27 research outputs found

    Yield And Nutritive Value Of The Silage Of Corn Intercropped With Tropical Perennial Grasses

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    The objective of this work was to compare the yield and nutritive value of the silage of corn intercropped with palisade grass (Urochloa brizantha 'Marandu') or guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus 'Tanzânia') with those of the silage of monocropped corn, as well as to evaluate the pasture established in the intercropping systems during two growing seasons (2010-2011 and 2011-2012), in low-altitude Brazilian Cerrado. The treatments consisted of three cropping systems: monocropped corn, corn intercropped with palisade grass, and corn intercropped with guinea grass, with four replicates. Intercropping decreased corn forage dry matter yield for silage; however, due to the addition of grass, total dry matter yield (corn + grass) was similar between treatments. Intercropping also did not negatively affect corn production components and morphological characteristics. The cropping systems provided silages with good nutritive values, and the inclusion of tropical forages increased the silage fiber contents. Intercropping corn with tropical perennial grasses is a viable option for producing large quantities of silage with good nutritive value. The forage yield (silage + pasture) of these intercropping systems is similar to that of monocropped corn in tropical regions and has the advantage of providing a pasture in the off-season.521637

    Supporting Spartina: Interdisciplinary perspective shows Spartina as a distinct solid genus

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    In 2014, a DNA-based phylogenetic study confirming the paraphyly of the grass subtribe Sporobolinae proposed the creation of a large monophyletic genus Sporobolus, including (among others) species previously included in the genera Spartina, Calamovilfa, and Sporobolus. Spartina species have contributed substantially (and continue contributing) to our knowledge in multiple disciplines, including ecology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, biogeography, experimental ecology, biological invasions, environmental management, restoration ecology, history, economics, and sociology. There is no rationale so compelling to subsume the name Spartina as a subgenus that could rival the striking, global iconic history and use of the name Spartina for over 200 yr. We do not agree with the subjective arguments underlying the proposal to change Spartina to Sporobolus. We understand the importance of both the objective phylogenetic insights and of the subjective formalized nomenclature and hope that by opening this debate we will encourage positive feedback that will strengthen taxonomic decisions with an interdisciplinary perspective. We consider that the strongly distinct, monophyletic clade Spartina should simply and efficiently be treated as the genus Spartina

    Competition and coexistance in the salt marsh annuals Suaeda maritima and Salicornia europaea

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DX98338 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Nutritional and phytochemical composition of Carica papaya L. byproducts: new strategies for food security and sustainability

