse con más fuerza cada vez que se cae y ser capaz de convivir con la incertidumbre manteniéndose optimista. Por consiguiente, el estudio del comportamiento y el éxito emprendedor no puede ser correctamente entendido si no se aborda desde la óptica de la psicología positiva.In this paper, we expect to analyse the relationship between Positive Psychology and entrepreneur behaviour. Originally and since no some much time ago, psychology only concentrated in the pathology, weakness and suffering. Nowadays the emphasis is on the mental welfare or quality of life, so that the human being could, in addition of living healthy, get stronger in adversity or crisis that could experience. Typical concepts of Positive Psychology as resilience, motivation and happiness, are qualities of the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur has an special feeling to detect opportunities, mobilize resources, link information or has innovative ideas. In short, to find opportunities where other people don´t see it or make thoughts real. Having entrepreneur´s nature is to do things, to get up with more strength when you have fallen and to be optimist living with uncertainty. Therefore, the study of entrepreneur´s behaviour and sucess can´t be understood if we don´t take the point of view of Positive Psychology