745 research outputs found

    Geophysical Exploration of Vesta

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    Dawn’s year-long stay at Vesta allows comprehensive mapping of the shape, topography, geology, mineralogy, elemental abundances, and gravity field using it’s three instruments and highprecision spacecraft navigation. In the current Low Altitude Mapping Orbit (LAMO), tracking data is being acquired to develop a gravity field expected to be accurate to degree and order ~20 [1, 2]. Multi-angle imaging in the Survey and High Altitude Mapping Orbit (HAMO) has provided adequate stereo coverage to develop a shape model accurate to ~10 m at 100 m horizontal spatial resolution. Accurate mass determination combined with the shape yields a more precise value of bulk density, albeit with some uncertainty resulting from the unmeasured seasonally-dark north polar region. The shape and gravity of Vesta can be used to infer the interior density structure and investigate the nature of the crust, informing models for Vesta’s formation and evolution

    Motion of the MMS Spacecraft Relative to the Magnetic Reconnection Structure Observed on 16 Oct 2015 at 1307 UT

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    We analyze a magnetopause crossing by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft at 1307 UT on 16 Oct 2016 that showed features of electron scale reconnection. For this event, we find orthonormal LMN coordinates from the magnetic field, with N and L varying respectively along the maximum gradient and maximum variance directions. We find the motion along N from the Spatio-Temporal Difference analysis and motion along L from measured particle velocities. We locate the position of the magnetic X point, finding that MMS-4 passed within about 1.4 km from the X point and that MMS-3 and MMS-2 passed within about 1.7 km and 2.4 km, respectively, from the position of maximum out of plane current

    Timing of Optical Maturation of Recently Exposed Material on Ceres

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    On Ceres, multispectral imaging data from the Dawn spacecraft show a distinct bluish characteristic for recently exposed material from the subsurface in, for example, crater ejecta. Ejecta blankets of presumably old craters show a more reddish spectrum. We selected areas in which fresh material from the Cerean subsurface was exposed at a specific time in the past, and no later geologic process is expected to have changed its surface composition or its cratering record. For each area, we determined two color ratios and the crater retention age. The measured color ratios show an exponential diminishment of the bluish characteristic over time. Although the cause of the color change remains uncertain, the time-dependent change in spectral properties is evident, which could help identify the process

    The formation and evolution of bright spots on Ceres

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    The otherwise homogeneous surface of Ceres is dotted with hundreds of anomalously bright, predominantly carbonate-bearing areas, termed "faculae," with Bond albedos ranging from ∼0.02 to >0.5. Here, we classify and map faculae globally to characterize their geological setting, assess potential mechanisms for their formation and destruction, and gain insight into the processes affecting the Ceres surface and near-surface. Faculae were found to occur in four distinct geological settings, associated predominantly with impact craters: (1) crater pits, peaks, or floor fractures (floor faculae), (2) crater rims or walls (rim/wall faculae), (3) bright ejecta blankets, and (4) the mountain Ahuna Mons. Floor faculae were identified in eight large, deep, and geologically young (asteroid-derived model (ADM) ages of <420 ± 60 Ma) craters: Occator, Haulani, Dantu, Ikapati, Urvara, Gaue, Ernutet, and Azacca. The geometry and geomorphic features of the eight craters with floor faculae are consistent with facula formation via impact-induced heating and upwelling of volatile-rich materials, upwelling/excavation of heterogeneously distributed subsurface brines or their precipitation products, or a combination of both processes. Rim/wall faculae and bright ejecta occur in and around hundreds of relatively young craters of all sizes, and the geometry of exposures is consistent with facula formation via the excavation of subsurface bright material, possibly from floor faculae that were previously emplaced and buried. A negative correlation between rim/wall facula albedo and crater age indicates that faculae darken over time. Models using the Ceres crater production function suggest initial production or exposure of faculae by large impacts, subsequent dissemination of facula materials to form additional small faculae, and then burial by impact-induced lateral mixing, which destroys faculae over timescales of less than 1.25 Gyr. Cumulatively, these models and the observation of faculae limited to geologically young craters indicate relatively modern formation or exposure of faculae, indicating that Ceres' surface remains active and that the near surface may support brines in the present day
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