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    Carica papaya is a predominant plant in tropical Africa and Central America with high importance for farmer incomes. It is known as “the fruit of angels”, due to it nutritional value and low cost. It ranks second as a source of beta-carotene, containing also natural sugars, vitamins C and E, B complex vitamins, and minerals, with fair amounts of calcium and phosphorus.Low in calories, this exotic fruit promotes the health of the cardiovascular system and provide protection against colon cancer. In addition, papaya contains papain (digestive enzyme), which is used to treat sports injuries, other causes of trauma, and allergies. Nowadays, papaya is the third most consumed tropical fruit in Europe. Therefore, the fruit processing industries generate a high volume of by-products (seeds and peels). These by-products hold nutrients and phytochemicals that can be used as value added ingredients for food and pharmaceutical applications. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to evaluate the nutritional composition and antioxidants content of seeds and peels of two papaya varieties marketed in Portugal (aliança and formosa). Ash, total fat, protein and dietary fibre, expressed as g/100 g of dry weight, were determined following the AOAC methods. The free sugars were evaluated by chromatographic analysis using an HPLC-ELSD system. Fatty acids methyl esters (FAME) were prepared, in triplicate, according to ISO (12966-2:2011) and their profile determined by GC-FID.5 Total vitamin E was analysed by HPLC-DAD-FLD. The content of total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activity (DPPH• and FRAP inhibition) were determined by spectrophotometric methods. The seeds of aliança and formosa fruit varieties are a rich source of proteins (29.03% and 27.14%), lipids (25.30%) and inorganic matter (8.62% and 9.50%). Sugars in the free form (glucose and frutose) were detected in low amounts, contrarily to the fibre content. Regarding the fatty acid profile, both seed fruit varieties are rich in oleic acid (18:1) (72.60 and 73.60% for aliança and formosa, respectively), a monounsaturated fatty acid linked to health benefits. Vitamin E (mainly alfa-tocopherol) ranged between 32.3-37.3 mg/kg for aliança and formosa seeds, respectively. Regarding fruit peels, both varieties also present high content of proteins (26.56% and 19.79%), significantly lower content of total fat (2.8% and 3.4%) but higher mineral content (15.8% and 13.8%, respectively). Formosa peels displays the highest content of free sugars (173.6 mg/g and 151.8 mg/g for frutose and glicose, respectively). Like seeds, the two fruit varieties peels also show considerable fibre content. The fatty acid profile in fruit peels was quite different from that described in seeds, being α-Linolenic acid (C18:3n3) the most representative one (28.1% and 30.3% for aliança and formosa, respectively). Vitamin E was significantly superior in fruit peels (615.9- 939.3 mg/kg, aliança and formosa, respectively). These high values for proximate composition make these by-products rich natural sources of nutrients. Regarding the antioxidant content, total phenolics and flavonoids were higher in the fruit peels, with no significant differences between the two studied varieties (p0.05). Despite the difference in the total content of bioactive compounds, the antioxidant activity was identical in both seeds and peels fruit varieties (28% for DPPH• and 78micromol FSE/g of dw). Moreover, the individual profile of bioactive compounds should be considered in a future study, but these results confirm the great potential for industrial recovery and related applications, such as formulation of new food ingredients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determination Of Neutral Polymorphisms (frameworks) Of The Human Beta Globin Gene In Beta Thalassaemias By Pcr/dgge

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    Purpose: Considering the importance of type beta thalassaemias as hereditary syndromes of high significance in different populations of Mediterranean origin and, by extension, in the Brazilian population, the objective of the present study was to determine by PCR/DGGE the gene structures responsible for neutral polymorphisms (frameworks) observed in the human beta globin gene associated with the mutations responsible for type beta thalassaemias in a sample of the Brazilian population and, more specifically, of the population of the State of São Paulo. Patients and methods: Thirty individuals with beta thalassaemic mutations were analyzed: 22 mutations were in codon 39 (C->T), 5 in IVS1-110 (G->A), 2 in IVS1-6 (T->C) and 1 in IVS1-1 (G->A). DNA was extracted and selective amplification was performed by PCR extending from position IVS1 nt 46 to IVS2 nt 126 (474 pb). The product was then analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on a denaturing 10-60% urea/formamide gradient. Results: The results demonstrated that, as expected, the mutations responsible for type beta thalassaemia observed in this population are of Mediterranean origin, with 73% distribution represented by codon 39,17% by IVS1-110, 7% by IVS1-6 and 3% by IVS1-1. In turn, framework distribution seems to indicate a higher frequency of Fr 1-1 in codon 39 and IVS1-110, of Fr 1-3 in IVS1-6 and of Fr 1-2 in IVS1-1. Conclusions: These results permit us to conclude that gene amplification by PCR followed by DGGE is an appropriate method for the separation of DNA molecules that differ even by a single base change and therefore can be utilized to detect the alterations observed in the human beta globin gene. This methodology shows that, using only a pair of primers, it is possible to define the frameworks that are observed in the beta globin gene.4212124Permutt, M.A., Use of DNA polymorphisms for genetic analysis of non-insulin depedent diabetes mellitus (1991) Baillière's Clin Endocrinol Metab, 5, pp. 495-526Orkin, S.H., Kazazian, H.H., Antonarakis, S.F., Goff, S.C., Bohem, C.D., Sexton, J.P., Linkage of beta-thalassemia mutations and beta-globin gene polymorphisms with DNA polymorphisms in the human gene cluster (1982) Nature, 296, pp. 627-631Myers, R.M., Sheffield, V.C., Cox, D.R., Mutation detection by PCR, GC-clamps. and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (1989) PCR Technology: Principles and Applications for DNA Amplification Stochton Press, pp. 71-88. , Erlich HA. New YorkLosekoot, M., Van Heeren, H., Schipper, J.J., Giordano, P.C., Bernint, L.F., Fodde, R., Rapid detection of highly polymorphic beta globin framework by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (1992) J Med Genet, 29, pp. 574-577Cao, A., Goosens, M., Pirastu, M., Beta-thalassaemia mutations in Mediterranean populations (1989) Br J Haematol, 71, pp. 309-312Martins, C.S.B., (1992) Caractcrização Molecular de Heterozigotos da Talassemia Beta, , Doctor's thesis. UNICAMP. CampinasGoosens, M., Kan, Y.W., DNA analysis in the diagnostic of hemoglobin disorders (1981) Methods Enzymol, 76, pp. 805-817Kaplan, J.C., Delpech, M., (1990) Biologic Moléculaire et Médicine 2nd Ed., , Flammarion Médicine-Sciencies. ParisLerman, L.S., Silverstein, K., Computational stimulation of DNA melting and its application to denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (1987) Methods Enzymol, 155, pp. 482-501Myers, R.M., Maniatis, T., Lerman, L.S., Detection and localization of single base changes by denaturing gel electrophoresis (1987) Methods Enzymol, 155, pp. 501-527Myers, R.M., Fischer, S.G., Maniatis, T., Lerman, L.S., Modification of the melting properties of duplex DNA by attachment of a GC-rich DNA sequence as determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (1985) Nucl Acids Res, 13, pp. 3111-3129Sheffield, V.C., Cox, D.R., Lerman, L.S., Myers, R.M., Attachment of a 40-base-pair G+C- rich sequence (GC-clamp) to genomic DNA fragments by the polymerase chain reation results in improved detection of single-base changes (1989) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 86, pp. 232-236Diegues Jr., M., (1980) Etnias e Culturas no Brasil, , Biblioteca do Exército Editoria. Rio de JaneiroSonati, M.F., Kimura, E.M., Grotto, H.Z.W., Costa, F.F., Hemoglobinopatias hereditárias em uma população hospitalar (1991) XII Congresso Nacional do Colégio Brasileiro de Hematologia, p. 111Costa, F.F., Tavella, M.A., Zago, M.A., Molecular bases of beta thalassemia in Brazil (1990) Blood, 76, pp. 58aGoossens, M., Personal communication, 199

