268 research outputs found

    IRS II: a framework and infrastructure for semantic web services

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    In this paper we describe IRS–II (Internet Reasoning Service) a framework and implemented infrastructure, whose main goal is to support the publication, location, composition and execution of heterogeneous web services, augmented with semantic descriptions of their functionalities. IRS–II has three main classes of features which distinguish it from other work on semantic web services. Firstly, it supports one-click publishing of standalone software: IRS–II automatically creates the appropriate wrappers, given pointers to the standalone code. Secondly, it explicitly distinguishes between tasks (what to do) and methods (how to achieve tasks) and as a result supports capability-driven service invocation; flexible mappings between services and problem specifications; and dynamic, knowledge-based service selection. Finally, IRS–II services are web service compatible – standard web services can be trivially published through the IRS–II and any IRS–II service automatically appears as a standard web service to other web service infrastructures. In the paper we illustrate the main functionalities of IRS–II through a scenario involving a distributed application in the healthcare domain

    Cuando digo intersex. Un diálogo introductorio a la intersexualidad1

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    Stress approach by media art

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    With a background in conceptual art and media art, and the relations between science and art, we tried to approach the concept of stress through art. Stress is a recent problem of people in several countries, and could be caused by external factors, such as social pressure, or be derived from internal factors, such as the requirement that the subject puts himself. Stress had a negative impact at several organs of the human body, but heart is the main one. Taking into account all of these aspects, and from photos of two drawings of the heart ...setup program EDIUS, that integrate all the images and sounds planned to perform the stress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este artigo promove uma análise comparativa dos planejamentos estratégicos das instituições que compõem o sistema de segurança pública do Distrito Federal vis-à-vis à política de segurança pública implementada pelo Governo do Distrito Federal (GDF). A questão de pesquisa pode ser assim enunciada: os planejamentos estratégicos dos órgãos de segurança pública estão bem alinhados com a política de segurança pública adotada pelo governo do Distrito Federal? A metodologia utilizada é uma adaptação do método proposto por Luftman (2000) para análise da maturidade do alinhamento estratégico, tendo como base os critérios de maturidade propostos pelo autor, quais sejam: comunicação, valores/competência, parcerias, governança, estrutura/arquitetura e habilidades. A amplitude de classificação dos critérios de maturidade inclui cinco níveis, a saber: i) alinhamento inexistente/incipiente; ii) alinhamento em processo inicial; iii) alinhamento em processo comprometido; iv) alinhamento gerenciado; v) alinhamento otimizado. O principal achado deste é artigo é categórico: o alinhamento entre a política de segurança pública do Governo do Distrito Federal, “Viva Brasília – O Nosso Pacto Pela Vida” e o planejamento estratégico adotado pelas instituições componentes do sistema segurança pública no Distrito Federal é predominantemente incipiente

    La muerte de un extraño

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    Environmental protection areas in Brazil and conflicts in administration

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    Las Áreas de Protección Ambiental (APAs) constituyen una categoría de Unidad de Conservación que, por estar constituidas en tierras públicas o privadas y porque permiten el desarrollo de actividades económicas en su interior, presentan dificultades en su administración medioambiental. El asunto de la propiedad es central y las restricciones impuestas por el Estado al derecho de propiedad, con la intención de controlar el uso y ocupación de la tierra, hace generar conflictos que necesitan ser entendidos para que el sistema de administración pueda resolverlos. El presente trabajo discute el tema de la administración medioambiental destacando los conflictos actuales del derecho de propiedad en Áreas de Protección Ambiental, por el hecho que esta categoría de unidad de conservación interfiere en el ejercicio de ese derecho.Environmental Protect Areas (APAs) are one kind of protected areas in Brazil that may be on public or private lands and also allow economic activities development inside it, causing difficulties in its environmental management. Property point is important and restrictions to property rights imposed by State, to control land use, make to generate conflicts that need to be understood so that manager system could solve it. This paper discuss environmental management, specially conflicts resulting from property right in APAs, because this protected area category causes interference in right property practice

    Exploring TERFnesses

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    Editorial for the 10(2) Special Issue of DiGeSt: Journal of Diversity and Gender Studie

    Identificação de estratégias integradas para a valorização de subprodutos gerados no processo de produção de fibras acrílicas

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    Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia da Qualidade e AmbienteAtualmente, a grande maioria da Fibra de Carbono produzida tem por base, e como matéria prima predominante, a Fibra Acrílica. O processo de produção de Fibras de Carbono caracteriza-se por possuir como etapa intermédia a produção de Fibras Oxidadas. Destas derivam alguns subprodutos que poderão ser direcionados para aplicações com menor grau de exigência e, consequentemente, economicamente menos rentáveis. O presente trabalho final de Mestrado, incidiu sobre o aproveitamento de resíduos resultantes do processo que constituíam um custo para a economia do mesmo, nomeadamente na valorização do polímero não conforme desde o arranque à paragem do processo de polimerização. O principal objetivo passou pela incorporação de percentagens de polímero conforme, com polímero não conforme utilizado na produção de precursores de Fibra Oxidada e precursores de Fibra de Carbono. Numa fase inicial, em laboratório, foram realizados ensaios de DSC das misturas de polímeros, sendo comparados com resultados previamente obtidos de polímero bem processado. Desta forma, foi identificada e definida aquela que seria a gama de trabalho mais promissora. Posteriormente, procedeu-se à realização de ensaios de preparação do xarope e extrusão da fibra, efetuados em bancada. Com a fibra extrudida e com o xarope resultante da mistura, foram realizados ensaios de DSC e SEM para caracterização da fibra e, no caso do xarope, determinação da percentagem de sólidos e ball fall. Os resultados dos testes em bancada foram bastante promissores. Passou-se à produção de precursor, através da máquina de spinning da Instalação Piloto. Foram produzidas 3 bobines de cada uma das condições escolhidas (80% polímero dentro de especificação em 20% polímero fora de especificação e ainda 50/50 (%m/m)). Efetuaram-se ensaios de caracterização química e física do precursor, Fibra Oxidada e Fibra de Carbono resultantes. Atendendo aos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que é possível aproveitar esse resíduo proveniente do processo e transformá-lo num subproduto de valor acrescentado.Currently, the great majority of the Carbon Fibers produced are based and use as the predominant raw material the Acrylic Fiber. The process of production of Carbon Fibers is characterized by having as intermediate step the production of Oxidized Fibers. From these derives some by-products that can be directed to applications with less demanding and, consequently, economically less profitable. The present master's work focused on the use of waste resulting from the process that constituted a cost for the economics of the process, namely in the valorization of the non-compliant polymer from the beginning to the end of the polymerization process. The main objective was to incorporate polymer percentages to non-conforming polymer used in the production of Oxidized Fiber precursors and Carbon Fiber Precursors. In an initial phase, in the laboratory, DSC tests of the polymer mixtures were carried out, being compared with previously obtained results of well processed polymer. In this way, the most promising range of work was identified and defined. Subsequently, it was carried out the tests of preparation of the dope and extrusion of the fiber made in the workbench. With the extruded fiber and the dope resulting from the mixture, DSC and SEM tests were performed to characterize the fiber and, in the case of dope, determination of the percentage of solids and Ball Fall. The results of workbench were very promising. The production of precursor was made, through the spinning machine of the Pilot Plant. Three spools of each of the chosen conditions were produced (80% polymer within specification in 20% polymer out of specification and still 50/50 (%m/m)). Chemical and physical characterization of the resulting precursor, oxidized fiber and carbon fiber were carried out. Considering the results obtained, it is concluded that it is possible to take advantage of this waste from the process and turn it into a by-product of added value.N/

    Prevalence of human cryptosporidiosis in the Americas: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Cryptosporidiosis is a disease caused by the Cryptosporidium spp parasite. As some species of Cryptosporidium have a wide host spectrum, the characterization of the pathogen at the species or genotype level is of great importance to define the sources of infection for humans and the potential for public health. This study investigated the diversity of the genus Cryptosporidium spp. in humans from all over the American continent and observed whether the method used to search for the parasite influenced the prevalence found in the Americas. This systematic review was carried out using the Pubmed, Science direct, Lilacs, Scielo, and Scopus databases with publications from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2020. For data synthesis, the PRISMA flowchart was used and for the meta-analysis we used the MetaXL program. Of the selected publications, 57, 9 and 16 belonged to the region of South, Central and North America, respectively. The prevalence found for South, Central, and North America was 7%, 7%, and 8%, respectively, when analyzing publications that used only the microscopy method. When we analyzed the publications that used immunological and molecular methods, we found prevalences of 10%, 9%, and 21% for South, Central, and North America, respectively. The C. hominis subtype IbA10G2 was the most reported in the American continent, followed by subtype IeA11G3T3 and, for C. parvum, subtype IIaA15G2RI was the most reported. In conclusion, Cryptosporidium spp. is present throughout the American continent and its prevalence is higher when immunological and/or molecular methods are used, in addition to direct microscopic examination