    Seed production and seed quality of the dune building grass Panicum racemosum Spreng

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    Seed production, pollination requirement, seed characteristics related to quality and the relationship between number and mass of seeds were examined for Panicum racemosum in three successional populations in southern Brazilian coastal dunes. The seed production was generally low and declined further between the frontal dunes and the backdunes, dropping from 4.05 seeds per panicle in the former to 1.8 seeds in the latter. However fertility (% fertile florets) did not differ among the three habitats. Plants cross-pollinated in a glasshouse showed an increase in seed production to 41.4 seeds compared to no seed production in self-pollinated plants. Caryopses varied in mass from 3.2 to 12.2 mg with a mean of 7.98 mg. A strong negative correlation was found between mean individual seed mass and the total number of seeds per panicle in a natural population. However, this relationship did not persist in seeds produced by cultivated plants in the glasshouse. The causes of low seed production appear to be mainly pollen self-incompatibility and additionally competition for nutrients between sexual reproduction and allocation to clonal growth. Under conditions of nutrient shortage, Panicum racemosum probably allocates resources more to clonal growth and to fewer, but well-endowed seeds. This would permit emergence from deeper burial sand, faster growth and greater survival of seedlings

    Distribution of saltmarsh plant communities associated with environmental factors along a latitudinal gradient on the south-west Atlantic coast

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    Aim To produce an inventory of south-west Atlantic saltmarshes (from latitude 31 48¢ S to 43 20¢ S) using remotely sensed images and field sampling; to quantify their total area; to describe the biogeographical variation of the main habitats characterized by dominant vascular plants, in relation to major environmental factors; to test the hypothesis of predominance of the reversal pattern in plant distribution (sedges and grasses dominate the lower, regularly inundated zones, while the upper zones are occupied by more halophytic species) previously described; and to compare these south-west Atlantic saltmarshes with others world-wide